The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (62 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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“Come on. This is your chance.”

“Chance for what?”

“To get out of here and go back to your room. It’s too distracting, having you here.”

“But I like it!”

Abigail looked down at Tess’s hand, which was stroking her breasts through the spandex costume. Tess froze.

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t even realize I was doing it.”

“Well, I wish you wouldn’t. You’re making my nipples go all hard again, and it’s difficult to concentrate. Please, go back to your room.”

“I can’t, Abby. Listen.” Tess cocked her head to one side. “He’s only in the kitchen. He can see right down the corridor. If I go, he’ll see me.”

“Bugger,” said Abigail. She rolled over. Tess snuggled into her back again. Her hips pushed into Abigail’s bottom.

The door banged shut and Simon sat back on the bed. He set a cup of coffee on the table beside his bed. The smell drifted down and tantalized Abigail’s nose. She sighed and rolled onto her
back. Simon had been flicking through the channels on his television, and had settled on
Witch Babes,
a loud US import whose stars regularly appeared in tight, black PVC costumes. Abigail
rolled her eyes at Tess.

A few minutes later she felt a hand on her stomach. She looked over at Tess, who was smiling. The hand circled around and crept lower. Abigail took a firm hold and placed it back on the floor
between them. Tess pouted.

“I’m bored,” she mouthed.

Her hand drifted back to Abigail’s tummy and moved down over her slick panties. Once again, Abigail removed it. Tess batted her eyelashes. Abigail gave her a very stern look and wagged her
finger. She held it up to her lips.

“Behave yourself,” she muttered.

Tess stayed still for a few minutes. Her hand slipped inside her trousers. Simon slurped at his coffee. When Tess’s damp finger brushed against Abigail’s lips, she only just managed
to stop herself sitting up and banging her head on the underside of the bed.

At that moment,
Witch Babes
finished, and the heavy rock theme tune filled the room. Simon got up and went out, leaving the door wide open.

“You’re making this really difficult, Tess,” whispered Abigail, removing Tess’s hand from between her legs.

“Sorry, Abby. I’ll try not to do it again.”

“Shh. He’s coming back.”

Simon closed the door and drew his curtains. He lay on the bed above them, and they both heard the distinctive beeping of a telephone keypad. Abigail grinned at Tess and gave her a thumbs-up

“Hello?” said Simon. “Is that Miss de Meanour, the Horny School Mistress?”

He listened for a moment. “Yes, I’ve been a very bad boy, and I think I deserve to be punished.”

His zip made a scraping noise. The bed squeaked.

“Yes, Mistress,” said Simon. “I’ve dropped my trousers. Do you want me to take down my underpants as well?”

He shifted positions. “Oh, yes. Oh, that feels good. Spank me hard, Mistress.”

Abigail jumped at the sound of a hand hitting flesh. She looked at Tess, her eyes wide. Tess wasn’t looking anywhere. Her eyes were closed, and her hand was deep between her thighs.

Simon continued to spank his own bottom, groaning down the phone all the while.

“Thank you, Mistress. Smack me again.”

Finally he stopped. The mattress bowed as he slumped onto his back.

“Thank you, Mistress. Please may I sniff your panties?”

Abigail bit her hand to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“Yes, Mistress. I’d love to play with myself.”

The mattress started to bounce. The springs creaked rhythmically. The noise drowned the slight squelching that Tess was making.

“Oh, yes! Oh, yes! I’m going to come, Mistress. I need to come. May I come, please?”

“Just come, already,” muttered Abigail.

Tess gasped. Her body went rigid. Above her Simon let out a long groan. His movements slowed, then stopped.

“Thank you, Mistress. Thank you. Good night.”

The phone beeped. Simon dialled another number.

“Twenty past eight. Cool.”

Abigail flinched when a scrunched up piece of tissue paper landed on the floor in front of her. It looked wet. Simon’s feet appeared beside it, his trousers around his ankles. He bent down
and pulled them up. Right on cue, the doorbell rang.

Abigail and Tess heard Simon walk out and open the door.

“Oh, hi, Helen,” he said.

“Hello, Simon,” replied Helen. Abigail grinned. “I’ve been having a few problems with this assignment, and I was wondering if you’d like to discuss it over a quick

“Sure! I’d love to. Just let me grab my shoes.”

Simon rushed back into his room. He pulled on his shoes and grabbed his leather jacket. He paused briefly.

“Shit,” he said, and fastened the zip of his trousers. The door banged shut.

“Thank goodness for that,” said Abigail. She dragged herself out from under the bed, followed by Tess. “Well, now we know why your phone bills are so high.”

“Yeah,” replied Tess. “The dirty little bugger. So what happens now?”

“We wait until he comes back, and confront him.”

“And what will he do?”

“Probably he’ll tie me to the bed and confess everything before having sex with me.”

“That really happens, does it?”

“Oh, yes.” Abigail puffed out her chest. “Five times, so far.”

“How do they tie you? Could you show me?”

“Of course. Let’s get back to your room.”

They walked upstairs to Tess’s flat. Abigail threw herself on the bed and stretched out her arms and legs.

“Generally, they tie me like this.”

“What do they use?”

“All sorts of things. Neck ties, rope, cuffs.”

“What about these?” Tess held up a pair of long straps, each with Velcro cuffs at both ends.

“Gosh. You just happened to have those handy, did you? Well, yes, I guess they would do.”

Tess attached a cuff to Abigail’s wrist. She ran the strap around the top of the bed and cuffed her other wrist. The second strap held her ankles wide apart.

“How’s that?” asked Tess.

Abigail pulled at the straps. “Pretty firm, yes. Where did you get them from?”

“Jan Winters. So, if I were a villain, what would I do next?”

“Well, you’d probably roll my top up and play with my tits. If you were really evil, you’d cut off my panties and undo my crotch zip.”

“Mmmm,” said Tess. She reached down and pulled Abigail’s top up, exposing her breasts.

“Tess, what are you doing? You’re not a villain.”

“I don’t know about that,” said Tess, with a wink. “I’m feeling pretty wicked right now.”

“But this was supposed to be a demonstr— Oh!”

Tess tweaked Abigail’s nipples, gripping them firmly between her thumbs and forefingers. She lowered her head and ran her tongue over the little pink buds.

“Very nice. Now, about those panties . . .”

She walked into her lounge area and returned with a pair of scissors.

“No!” moaned Abigail. “I’ve only got two pairs left.”

“I’ll buy you more,” said Tess. She snipped the panties up both sides and pulled them away. “This zip does go a long way back, doesn’t it?”

She reached under Abigail’s bottom. The zip clicked forward and the spandex on either side parted, exposing the pink flesh underneath.

“Wow, Abby, you shave!”

“Actually, I’ve started having it waxed. It hurts like hell, but it lasts longer.”

“It looks yummy,” said Tess, licking her lips. “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“This.” Tess lay between Abigail’s legs and ran her tongue along her pussy.

“Oooooh!” Abigail jerked. “Oh, gosh! Stop it! Oooooh!”

Tess found her clit and wrapped her lips around it. Slowly she sucked the little button into her mouth. Abigail squealed. “Oh, God! Stop! Oh! That’s . . . urn . . . nice!”

Tess flicked with her tongue. She slid two fingers along Abigail’s pussy and pushed them inside her. Her captive bucked and pulled against the straps. Tess hummed, sending vibrations
through Abigail’s clit.

“Bloody hell! Oh! Do that again!” Abigail arched her back off the bed. “Oooooh!”

Tess pumped her fingers in and out of Abigail’s pussy. Her tongue circled above it, each pass drawing another gasp from Abigail’s lips.

“Oh, God! I’m going to come!” She pulled the straps taut and threw her head back against the pillows. Tess shook her head from side to side. Abigail jerked three times, let out
a long groan and collapsed. Tess gave her a last, lingering kiss on the pussy and sat up. She leaned forward and kissed Abigail’s mouth.

“You taste good, don’t you?”

Abigail’s eyes flickered open. “Golly. That’s never happened to me before.”

“What? A woman making you come?”

“No.” Abigail thought for a moment. “Well, yes, that too, but I meant I’ve never been captured by one of the good guys before.”

Tess chuckled. “There’s a first time for everything, honey.”

Later that evening, Abigail and Helen sat in their flat, drinking wine.

“So then, after tying me up and doing all sorts of things to me, she says she thinks that she’s a bicycle!” Abigail looked at Helen and shrugged. “I mean, I like my bike,
especially when I ride it down the cobbled street across town, but it never does stuff like that to me.”

Helen stifled a laugh. “I think she might have said that she was bisexual.”

“Bisexual?” Abigail shook her head. “That can’t be right. She didn’t pay me anything.”

“Not ’buy’. ’Bi’. B-I. It means she likes girls as well as boys.”

“Nooo! Really?”

“Yes!” Helen nodded. “She’s had the hots for you for ages. Don’t tell me you didn’t realize.”

“Gosh, no. I thought she just wanted to be my sidekick.”

“Did she say what she was going to do about Simon?”

“I think she’s going to go on a date with him.”

“What? Why?”

Abigail took a sip of wine and looked at Helen over the top of her glass. “I may have inadvertently planted the idea in her mind.”

“Oh, boy. How?”

“I just said that if Simon had been watching what she did to me, he wouldn’t have needed to call those dirty phone numbers.”

Helen snorted with laughter. “Too right he wouldn’t. So she’s going to go out with him?”

“Well,” said Abigail, “What she actually said was that she’d ask him if he was interested in a threesome. I wonder who else she has in mind?”


Opposites Attract

Nicky B.

Freddy Deadbeat leaned forward into his microphone, his huge shades covering his eyes; he had long curly dark hair and a thick moustache that made him look like a seventies

He was a late night radio host and spoke in a New York accent to the thousands listening, and most of them never asked if he really was American.

The truth was, he was from Bristol and he never advertised the fact; he had an image to keep up in order to get the girls, after all.

The show was low on listeners so management had turned to controversial guests to boost the figures a little.

Freddy was desperate to get it going so he could play music and leave the building for a cigarette.

“Good evening, all you cats out there. Tonight we have two guests who are here to slug it out on the air: Angie and Rebecca! Welcome to the show, ladies!”

Angie had dark straight shoulder-length hair, was of petite build and had large breasts that spilled out of a tight vest top. Her leather mini skirt was virtually non-existent, with two
immaculate legs protruding from it.

The two women nodded at the presenter through the thick glass partition; they could barely make him out in the dark studio but he was larger than life in their headphones.

Then they realized that they had to reply through the microphones in front of them.

“Good evening!” they said in unison.

“Angie, you have a doctorate in metaphysics and scored high marks – so why did you become a porn star?” said the almost hidden figure in the adjacent room.

“Well, it pays well and the hours are not too long. And I get to fuck lots of really hot men and women.”

“Whoa!” yelled Freddy, “No bad language on the air, please! Sorry, listeners!”

Angie gave an embarrassed smile. “Sorry guys!” she said through gritted teeth.

Freddy continued, “So how did you get into it in the first place?”

“I was short of money when I was studying and a photographer approached me. He got me lots of work and it just seemed to progress into low-budget porno and then to where I am now!”
She had a quiet voice and a smile that could melt chocolate at ten paces.

The other woman was a stark contrast to her.

“So, Rebecca, you are a lawyer and a campaigner against pornography. What do you think of Angie’s profession?”

Rebecca had short blonde hair and was dressed very conservatively. She was thick-set and tall with a look about her that would make a headmaster shrink.

“I think she’s trash and a victim of exploitation in modern society!” Her expression never changed on her chiselled features.

Angie spoke up quickly. “Modern society? But pornography has been around for thousands of years! Look at the pots found that were produced by the Egyptians. Since the camera first captured
a still or moving image, it has been used to produce nudity and sexual imagery – pornography!”

Rebecca suddenly realized that she was not up against some dumb bimbo and it infuriated her. “Men use these women like pieces of meat for their own enjoyment!”

“But most of my movies are written, produced and filmed by women!” She pointed up to the air conditioning unit in the ceiling. “Look! There goes another of your pointless
theories, and you a lawyer? Listen, honey – I fuck people for money and you fuck people for money so that makes us even, right?”

The veins on Rebecca’s fore head were beginning to show as she scowled at Angie.

“This isn’t the eighteenth century any more, so do us all a favour and get yourself laid once in a while. A good orgasm now and again will lower your blood pressure.” Angie
wore a smug look on her face.

Freddy was lapping it all up, for this was quality radio: Beauty and the Beast, and the Beast was losing!

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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