The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (38 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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The treatment room was used for anything from alternative therapy to counselling and even though it was sparsely decorated, it was both comforting and relaxing. A sumptuous day bed occupied one
corner of the room opposite a small sink unit. The indulgent cushions, pillows and bolsters scattered across its breadth clashed with the clinical nature of the therapy couch and overall decor of
the room. Jo drew the vertical blinds; almost completely blocking out the midday sun and switched on a small table lamp which threw a pink hue across the room, softening its atmosphere.

Unable to find anything more appropriate than Mozart to put on the compact disc player, Jo hit the play button just as Abbie sidled in through the door, closing it softly as she came. Abbie
stood with her back to the door, her hands still nervously clinging to the handle.

“Shouldn’t you be changing Mr. Johnson’s sheets at this precise moment?” Jo asked in her best “supervisor” voice, stifling a giggle.

“You know full well I would have been at this time. I’ve already done it. It was the fastest sheet change he’s ever seen; might even have set a new world record. Who’s
minding the tea trolley?”

“Grace, the agency lady. I’ve nipped off to do paperwork if anyone asks her. We can be missing for a whole blissful hour and no one will notice.”

Jo moved slowly across the room towards Abbie, the nervous excitement obvious in her movements. With a swift motion she placed her foot on the end of the therapy couch and swept back her navy
blue starched uniform to reveal the deep lace of her sheer black stockings beneath. Abbie drew a sharp breath in. Jo was stunning. At a little over five foot nine and easily an extra large, her
voluptuous curves oozed femininity and sex appeal. Her large hazelnut eyes were indeed windows to her soul, open and wanting and her blue-black hair shone like satin when it hung loose about her
shoulders. It was all too much to resist. Abbie was turned on by her personality as well as her appearance and when she considered the two coupled together she almost exploded with desire.

“I bet Mr Davies in room eighteen just loved those this morning, didn’t he?” Abbie spluttered.

“Almost had to call an ambulance. Thought he might have had a heart attack. At least I can be thankful he couldn’t see the rest of my underwear beneath this uniform. If it had been
white cotton not navy, I swear, he would have needed a defibrillator, not a bed bath.”

Both women laughed softly. Abbie released the handle of the door and moved towards Jo, crossing the room eagerly.

“What exactly is holding those stockings up today? They’re not regulation white hold-ups, are they, so what’s supporting them?”

Abbie reached to the collar of Jo’s uniform and began slowly undoing it, popper by popper, revealing the slightly padded cups and fine boning of a black lace basque. She reached down
slowly and traced a line of kisses along each of Jo’s collarbones. Jo moaned in delight, slipping her hands to Abbie’s waist and releasing the butterfly clasp of her elastic belt. It
fell to the floor with a clatter, which disguised the loud groan made by Jo as Abbie deftly removed her breast from its warm cup and gently took her large, already erect nipple into her mouth. She
expertly caressed it with her tongue, her lips sucking greedily on her areola. Jo took Abbie by the forearms and guided her up to a full standing position so that they were nose to nose. The couple
looked into each other’s eyes, savouring the moment of closeness that drew them together for an eternity. Their lips met and the passion inside them, that they kept bottled up inside between
rendezvous, exploded like a million fireworks going off at once.

The heat and the passion between them grew; their bodies writhed against each others as their tongues explored, hungrily searching for satisfaction. Abbie removed Jo’s belt and peeled her
uniform from her shoulders. The heavy starched material sat awkwardly at her feet, leaving her stood in her splendid basque for Abbie to admire. Jo shuddered with exhilaration as the cool breeze
from the slightly open window and the excitement of the exposure caused her skin to erupt into millions of goose pimples.

At the sight of her lover’s ravishing underwear, Abbie felt her own rigid nipples pressing tightly against the constraint of her uniform and with one deft pull, unfastened the poppers
revealing her pert ample breasts heaving in her white, cut lace bra. She shrugged her dress from her shoulders and stepped out of it, kicking it to one side as she did so to divulge a matching pair
of tight French knickers, a suspender belt and white lace top stockings.

“Wow,” Jo whispered as she nestled into Abbie’s shoulder. Their passion cooled for a moment as they treasured the ability to press semi-naked flesh against semi-naked flesh,
their soft hands roaming freely over each other.

“Your body is amazing,” Jo commented as she lowered her head to lay a trail of kisses across Abbie’s chest. It was now the senior nurse’s opportunity to release her
lover’s gorgeous breasts from their tight constraints. She gently fondled her in circular motions, breaking the pattern only slightly to take each nipple in turn and caress it with her mouth.
The gentle approach was not what Abbie needed to satisfy a week’s worth of lust and she pulled her breasts away from her lover. Taking her by her hands, Abbie led her to the plush day bed
where she collapsed backwards, pulling Jo down on top of her. Their breasts crashed heavily into each other’s and Abbie sighed deeply as Jo eagerly and passionately kissed her. The increase
in intensity was exactly what Abbie had required and she let herself become lost in the hot blooded kisses. Jo rolled from on top of her, taking her weight from her body and giving her room to
appreciate Abbie more fully.

Their kisses softened and Jo stroked her hand the length of Abbie’s body. Her fingers fondling and caressing every inch of her torso. Abbie writhed with pleasure as her lover teased her.
She was electrified as Jo allowed her fingers to circle Abbie’s abdomen and pubic area with feather light touches.

“Touch me,” Abbie whispered breathlessly.

“Be patient! Don’t rush me,” Jo giggled quietly but without hesitation she slipped her hand beneath the elastic of Abbie’s French knickers and into the soft curly hair
that covered her pubic mound. Abbie inhaled as with a stroking movement Jo ventured further into her warm dampness. She expertly slid her fingers between her labia, skimming her clitoris,
fleetingly causing Abbie to shudder with delight.

“Don’t be a tease, Jo,” Abbie begged huskily.

With a slight hesitancy Jo pressed her fingers to Abbie’s clitoris and began rhythmically rocking them backwards and forwards. As her fingers were busy she took her attention away from
Abbie’s lips and turned them instead to her pert nipples which were bobbing rhythmically near her face as Abbie’s hips gyrated with Jo’s fingers. She traced her tongue over the
tip of the rosy pink nipple and teased her areola. With a swift movement she took the nipple between her teeth and pulled ever so gently on the end and Abbie bucked with pleasure at the slight pain
coursing through her breast. Jo began to suck hard on it, returning a slight warming feeling as the sensation came back to her nipple. Jo’s hand never stopped its movement all the time she
was attending to Abbie’s breasts, other than to change pace or direction, varying the sensations Abbie received. Within minutes she was writhing hard against the day bed. Moaning loudly as Jo
continued to flick her fingers across her clitoris and suck at the nipple. With a small squeal of delight she clamped her thighs hard against Jo’s hand, restricting her movement and gently
placed her hand on Jo’s arm. Jo’s movements slowed to a stop and kissed Abbie firmly on her mouth to seal the intimacy.

“Unbelievable,” was all Abbie could mumble as her vaginal muscles throbbed deep inside her. Her breath was still heavy and Jo knew she must have begun what she had intended.

As Abbie recovered, Jo turned her attention to the therapy bed in the centre of the room. She used the control to raise the back upright and separate the legs apart, lifting the calf sections so
that the bed resembled a couch in a gynaecologist’s office, and opening up the foot rests that looked like stirrups. The foot rests were only normally used when the chiropodist was at the
home, but today they would have a much more important function.

She returned to Abbie, whose breathing had slowed, and sensually removed her French knickers. Taking her hands and pulling her in to a sitting position, she squatted down to face her lover, who
had a dazed, sleepy look on her beautiful face and again, kissed her gently on the mouth.

“Ready for more?” she asked softly. Abbie shook her head slowly and half-heartedly asked for a further break but she nevertheless allowed Jo to lead her over to the therapy couch.
She assumed the position without question. Jo took her time to kiss the entire length of her slender legs, from toe to thigh, as she placed each leg in each stirrup. Jo raised the bed and pulled
the stool from its position under the couch. The bed was at perfect height and Jo only needed to stretch her neck a little to run her tongue the full length of Abbie’s succulent labia. Abbie
groaned loudly as she thrust her hips softly towards Jo’s face, eager for more.

“Are you ready?” she asked, but of course, it was a rhetorical question. Abbie placed her hands on her breasts and began to massage them firmly.

“Make me come!” she demanded in a whispered hush.

Jo needed no further commands, eagerly burying her face into Abbie’s hot pussy. The muskiness excited Jo immensely. As she delved around Abbie’s pussy with her tongue, she slipped
her fingers in to her own tight lace thong and began to play with her own sopping pussy, rubbing herself with a much harsher ferocity than she used with her lover. Her tongue settled on
Abbie’s swollen clit and she slowed her pace a little, savouring the taste of her lover. Abbie’s hand pressed firmly on Jo’s head and encouraged her to increase her pace, but Jo
had no intention of speeding up. With the very tip of her tongue she sent hard powerful single strokes across Abbie’s clit, first from top to bottom and then from left to right. She
alternated these with little sucks, pulling the clit out between the lips before delving back into the sticky loveliness. Abbie’s thrusting increased and so Jo increased her pace ever so
slightly. She was determined to make Abbie come more than once whilst she was down there.

She had not been lapping long before Abbie’s hips bucked against Jo’s head, almost forcing her backwards. Abbie screamed with ecstasy as she reached orgasm hard. Her pussy seeped
sticky love juice, covering Jo’s face and breasts.

“I love it when you scream like that,” Jo whispered sultrily, running her tongue around her lips and over her breasts, lapping up Abbie’s come. Jo waited for Abbie’s
breathing to subside just long enough before returning to her place firmly between Abbie’s thighs.

This time she kissed her lover’s soft mound, enjoying the sensation of her downy pubic hair on her nose and cheeks as she pressed her lips against the aromatic flesh. Abbie squealed with
delight at the thought of more tonguing, but Jo had no intention of a repeat performance. Instead with her middle finger, she swept the tip around the tight muscled entrance to her velvety passage.
Abbie shuddered with pleasure. Relishing the softness of her lover’s pussy, Jo slipped her finger inside, feeling around with the tip for the holy grail of sex – the G-spot. A loud gasp
from Abbie assured Jo that she had found what she was looking for and she didn’t hesitate in inserting another finger inside her lover. She rubbed at the spot with slow circular movements at
first but increased steadily in speed as Abbie’s moans grew louder. With her spare hand she rubbed at Abbie’s clit, bringing her to a sudden, crashing orgasm that Jo could feel as
Abbie’s tight hole squeezed around her fingers. Abbie reluctantly pushed her lover away from her, ignoring the complaints that Jo wasn’t finished, in need of rest. She lay, spent, in
her moment of absolute pleasure. She rested there for almost ten minutes, Jo tenderly kissing her feet and sucking her toes until Abbie had recovered.

“Now it’s your turn. I’ve got a surprise for you!” Abbie said, gently removing her tingling legs from the stirrups and slowly moved to her bag near the day bed.

She took out a large Tupperware lunch box, which contained a smooth white plastic bag, which she removed and placed onto the therapy couch.

“What’s in there?” Jo asked, her voice full of intrigue.

“I saw it on the Internet and couldn’t resist it.”

“It’s not an inflatable fuckbuddy is it? I don’t need one of those!” Her curiousness got the better of her, and Jo hastily picked up the plastic bag and ripped it open.
Inside she pulled out what seemed to be a lilac leather G-string, but was very surprised, not to mention pleased and excited, when she turned it around and found a six-inch pink dildo attached to
the leather. A huge, dirty smile spread across her lips and before she could say anything else, Abbie’s hand slapped her arse with a ferocity that surprised her even more.

“Hey, we don’t usually do punishment.” Jo stood back, wondering where this side of Abbie’s nature had come from.

“Just shut up!” Abbie commanded. “It’s your turn to get on the couch! On to your hands and knees.” As Jo put down the strap-on, Abbie’s hand again met with
her already tender rump, but this time she moaned with pleasure. Abbie raised the bed to a sitting position, so that Jo’s large, round arse was lower to the floor than her head. Abbie eagerly
stepped into the strap-on, altering the straps when it sat around her waist, to ensure that it wouldn’t slip. Jo didn’t move. Abbie fetched the tube of lubricant from her handbag and
liberally applied it to the end of the phallus. Jo gave a giggle as Abbie searched around the therapy room for a towel or something to wipe her now sticky hand on. Instead, Abbie cupped the palm of
her hand around Jo’s mound and wiped the excess lubricant into her soft pubic hair.

“That’s going to be sticky for the rest of the day.” Jo exclaimed through whimpering lips as Abbie’s fingers brushed between her labia, softly caressing her clitoris.

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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