The Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions (8 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions
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I smiled as I heard a wolf whistle, and realized that the figures were young lads when one of them called, “Hey, darlin’! Come and join us for a beer.”

I chuckled at their front and on the spur of the moment decided to give them a surprise by accepting. “Is it lager? Hang on, I’ll be right there,” I called. I thought nothing
of going over; they were both obviously a lot younger than me (I’m thirty-eight and they must have been in their teens), and I was not dressed at all provocatively, wearing a black U-neck
T-shirt over a black cup bra and a black denim skirt that came to my lower thigh. It would be a bit of company on an evening when I’d nothing else to do, and knowing what young guys were like
I could expect a bit of lively and funny chat.

I sauntered over and could see they hadn’t expected me to, but they covered well and held up a small bottle of beer to me as I reached them.

“Cheers, boys,” I said, settling down and taking a glug from my bottle. “I’m Sasha. You?”

“Martin,” said the bigger boy. “And this is Geoff.” He gestured to a plastic cool box on the sand and went on, “We’ve got plenty of beer. We could make an
evening of it.”

I smiled at him, aware that he wasn’t as at ease as he was making out, but thought it showed a lot of self-assurance for a boy his age to maintain such an easy attitude with a woman my

“Probably will,” I replied. “I like a nice beer on a warm evening. How’d you get it though? Aren’t you a bit young to buy beer?”

Martin gave a deliberately worldly smile and answered, “We’re not that young, y’know. I’m seventeen, and Geoff’s sixteen. Anyway, beer is easy to get.”

We carried on chatting, and they were good company. It was easy to get friendly with them and they quickly relaxed, and soon we were chatting away like we all knew each other well, they making
the odd cheeky and flirty comment, me going along with it with good humour. We were chugging back beers, and after a while I started feeling just a bit tipsy. It was nice, relaxing, and the guys
were sweet.

“Urrgh,” I muttered, shifting my position to ease out my lower back. “You should have brought some seats, too.”

“Martin,” Geoff said, “where’s your manners? The lady wants a seat.”

“I can be a seat,” he said, moving behind me and kneeling, then pulling me back by the shoulders until I was reclining against him.

I laughed and raised my beer bottle while complimenting him on being so comfortable. The natter continued, the drinking continued, and although the bottles were small the beer was affecting me,
making me feel more and more relaxed so I hardly even noticed when Martin laid a hand on the crook of my neck, and occasionally stroked lightly up to my ear with his fingertips in an affectionate
way. I was perfectly comfortable when the flirting became more brash and the subjects of conversation more intimate.

“So, I suppose you guys don’t have girlfriends then,” I said, “else you wouldn’t be out boozing on the beach?”

“I did have,” replied Martin. “And five others before her, but Geoff’s only had two.”

“Get out!” I scoffed. “You’re both lovely boys but you’re too young to’ve had that many girlfriends. I bet you’ve never kissed a girl properly in your
lives!” I took another deep mouthful of beer and felt the tingle of alcohol, then recognized the sound of dented male pride as Martin said, “I can kiss all right. I’ve never had a
complaint,” and moved his hand from the side of my neck to underneath my chin, tilted my face up and, shifting round to the side of me, brought his mouth down onto mine. I was a bit startled,
but realized that I’d probably bruised his ego a bit with my comment about girlfriends, and reckoned it’d be harmless enough to just let him snog me a little bit. Actually though, he
was right – he could kiss all right. His lips flexed against mine and his tongue flicked against my mouth until, by reflex, my eyes closed and I opened my lips and let him kiss me properly,
his tongue probing inside my mouth.

When he raised his lips from mine I made an appreciative noise, and said, “Mmmn, yes, you certainly managed that OK.”

He bent forward to kiss me again and I moved to sit up and so stop him, but before I could he put his hand on my chest and restrained me, smothering anything I was going to say with another
kiss. It was deep, and urgent, and maybe because he was so young and I figured nothing beyond this kiss would happen, or maybe because of the beer I had drunk, I let his hand keep me pressed
against him while he took the kiss. I gave another little struggle when I felt his fingers begin to stroke downwards and slip into my cleavage, but I was still fully clothed and, being off-balance
leaning back against him, my struggle was a weak one. I felt strange, being kissed so passionately by a boy so young, and still felt tingly from having had perhaps a bit too much beer.

I squirmed again as I felt his hand stroke over one of my tits and squeeze it through my T-shirt, and tried to speak to tell him no, but his mouth was pressed over mine and it just came out as a
muffled squeaking sound. The hand moved back to the U-neck and slipped inside, pushing aside the bra and moving into contact with my nipple. I couldn’t help myself; I felt it rise under the
pressure of his fingers, and the tingling feeling centred around it as he stroked around in a circle, and my jaw eased its tension as I started to kiss him back. I relaxed back against him and let
him do what he wanted.

He drew my T-shirt up until my chest was uncovered, and with one hand still stroking my boob the other reached behind me and undid my bra. My breasts were exposed and the cool evening air
breezed across them. Martin’s hands kneaded and stroked, pinched and squeezed, until my nipples hardened and rose to rigid points, and my back arched and my legs moved apart.

I was lost in the moment and jumped when I felt fingers on my inner thighs. I had forgotten about Geoff! He must have moved up to me while I was bent back in Martin’s embrace, and he was
now groping up my skirt. I couldn’t let this happen! He was only sixteen years old! But Martin was holding me immobile, and I couldn’t close my legs with Geoff’s hands between
them. Mortified at the situation I had allowed to develop, I felt the blood rush into my face as he reached my knickers and no doubt felt the wetness there. Martin had his hands over both of my
tits now and they were aching from his attentions, and although I felt ashamed to be being felt up by a sixteen-year-old, I was undeniably turned on.

Geoff pulled my knickers to one side and pushed a finger inside me, and I knew things had gone too far to be stopped. I lay there, breasts bare and legs spread, while two boys less than half my
age went at me.

Geoff continued to finger my cunt while Martin stopped kissing me to pull my T-shirt and bra all the way off.

“Fellas, fellas,” I protested weakly, “you’re gonna have to stop . . .” They both ignored me, young Geoff starting to move his fingers in and out of my by now
sopping pussy and Martin laying me down and holding me with a hand on the base of my neck while bending to kiss my breasts. “Nooooo,” I groaned, knowing that they would pay no notice,
and when the hand at my neck lifted to lie without pressure over my lips, I stopped trying to speak.

After a while I felt Martin wave at Geoff to change positions and I opened my eyes briefly and watched little Geoff lower his mouth to nip on a tit with his teeth. I felt a warm breath on my
snatch, then Martin’s mouth closed over it and gave an almighty suck – the feeling was overwhelming! There was no resistance in me now as Martin flicked his tongue up and down my groove
– I was simply a woman being sexed!

I didn’t care when I felt Martin pull my knickers off, raise my skirt and pull my legs wide apart. The only sound I gave as he positioned himself and then took me was a deep grunt in the
back of my throat. I sensed Geoff move away as Martin’s weight pressed me to the sand and, through slitted eyes, I could see him kneeling beside me with his prick in his hand, rubbing
himself. Martin was on top of me, holding my arms spread by the wrists as he pounded up and down on me with his cock reaching high into my fanny. Soon he tensed and gave a loud groan, and I could
feel his prick jerking inside me with the force of his coming.

He pulled out and fell aside, and Geoff was upon me immediately, turning me over and raising me to my hands and knees, then plunging his knob straight into me. I could feel the cheeks of my bum
quivering with each push forward as he fucked me, and could feel my tits swinging as he heaved back and forth. He was still going when Martin returned, moving in front of me and kissing me with his
hands cupped under my boobs, the motion of Geoff’s screwing moving them forwards and back so the nipples rubbed over Martin’s fingers.

Then Martin straightened up and his cock was right in front of my face, semi-erect already. He grasped the hair at the back of my head and forced my face forwards until his prick was pressing
against my lips, and I opened my mouth and took him inside. I sucked on his cock while Geoff carried on shafting me from behind, and when Geoff was finished Martin took his place.

Martin took longer this time, holding on to my shoulders to get harder thrusts, and as he gave me long regular strokes in and out I felt that warm sensation deep in my stomach that told me I was
coming. Not caring that it was a young boy who was bringing me to orgasm I let go my inhibitions and thrust my butt back as he rode me until I came, then flopped forwards onto my front. He stayed
in me and carried on humping me as I lay exhausted, until he came again.

I lay still for a little while between the two boys, until I got my breathing back under control. Then I pulled my clothes back into order and told them I had to go. They both seemed concerned
that I was OK, and I told them I was fine, that I’d enjoyed what had happened and that it had felt great.

Little Geoff caught at my hand as I made to rise to my feet and gestured wordlessly at his groin. Looking down I saw that he was starting to come erect again, his slim cock lengthening. I knew
what he wanted and realized that Martin had had two goes with me compared to Geoff’s one. Anyway by now no reservations made any sense, so I knelt in front of him and closed my hand around
his prick and started stroking back and forth. When he was fully stiff I started licking at his tip, then slid the blade of my tongue around the swell of his knob. As I felt trembles along his
length, I plunged it deep into my mouth almost to my throat, and he shot a stream of spunk into my mouth.

I leaned back, spunk dribbling from my lips, and smiled up at him.

“Thank you,” he said. “You’re a really great lady. We’re gonna be here again tomorrow night. We could get in some wine for you, if you’d like.”

I smiled again and addressed both the boys as I explained that although they’d made me feel terrific I was far too old for them, and they should get to know some girls their own age. I
kissed both of them on the lips, then walked back to the footpath and away.

I had been fucked thoroughly and felt very tired, and knew I’d fall asleep as soon as I got home and into bed. Then I’d get up in the morning and go to work. Then I’d have to
make a decision about whether or not I fancied some wine . . .


Angela, Los Angeles

I am not sure which of us brought up the idea of trying to fist him first. It seemed to be a mutual decision from the beginning, after he showed me the magazine pictures. After
discussing it and finding myself aroused, I decided I wanted to try it as soon as possible. This being the case, we set a date for the following Friday.

I arrived at his house Friday, nervous but ready to play. He was waiting, freshly showered, still in his robe, his dark chest hair glistening from the dampness.

“I can’t wait for you to do this to me. You are sure you still want to, aren’t you? We don’t have to, you know.” The desire in his eyes told me he was going to be
disappointed if I backed out.

I was still in disbelief that my hand was truly going to fit into his ass. What if I hurt him? I had stared, horrified and aroused, at the pictures in the magazine when he had shown me. In shock
I had demanded, “Didn’t that

He had just smiled and said, “Hopefully only the right way.” I wasn’t about to back out of this now. I had to either call his bluff or find outifit really, truly could be done.
The appealing thought of my whole hand up inside him, hurting him when it slid into him, making him come once it was in there, had kept me up late at night.

“No, I’m sure, I want to do this.” My voice trembled with anticipation even as my pussy grew moist imagining my hand fully inside his ass.

“Thank you for trusting me in this. I know you are going to enjoy doing it. Shall I go and get the enema bag for you? I assume you want to give me one yourself?”

“Yes, bring it into the bedroom when you get it ready.” I headed for the bedroom then turned and called out over the sound of the already running water, “Make sure you add lots
of soap!”

“Yes, ma’am!” His answer made a shiver run up my spine. Being called “ma’am” was pretty new to me, having only recently realized that being dominant was
almost as much fun as being submissive.

As I walked into the bedroom I saw what lay on the bed. He had left the fisting magazine there for me to look at. A convulsive shiver went through me, making my pussy begin to grow with a warm
and swollen feeling. Hearing his footsteps stop behind me, I turned to face him.

He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “Would you like me to help you undress or are you going to stay dressed? It’s up to you, of course.”

“Undress me.” I turned and lifted my hair to reveal a row of small buttons down the back of my tight-fitting black spandex catsuit.

“Yes, ma’am. Let me hang this up first.” He hung the full enema bag on the portable IV stand used just for this purpose then turned and walked over to assist me. His fingers
made quick work of the buttons and soon he was pushing it down over my shoulders, past my hips, off my legs. Hooking his fingers in the thong I wore in place of panties, he slipped them off as
well. His hands came up to caress my braless breasts only to find themselves pushed away.

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