Read The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection Online

Authors: Gardner Dozois

Tags: #Science Fiction - Short Stories

The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection (8 page)

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In at second place, earning a still-staggering $835,274,255 worldwide, is
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
, another SF film
SF, perhaps junk SF, with science even weaker and more dubious than that in
, but still SF, nevertheless – hey, it’s got robots in it, doesn’t it?). SF also shows up in seventh place with
Star Trek
, the movie that not only rebooted the franchise but resurrected it from its grave by delivering $385,494,555 worldwide, and being enough of a success financially (and even, grudgingly, critically to some extent) that a sequel is already in production.
Star Trek
is a fast-paced movie with a high bit rate and lots of jump cuts, as almost all movies that sell successfully to post-MTV generations are, lots of CGI spectacle splashed across the screen, a plot that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense on most levels, and the requisite dubious technobabble science. It does contain the year’s most audacious film moment, however, when they wipe out fifty years of series history in a stroke, consigning the six previous movies and the five previous TV series to the black hole of things that never happened, leaving themselves a blank slate upon which they can write anything they’d like, the freedom to do whatever they want with subsequent movies, safe to ignore the constraints of the previously existing canon.

The rest of the year’s SF movies didn’t do quite as well financially. Neither
Terminator Salvation
, finishing in twenty-third place, or
Angels & Demons
, finishing in twenty-second, were quite the blowout blockbusters that their producers probably hoped they’d be, both losing money domestically, although making up for it with foreign revenues.
District 9
placed a respectable twenty-seventh on the top-grossing list, pretty good considering that it only cost $30 million to make, cheap by today’s standards, but earned $204,837,324 worldwide. It was also one of the most critically respected genre movies of the year, being nominated along with
for the Best Picture Oscar, although a few reviewers complained that it was too much like the old movie
Alien Nation
, or that the way the refugee aliens were treated in the film was too obviously a metaphor for apartheid (unlike any other genre movie I can think of,
District 9
takes place in South Africa). Another critically well-reviewed movie was
, a psychological drama taking place on a mining station on the Moon, although almost nobody went to see it; it slipped through town almost subliminally, in a limited release, and didn’t place at all on the extended list of the 150 top-earning movies of the year. For what it’s worth, both
District 9
are a lot closer to being valid SF than junk SF with bad science like

The bleak after-the-holocaust movie
The Road
also got a pretty fair amount of critical respect, but just managed to squeeze onto the top-sellers list in 148th place, which must have been disappointing to the producers considering how massive their advertising/publicity push was. People generally don’t want bleak, hopeless, and depressing during a major recession, although the disaster movie
did pretty well at the box office, placing fifteenth on the list – although it had the advantage of lots of spectacular special-effects shots of skyscrapers collapsing and tsunamis swamping the Himalayas, which
The Road
did not.
The Time-Traveler’s Wife
, finishing at only fifty-fourth place may also have been a disappointment, considering that the novel had been a major bestseller.

Fantasy didn’t do quite as well on the list as it has in years past, but was represented in third place by
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
, in fourth place by romantic vampire soap opera
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
(which I’m arbitrarily consigning to fantasy rather than horror, because it wasn’t particularly scary), and later on down the list by
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, Where the Wild Things Are, Race to Witch Mountain, The Lovely Bones
(making a disappointing showing for the new Peter Jackson movie in seventy-sixth place; of course, at the time I’m writing these words, it’s only been in general release for a month or so, so it may do better later on), and Jim Carrey’s latest ill-advised attempt to make a slob comedy out of a beloved literary classic,
A Christmas Carol.
Right at the end of the year, the new Terry Gilliam movie came out,
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
, but I haven’t yet had a chance to see it.

Animated films had three finishers in the top ten, the charming (and also well-reviewed)
, at fifth place,
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
in at ninth place, and
Monsters vs. Aliens
in tenth place; further down the list were
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Coraline, The Princess and the Frog, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Astro Boy
, and the edgy not-really-for-children post-apocalyptic
, taken from a Neil Gaiman novel, probably got the most critical respect of any of the animated films, other than

It was a weak year for superhero movies, which up until now had dominated for several years. As mentioned,
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
under-performed, making it only to thirteenth place on the top-sellers list. The disappointment of the year, though, may have been
some critics praised it, and some fans of the
graphic novels were enthusiastic about it, but for the most part, audiences stayed away, and it only made it to thirtieth place on the top-sellers list, earning $185,253,487 but
$130 million to make. It was also bleak and depressing, and opinion was sharply divided on whether or not it was boring, and also on whether or not it was adequately faithful to the original source material.

In some ways, the highest profit margin of the year, proportionately speaking, may have been earned by horror movie
Paranormal Activity
, which pulled in a relatively modest $142,390,115 worldwide, but
only an astonishing $15,000 to make; most big-budget Hollywood movies probably spend more than that buying doughnuts for the crew. I’m sure the film industry is saying, ‘Send us a few more like

In spite of worries about the recession keeping people home in 2009, this wasn’t the case. People need cheap entertainment during bleak economic times, and just as happened during the Great Depression, there were
people going to the movies, not less.

Next year looks like it’s going to be Sequel Land, with a follow-up to
Star Trek
, probably a sequel to
(although that might take a couple of years to make), possibly sequels to
, a lavish new version of
The Wolfman –
obviously part of an effort to make werewolves the New Vampires, a ‘reimagining’
of Alice in Wonderland
by Tim Burton, and, of course, the new
Harry Potter
movie. On the horizon are possible versions of Joe Haldeman’s
The Forever War
, John Wyndham’s
, and Isaac Asimov’s
How many of these will ever actually make it to the screen, remains to be seen.

After the turbulence of 2007–2008, when the Writers Guild of America strike played hob with television programming, causing even many of the highest-rated shows to go on hiatus, 2009 was a relatively quiet year, although in some ways a glum one, during which TV shows fell like wheat before a scythe. Shows that died in 2009 or early 2010 included the once-hot
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles;
cult favorite
Pushing Daisies; Stargate Atlantis; Defying Gravity;
the American version of
Life on Mars; Kings; Reaper; Eli Stone;
the new version of the old show
Knight Rider; Kyle XY; Eastwick
, the series version
of The Witches of Eastwick;
the BBC’s
Robin Hood; Saving Grace
, the cop-talks-to-an-angel show;
Eleventh Hour.
The most keenly felt loss for some fans was probably
Doll house
, the new series by
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
creator Josh Whedon, upon which a lot of hopes had been pinned. As planned,
Battlestar Galactica
, another keenly missed show, ended its run, disappointing many of its fans with its series finale.
, once a ratings power house, has been hanging on by its superpowered fingernails for some time now, and may well have been canceled by the time you read these words. New show
, based on an SF novel by Robert J. Sawyer, and
, a new version of another old show, seem to be hanging on rather precariously as well, struggling in the ratings, although they both did well enough to survive their freshman seasons.

A ‘reimagining’ of the old show
The Prisoner
as a mini-series doesn’t seem to have particularly impressed anyone, in spite of a distinguished cast. Nor did
, a ‘reimagining’
of Alice in Wonderland
by the same people who reimagined
The Wizard of Oz
Tin Man
, a “darker” and seedier version of the children’s classic, perhaps a preemptive strike on the upcoming Tim Burton movie reimagining of the same material. (I find it interesting that the very first thing that these ‘reimaginings’ do is to change the little girl protagonists to attractive and sexually nubile young women.)

Not everything was bleak in TV Land, though.
returned for its announced final season, and the series opener was excellent, although everyone is wondering if the show can possibly tie up its enormous number of loose ends in the amount of time they have left.
seems to be a hit, as is
True Blood
, based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels of Charlaine Harris. New show
, the “prequel” to
Battlestar Galactica
, is getting good notices, although its ratings are still a bit low, and a new series has moved into the
neighborhood for its crack at the brass ring,
Stargate Universe.
Spy semi-spoof with fantastic elements,
, still on the air, has been joined by a similar new show,
Human Target.
New show
The Vampire Diaries
seems to be aiming for the same romantic soap opera with vampires territory as
True Blood. Doctor Who
is coming back with a new doctor in the role, after racking up some of the best ratings in its history.
was canceled, but then renewed after the BBC changed its mind. It looks like
may be coming back, at least there are rumors to that effect, even though things were wrapped up fairly decisively in a TV movie; there are also rumors of an upcoming American version of
, which will probably suck. The long-running
has been renewed (its strategy of bringing in most of the members of the Justice League of America as guest stars seems to be working), as have
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Ghost Whisperer
, and
Legend of the Seeker

Coming up: mini-series versions of George R.R. Martin’s
A Game of Thrones
from HBO and Kim Stanley Robinson’s
Red Mars
from AMC.

The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, Anticipation, was held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, from August 6–August 10, 2009. The 2009 Hugo Awards, presented at Anticipation, were: Best Novel,
The Graveyard Book
, by Neil Gaiman; Best Novella, “The Erdmann Nexus,” by Nancy Kress; Best Novelette, “Shoggoths in Bloom,” by Elizabeth Bear; Best Short Story, “Exhalation,” by Ted Chiang; Best Related Book,
Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded: A De cade of What ever, 1998–2008
, by John Scalzi; Best Editor, Long Form, David G. Hartwell; Best Editor, Short Form, Ellen Datlow; Best Professional Artist, Donato Giancola; Best Dramatic Presentation (short form),
Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
; Best Dramatic Presentation (long form),
; Best Semiprozine,
Weird Tales
, edited by Ann VanderMeer and Stephen H. Segal; Best Fanzine,
Electric Velocipede
, edited by John Kilma; Best Fan Writer, Cheryl Morgan; Best Fan Artist, Frank Wu; plus the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer to David Anthony Durham.

The 2008 Nebula Awards, presented at a banquet on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles, California on April 25, 2009, were: Best Novel,
, by Ursula K. Le Guin; Best Novella, “The Spacetime Pool,” by Catherine Asaro; Best Novelette, “Pride and Prometheus,” by John Kessel; Best Short Story, “Trophy Wives,” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman; Best Script,
, by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, and Peter Docter; the Andre Norton Award to
Flora’s Dare
, by Ysabeau S. Wilce; plus the Ray Bradbury Award to Joss Whedon; the Solstice Award to Kate Wilhelm, A.J. Budrys, and Martin H. Greenberg; the Author Emeritus Award to M.J. Engh; and the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award to Harry Harrison.

The 2009 World Fantasy Awards, presented at a banquet at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, California on 29 October–1 November 2009, during the World Fantasy Convention, were: Best Novel,
The Shadow Year
, by Jeffrey Ford, and
Tender Morsels
, by Margo Lanagan (tie); Best Novella, “If Angels Fight,” by Richard Bowes; Best Short Story, “26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss,” by Kij Johnson; Best Collection,
The Drowned Life
, by Jeffrey Ford; Best Anthology,
Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy
, edited by Ekaterina Sedia; Best Artist, Shaun Tan; Special Award (Professional), to Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant, for Small Beer Press and Big Mouth House; Special Award (Non-Professional), to Michael Walsh, for Howard Waldrop collections from Old Earth Books; plus the Life Achievement Award to Ellen Asher and Jane Yolen.

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection
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