The Magic World of Orson Welles (58 page)

BOOK: The Magic World of Orson Welles
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Front Page, The

Fuller, Samuel

Fully Dressed and in His Right Mind

Gabor, Zsa Zsa

Garibaldi, Giuseppe

Gate Theatre

General Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Gielgud, John

Gift of the Magi, The

Gilbert, Sandra

Gillette, William

Godard, Jean-Luc

Gold Diggers of 1935

Gold Rush, The

Goldstein, Lawrence

Goldwyn, Samuel

Gone with the Wind

Gothic style and themes.
See also

Goya, Francisco José de

Great Gatsby, The

Greco, El

Greene, Graham

Griffin, Merv

Griffith, D. W.

Grossman, Howard

Group Theatre

Gubar, Susan


Hairy Ape, The


Harriman, Averell

Harvey, Laurence

Hathaway, Henry

Haufler, Max

Hawks, Howard

Hayworth, Rita

Hearst, Phoebe

Hearst, William Randolph

Heartbreak House

Heart of Darkness
: film


Hearts of Age

Heath, Stephen

Hecht, Ben

Hell of a Woman, A

Hemingway, Ernest

Henderson, Brian

Henry IV, Part I

Henry IV, Part II

Henry V

Olivier's film

Herrmann, Bernard

Hersey, John

Heston, Charlton

Hickenlooper, George

Higham, Charles

Hill, Roger

Hirschfeld, Al

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitler, Adolph

Hoffman, Irving

Holinshed, Raphael

Hollywood Reporter, The

Holt, Tim

Honorary Consul, The

Hoover, J. Edgar

Horthy, Nicholas

Houdin, Robert

Houdini, Harry

House, Billy

Houseman, John

Howard, Sidney

Hughes, Howard

Huston, John

Huxley, Aldous

Ibert, Jacques

If I Die Before I Wake

I Loved a Woman

Immortal Story, The

Imperial Hearst

Informer, The

Inge, William

Insull, Samuel

International Pictures

In the Land of Don Quixote

Into Film

Ionesco, Eugene

Irving, Clifford

Ishaghpour, Youssef

It's All True
: Latin American version

North American version

It's a Wonderful Life

Ivan the Terrible, Part One

Jaglom, Henry

James, Henry

Jane Eyre

Jannings, Emil

Jew Süss

Jim Beam Whiskey

Johnson, Alva

Johnson, William

Journey into Fear

Joyce, James

Jules and Jim

Julius Caesar

Kael, Pauline

Kafka, Franz

Kaiser, Eric

Kane, Harnett

Kaper, Bronislaw

Kauffman, Jay

Kaufman, George

Kazan, Elia

Keaton, Buster

Keats, John

Keller, Harry

Kennedy, A. G.

King, Henry

King, Sherwood

King Kong

Kingsley, Sidney

King's Row

Koch, Howard

Kodar, Oja.
See also
Palinkas, Olga

Korda, Alexander

Kremlin Letter, The

Krohn, Bill

Kruger, Ivar

“Kubla Khan”

Lady from Shanghai, The

Lamour, Dorothy

Land, Jeffrey

Lang, Fritz

Lansing, Joi

Lardner, Jr., Ring

Last Picture Show, The

Laurie, Piper

Lavagnino, Francesco

Lawrence, Viola

Lawson, John Howard

Lawton, Charles

Learning, Barbara

Leigh, Janet

Leone, Sergio

Lewis, Robert

Life with Father

Lilly Library

Lincoln, Abraham

Lloyd, Harold

Lollobrigida, Gina

Lombard, Carole

Long, Huey

Long, Richard

Long Hot Summer, The

long take.
See also
sequence shot

Long Voyage Home, The

“Lord Haw-Haw”

Lorna Doone

Losey, Joseph

Lubitsch, Ernst

Luce, Clare Boothe

Luce, Henry

Lukács, Georg

Lumet, Sidney

Lumière, Louis

Lundberg, Ferdinand

MacArthur, Charles

: book



Utah Shakespeare Festival

WPA theatre

MacLeish, Archibald

MacLiammóir, Micheál

Magic Show, The

Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles

Magnificent Ambersons, The

Makenzie, Richard

See also
acting style

Malraux, André

Maltese Falcon, The

Mancini, Henry

Man for All Seasons, A

Man in the Shadow

Mankiewicz, Herman

Mankiewicz, Joseph

Man Who Was Thursday, The

Marching Song

March of Time, The


Martin, Dean

Martinelli, Elsa

Masterson, Whit

Matisse, Henri

Mayer, L. B.

Mazzini, Guiseppe

McBride, Joseph

McCambridge, Mercedes

McCarthy, Joseph

McCormack, John

McCormack, Patty

Méliès, Georges


Merchant of Venice, The

Mercury Text Records

Mercury Theatre

Merivale, Philip

Merry Wives of Windsor, The


Metty, Russell

“Mexican Melodrama”


Millan, Victor

Miller, George

Mills, Mort

Milton, John

mise-en-scène. See also expressionism; Gothic style; long take; realism

Misraki, Paul

Mr. Arkadin
Confidential Report

Moby Dick Rehearsed

modernist art

Molière, Jean

Monash, Paul

Monroe, Marilyn

Monsieur Verdoux

See also
editing; long take

Moorehead, Agnes

Moran and Mack

Moreau, Jeanne

Mori, Paola

Motion Picture Herald

Murnau, F. W.

Museum of Modern Art


Mussolini, Benito

Napier, Alan


Nast, Thomas

National Council of Teachers of English

Native Son

New Deal


New Theatre League

New Yorker

New York Inquirer

New York Post

New York Times

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Night at the Opera, A

Nims, Ernest

Nixon, Richard

Noble, Peter

Nolan, Jeanette

North by Northwest

nouvelle vague

O'Banion, Dion

O'Brien, Edmond

O'Brien, Willis

Odets, Clifford

Odium, Floyd

Oedipal themes.
See also
Freud; psychology; sexual themes

O'Herlihy, Dan

Older, Mrs. Freemont

Olivier, Lawrence

O'Neill, Eugene

optical printing.
See also
special effects

Orozco, José

“Orson Welles's Almanac”

Orson Welles's Moby Dick

Orson Welles: One-Man Band

Orson Welles's Sketchbook

“Orson Welles Today”

Orson Welles's Vienna


Other Man, The

Other Side of the Wind, The

Palinkas, Olga (Oja Kodar)

Palmer, Lilli

Pan American War and Peace Conference (Mexico City)


Paramount Pictures


Paul et Virginie

Paul Masson Wine

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich

Paxinou, Katina

Pearson, Bud

Pegler, Westbrook

Pennington-Richards, C. M.

Perkins, Anthony

Perón, Juan

Phantom Lady

Picasso, Pablo

Pierce, Newton L

Pirandello, Luigi

Pividal, Raphael

Playwrights' Company

Polglase, Van Nest

See also
contradictions; social context; social themes

Popular Front

Porter, Cole

Porter, Edwin

“Portrait of Gina”

Powell, Richard

Power and the Glory, The

Prince of Foxes


Pudovkin, V. L.

Rabkin, Gerald

Rackmill, Milton

See also

Random, Bob


Ratoff, Gregory


Realism in Our Time


Redgrave, Michael

Reed, Carol

Reed, Donna

Reichenbach, François

Reiguera, Francisco

Renoir, Jean

Republic Pictures


Richard II

Richardson, Ralph

Ritt, Martin

Rivera, Diego

Rivers, Joan


Robbins, Tim

Robinson, Edward G.

Robinson, Madeline

Rockefeller, John D.

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockwell, Norman

Roger Bloomer

Rodway, Norman

Rogers, Roy


Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rosenbaum, Jonathan

Rotha, Paul

Royal Road Films

Rubin, Benny

Russell, John


Said, Edward

Salkind, Alexander

Salkind, Michael


Sanderson, Sybil

Sanford, Erskine

Sarnoff, David

Sarris, Andrew

Saturday Evening Post

Savage Beasts, The

Schary, Dore

Schilling, Gus

Schneider, Romy

Screen Writers Guild


Selwart, Tonio

Selznick, David O.

sequence shots.
See also
long take


sexual themes.
See also
Freud; Oedipal themes; psychology

“Shadow, The”

Shadow of a Doubt

Schaefer, George

Shakespeare, William

Shance, Tamara

Shaw, George Bernard

Shaw, Irwin

Sherlock Holmes

Sherman, Hiram

Sherwood, Robert

Shklovsky, Victor

Shoemaker's Holiday, The

Shore, Naydra

shot/reverse shot

Show People

Sight and Sound

Sinatra, Frank

Siodmak, Robert

Siqueiros, David

Sirhan, Sirhan

Sirk, Douglas

Six Characters in Search of an Author

Sleepy Lagoon

Sloane, Everett

Smiler with a Knife

Smith, Fred

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

See also
music; radio

special effects.
See also
optical printing

Spiegel, Sam


Stainton, Audrey

Stalin, Joseph

Starvation on Red River

Steinberg, Saul

Sternberg, Josef von

Stevenson, Robert

Stewart, Donald Ogden

Stewart, James

Stewart, Paul

St.-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de

Stranger, The

Strasberg, Susan

Stroheim, Erich von

Sturges, Preston

Suber, Howard


Sunset Boulevard

Swanberg, W. A.

Taft, Robert

Take This Woman

Tale of Two Cities, A

Tamiroff, Akim

Taras Bulba

Tarkington, Booth

Taylor, John Russell


Temple, Shirley

Ten Million Ghosts

Thalberg, Irving


Theatre Education League

Theatre Guild

Theatre Union

Thin Man, The

Third Man, The

Thompson, Jim

“Through Theatre to Cinema”

Thurston, Howard


Tobin, Dan

Todd, Michael

Todd School

Togliatti, Palmiro

Toland, Gregg

Too Much Johnson

Touch of Evil

“Toujours ou jamais”

Tracy, Spencer

Trauner, Alexandre

Treasure Island

Trial, The

Trouble in Paradise

Truffaut, François

Truman, Harry

Twain, Mark

Twelve Angry Men

Twelfth Night

Twentieth-Century Fox

“Two Black Crows”

Tynan, Kenneth

Ulmer, Edgar G.

United Nations Conference (San Francisco)

Universal Pictures

Utah Shakespeare Festival

Vance, William

Vandenberg, Arthur

Van Eyck, Peter

Van Gogh, Vincent

Van Zandt, Philip

Vargas, Valentin de


Veiller, Anthony


Vidor, King

Vorkapitch, Slavo

Wagner, Richard

Waiting for Lefty

Walker, Vernon

Wallace, Henry

Other books

Ready & Willing by Elizabeth Bevarly
Trust Me, I'm Dr Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne
A Tapless Shoulder by Mark McCann
The American Granddaughter by Inaam Kachachi
Totem Poles by Bruce Sterling
My Kingdom for a Corner by Barron, Melinda
The Spanish Kidnapping Disaster by Mary Downing Hahn