The Magic in Your Touch (27 page)

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Authors: Sara Bell

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: The Magic in Your Touch
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Nate caressed his cheek with one fingertip. “What happened to all that stuff about never being in any real danger?”

Brandon gathered him close again and whispered against his ear. “I meant it. I wasn’t scared for myself. I only did what I’ve been trained to do. I was scared for you, Nate, scared I couldn’t protect you. I almost lost you once. I can’t live without you, baby.”

“You won’t have to, Bran.”


“Rationally, I know that, but I can’t seem to make myself believe it.” “What can I do to get you past this?”

“Make love to me. Make me forget everything but the way you smell, the way your skin feels against mine. I only want to see you, to breath you.” He paused and looked directly into Nate’s eyes. “I want you inside me, Nate.”

“Brandon, I don’t think I can—”


“Please, Nate. I’ll talk you through it, but I need to be joined to you. I need a part of you to become a part of me.”


Knowing the battle was already lost, Nate made one last excuse. “We can’t. We don’t have any lubricant.”


Brandon walked to the bed and opened the suitcase he’d packed for the two of them. He held up the tube of KY Jelly with a smile. “I was a Boy Scout.”


“Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”


Brandon took him in his arms again. “Please, Nate. I need you.”

Nate was too smart not to know when he’d lost. He threw the tube on the bed and took Brandon’s hand. He pushed the suitcase to the floor and took off his shirt. Brandon started to follow suit, but Nate stopped him. “Let me do this.” Brandon nodded and Nate began the slow process of undressing him using only one hand. When Brandon was naked, Nate took off his socks, shoes and jeans, leaving only his boxers. He gave Brandon a sheepish smile. “You’ll have to tell me what to do.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I will.”


Nate nodded. He pulled his boxers off and said, “I think this will work better with you on your hands and knees, pushed back to the edge of the bed. I don’t have much leverage with my cast on.”


Brandon raised an eyebrow. “So much for foreplay, huh?”


“Damn. I’m sorry, Bran. I don’t know what I’m doing here.”

Brandon smiled and pulled him close. “I was just teasing you, Nate. You know how I love to get you all flustered. We’ll do this any way you want to.” He reached between them and stroked Nate’s erection. “All I know is that I want to feel you.”

Nate almost choked. Brandon’s touch was quickly diminishing whatever fear he felt. When he couldn’t take the teasing caresses anymore, he kissed Bran hard on the mouth and said, “On your knees, Nash.”

Brandon grinned and complied, backing up until his body was in perfect alignment with Nate’s. Nate struggled to remember their coupling of only hours ago, which seemed like days under the strain of the break-in. He squeezed some gel on his fingers and worked one slowly into Brandon’s opening. Bran hissed in a breath, but didn’t ask him to stop. Nate took that as encouragement and sought out the spot that would drive Brandon wild. When he found it, Brandon nearly came off the bed.

“Oh, God, that feels good. Another finger, Nate, please. I can’t wait much longer.” Nate slicked up his middle finger and slid it inside to join the index finger already there. Brandon moaned, and Nate nearly came just from the sound. He was so hot, he knew he wouldn’t last long. He slicked himself up and said, “Are you ready for me, angel? God knows, I’m ready for you.

“Yes, baby, please. Fuck me.”


Hearing Brandon say that was almost more than Nate could take. He drew a deep breath and pushed just the head into Bran’s welcoming body. Brandon hissed, and Nate immediately stopped.


“Don’t stop, Nate. It feels so good. It’s just been a long time for me. Please, keep going.”


Nate didn’t say a word. He increased the pressure slightly and moaned when he felt himself slide all the way in.


“You’re so tight. I don’t know how long I can last. I never knew it would be like this.”

Brandon moved backwards, causing Nate to slide even more deeply inside. Nate closed his eyes and started thrusting. When he moved a bit to the right to gain better access, the slight change brought him in direct contact with Brandon’s prostate. After about the third stroke in that position, Brandon’s whole body tensed, and he started to come.

The inner clenching of Brandon’s muscles brought Nate off immediately. He collapsed onto Brandon’s back and filled him with a stifled scream.


* * *


Nate smiled as Brandon dried him off and they returned to the bedroom. “You realize that was my third shower for the day, don’t you?”


Brandon kissed him and pulled on his boxers. “Mine, too, but who’s counting? And wasn’t it fun getting dirty?”


Nate tugged on his shorts and looked at the bed. “Speaking of dirty, I think we need some fresh sheets.” His face went white. “Oh, God. What is Gale gonna say about the sheets?”


“She raised four boys, Nate. She’s seen crusty sheets before, believe me.”


Nate wasn’t listening. “She’ll know what we’ve been doing in here. I can’t believe we just had sex in your old bedroom. In your parents’ house, no less.”


Brandon fought hard not to laugh. “Nate, it’s no big deal, really. My mother and father are absolutely thrilled about us being together. Trust me.”

Nate continued to fuss until Brandon opened the bedroom door and found a set of fresh sheets and a clean quilt folded neatly and waiting just outside the door. Brandon grinned. “I guess she was expecting somebody to get laid tonight. Besides her and my father, I mean.”

“Eww. Please don’t talk about sex and parents. It’s nasty.” Brandon couldn’t resist. “You mean you’ve never thought about Calder and Leda throwing down.”


Nate gave one of those full body shivers. “I try not to think about my father any more than I have to.”


Brandon fetched the sheets and shut the door. Placing them on the dresser, he took Nate into his arms. “Sorry, babe. I shouldn’t have even brought him up.”

Nate settled against Brandon’s good shoulder. “It’s okay. Having you more than makes up for what I’ve lost. If being excommunicated from the Morris family is what it took to get me up to Reed, Illinois and into your arms, it was worth it.” He glanced over at the stark white bandages on Brandon’s arm. “Speaking of your arms, all that bumping and grinding didn’t hurt your shoulder, did it?”

“Nope. Only one part of me is sore right now, and it sure as hell isn’t my shoulder.” He smiled down at Nate. “I guess we’ll just have to keep doing it until we work the soreness out, huh?”


Nate kissed him soundly on the mouth. “Come on, sex maniac. Let’s change the bed and get some sleep. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”


* * *

After breakfast, Brandon and Nate headed home. A quick call to Sam confirmed that Howard’s men had arrived and already swept the office. Pronouncing the station clean, they’d headed over to the house. Howard was waiting by the backdoor when Brandon pulled the Camaro into the drive.

“You look none the worse for the wear after last night.”


Brandon shook his hand. “Then why do I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck?”


Howard grinned. “Aftershock, my friend. Happens to me every time I take a hit off a perp.” He patted Nate on the arm. “How’s it going, Doc?”


“I’ll be better once I know our house isn’t bugged.”

Howard nodded. “It’s a creepy feeling, isn’t it? My men are already upstairs, thanks to your deputy. He met us here with a spare key. Speaking of which, the lock doesn’t appear to have been jimmied or picked. Since I don’t subscribe to all that metaphysical crap about walking through walls, I think the guy must have used a key. How many have you got floating around, besides yours?”

Brandon began counting on his fingers. “My mother, Keith, and Nate each have one. I keep one at the station, the one that Sam gave to you today, and I keep a spare here at the house.”


“Where, exactly?”


“On a rack in the mudroom, just inside the door.”


Howard nodded. “Let’s have a look, just in case.” He started up the back steps, then stopped and said, “By the way, how’s your dog?”

“I called Dr. Payne first thing this morning. He said she’s almost back to her old self, but he wants to keep her one more day for observation, just in case. He said the drug she was given was some kind of human tranquilizer. Diazepam, he thinks.”

Nate said, “Generic valium. I give a low dose of it to patients who are suffering from mild anxiety. Dr. Payne found a couple of undigested tablets when he pumped Sasha’s stomach. He isn’t sure just how much she was given, so it could be a while before we know if there’s been any long term damage done to Sasha’s system.”

“Keep me posted.” Howard made his way into the house, followed by Bran and Nate. “Show me where you keep your keys.”

Brandon pointed to the hanging rack directly above the light switch on the left side of the door. The first thing he noticed was the empty peg where his spare key should have been. “Damn. The son-of-a-bitch must have taken it. That definitely narrows down our list of suspects to someone we know.”

Howard sighed. “I don’t suppose you have a running list of all the people who’ve been in your house since all this started , do you?”

“Almost every member of my immediate family, and Nate’s, too, not to mention a least four of my deputies and a few of the folks from my church who came by to check on Nate when he was recovering. At least fifty people, if not more.”

“I knew it wouldn’t be easy.” Before he could say more, someone hollered, “Agent Howard, I think we’ve found something, Sir.”

Brandon followed the voice to the bedroom. A young red-haired agent Howard introduced as Agent Miles held up a round, putty colored glob. “I found this stuck to the inside door frame. Whoever planted it was smart enough to make it look like a piece of calking. In an old house like this, no one would ever notice.” He turned it over to reveal a tiny lump of circuitry. “This thing may be small, but the transmitter is powerful enough to carry even a sigh all the way across the room. Anything said within twenty-feet of this little guy would be as plain as if you were whispering in the guy’s ear.”

Brandon glanced over and saw Nate shivering. He turned to Howard, who must have noticed it, too, because he said, “Have you finished the sweep, Miles.”


“Yes, sir. I still have the guest bedroom to do, but this room and the adjoining bath are clean.”


“Let’s get to it, then.” Howard ushered miles out of the room, closing the door as they went.”

Brandon pulled Nate over to the bed and cradled him in his arms. He could feel the trembling even through the heavy coats they both still wore. Brandon stripped Nate of his coat and took off his own, then pulled him close again. “It’s all too much, isn’t it, babe?”

“He’s been in our house, Bran. It could be one of our friends, even a relative. Why does someone want me dead bad enough to go to these lengths? I mean, bugging our bedroom? God, Bran, that’s like something out of a James Bond movie.”

Brandon stroked his soft blonde hair. “I know, baby, but we’re gonna catch this guy.” He tilted Nate’s chin up to look at him. “I promise you we will, Nate.”

“I know. I just wish this would all end soon. I’m not sure how much more either of us can take.” Brandon continued to hold him, rocking slowly back and forth. He didn’t know who was comforting whom. He only knew he needed the soothing power of having Nate’s body against his own. He wasn’t sure how long they sat there like that, but a knock on the door broke them apart.

Bran cleared his throat. “Come in.”


Howard stuck his head in the door. “If you guys would come downstairs. Miles is ready to give his report.”

Brandon nodded and led a too quiet Nate down to the kitchen. They took seats at the table, as did Howard and Miles. The rest of Howard’s team busied themselves by packing up equipment and loading the two non-descript sedans they had arrived in.

Miles said, “We swept the whole house, including the porches and outbuildings, even the vehicles. We found one each in the kitchen and bedroom. Your SUV was clean, Sheriff, but we did find a couple in your car.”

“Why would he put two in my car when he only put one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom?”


“My best guess: to filter out road and engine noise. Your Camaro’s got a three-fifty and a four barrel, right?”


“Actually, she’s got a six pack.”


Miles looked even more like a freckle-faced kid while he was drooling over Brandon’s car. “Awesome. Did you do all the restorations yourself?”


“All but the body work. One of my cousins did that for me, cheap.”


Miles said, “Really? Wonder what kind of deal he’d give me on a new paint job for my Mustang?”


Brandon seemed to forget all about the reason Miles was sitting at his kitchen table. Now they were just two motor-heads raving about the objects of their affection. “Mustang, huh? Is she a classic?”


“Is there any other kind? She’s a sixty-six, all original. All she needs is a good paint job and she’ll be showroom quality. What’s yours, a sixty-nine?”


“Sixty-eight. I—”


Nate said, “Not to interrupt this riveting conversation about the raptures of classic muscle cars, but wasn’t Agent Miles about to tell us something about the guy who’s been trying to kill me?”


Miles blushed and Brandon felt an immediate stab of guilt. He took Nate’s hand and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Sorry, sweetheart. I get a bit carried away when I talk about my car.”


“It’s, okay, but I would like to know what Agent Miles found.”


Howard said, “So would I. Do you think you can trace the bugs to the manufacturer.”

“Nothing, doing, Chief. These jokers are homemade. A pro like your guy could walk into any Radio Shack and pick up the components to make them. They aren’t real sophisticated, as far as listening devices go, but they’ll get the job done.”

Howard rubbed his forehead. “Everything we know about Wilson says he has the know how to make these bugs, but I doubt he could have gotten close enough to plant them without that key and the alarm codes. That means whoever planted them has been in contact with him at least once since he arrived here.”

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