The Mages' Winter of Death: The Healers of Glastamear: Volume Two (22 page)

BOOK: The Mages' Winter of Death: The Healers of Glastamear: Volume Two
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After the four fortifications they had used for practice were destroyed, the three units of fire mages marched together forming a single unit. Michael had noticed that the center of each formation there had been an extremely strong fire mage with manna even greater than High Priests Carson or Simon. Now the three High Priests stood together in the center of the formation. Michael did not think Glastamear had three hundred knight protectors left after the terror of the white pneumonia, and the kingdom certainly did not have an army the size and strength that had gathered on the Yellow Plains. It’s best protection would be its fortification. The eastern kingdoms had always threatened the city of Min Hollow, and over many centuries, Glastamear had built fortifications at all the passes and routes from the east. In addition, the city, the palace compound, and the temple compound had their own high walls. Those walls had never been overrun, and not a single foreign soldier had ever entered the city, the palace, or the temple.

There was a high stone castle in the distance at least two thousand paces away. Michael noticed that the fire mages seemed to be focusing on it. All three hundred chanted a spell in cadence. The day grew briefly dark like when Father Moon passed in front of the star Blue Haven. Black smoke curled into the air around the three hundred fire mages. Clouds formed over the distant castle, and an instant later, a bolt of blue light, so bright that it left a streak of blindness on the eagle’s eyes, blasted down from the sky. It seared the air as it descended from overhead as if came directly from the fires of Blue Haven. The distant tower exploded, sending broken rocks flying for a thousand paces. Nothing remained around that fallen wreck except a hole deep in the ground, which glowed with the red of molten rock.

Michael was momentarily frozen in horror. He now understood fully the curse that Firebreath had cast upon Perry. Fire mages had such power that they might someday destroy all humans. Firebreath the Red Dragon would have his wish to be rid of the creatures who breed like rabbits, but die as quick as mayflies, as recounted in the words of the epic song,
Perry and the Red Dragon, Firebreath.


“And Firebreath said to Gripton, release me from my promise to never kill your children. I will correct your mistake in only a few hundred years. When they’re all gone, you can create some other better children in their place. Their sheep turn the high hills to dust by eating every stalk. They hunt the antelope to extinction on the great prairie from horseback, they pollute the mountain streams with their waste, and they burn the ancient forest through their stupidity and carelessness. The human men fight battles over the rocky useless hillsides and kill one another with their arrows and knives. Let me remove them from our land and restore the natural order.”


Michael had tears in his eagle eyes as he turned to fly west toward home and Diana. The coming war would be like no other. He could only guess at how many would perish in the spring and summer, but he was determined to save all he could. He wondered if there was any way to inform the defenders of Min Hollow. His mage thought-talk only reached people he knew, and he knew no one in the great city. He could fly over the valley of avalanches and deep into the Mountains of Min, but Firebreath had warned him to not return to Min Hollow. His power was useless against the magic of an ancient dragon.

It was an hour before dawn the following morning when the soaring eagle glided over the Houston Plantation manor house. It settled on the red slate roof and became invisible. Michael entered his bedroom to find Diana still asleep, her beautiful face resting on a down pillow. She stirred from some noise he’d made. From his expression she knew the news was horrible, and she hugged him close.

That afternoon Michael was sitting on the porch looking over the village, a place that might be gone with a single cast of that group of three hundred fire mages. He was trying to think of a way forward, but his mind was numb from the power that he’d seen displayed on the other side of the mountains.

Diana came out to sit next to him. He said, “You’ve been busy in the office since before lunch. Is everything OK with our businesses.”

Diana handed him two letters written by different hands. Their paper differed in color and quality, and one was written in the deep black ink of the South Sedan Islands and the other in the blue ink common in the Walker Islands. Michael looked at Diana quizzically and asked, “When did they arrive?”

Diana leaned forward in her chair and kissed him. “My sweet, your mind is still numb from the horror. I wrote them, and I’m suggesting these two letters as a way forward. Please read them both before you comment.”

Michael considered Diana smarter than he was in almost every practical behavior, and he knew her social skills and understanding of people was much better than his. He read the first letter that appeared to be from the Walker Islands.


Michael Son-of-William,

It is with deep regret and sorrow that I write to inform you of the death of both your father and grandfather. Both men were murdered in out trade offices in the Walker Islands. Local authorities apprehended and executed two agents from the Kingdom of the Green Jungle who had been hired for the cowardly deed.

It now falls on you to take up the leadership of the family enterprises and guide our extensive trade network. Please immediately relocate to the Walker Islands to take on the governance of our interest in the south.

There are other sound reasons to leave Glastamear at this time. You know that your father had an extensive trade intelligence network. The attached letter is a summary report from his agent in the South Sedan Islands who gathered intelligence in the three kingdoms of the east. It will explain why it is imperative that you leave Glastamear even if it means abandoning all of your financial interests in that kingdom.

I know that you and your ancestors have always considered the Kingdom of Glastamear your true home, but now its future looks bleak. It is much safer here in the south. May Father God guide you my friend.

Best Regards and condolences,

You agent, Roger Son-of-Justin


Michael’s first thought was that Diana had provided an excuse for them to flee, but he also knew that was very unlike her. She had asked that he remain silent until he had read both letters.


To William Son-of-William,

Greetings and benediction to my wise friend and employer. The following is the summary of reports from all three of the kingdoms of the east.

The eastern kingdoms are prepared for a massive invasion of the Kingdom of Glastamear as soon as the snow makes the High Road passable this spring.

They have assembled five thousand footmen in chainmail with crossbow and swords.

They have assembled one thousand Lancers of the Kingdom of the Yellow Plains.

They have assembled one thousand Horse Archers of the Kingdom of the Black Forest.

They have assembled one hundred mammoths of the Kingdom of Green Jungles with eight hundred archers to ride in the fortresses on their backs.

Most formidable of all, they have assembled three hundred Fire Knights in full steel-plate armor who have learned to cast as a single mage. Their power is limitless! Surely their casts combined with this great army are greater than the debilitated Kingdom of Glastamear can possibly resist. Their army is the most powerful force that men have ever assembled on Home under the star Blue Haven.

I suggest that you liquidate all holdings north of the Walker Islands. No good can come from the coming war, but it is certain that the Kingdom of Glastamear is doomed.

Blessings of Father God Upon you my friend,

You Faithful Servant, Robert of the city of South Sedan


Michael looked at Diana and smiled. You have found a way to warn Governor Talton and the other governors while also covering up the fact that my wealthy merchant father doesn’t really exist.

Diana smiled and kissed him tenderly. “You would have thought of it also once your mind recovered from the shock of what you saw on the other side of the mountains.”

“But how do we stop them?”

Diana smiled, “The pieces are there: the Castle Gateway, the Great Tunnel of Sacred Passage, the Valley of Avalanches, the five hundred golden plates in Brimir’s Town, and the new spell you created. You’ll figure it out my love.”



Books by Charles Williamson on Kindle




The Dead Priest of Sedona: Book One of the Mike Damson Mysteries


The Dead Chef of Santa Fe: Book Two of the Mike Damson Mysteries


The Murders at El Tovar: Book Three of the Mike Damson Mysteries


The Victim at Vultee Arch: Book Four of the Mike Damson Mysteries


The Arson at Happy Jack: Book Five of the Mike Damson Mysteries


The Dead Man at Doyle Saddle: Book Six of the Mike Damson Mysteries


Oil Town: Book One of the Howard McAlester Mysteries


Time Travel:


Temporal Foam: A Novel of Accidental Time Travel


The Argonauts of Phoenix: The Second Adventure in the Temporal Foam


Science Fiction:


Black Dot: Jack Dunn, Cyber-Detective Volume One


Green Glow
: Jack Dunn, Cyber-Detective Volume Two


Blue Haze
: Jack Dunn, Cyber-Detective Volume Three




The Pogrom of Mage
: The Healers of Glastamear, Volume One


The Mages’ Winter of Deat
: The Healers of Glastamear, Volume Two




Coming in the spring of 2016:


The Healers of Glastamear, Volume Three


The Peaceful Pillage of Pompeii: The Third Adventure in the Temporal Foam


The Mauling at Kinnickinick Pueblo: Book Seven of the Mike Damson Mysteries



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