The Maestro's Apprentice (17 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Leigh Jones

BOOK: The Maestro's Apprentice
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“I don’t believe you fuckers,” he said, putting down the beer and taking off his belt, moving quickly across the room and striking Autumn hard across the shoulders. “Fucking do what you’re told!” he said.

She squealed and scuttled away, clutching the towel to her chest.


“Ma-a-anny,” Tee singsonged, putting his hand on Autumn’s head. “Don’t be so mean. Can’t you see she’s confused?”

“Yeah, well, let me
-confuse her,” he said, taking a couple of long strides toward her.

Tee’s friend stood up and got in his way, pressing the back of his arm against Manny’s chest. “I’ll handle this,” he said. “You’ve had your turn. Go sit down.”

Manny stared at him, then put his beer to his lips and drank aggressively.

“Give him the belt, Manny,” the tall man said. “We want to have a little fun, not destroy the poor child.”

Manny turned and looked over his shoulder, then thrust the belt into the spike-haired man’s chest. The other man took it and watched Manny throw himself back into his chair, spilling some of his beer on his chest, then turned to Autumn.

“It’s time to do what you’re told, little girl,” Tee’s friend said. “Or I’ll be the one to use this.”

She nodded and turned to Tee, cleaning him with shaky hands, putting a corner of the towel between her own legs.

“Good girl,” Tee’s friend said, and sat down again. “Now come over here and get me hard.”

She crawled to him on her knees and began opening the button on his pants. Her hands were shaking too badly to force it through the tight buttonhole, so he took over and opened his pants, taking out his cock, which was impressively thick even before forming a full erection. Keeping the belt looped in one hand, he pulled it out and offered it to her with the other.


Autumn wrapped her fingers around it and took the head in her mouth. The vampire hadn’t showered in a few hours at least, and his taste was pleasantly pungent. He grinned down at her, showing off his fangs. “I so want to eat you,” he said. “Oh well.”

She looked up at him. He was a good-looking guy, the only one here besides the tall quiet man with long hair who was actually her type, although they were all beautiful in their own way. Except for Mohawk guy. He was strange-looking and too scary, and she didn’t like him at all.

The vampire’s erection filled out in her hand and dripped onto her tongue. He moved his hips back and forth, and put his free hand against the side of her head, holding one end of the belt loosely at his side, letting the other end trail the ground.

Autumn wanted to please him for saving her from Manny, because he was beautiful, because she was surrounded and more than a little afraid. So when he put both his hands against her head and held her there, bringing her repeatedly down on his swollen cock, and finally spilling deep into her mouth and dribbling down her throat, she did her best not to gag too much.

“Beautiful,” the tall man with long dark hair said. By the time he got around to mounting her right there on the floor, Autumn had started to zone out. She allowed the rhythm of the vampires’ rutting to lull her, slowing her heart rate and not caring very much what was to happen to her after this. This was big. She knew that. For all practical purposes, Francois owned her now as surely as Claudio had before. But at least she had known that Claudio cared about her. Francois, she thought, was a monster.


And these men could be no better, in spite of the fact that they kept Manny under control, and in spite of the fact that, on some level, she wouldn’t choose to be anywhere else than in a room full of horny, gang-banging vampires.

The tall man threw his head back and groaned loudly, throbbing into her, showing his fully extended fangs, filling her with even more hot vampire semen. Autumn could swear she felt it burning inside of her, binding her to these men, and to this life.

When the tall man got up and zipped his pants, Autumn sat up, suddenly self-conscious. She sat on her haunches to hide the wet slit between her legs, and tried to cover herself with her hands, feeling their eyes on her.

“That was nice,” Tee said appreciatively, flicking his long hair and turning to the quiet man with dark blond curls. “What about you, Malcolm? Don’t you want to try her out?”

For a wiry guy, Malcolm took up a lot of space in his chair. He sat with his legs apart, elbows on the chair arms, pressing fingertips against fingertips, watching intently. “Of course I do,” he said, unfolding himself and standing slowly, looking at Autumn. “I just want a little bit of a different arrangement,” he said in a low, rumbling voice.


Chapter Sixteen

Malcolm took his gaze from Autumn and looked up at Francois, who said, “You understand I fed from her deeply, yes? You can’t feed again without making her ill.”

Malcolm shook his head. “I already ate. But I don’t like the camera. And I don’t need a bunch of guys looking at my junk when I’m trying to work my magic, if you know what I mean. I want a little privacy. I brought some music too. That’s all. I just want to fuck her in private.”

“I don’t see why not,” Francois said. “I have enough footage for what I need to do.”

His agreement made Autumn shiver with dread. Being at the mercy of several men wasn’t the best of all possible situations, but at least she felt more out in the open here. If Malcolm turned out to be particularly cruel, who would save her from him?

“There’s a spare room in the back,” Tee said.

Malcolm nodded, then returned to his chair for the little stereo sitting next to it, which Autumn hadn’t noticed before.

“Come on,” he said, offering his hand.

Again, she felt as though she didn’t quite know what to do. She was afraid to go with him, but she knew enough about vampires to understand that, if she refused, she would be punished. Francois had made that clear enough.

Hesitantly, she put her hand in his. He did not pull her roughly to him as she’d expected. Instead, he raised his hand and steadied her as she stood. As soon as she’d begun looking at him gratefully, however, he grabbed her upper arm and tugged her from the room, like a child about to get a spanking. Her heart raced. She wanted to cry.


The back room was small and sparse, built off the side of the kitchen at some point. It had a slanted ceiling, a twin bed and an empty nightstand. Autumn huddled near the door as he searched for something, found the latch and locked them in, then set up the stereo on the nightstand.

Autumn didn’t recognize the music he put on. It was grand and dark, with hard rhythms and no words.

“Why did you want…?” she began, but he put up his fingers while adjusting the volume. When he finished with it, he looked up at her and motioned with his head for her to come to him. Swallowing, she took a few timid steps in his direction, squealing when he grabbed her and threw her on the bed, pinning her to the mattress with his weight, clamping his hand painfully over her mouth. She could feel her eyes widen in fear.

“I’m going to tell you something,” he said. “Something important. And you are going to listen and do exactly what I say, with no deviation. Do you understand me?”

She nodded frantically, wondering why he was laying down the law like this when she had tried very hard to be obedient tonight, even after Manny had gone bonkers.

“I’m going to take my hand away. You’re going to be completely obedient, or you’re going to feel my belt on your ass. Is that understood?”

She nodded.

“Good,” he said and took his hand away, cocking his head to watch her, studying her face. “Let me hear you say it.”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

“Good girl,” he said, and covered her mouth with his roughly, searching her with his tongue, groaning into the kiss. The bed creaked as he ground his denim-clad crotch into 154

her naked one, hurting her with the seam, and the huge, hard bulge. He moved from the kiss to her neck. She flinched at the sensation of his tongue on her flesh.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m not going to bite you. I do want to talk to you, though.”

The last sentence was barely a whisper.

She turned to look at him, surprised, but found his hand back over her mouth as soon as she opened it to ask him what he wanted to talk to her about.

“I told you to fucking shut up,” he said.

His tone made her eyes fill with tears. She nodded.

“Don’t talk,” he whispered, more gently, grinding into her and making the springs squeak as he talked. “They can hear you, and they may be suspicious of me taking you back here. Now, listen very carefully. I know Claudio. He put out a bulletin that one of his feeders had been stolen—”

“I’m not his feeder anymore,” she whispered.

“Runaway?” he asked, with a hard edge to his voice.

She blinked and swallowed, then nodded. “But he caught up with us, and it was okay.

Francois wants revenge on him for something. The video’s to send to Claudio.”

Malcolm nodded. “Claudio filled me in on some of the shit Francois is capable of.

You’re in a bad situation, so here’s the plan. I’m going to offer to buy you off of him, but if that doesn’t work, we need to be able to track you. So,” he said, pulling a small black cylinder from the pocket of his jacket. “I’m going to tag you.”

“Will it hurt?”

Malcolm nodded. “Just a little sting, but you’ll be okay. Now hold still.”


He pressed it into the back of her neck. The pinching sensation caused her to whimper. He smiled and put it back into his pocket. “See there? No sweat.”

She nodded. “Is that it?”

“Well,” he said, letting his face take on a slightly more lecherous look. “I brought you in here to have my way with you, so that’s what I’m going to have to do if I don’t want to blow the plan.”

She nodded.

He lowered his lids and gave her a mischievous half-smile as he lifted his hips and unbuckled his belt. The jingle of the metal made Autumn’s scalp go cold, but she reminded herself she wasn’t about to be punished. This man was here to help her, even though he didn’t appear to mind having to take her in the process.

Malcolm slid into her easily, but only because she was slick with the juices of other men. “Whew!” he said. “Tight. I really wouldn’t mind taking you home myself,” he said, working his hips. “You’d definitely be better off with me than with that weirdo in there.”

Autumn nodded, gasping as he increased the intensity of his thrusting.

“Yeah, you
don’t you?” he said. “I like that.”

She kept her eyes on his, even though she was tempted to stare at the fangs growing in his mouth. A vampire man’s fangs affected her the way a pair of large breasts affected both vampire and non-vampire men alike—they drew her eyes. She was helpless to ignore them.

She liked Malcolm and wanted him to bite her. He wasn’t like the others here, and he certainly wasn’t like Francois. He seemed kind, yet no-nonsense. The next thing he said further convinced her of that.


“I saw how you reacted when I unbuckled my belt. I don’t think what happened in there was your only experience with a belt—was it?”

Autumn stared at him, not sure she wanted to answer that kind of a question. He thrust his cock in hard to help her make up her mind. “Just because I have a job to do doesn’t mean I won’t wear you out with it. Now answer me.”

“No, sir.”

“See there? Obedient and respectful. That’s a good combination. Now what happens if I spank you anyway?”

Autumn’s stomach went hot. When he pulled out, she reached for him reflexively.

He smiled down at her. “Already can’t get enough, huh? Come over here.” Malcolm sat on the edge of the mattress and patted his thighs. “Don’t worry,” he said. “This isn’t punishment—but it will be if you don’t come over here.”

Autumn sat up and crawled toward him, eyes down, expecting him to grab her suddenly and force her across his knee. But he only put his hand on her and guided her over. “Let’s see how you take a spanking,” he said, and brought his hand down on her bottom, making her whimper.

“Very good,” he said, rubbing the skin. “Let’s see if you can keep it up.”

Malcolm continued to spank her, bringing his hand down several times, harder and harder, making her eyes water, then gently caressing the inflamed flesh, occasionally pinching it. She became wetter at his hands than she had all night, thrilling at the danger in his voice, and the firmness of his hands. She wondered how old he was, how long he had been handling feeders—or women in general, for that matter. She liked the warm leather smell of his jacket.


She wondered, briefly, what it would be like to belong to him.

As if reading her mind, he told her. “You’d get a lot of these if you were mine. I love spanking asses. My girls get a lot of attention in this department.”

“Your…girls?” she asked, barely able to get that last word out as his hand came down again.

“Mm-hm. I have three. I think one is ready to go find greener pastures, though, so there will be an opening soon. Speaking of openings…” He slid a couple fingers inside of her, making her gasp. “You’re so easy,” he said. “You always react, even after having your pussy pounded by those animals out there.”

“I’m just…sensitive.”

“I like sensitive,” he said. “And I like a girl who knows her place with me. Of course, I can always teach that to her if there are any questions.”

“How?” she asked.

“I’m serious as a heart attack about using this belt. If my girls don’t do what they’re supposed to do, they feel it on their ass, and I don’t play when it comes to that. They feel it, and they feel it hard.”

Autumn parted her lips and took several deep breaths.

“Man, oh man,” he said. “That made you even wetter. You like a man who makes his women do what they’re supposed to, don’t you?”

“I guess so.”

“Well, let me assure you, I do. I’m not an abusive dickhead, though. My girls are happy. I keep them well fucked and I’m an affectionate guy when you get to know me.

Here,” he said, and helped her off his lap. “Sit there, on the bed.”


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