The Love Series Complete Box Set (150 page)

BOOK: The Love Series Complete Box Set
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“You want to hear me, love?” he questions pointlessly, as he runs his tongue along the seam of my wet flesh. “Fine,” he adds, before probing his tongue just a little deeper. “I want you to spread your legs as wide as you possibly can.” His palms move roughly to my inner thighs, spreading me as per his demand. “And then,” he says softly, as he nuzzles against the small tuft of neatly trimmed hair, “I’m going to make you come with my mouth, drinking in every last drop you can give me.” I whimper at his words and lace my fingers into his hair. “Does that sound okay?” he teases, placing heated kisses on my inner thighs.

“Evan, yes. I want that. Make me come. Please, make me come.” My words push him over the edge of his control.

Holding my lips back with his thumbs, he licks and kisses my heated, wet flesh, before dipping his tongue deep inside. Using just the tip of his tongue, he traces lazy circles over my hardened clit. Lost to the feel of his tongue flicking over the tight ball of nerves, I cry out in pleasure when he plunges two thick fingers into me. Curling them forward, he massages and stretches me until I’m pulsing and clenching around his fingers.

He works his tongue in long, broad strokes from my center back over my clit in a rhythm that has me coming wildly on his lips. “Ahhh . . . Evan . . . I’m coming.”

Grinding against his mouth, I ride out the last waves of pleasure, before standing and unbuttoning his jeans. Shoving them down his hips, he toes them off and kicks them to the side. His arm slides under my knee as he rests my leg in his elbow.

In between wet, passion-filled kisses, he mutters against my lips, “And now, what I’d like to do,” the wide crown of his erection nudges at my pulsing entrance. “I’d like to slide into you, slowly, before making love to you up against this wall.”

I don’t have time to respond as he inches into me. Stretching and filling me deliciously, I feel like my control is dangling dangerously off the edge of a cliff. When he buries himself all the way, it’s a plunge I can’t avoid taking. “God, Lucy. You’re so fucking hot. You feel . . . so . . . you feel like heaven. All wet and silky . . . fuck . . .” he growls into my mouth.

He pulls all the way out before driving right back in. Pushing hard up against my hips, he rubs against my clit. Stroke after stroke, he builds my desire before it’s too much to take.

“Evan, your hands. Use your hands . . . rub my clit, please, make me come again. Please, baby.” He smirks sexily as me − a searing hotness claiming his face. Having gone so long without sex meant that our first few times were filled with a good bit of shyness and me fumbling to voice my desires. Now, just hearing me say that word “clit” has him all sorts of riled up.

He dips his thumb into my mouth and I lick the pad before he lowers it to our joined bodies. Timing his touch to the rhythm of his thrusts, it only takes mere seconds before my inner walls clamp down around his cock, pulsing and beating with the massive force of my orgasm.

“Fuck . . . Lucy, I feel that. God . . . I’m . . .” He cradles the back of my head before pounding into me with more force than he’s ever used before. I claw and scratch at his bare back, needing to feel him even closer to me than he already is.

On one long, hard, last stroke, he calls out my name as his orgasm pours into me. He eases my leg out of his arm and settles my feet to the floor. We’re still connected, the last pulses of pleasure vibrating between us. He sweeps the hair that’s plastered across my cheek behind my ear and holds my jaw in his hand while tenderly sweeping his thumb over my cheek.

Our ragged breaths fill the small space between us and I lean into his touch. “Evan?”

“Yes, love”

I reach up and stroke my fingers through the day-old stubble gracing his strong jaw. “I love you.” I say each word slowly, carefully, letting my mouth embrace the full weight of their meaning.

He takes a deep breath, pulls me close to him, presses his lips softly against mine and then leans his forehead against mine. He inhales a shaky breath, and for a moment, I let my nerves get the best of me. “But you don’t,” I stammer nervously. “It’s okay. It doesn’t change how I feel,” I concede and swallow my pride. Trying to avert my tearing-up eyes, I tilt my head to the side. He captures my face in both of his hands, and brings his lips to mine, pressing a tender kiss there.

“I’ve never had anyone say those words to me before. I just needed a minute to take them in.” Kissing me again, he smiles against my lips. “I love you too, sweetheart. I think I loved you from that first night we slept next to each other. Holding you, I watched you sleep, and my heart, it just melted for you.”

Our tongues twine together slowly. Not wanting to rush the moment, we savor the kiss. I trace my tongue over every centimeter of his lips, memorizing him. “Keep doing that and I’m going to show you I love you all over again.” He throbs to life inside of me and I kiss him harder, more deeply.

We move again with less rush, but no less passion. We keep focused on one another the entire time, each push and thrust connects our eyes even more. Our bodies are covered in a light sheen of sweat easing the sensuous glide of our skin. I hitch my leg over his hip and dig my heel into his ass, pulling him closer, deeper.

He kneads at my breast, tugging on my nipple before rolling it between his fingers, sending jolts of pleasure to my already slickened sex. “Ahhh . . . Ev. . . .”

“Oh, love . . . I’m gonna . . . Lucy . . .” he calls as he pushes deeper as he comes again. “Baby, I love you.”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and nuzzle into his neck, inhaling his masculine scent. “I love you, too.”

In all of the years I was alone, I didn’t realize
was what I missing—a complete and utter feeling of contentment, of belonging, of love.

He carries me into his shower, never letting go of me as he turns on the water. We wash each other, letting our hands slip and slide over our slick skin. When we’re done and the water turns cold and our fingers pruned, he wraps me in a fluffy, soft towel and carries me to his bed, which is set up in his small guest room during the minor renovation.

It’s early evening, not even quite dinner time yet, but our lovemaking paired with his earlier work, sets his stomach grumbling as we cuddle on the bed. “Can I make you dinner?”

“Yeah, about that?” He rolls to his side, facing me. A small smile plays across his face.

I cover my face, sheepishly trying to hide my blush. “Sorry,” I mutter from behind the arm I’ve just thrown over my face.

He pulls it away, laughing at me. I roll my eyes as he kisses my cheek. “You’re just so sexy while you cook. It seemed like a good enough way to get you to go out with me without having to ask you and risk being turned down,” I admit.

“Oh, love. I never would have turned you down. But that is pretty damn cute of you, playing me like that.”

“It worked though, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, it worked. You got me, all right.” He reaches down and squeezes me ass. “Now, go cook for me, woman. I’m starving.”

We eat dinner in his bed, sitting Indian-style across from each other. Concentrating on the conversation is a hugely difficult task since he’s just wearing his boxer briefs. But I would imagine his long t-shirt − and
his long t-shirt − I’m wearing is also making it really difficult for him to concentrate as well.

After we eat, he pulls me to his side and we lay in bed. Yawning, I move to get up. “Stay the night. I know my room is a mess, but I don’t want you to leave.”

“I’d love to. But I have to drive Melanie back to Ithaca tomorrow morning.”

I stand and pull my now wrinkled skirt back on. I don’t even bother with the underwear; I just bunch them up and toss them in my purse. After snapping my bra, I slide my shirt back into place.

“Can I join you for the ride?” he asks timidly as I’m buttoning my shirt.

I sink back down onto the bed and he pulls my hand into his. “If you’d like to, I’d love the company. Dropping her off and coming home all alone is usually pretty depressing.”

“Perfect.” He pulls me back to his side and undoes the buttons I’ve just fastened. “So you’ll stay the night and I’ll take care of you.” He slips his fingers into the lace of my bra, strumming his calloused thumb over my nipple. “And then I’ll take care of you again tomorrow morning,” he pinches lightly, “before I make sure both of my girls arrive where they need to be safe and sound.”

And, just because he asked so nicely, I stay the night as he takes care of me again and again − feeling his love in every single touch, kiss and move of passion.



Chapter Nineteen

July 14, 2013


“Yes, we’re home, Melanie.” I keep my voice hushed as I duck into the bathroom.

“So?” She drags out the word, excitement lacing through her tone. I can almost imagine her rolling her eyes at my non-response. “Did you ask her yet? Did ya?

I sit on the edge of the tub that Lucy and I have put to very good use these last few months; I get all hot and bothered just thinking about it. And then I remember that I’m on the phone with her daughter. “No,” I huff through the line.

“Chicken,” she blurts sarcastically.

“I am
a chicken. We just got home and I plan on taking her on vacation tomorrow to . . .”

“You’re going on vacation and you weren’t going to tell me?” she gasps, playing it up just to lay the guilt on as thick as she can.

“You know you can’t keep a secret worth anything, Melanie!” Having recently blown the surprise on Linda’s birthday party that her mother had planned, she knows I’m right.

“Fine, fine. You win. But where are you taking her?” She’s digging − just like her mother would and it makes me laugh.

“A beach.” That’s all I’m giving her.

“Whatever. Just make sure you text me the numbers. I want to make sure I can get in touch with you guys. Make sure you got there safe and sound.” I can hear the genuine concern and love in her voice − again, just like her mother, and I thank my lucky stars that when I fell in love with Lucy, Melanie came as part of the package. She’s kind and sweet, quirky and funny. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have a family of my own, and even though it might sound more than a little crazy, I already know that Lucy and Melanie will be my family from here on out.

I promise to text her the numbers. Before hanging up, there’s one more thing I need to say. “Melanie, I just wanted to say thank you, again. It means a lot to me to have your blessing.”

“Evan, you make my mom happy − happier than she’s ever been. Of course I want you two living together. It doesn’t make sense not to. I gotta go. The girls and I are going out, but I owe you a huge thank you too. I really look forward to hearing from your friend about Camp Hope. I have a really good feeling about it.” I recently set Melanie up with a counselor position at a camp for children with special needs. It makes me feel good—accomplished, proud, even—that I can help her do something.

“You got it. Be safe. You’re not driving, are you?”

“Not a chance in hell that I’m letting them in my brand new car! Besides, we’re just heading down to the commons for dinner. Thanks again for that too. It’s a bit over the top, but I love it.”

“I’ll text you those numbers and I’ll be sure to have your mom call you when we land.”

“Oooh, so you’re flying, then?” There goes the digging, again.

“Goodnight, Melanie,” I dismiss her but I know she can hear the warmth in my words.

“Goodnight, Evan.”

After hanging up with Melanie, I make one last phone call to Linda to make sure that everything is set for tomorrow, and then Lucy and I can enjoy a full week of peace and quiet on the sandy beaches of Turks and Caicos.

BOOK: The Love Series Complete Box Set
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