The Love Laws (19 page)

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Authors: Tamara Larson

BOOK: The Love Laws
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He'd come out
here to find out. After their epic make-out session at the theatre the previous
evening he’d been kicking his own ass for not closing the deal with Jamie. She
had wanted him. Her desire had been intense and undeniable. He couldn't
remember the last time he had been so completely turned on. After Kerry had
left his erection hadn't flagged for hours. Even a cold shower and a broken
nose hadn't had any effect on his swollen dick. Only taking matters into his
own hand had given him some relief and that had only been temporary. He'd awoken
twice more in the night from dreams of Jamie's lips on him, her sweet scent and
raw cries of passion echoing in his head like he'd actually made love to her.
But he hadn't and at this rate, he never would.

He’d feigned
indifference when he left her at her apartment out of some misguided attempt to
take their relationship slowly. What an asshole he was. Denying his feelings
with a woman like Jamie was not going to win him anything. This wasn't a game.
If he wanted her, which he desperately did, then he needed to declare himself
again. Tell her he’d like to try having a relationship with her as many times
as it took to convince her. No games. No fucking Love Laws or lame-brained strategies
to keep the upper hand. It was time to put on his big boy pants and be honest
with her – use some direct, mature communication for a change.

the witty, yet heartfelt speech he'd practised on the drive out to White Rock
had completely fled his mind once he'd seen her standing at the end of the
Pier. Clay had told him to look for her here, so he’d come to the beach hoping
to catch her unaware and hopefully out of her element. Instead, he had found
her looking uncharacteristically still and introspective.

He’d watched
her from one of the blue railings along the beach Promenade for ten long
minutes before beginning the long walk down the Pier. The sky and the sea had surrounded
her in a palette of varying shades of grey, making her bright hair and clothing
stand out in sharp relief against the muted background. She looked so alone out
there. So very sad and isolated from the rest of the world. It broke his heart
to see her like this.

Suddenly, what he
wanted didn't matter. His dick could stay hard for her until it fell off or
drove him mad. He didn’t care anymore. Fixing her issues became his number one
priority. His own life was a disaster, but that didn't mean he couldn't play
knight in shining armour and save her from her problems.

When he was
about a dozen yards away he nearly stopped in his tracks. He'd never seen this
Jamie before. He'd seen business-woman Jamie, exotic dancer Jamie and even
fussy bridesmaid Jamie. He'd even seen bikini-clad, sex goddess Jamie, but this
version of her was strange and yet breathtakingly beautiful.

For one thing,
she wore absolutely no make-up. Her lips, usually painted a bright shiny purple
or blood-red were bare and delectably pink and innocent-looking. It made him
feel like a complete pig, but he couldn’t help but wonder if her nipples would
be the same delicate shade. The thought made his mouth water, so he shifted his
gaze away from her distracting full lips.

 Her dazzling
auburn hair hung in a mass of waves that reached past her breasts and covered
her crossed arms completely. Typically, she wore it up or straightened into a
waterfall of copper silk. Not today. The riot of curls should have looked
clown-like but instead all he could think of was how much he would like to see
those unrestrained ringlets spread out on his hotel sheets, or better yet,
tickling the inside of his thighs as she licked and sucked at his hardness with
those full pink lips.

The most
striking thing about her today, however, was her clothes. Jamie was very
simply, a clotheshorse. Every single day she dressed to impress. It was her
business, but it was also her passion. She expressed herself through her
clothing. Kevin rarely noticed women's attire. In fact, he really preferred the
complete absence of clothing over any outfit he could conceive of, but he had
noticed that Jamie always looked like she had just stepped out of the pages of
a high-end fashion magazine.

Today, she
looked smartly casual with her long plaid coat and matching hat. But her
flat-heeled, knee-length equestrian boots under the long, full corduroy skirt
were a far cry from the stiletto heels she usually wore. He was struck by how
small and delicate she looked without her glamorous accoutrements. Overall, she
looked like a very young, fresh and innocent girl. Not the passionate and
somewhat difficult woman who’d been in his arms the night before. This Jamie
seemed oddly vulnerable and approachable for a change and he liked seeing her
without her protective shell in place. It made him feel like maybe he had a
chance at being more than a convenient test subject for her crazy Love Laws. Or
possibly this was all just wishful thinking on his part.

She gave him another
cool smile as he approached. Not exactly encouraging, but at least she wasn’t
stomping away from him for a change. His pride demanded that he act detached and
indifferent, but today his body and emotions were firmly in control of his
behavior. So instead of approaching her with even a shred of dignity, he ran
the last few steps towards her and picked her up gently in a monster bear hug
that took her off her feet and pressed every inch of her torso against his. She
felt unbelievably soft and warm against him and he lifted her a few inches
higher so he could bury his face in her sweet-smelling neck.

Initially, her
body was stiff against him and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly, waiting for
her to push him away. He wasn’t quite sure he could force himself to let her go
now that he knew how perfect she felt against him, but he would release her if
that’s what she wanted. No matter how much his body demanded that he keep her
firmly pressed against his stiffening cock, he wasn’t a complete brute.

Fortunately for
him, he didn`t have to let her go. To his complete shock, she curled her arms
around his neck and gave a throaty little laugh that made shivers of awareness
flick along his spine like a fingertip trailed along ivory piano keys. God,
even her laugh turned him on.

“Are you lost?
The bars are at the other end of the Pier,” she said, pulling back to look into
his face, she pointed with her chin toward the mainland. Affectionately, she
ran one mittened hand through his wind-blown hair and then rested both palms on
his shoulders to steady herself and take some of her weight off his arms. But
she didn’t strain away from him. She allowed him to hold her.

He felt like he’d
just won the lottery.

“I didn’t come
out here looking for a drink. I came here looking for you,” he said, lifting
her another inch higher against his body until their pelvises were perfectly
lined up for maximum erotic contact through their layers of clothing. At that
moment he thought he would probably give up at least one testicle to feel her
wrap her long legs around his hips but she didn’t take the hint. Instead she
just dangled there and waited to see what he would do next. Even that drove him
crazy. Any other woman on earth would demand an explanation for his unexpected
arrival or start guessing what he meant by his bold statement. Or even comment
on his badly bruised nose. But not her. Nope. She never did what he expected
and for him that was a whole new world of unprecedented behavior from the
female gender.

He’d been an
observer his whole life. He knew people, especially women. In most cases he
prided himself on being able to read them with just a glance. Whatever mystery
they’d presented for him as an adolescent had faded long ago. But Jamie was
something new. Her complete lack of self-consciousness was either a very convincing
ruse or she actually was untouched by the myriad of doubts that seemed to
plague other women. Either way he was fascinated with her. He’d always been a
sucker for a mystery and she was an unknown quantity that he ached to figure
out. If only she would give him a chance.  

One of her eyebrows
arched up and she leaned forward far enough to brush the tip of his sore nose
with hers. It was an innocent and playful gesture that made his fake smile
widen into something warm and genuine. “Well, you found me. Now. What are you
going to do with me?” She purred, brushing his cheek with her warm breath.

Within his
jeans, his cock instantly became as hard as the icicles hanging from the
marina’s rustic wooden roof. He could think of about a million very dirty
things he would dearly love to do with her, or rather, to her. Like bending her
over the nearest railing, burying himself balls deep in her sweet pussy and
making her scream with pleasure to start with, but he was fairly certain she
wouldn’t go for that. Not after last night and maybe never. But there was only
one way to find out.

He cleared his
throat, took a step forward and lifted her until her pert bottom was resting on
the nearest railing. He remained close, standing between her slightly spread
thighs with her skirt pooled between them. He grasped her curvy hips with both
hands to keep her safe from tumbling over the rail and into the surf. “Well,
right now I’m thinking a spanking might be in order.”

Both of her
eyebrows went up in surprise. “A spanking? You think I deserve a spanking?” She
didn’t look even slightly annoyed at his arrogance. In fact, she looked

He’d been
kidding, but apparently Jamie was much kinkier than he’d imagined. Kevin’s
jeans suddenly felt even tighter. Was Jamie into a little discipline? Hitting
women, even in a playful way, wasn’t really his thing, but he’d be more than
willing to improvise if it would get him closer to Jamie. Hell, if it meant
getting her naked, there really wasn’t much he wouldn’t do. He’d dress up as a
Roman gladiator or a space alien complete with probing tentacles if that’s what
turned her on.

He slid his
hands a few inches down to where her round ass rested on the railing and gave
each cheek a firm squeeze. “I’m pretty sure I said I’d stop by and see you at
work today and what do I find when I get there? Not you, waiting eagerly for my
arrival. Instead I find your friend Clay, doing something disturbing to one of
your mannequins. When he finally noticed me, he told me that you’d left town,
and then offered to fit me for some kind of bizarre, crotch-enhancing, G-string,
whatever the hell that is. So, yeah, I absolutely do think a spanking is in
order.” He held his breath, waiting for her to explode at his overbearing
attitude, but there wasn’t the slightest spark of temper in her eyes.

Jamie reached
up and smoothed his furrowed forehead with her mitten-clad fingers. “Poor baby.
Did Clay frighten you? He was just being friendly. Flirting is in his nature.
Besides, you should really think about that G-string. It’s our most popular

Kevin looked
down between them and gave her a sardonic look. “I don’t really think my crotch
needs enhancing, do you?” He hitched his hips forward and ground his hardness
against the juncture of her thighs.

Jamie gasped as
he effortlessly rubbed the seam of her skirt against her sensitized clit,
causing intense little sparks of pleasure to ignite between her thighs. Biting
her lip against the unexpected onslaught of sensation, she closed her eyes for
a moment to savor her body’s uncharacteristic response to such an innocent
touch. He had barely touched her and yet she was already on the cusp of full-on
arousal. What was it about this guy exactly?

“Jamie?” Kevin
said gruffly, leaning down to breathe directly into her ear. “Do I need them or
not?” Nuzzling her hair out of the way, he gave one of her naked earlobes a
lick and then a firm tug with his teeth.

“Need? What do
you need?” She asked huskily as she angled her head to the side to allow him
full access to her neck.

“The underginch
with the built-in sock? Do you think I need them?” He reached down with one
hand and brought one of her legs up around his slim hip. Rolling his pelvis
against her he smiled against her neck as she gasped in delight.

God, he loved a
responsive woman. He could stand here all day, feeling her grow wilder and
wetter against him. He’d barely touched her, hadn’t even kissed her, and yet he
could feel the heat emanating from her sultry core, despite the several layers
of clothing between them. She was even more passionate than he’d imagined and
he’d spent the last 15 hours thinking about nothing else but being here,
between her thighs and making her delirious with pleasure. The reality was so
much better than anything his perverted mind could devise.

“Well?” He
asked, giving her bottom a little slap.

 Jamie pulled
back enough to look directly into his smug, smiling face. She was now leaning
back over the railing with a twenty foot drop between her and the rocks below,
but she didn’t seem alarmed. A gust of wind whipped her hair around her face,
giving her a wild, untamed appearance. Her eyes were glazed with desire and her
cheeks were pink with cold. He could see the faint bite marks she’d made in her
full bottom lip and he longed to soothe that small indent with his tongue. To
Kevin, she had never looked more gorgeous. Or fuckable.

She brought her
other thigh up around his hip and locked her ankles in the small of his strong
back bringing his very impressive equipment flush against her mound. Undulating
against his crotch she looked up at him coyly through her lashes. “I’m pretty
sure you aren’t a candidate for the Full Monty G-string, but I won’t know for
sure unless I give you a much more thorough examination. What do you think?
Shall we go to my place and I can check out your package for flaws?”


Chapter Ten

Typically it took about fifteen
minutes to reach Jamie’s house, but to Kevin the walk down the Pier happened in
the blink of an eye. Somewhere at the back of his mind there was a whisper of mistrust
at how easily this was playing out. After all, last night Jamie had looked at
him with complete disdain. Yet today she wanted him enough to tempt him within
an inch of his sanity in a public place. Something wasn’t right, but he wasn’t
going to question it. He was too happy and horny to think about her motivations.

The truth was
that he was barely aware of his surroundings. The biting cold, Jamie’s
surprised laughter, not even the incredulous looks from the herd of senior
citizens they passed through on their way down the Pier didn’t distract him
from his purpose. He intended to transport Jamie someplace private where he
could get her naked and ravish her with complete abandon ASAP. So, he just
grabbed her off the railing and carried her down the entire length of the Pier.

With Jamie’s
shapely bum resting on his forearms and her thighs wrapped firmly around his
hips it was all he could do not to drop her down on the wooden planks and take
her right there. Never in his life had a woman made him feel like this. He was
acting like an uncivilized savage, but it didn’t seem to matter. The only thing
that mattered was sinking into her body and staking his claim.  

When they were
near the base of the Pier, Jamie finally got tired of being ignored, and
reached up to bring his head towards her. She nibbled at the tendons on the
side of his neck for a moment and then licked his stubble-roughened skin in a
long sweep of her tongue from the collar of his leather jacket up to his
earlobe. There she bit down, hard.

The mixture of
pain and pleasure brought him out of his trance long enough to focus on her and
the puzzled, yet concerned, look on her pretty face. He stopped walking and
pressed her back against a nearby lamppost. He touched his forehead to hers for
a moment and closed his eyes, trying desperately to force his physical reaction
to her provocative words from overtaking his judgment, but it wasn’t easy. Everything
in him demanded that she would change her mind if he didn’t act quickly. He was
desperate to take this opportunity and show her how good they could be
together. He knew she wasn’t exactly declaring her undying love, but it was a
start, and he could work with that.

“Kev?” She
asked, cupping his cheekbone with one hand. “Are you okay? What’s with the
silent treatment? I appreciate the romantic gesture, but maybe you should put
me down before you give yourself a hernia.” She wiggled in his arms to be let
go but he held her tighter.

He sighed and
squeezed her bottom again. “I just need a minute.”

Jamie gently
removed his sunglasses and tucked them into one of her jacket pockets so she
could see his expressive eyes. The whites were bloodshot again and he looked
like he hadn’t slept at all, but the expression in then made her think
seriously about putting the glasses back on. There was so much raw emotion
there, so much desire in those topaz depths. He wanted her with a fierce, raw
hunger that was thrilling but also a little frightening. No one had ever looked
at her that way: like he would die if he didn’t have her immediately. She felt
overwhelmed by his passion, but still she couldn’t resist inflaming him just a
wee bit more.

Jamie flexed
against him and purposely licked her lips. She watched, mesmerized, as his pupils
dilated and followed the progress of her tongue with interest. He looked
positively feral, like he would combust at any moment, but he didn’t move a
single impressive muscle. Just stood there like a warm, extremely anatomically
correct statue.

“Are you sure
you still want to go through with this?” She asked innocently. “I mean, I know
how you guys just hate the no-strings thing, so I completely understand if
you’ve changed your mind.” She unlocked her ankles from the small of his back,
but he just held her tighter.

“No-strings? Is
that what this is?” He asked hollowly.

She nodded her
head vigorously. “Absolutely. We are stringless. Exactly the way you like it.”
Jamie was expecting a look of relief to pass over his tanned face but instead
his lips thinned and that flaming hot look in his eyes cooled several degrees
before he turned his gaze away from her and back towards the ocean.

Shocked at the
look of genuine pain that had flickered across his face, Jamie’s heart gave a
lurch. She really hadn’t been trying to hurt him. She’d thought she was giving
him what he wanted. What they both wanted and yet somehow she had managed to
make him feel like a piece of meat. And not in a sexy way either. Wasn’t he all
about the casual sex? Or was that just his persona? Was it possible that there was
more going on here than a stud-muffin on the make? Or was he low enough to play
on a woman’s nurturing nature to get what he wanted? Was this all a ruse?

 Against her
better judgment, Jamie took his cheeks between her palms and turned his eyes
back towards her. “That’s what you want, right? Just some sweaty fun between
two consenting, horny adults?” She held her breath, waiting for his response.
Whatever he said now would determine the future course of their relationship,
and she wasn’t absolutely certain what she wanted to hear. All she really knew
was that she wanted that hurt look on his gorgeous face to disappear. She
wanted playful, arrogant Kevin back. Him she could deal with. Sensitive,
romantic Kevin was a different animal entirely.

For the first
time in his life, Kevin knew what it was like to be the girl. He didn’t like
it. Not one damn bit. So far he’d managed to negotiate his way through romantic
entanglements without becoming emotionally invested and it had worked for him.
He didn’t make false promises to women to get them into bed, and he always
ensured they knew the score before engaging in some serious bed-play. And yet,
very often, the women he slept with misinterpreted his affection and
attentiveness for something deeper.

It hadn’t
escaped his notice that he was doing that exact thing with Jamie. And it
completely sucked. For once, he was the one overanalyzing and looking for some
kind of sign that he mattered to her.

He’d thought
there was something real brewing between them, but instead she just wanted to
scratch an itch. He was Mr. Right Now to her and every woman, it would seem. Keri
was right. A very small part of him actually felt wounded by the idea that she
couldn’t see that there was more to him than his grossly exaggerated studly

A much bigger and
painfully aroused part of him, however, would take whatever small part of Jamie
he could get. He wanted her heart, but her body would have to do. At least for
now. Until he could figure out a way to convince her to move beyond her blatantly
female chauvinistic tendencies and believe that he didn’t fit into the
irredeemable playboy pigeonhole she had chosen for him.

For the first
time in his life his feelings were engaged. He was in deep and it didn’t matter
because she was convinced he was completely at the mercy of his dick. That had
been true until recently. But even jerks fell in love sometimes, and that’s
when the Love Laws no longer applied. What would it take to make her see that exactly?

Closing his
eyes to mask his expression he found her lips with his and kissed her sweetly,
just as the sky opened up and cold rain came pouring down, drenching them
instantly. He pressed against her, ignoring the water seeping under his collar
in favor of savoring her warm, soft mouth and silky tongue flicking between his
lips. “How do you feel about hot, sweaty
fun between two
consenting, horny adults?” He whispered as he rubbed the prominent ridge of his
erection against the juncture of her thighs.

Jamie smiled,
grasped his shoulders tightly and wrapped her legs around his hips again.
Relief and also a vague feeling of disappointment washed over her as she
realized that he wasn’t going to demand anything more from her than her
complete physical surrender. She could handle that. It was the emotional
surrender she wasn’t prepared for.

“Here?” She
asked breathlessly, looking around at the mostly deserted Pier. The flock of
senior citizens were hurrying towards them to escape the rain, but their
frantic pace was still pretty darn slow. They wouldn’t reach them for at least
another five minutes. The question was, could both of them achieve orgasm in
that time? She liked to dry hump as much as the next girl, and was pretty much
on the brink of exploding already, but she longed to see him in all his naked
splendor and feel every inch of his impressive hardness filling her completely.
That wasn’t possible here. Or was it?

His low husky
laugh made her nipples so erect they actually hurt. Good Lord, that sound was
sexy. She rubbed her breasts against his chest to relieve some of the ache, but
the friction just made it worse. She’d always had a bit of an exhibitionist
streak and the thought of taking him down, under the Pier, crossed her mind. If
she took him there would he pound into her with all the force and power of the
surf just below them? She shivered at the thought.

“We could go
down below,” she said casually, hoping he wouldn’t notice the desperation in
her tone. God, she needed him so much.

He looked over
the railing. “As tempting as that is, I don’t want to end up in jail for public
indecency, and I especially don’t want to be there with pneumonia. Or with a
crab stuck to my ass.” He waggled his thick eyebrows at her and grinned. “I was
thinking of my car. I’m parked just on the other side of the museum there.” He
let go of her bottom long enough to point towards one of the parking lots along
Marine Drive. “You in the mood for a little backseat make-out session? We can
pretend we’re at the drive-in.”

“Won’t all the
people in the restaurants see us?” She asked, biting her lip in anticipation.
Good Lord, why did that make everything even more exciting?

“They’re mostly
deserted right now, and besides, I’m pretty sure we can fog up the windows in
no time. No one will actually see anything. Though they might suspect what’s
going on if they see us climb in the backseat together. You game?”

Let’s run.” For the third time she attempted to slide down from her perch
around his waist, but he held her firmly in place. She gave him a quizzical

“Sorry, Angel.
But now that I’m finally between your legs I’m not going anywhere. At least not
until I can get you naked.”

“You’re going
to carry me, like this, all the way to the car?” She asked, clearly amazed at
both his brute strength and incredible stamina. He was either incredibly
romantic or certifiably insane. She really couldn’t say which. Either way her
endurance was going to be sorely tested over the next few minutes.

The walk along
the Pier had rubbed his raging hard-on against her until she was practically
delirious with pleasure. That little bundle of nerves high up between her legs
had been teased and tormented so perfectly that she had nearly climaxed twice.
The trip to the car would definitely put her over the edge. And as much as she
desperately needed the relief, she didn’t think she could hide her reaction
from him. The last thing she needed was Mr. Kevin Hall knowing exactly how much
he turned her on.

“Yup. Afraid so.
Now prepare to ride. Giddyup.” With that he gave her bottom a swat and began
trotting down the rest of the Pier and then up the stone stairs towards the
parking lot.


the time they reached the car they were both in a frenzy of need.

hands were actually trembling with arousal as he fumbled his keychain out of
his jacket pocket. He promptly dropped the keys to the wet pavement as he
attempted to maneuver them into the lock. He nearly howled in frustration as he
contemplated how he was going to pick up the keys and keep Jamie’s warm, pliant
form wrapped tightly around his hips. Right now she was slumped against his
chest, her breath stirring against his neck in hot little audible pants that
were driving him completely crazy.

been serious when he’d said he wanted to stay between her legs, but he’d also
thought the romantic gesture would impress and arouse her. One thing he knew
about women, was that extended foreplay usually lead to mind-blowing sex, and
he wanted her completely mindless by the time he let go of her. What he hadn’t
counted on was his own body betraying him so completely.  

little bump and jiggle of her body against him up the stairs had brought him a
little closer to coming in his jeans like an out-of-control teenager. He could
feel her slickness and her heat against him and she really hadn’t helped
matters by making little mewling sounds in his ear with every single step. She
was clearly on the edge of climaxing and that drove him harder until he was
practically sprinting towards the car. He couldn’t even imagine how crazy
they’d looked to the casual observer.

move,” he growled, setting her on the front fender of the Mustang’s rain-soaked
hood. He left her long enough to retrieve the keys from a puddle and unlock the
passenger side door. When he turned his attention back to her, he noticed with
exasperation that she was climbing down from where he’d left her. Her damp
skirt stuck to the metal and several inches of pale, creamy thigh were exposed
as she gracefully slid to the ground. His mouth went completely dry at the

was on her in a flash. “Didn’t I say, ‘don’t move,’” he said, picking her up by
the arm pits, he deposited her back on the car and stepped between her spread
thighs again. His body sighed in relief to be back where it already felt like
it belonged. He could spend the rest of his life between her thighs and it
would never be enough.

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