The Love Game (16 page)

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Authors: Emma Hart

BOOK: The Love Game
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I nod silently. He kisses my forehead and kneels down, pulling me into his arms. The gentle sea breeze teases my hair as I curl into him, needing the comfort and safety he can provide me.

I've never told anyone the whole story. Even when Dad forced me to speak with a counselor, I never spoke about it. She was mine. The last memory of her was mine.

But not anymore. I've shared it, in the place she was born and raised.

I brought her home.




The guys all huddle in the middle of the yard, all shirtless and glancing over at us flirtatiously. Kay shakes her head and flips them off.

“Fuckin' animals,” she mutters. “Parading round half-naked like they're King of the fuckin' frat.”

I laugh into my hand silently.

“Don't you start laughin' at me, Mads. You and Carter are like the King and Queen of this place, and Lila and Ryan are like the Prince and Princess. Or should that be Princess and Princess?”

“Hey!” Lila chucks a chip at her. “He's a pretty boy, but he's my pretty boy, Baker.”

“Got it, Princess.” Kay winks, and Lila grins at her.

There's something relaxing about having a secure, close friendship with people that can make you laugh. The chat at the beach with Braden is still weighing heavily on my mind, but being here, with these girls, makes it all seem better.

Braden looks over his shoulder at me and grins devilishly. I can't help but smile back, and my stomach flip-flops. Ugh.

“Love is in the air, doo doo doo doo doo doo!” Kay sings, waving her bottle of soda around.

“Get lost.” I chuck a piece of candy at her, and she catches it, shoving it in her mouth.

“Thanks, baby girl.” She winks.

“I like seeing him happy,” Megan says, watching the boys line up to start playing. “I haven't seen him like this in a long time. It's almost gonna be a shame to end it in two weeks, maybe even a few days.” She glances at me.

“You know the rules of the game, Megan,” I reply, picking some grass. “Four weeks. That's all we allowed.”

She stares at me out of the corner of her eye, a knowing gleam that's only meant for me. “If Braden lets you go.”

if you can end it.

Sometimes, it's really annoying how observant she can be.

“He will,” I say with more confidence than I feel, my eyes watching him as he runs and jokes with his frat brothers. “He won't hang around, Megs.”

“Okay,” she acquiesces. Reluctantly. Ugh – I'm so fed up of hearing about this.

I turn my attention back to the yard and watch as they throw the ball to and fro. Braden catches it and makes a run for the end zone – which is marked by two t-shirts. Sweat drips from his toned upper body, and his back muscles ripple as he runs. It's enough to make me want to chain my legs together, because he is
Especially when he's sweaty and shirtless.

He dives, scoring a touchdown. The guys on his team congratulate him, and he winks, motioning me over to him. I tilt my head to the side questioningly. He jogs over to me, looking too much like perfection for my liking, and bends down to grab my hands. He pulls me up from the ground, wraps an arm around my waist, and tilts me back.

He kisses me hard, his lips a searing flame on mine. I grab his hair and hold on, one of my feet leaving the ground. He slips his tongue between my lips quickly, and I meet his every movement.

Slowly, he pulls back. I smile, and he looks at me with heated eyes.

“Now I feel like I've celebrated.” He chuckles, righting me.

“You just wanted to show off.” I trail my finger down his chest. His fingertips dig into my back slightly.

“When I have a beautiful girl like you to show off, who can blame me?” He smirks and puts his mouth by my ear. “And stop your finger where it is, or we'll go and continue our celebration inside.”

I swallow. Right now, that sounds kinda good.

I ping the waistband of his shorts. “You have a game to play,” I remind him. And me. “Go and play it.”

He smirks again and kisses me once more. For luck, I guess. Not that he needs any. I drop back to the floor as he runs back and take my candy back from Kay.

“Wowee, I don't think I've ever seen a real foot-poppin' kiss!” Megan grins.

“A foot what?” Kay raises her eyebrows.

“A foot-poppin' kiss,” Megan repeats. “From the Princess Diaries? With Anne Hathaway?”

“Do I look like I've watched the fucking Princess Diaries, Meg?”

“I never know with you.”

“I'll make sure to put it on my Christmas list. I'm sure it's

Megan leans over and punches her in the arm. “No need for sarcasm, Kayleigh.”

“With you, Megan, there's always a need for sarcasm.”

“Shut up.”

I shake my head, smiling, and chuck a piece of candy at them both. Lila giggles and copies me. Megan shrieks, Kay yells. Before I know it, we're in the middle of a junk food fight, and I'm lying on my back on the grass, holding my stomach as I laugh.

I sigh and wipe tears from my eyes. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.


Chapter Twenty-Six – Braden


I hate Sundays. There's something so fucking dull about them.

So maybe that's why I'm at the beach. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not the biggest fan of sun, sea, and sand. Nor am I the next champion surfer.

But Maddie wanted to come, and the rules of the game state that what Maddie wants, Maddie gets. So, here I am. Getting sand up my shorts and, if I'm not careful, a crab pincer around my balls.

“You didn't have to come with me. I'm capable of sunbathing by myself,” Maddie says, lying on her back on the sand.

I roll onto my side and prop myself up on my arm. “And why would I not come? I like spending time with you.” I drag my finger across her flat stomach, and she squirms.

“Because.” She shrugs a shoulder.


“Yep. Because.”

I flip over and straddle her. She squeals and pulls her sunglasses off, flinging them to the side. She looks up at me, and I grin wolfishly.


“Why are you sitting on me?”

“I felt like it.”

“You felt like it.”




“Because?” She raises an eyebrow.

“Yep. Because.” I grab her hands and thread my fingers through hers. Her lips quirk up at one side, and her eyes show the amusement she feels. I stare at her, just watching her, and taking her in.

The light tan on her skin sets off her auburn hair, making her green eyes stand out even more. Her curled lips are plump and shiny, begging me to kiss them.

I do.

I drop my head and brush my lips across hers. H
er fingers tighten around mine, and her lips pucker, softly massaging my bottom lip. I pull back, opening my eyes and watching as hers open slowly.

“What was that for?” she asks softly.

“Because I can.”

“Fair enough.” She smiles. “But you can get off me now. You're in my sun.”

I laugh and roll off her, flopping next to her again. She places her sunglasses back over her eyes. My eyes rake down her body, every curve available for my viewing pleasure. And boy, it's a fucking pleasure all right.

“Stop undressing me with your eyes.”

“Hate to tell you, Angel.” I run my hand down her side. “But there isn't much to undress. Not that I'm complaining.” My fingers gently probe the soft, bared skin under her bikini top.

“Braden,” she warns.

“What?” I move my hand across her ribs.



“There are other people around!” she hisses.

“And?” I kiss her cheek, close to her ear. “I'm allowed to touch my girlfriend.”

“Mmm.” I'll take that as an agreement.

I find her lips again and run my tongue along her bottom lip. She squeaks and opens her mouth in surprise. I take the chance, sweeping my tongue into her mouth. Her hand claps down onto my neck as she kisses me back, her tongue swirling in a way that makes all the blood in my body rush straight down to my dick.

I shift a little, putting my fingers in her hair and running them through to the ends.

“I think you need a cold shower,” she mutters against my lips, running her nails down my arms. All my hairs stand on end at that innocent, yet damn sexy move.

“There's a sea over there. Care to join me?”

“I'm unsure if it's a smart or stupid move, but I will anyway.”

I move and get up, holding my hands out for her. She takes her glasses off, slips her hands into mine and jumps up, grinning at me. I raise an eyebrow and she runs off down the beach, giggling to herself.

I shake my head and take off after her. I'm close enough to hear her loud, high-pitched squeal when she runs into the water. She turns straight away and runs towards me. I laugh and grab her round the waist, lifting her up, and run into the water.

“Braden, no! It's cold!”

“That's the point!”

She kicks and clings to my neck. I wade through the water until we're waist-deep and drop her, letting her slide down my body. Big mistake.

I clear my throat and she glances up at me through her eyelashes. She smiles and shoves me. I lose my balance and fall backwards into the water. I bounce back up, sputtering, and focus my gaze on her. She's so in for it now.

“I'm sorry! No, no!” She holds her hands out.

“No, that's it now.” I shake my head and move towards her.

“No!” She squeals when I tackle her.

We fall into the water, her legs kicking in a feeble attempt to get away. She pushes herself up on my shoulders and as I surface, I cup her ass and hold her against me.


My lips on hers silence her. Her hands find my hair and she holds on tightly, gripping it between her fingers. One of my hands comes to rest on her waist, and her feet lock around my waist, holding her in place and tight against me.

My dick rubs against her, making her whimper and press into me tighter. My fingers dig into her ass and back as she rises up slightly, pushing my head back. She kisses me harder, taking control.

She stops and whispers, “People are watching us, aren't they?”

I glance over to the beach and two little boys, about six, are staring at us with their mouths wide open. “Yes.”

She blushes and slowly turns her head to them.

“Ewwwww!” They shriek and run across the beach.

I laugh, and Maddie buries her face in my shoulder. She unhooks her legs and slides down, her hands smoothing the wet skin of my chest. I rest my cheek on her head, still laughing, and she pokes me.

“It's not funny. They probably think they just watched a live porn show.” She moves her head and glares at me.

“Angel, they were little kids. To them, you're a girl and that means you have cooties.”

Her narrowed eyes gleam in amusement. “Do I? Have cooties?”

“I'm not sure,” I shrug a shoulder. “I haven't decided yet.”

“Well, if I do
....” She smiles innocently. “You should consider yourself infected.”

She blows a raspberry on my chest and slips from my arms, giggling as she tries to run back towards the beach. I can't help it – a huge laugh erupts from me, and I rub my face, shaking my head. She turns her body, looking at me and covering her mouth with her hand. She ducks, her wet hair coming to rest over her shoulders and shining copper in the sun.

There's a lightness in the way she teases me, the way she can make me laugh so easily. It's a lightness that isn't usually there in her, and I kinda like it.


Chapter Twenty-Seven – Maddie


I smile absently to myself as I make my way out of class. I hug my books to my chest, and my hair falls to the side, hiding one side of my face. Ever since I spent the afternoon at the beach with Braden yesterday, I've felt better than I have in a long time. I'd like to believe it was the mix of sun, sea, and sand, but I'd be lying.

I'm pretty sure
is the main cause of my happiness.

“Hey, Maddie.” Kyle falls into step beside me.

“Hey. How are you?” I glance up at him, thinking – not for the first time – it's a shame I don't see him as anything other than a friend. Though he's not as built as Braden, his chestnut-brown, wavy hair and equally brown eyes are captivating, all the same. He's taller than me, shorter than Braden, but he has a good heart and I know he'll make someone a great boyfriend one day.

But why am I comparing him to Braden?

“Good. Look, I'm sorry if you guys ended up fighting on Friday. I never realized Braden was so.... So....”

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