The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) (117 page)

BOOK: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)
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Sean leaned closer and asked, “What did he look like? Can you remember?”

Mica snorted with exasperation and looked down her nose at him. “Of course I can remember! Geez. Anyhow, he was taller than Killian, not broad though; he was...leaner.” She tapped at his forearm and continued thoughtfully, “Yeah, that’s right; he was tall like Killian but built like you. He had dark skin and dark hair like a Greek or Italian. Wicked fine, too.”

Oh? Niiiice. The minute his back was turned, Aisling was out trolling for humans. He thought she hated men. Huh. Maybe she just hated Primani;
in particular. Nothing he did was good enough for her. No, he was just the
of her son. He fumed silently, as Mica babbled on. He thought Aisling should be a little cooler than she’d been. He didn’t mean for her to get pregnant. He was doing his best now. Damn female was making him mental. If she’s hooked up with a demon? That woman has issues.

Mica tapped his arm to snag his attention. “Sean? If it’s any consolation, he sent my psychic feelers into overdrive. The guy’s creep factor is off the charts. One thing’s for sure, he’s not human.”

No shit. But was it Irku? How would Aisling know him? That made no sense at all. Had to be another demon. What were the odds that the demon he banished would hook up with his baby mama? Could his life really be that fucked up?

Yeah, it’s possible...Raphael wasn’t going to like this. He’d have to bring Gabriel into the loop. Wouldn’t that just complicate the fuck out of things?

He should’ve stayed in Hell...


“Yeah, I’m listening. Sorry, I was thinking. Anything else you can tell me?”

“Mm, maybe one more thing. You know how demons wear a mask to look human?”


“Well, this one’s mask was more than top cover. It went all the way through him. What’s that mean?”

“We’re in deep shit.”

The atmosphere thickened slightly as Killian materialized behind Mica’s wicker chaise. With his trademark poker face pasted on, he bent down to kiss her before dragging a chair over. He and Sean shared a long look that said ‘mission accomplished.’

Intel received; body dumped.

Sean tapped his temple and said aloud, “Mica’s got an image to compare if you want it. Mica? Do you want to share what you saw?” When she didn’t respond, he glanced over to find her distracted by something.

Sean followed her gaze to Killian’s hand. His rune gleamed in the shadows just as the one on her chest began to pulse. The light winked just above the neckline of her shirt. Alarmed, Killian scanned the yard for intruders. They were alone, yet her rune continued to pulse with light. She rubbed it, her face scrunched with frustration.

“Stupid thing’s been doing that for days. It’s making me crazy,” she complained.

Killian frowned and studied the runes. Finally he leaned his forehead against hers and whispered, “Close your eyes, babe.”

Dani started to say something and Sean grabbed her hand to quiet her. “Shh. Don’t interrupt them.”

unhappy with his abrupt tone, she sulked back against the chaise and watched Killian suspiciously. Her fingers tapped out cadence on the armrest but she kept her mouth shut.

Sean was starting to get used to the strange connection between Mica and Killian, but even so, it fascinated him to see it in real time.

Mica’s eyes were closed, her face relaxed as if asleep. Her chest moved up and down to the rhythm of Killian’s heart. The steady thump of the heartbeat reverberated in Sean’s sensitive ears. He’d heard Killian speak of blood calling to blood. To see it in action was a trip.

Killian balanced his weight so he wouldn’t put any strain on her stomach. The veins in his arms bulged as he held himself back. With one palm resting on the rune above her heart, he closed his eyes and focused. They sat perfectly still, just touching, hearts beating as one.

Killian leaned away and lightly traced the shape of her cheek before whispering, “I’m done.”

Mica’s beautiful blue eyes blinked back to life. Sean exhaled slowly.


“Well?” she asked Killian.

“Are you still having those dreams?”


He looked straight into her eyes and said, “I was afraid of that. Guess there’s no way to avoid telling you this. You’ve seen it in your dreams. One day, the horsemen will come. The angels of the apocalypse have claimed our sons to fight at their side. That is their destiny and it
happen, Mica.”

“What? They’re just babies! That’s not going to happen. I don’t care who says so.”

“They won’t always be babies. They’re destined to be powerful warriors--just like their creators.” He glanced meaningfully at Sean who flushed.

“It was an accident!” he protested lamely.

Dani’s eyes swung back and forth from one to the other. Poor girl, she’s clueless. She was going to need some help with this new life. He needed to remind Mica to fill her in before demons attacked again.

Shoving Killian away from her, Mica tried to get up to pace but couldn’t get past her stomach. Frustrated, she flounced back and cried, “It’s not right! Why can’t they just be kids?
kids! I don’t want to bring them into this world just so they can die!”

Sitting on the edge of the chaise, Killian clasped her hand in his and held it to his chest. He spoke urgently, “Is anything in our lives ordinary? Look at me!
your true mate. Me? I’m not even human! I’m not even normal Primani--I’ve got powers that would shock the hell out of the archangels if they knew. That’s me--their father! There is nothing ordinary about me.”

He kissed her knuckles and said softly, “And you...their mother. Your soul was lost for 3,000 years.
blood flows thick with my power and Sean’s
. You and I share the blood of the archangel and my ancestors. These babies will never be ordinary humans. It’s not biologically possible. Then add Sean and Dec’s Christmas blessing to the mix. These babies have all of our blood and all of our powers. Don’t you
? They are destined to be powerful warriors and they’ve been chosen to usher in the apocalypse when it’s time. You’re trying to stop it, but you can’t. Once you accept it, your rune will stop twitching. Your powers are trying to protect them...and you’ve been calling to mine for backup. That’s why my rune is active.”

He glanced at Dani whose face was purple as she choked on the urge to interrupt. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before Killian took pity on her and explained, “The twin runes connect us. When she uses her powers, I can feel it.”

The sound of her molars grinding together was loud in the silence. “What powers?”

Mica groaned. “I know, I know. I left you out again! It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it when these two take off. We’ll need something to do while we wait.”

Dani narrowed her eyes and said, “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. I’m supposed to be helping you and I have no idea who you are anymore! Are you even human?”

Killian held up his hand to stop the argument. “Dani, can’t this wait?”

“Yeah, but you people are giving me some answers or I’m so outta here. I still haven’t seen my mom. Maybe I should just fly back to Zen until you have time to talk to me.”

He turned back to Mica, his eyes uncharacteristically soft and begging her to understand. “Say something...anything.”

“Who are these angels of the apocalypse? How can I trust them with my children?”

He smiled a real smile then, a big grin that lit up his face. “You’ve met two of them already--Michael and Raphael. You’ll meet Gabriel sometime. Trust me; Raphael would rather shave off his wings than piss you off. He’s crazy about you.”

Sean sat marveling at Killian’s explanation. Holy shit! They had no idea what they’d done. Between them, they’d made these babies exponentially more powerful than any Primani.
Of course
the archangels would want them in their service. No wonder they wanted to stake a claim now! These kids would be catastrophic on the wrong side of the line. They’d need to be carefully trained and prepared. Good thing there were three of them. Between Dec, Killian, and himself, they’d keep them on the right path. Plus, they had a pretty important relative. As Sean sat and waited for Mica’s light bulb to blink, he thought about his job as godfather. He just hoped the little dudes would be easier to manage than he was.

It didn’t take long for the light bulb to go off. Mica broke off in the middle of a comment and gaped at him and Killian. Sean grinned widely. He knew what she was thinking. It was written all over her face.

Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she called, “Raphael? Can you come?”

Killian burst out laughing and said, “No, don’t do it!”

Sean laughed and counted, “Three, two, one.”

Raphael materialized next to them, his face peaceful as always. Dani jumped two feet in the air and nearly swallowed her tongue.

“My apologies, Dani. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s all right. I’m just not used to all this yet.” She edged further away from him.

Turning to Mica, his eyes rested on the mound of her belly and lit with humor. “I see you’re following the doctor’s orders. Is all well?”

Grinning hugely, she said, “I’m fine, and so are your grandbabies.”

The archangel froze and blinked. For once, he was at a complete loss for words, and Sean busted a gut. He’d waited a lifetime to see his maker stunned speechless.

Gathering his dignity, Raphael frowned, “My what? I don’t follow you.”

Killian wagged his head and cut off Mica’s giggles. “She thinks she’s funny, old friend. I just humor her when she gets like this. But she’s absolutely right about one thing.”

“And that is?”

“Your bright shiny blood runs through all four of us, and now that blood runs through all three of the that makes you...”

Raphael looked at him expectantly, one brow lifted, waiting patiently for him to wrap things up.

She took pity on him and placed his hand on her belly which promptly surged against his outstretched palm. “Grandpa, meet your grandsons!”

He broke into a rare beaming smile and murmured, “Well hello there, my little angels.”

Mica squirmed and grimaced as they churned inside of her. They must’ve been pushing and shoving to reach his touch. Her shirt was billowing like a flag in a hurricane. Gross.

“Okay, that’s enough prenatal bonding. You’re getting them all stirred up and I’d like to keep my liver. Will you do me a favor? When you meet my dad, don’t tell him you’re an angel of the apocalypse. You’ll give him a grandpa complex.”

Raphael chuckled and moved his hand in a slow circle over her belly. The churning stopped and she moaned in happy relief. Cupping her chin lightly, he said, “You continue to honor me, little one. I am relieved you’re not angry with my plans. Are you satisfied with Killian’s explanation of things?”

Seeming to enjoy the comfort of his touch, she sighed deeply and said, “As long as I get to mother them, I’ll let you guys train them. They have to go to school though. I want them to know what it’s like to live like regular humans.”

Sean smothered a smile. Of course she did. Why wasn’t he surprised? Her wishes didn’t carry a whole lot of weight though. The archangels could do whatever they wanted once the babies were born. They could take them to Heaven and raise them there. Such a nube--she had no idea that no one dared to negotiate terms with archangels...she just didn’t know any better. That’s what made her so entertaining. Raphael didn’t seem to mind, but they’d have to watch her when she had to deal with Gabriel and the others. They wouldn’t allow it and she’d lose. Knowing Mica though, she’d just call Michael himself and demand he fix it.

Raphael gestured to Dani who blinked in surprise. She’d been quietly watching for the past half hour. Dani got up and moved beside Mica.

He said, “Dani has agreed to help you with the boys. She’ll be with you for as long as you want her to be. I will leave the practicalities of that to you two capable ladies.”

Sean elbowed Killian. “Did you know he was listening? He heard everything, didn’t he?”

Killian winked and said, “He’s always listening. Don’t you know that by now? How long have you been Primani anyway?”

Their joking came to a screeching halt when they overheard Raphael ask, “Why are you crying?”

Both swiveled around to see Mica wiping at tears. Her face crumpled and Raphael wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulders. Killian started to go to her but Raphael shook his head.

After a minute of silence, he asked, “Will you tell me what’s bothering you? Perhaps I can ease your fears. I’m quite good at that, you know.”

She swallowed hard and thrust out her chin trying desperately to get her emotions under control. Gritting her teeth, she said, “I just realized I won’t be here to see them go off with the horsemen. I’ll just be a memory to them--” Her voice broke and she sucked in a wheezing breath, “If they even remember me.”

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