The Lost Soul (Fallen Soul Series, Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: The Lost Soul (Fallen Soul Series, Book 1)
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My lips stutter over and over again as I try to spit out that it isn’t what he’s thinking. “It’s n-not—I can’t—he didn’t…” I stomp my foot as Helena’s voice cackles in my head.

Laylen knocks his shoulder into Alex’s one more time before vanishing into the castle.

Alex turns to me, baffled. “Is he okay?”

I nod. “There was a little incident, but it wasn’t bad.”

He judges my neck and wrists. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I give his hand a gentle squeeze and force a smile. “I’m fine. It’s not what you think.”

Relief washes over him. Gripping my hand, he takes us into the foyer. The glass has been cleaned up, the end table repaired, and there’s plastic covering the broken front door window.

“Aislin came back today,” he says. “She distracted herself by cleaning up.”

“Did she get the realm shut down in her closet?”

“What realm?”

I pull a whoops face and my shoulders slump. “I thought you knew about that.”

He trots up the stairs, not releasing my hand, and barges into Aislin’s room. Aislin’s folding clothes on her bed, a frown on her makeup free face. She wears a baggy t-shirt and some frayed denim shorts.

“What’s your problem?” Alex does a double take at her untidy appearance.

She folds a pink t-shirt and drops it onto a stack of shirts. “I’m tired, okay. Being stupid is exhausting. I kept doing these weird things and my brain wouldn’t shut up with mundane thoughts.”

Alex charges for the closet and I shout as he jerks the door open. My voice trails off at the sight of the bare closet, crammed with hangers and clothes, but no sprites.

“You shut it down?” I ask her.

Her throat bobbles as she swallows hard. She absentmindedly picks up a pair of jeans. “Yep, it’s shut down.”

Alex slams the closet door. “Aislin, we’re going to get Aleesa out of there, but we have to do it the smart way, okay? No more portals or sprites.”

She nods, frowning and avoiding his gaze. She’s holding a secret.

“It’s okay,” he tells her. “We all make mistakes.”

“Some just worse than others.” Laylen stands in the entranceway, a hand placed on each side of the doorframe. “Isn’t that right, Alex?”

Alex gives him a bored expression. “I don’t know what the hell your problem is, but you need to chill the heck out. What is it? The lingering sensation of blood or something?”

“What?!” Aislin cries, clutching a lavender skirt in her hand. “You drank blood again?”

Laylen’s hands drift from the doorframe. He brushes by Alex and me, heading for Aislin’s bed.

“It was a onetime slip up, baby.” He lays it on real thick. He kisses her forehead and his lips trace little flutters down her jawline. I want to hit her. Or at least Helena does.

“Laylen,” she pushes on his chest, protesting. “You can’t just kiss me and everything’s fine.”

“Why not?” Laylen mumbles, lips humming along her neck.

Alex nods his head at the door. “Let’s give them some privacy.”

I vacillate and then follow. My top agenda is to get a poor little soul to commit themselves to the crystal ball in the center of the City of Crystal. And I know the perfect soul. The evil laughs inside me and the good gasps in horror. I wonder how long it will be until I only hear one voice. And which one will it be?

We wander to Alex’s room where he tries to pull me down on the bed, ready for a little lip action.

I shake my head, pinning him down to the bed. “I can’t right now. I have a dirty deed I gotta take care of.”

He cocks an eyebrow, his hands sneaking up the front of my shirt. “What kind of dirty deed?”

I snatch hold of his hands right as they reach the bottom of my bra. A craving burns in me. I fling his hands up above his head, confining them. “I said not now. Later, after I take care of something.” I let go and back up. “I’ll be back in a while.” His mouth hangs open as I leave the room.


At the edge of the lake, I rest on the shore. The sand is rough against my skin and the icy water seeps through my shoes. Lucinda’s pet fey searches the edge of the water for me, pissed off, knowing what I really am. A Black Widow scurries in a tree branch, weaving an intricate web in the leaves. I shut my eyes, picturing exactly what I want. “Nicholas, Nicholas, where are you?” Somehow I know he can hear me.


“You rang?”

My head is packed with darkness, but Nicholas’ voice is as real as it gets.

“I thought that might work,” I say, turning in the darkness. “I’m seriously starting to wonder if you sit around all day waiting for me to doze off.”

“Yep, you caught me Gemma.” His voice is rich with sarcasm. “I sit around all day pining for you. Honestly, I think it’s the other way around.”

“Sure you do.”  My eyes are like a cat’s, darting through the dark until I spot the outline of his medium build. Skulking near him, I capture his hand without him knowing. “You’re right. I’m secretly in love with you. I dream about you all day and night. I can’t help myself.”

“Your sarcasm is completely uncalled for.” I trace the creases between his fingers and his heart accelerates. I smile wickedly at myself. “Can you do me a favor? Can you take me somewhere?”

“Now why would I do that?” He pretends to be cool, but his voice is off pitch.

I trail my finger up his arm and hook it in the collar of his shirt, summoning him closer. “I think the question is why wouldn’t you?”

Every muscle in his body stiffens and I know I have him. “Where do you want to go?”

“To your house,” I say innocently.

“You can’t go into the City of Crystal.” His voice cracks. “Not without breaking the rules.”

“So break them,” I brush a finger across his lips. “For me.”

His breathing quickens. “Okay.” He surrenders faster than he ever has. He takes my hand and dances us away to the front of his crystal house. He starts to run for the door, elation in his steps, as if he thinks something magical is about to happen. And it is. For me anyway.

I direct my feet to the middle of the city where the colossal crystal ball fires energy.

“Where are you going?” he calls out.

I don’t answer, picking up my pace. My sandals clink on the glass floor as I zigzag up the path. Nicholas stumbles after me, demanding that I stop—that he’ll get in trouble. I ignore him, knocking the door off the hinges as I storm inside the room.

The ball infernos as radiantly as I remember. Chains and tubes twine human bodies to the magnificent crystal. Each person is silent, stuck in a stupor of energy suckage. My body comes alive at the sight.

Nicholas crashes into me. “You’re going to get caught,” he pants, his arms coming down violently on my shoulders. “Dyvinius will know you’re in here.”

“I’ll be long gone before he does.” I cock my head to the side, fascinated by the bodies and the way the tubes feed off their blood and convert it into energy.

He tugs on my shoulder, wanting me to face him. I do, but only because I want to.

“What is wrong with you?” His chest heaves in fear as he looks straight into my eyes. “You’re possessed aren’t you? Alex was right. God, I can’t believe it.”

I lick my lips. “Your fear is fitting.”

His golden eyes smolder. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Of course you are,” I say with assurance. My hand snaps forward and my nails dig into his wrist. “Now prepare yourself.”

His eyebrows join together. “For what?”

“For the worst pain you’re ever going to feel.”  I unhinge my jaw and open my mouth. With one deep breath, I blow out a Black Widow from my mouth. It discharges through the air and lands on Nicholas’ throat. The real Gemma throws up all over the ground. I elevate my head up and Nicholas drops to the floor with bite marks on his Adam’s apple. The Black Widow scampers across the floor, disappearing in the light of the crystal.

Black Widow bites are severely painful and can be lethal to humans. But he isn’t human. He’s fey. Which is good, because I don’t want him dead. I still need his energy. I grab him by the foot and drag him over to the crystal. Finding a bare spot, I heave him to his feet and incline him against the crystal. Securing him with the chain, I pierce his skin with my fingernail. His blood trickles out and I insert the tubes into his skin. The ball flares with adrenaline and I suck Nicholas’ blood off my pinky. The crystal releases my Foreseer power and I tip my head back, high on adrenaline.

I wiggle my fingers at the unconscious Nicholas and stroll out the door. With a blink of my eyes, I foresee my way back home and move along with Helena’s plan. Ready to rain fire down on anyone who gets in my way.


Chapter 26


My skull feels like its split in two, my body aches, and there’s a strange burning on the back of my neck. My body slams into an invisible wall, over and over again. Voice flutter around me. I spasm, my mind flinching madly as I try to return to my body.

“Don’t force it. You have to gain control.” The distant voice belongs to my father.

“What’s happening?” I moan in pain.


“Dad.” My voice switches. “Julian.”

“I want to talk to my daughter,” he says. “Or I won’t tell you how to free yourself.”

“Free me from what?” Helena asks snidely. “No one can trap me.”

“Gemma’s body’s been moved into the castle,” he answers, anger threatening his tone. “There’s praesidium there and she can’t return to her body. Not without my help. And I won’t give it to her unless I can directly talk to her.”

I consider my options, the line between Helena and myself fading fast. “You have one minute.”

My body scorches as she lets me take over. “Dad, where am I?”

“You’re stuck, Gemma.” He pauses. “Not just with Helena, but here. Your bodies back in the castle.”

“Why? What happened?”

He doesn’t answer. “I’m worried about you. You’re doing things that are going to get you trapped in the Room of Forbidden.”

“That’s not me,” I tell him. “Helena… I can’t think clearly when she’s in my head. It’s like I’m not even myself anymore.”

“I know. But you’re going to have to try harder or you’re going to end up stuck in your owned mind for eternity, just like me.”

“You won’t be stuck forever,” I promise. “I’m going to free you.”

“No!” He snaps. “You can’t let me out. I can’t change that vision for Helena. Ever. Do you understand?”

“Not really,” I admit. “I mean, we won against Stephan and I’m sure we can handle the Queen of the Lost Souls.”

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