The Lost Soul (12 page)

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Authors: Suzy Turner

BOOK: The Lost Soul
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"I'm with the Elders. We want to get as much info as possible about where you are. Okay? Yes. You have? Who is he? Hm Hm? Just a sec, let me tell them. He's met another man who's been there for years. His name's Nickolaus Pryce, from Tucson and it happened to him on 18th August 1997. They want you to look into the dates and see if there is a connection."

Carmelo jotted down the name and the date and waited for more details.

"It's very what, sorry... oh, okay. They say the sky is very orange, it does get darker but it's always tinged with orange. There doesn't appear to be a sun or a moon. The landscape where they are at the moment is kind of like the Grand Canyon but on a much smaller scale, and there is a river. He says to ask Tiffanimelicomelea about Moharth... it might help. There's what there?" she suddenly said even louder, "erm, okay. Apparently there are creatures very much like Pterodactyls but they appear to be gentle. Hm? Mermaids. Okay, there are mermaids too. He says that's pretty much it, at the moment."

Gabriel, who had been very quiet until then, suddenly spoke, "December will you please tell my son we WILL get him home, and... and I miss him terribly," he croaked.

December smiled and passed on the message. "He says he misses you too and he knows. He says he's coming home to you and Lilly.... Raven's Promise."

Gabriel smiled and patted at his eyes as December whispered goodbye to Jack before sitting up and holding her head in her hands.

"Thank you, December. I understand how much it hurts and we really appreciate you are willing to continue to put yourself through the pain," said Gabriel kindly.

"That's quite a lot of interesting information that should help us to pinpoint where he is. We'll get on to it straight away," said Carmelo, standing and passing on a few notes to a younger man who stood eagerly awaiting instructions. "I want you to look into the dates this Nickolaus was taken and the date Jack disappeared. There might be something useful there. And then please pass on these notes to the other Elders."

The young man took the pieces of paper, nodded and exited the room without saying a word.

"We have been doing some research on these Nephilim and we can confirm they do exist, I'm afraid," he said to the group, "and we have been able to discover they do in fact live in caves throughout the world. It is believed these caves are hidden deep beneath the surface of our world."

"So all we need to do is work out where they are, so we can go in and rescue him, then?" said Lilly more to herself than to anyone else.

"Well, it's a little more complicated than that, I'm afraid, Lilly. The Nephilim are known to be extremely dangerous."

"How dangerous?" asked December.

"That we still have to determine. But rest assured we are working on it,"replied Carmelo.


Later that night, December and Lilly lay awake looking up at the cave walls in two single beds positioned next to each other.

"Do you really think we'll be able to find him, December?"

"Of course I do. We've got some amazing people on our side working everything out. I don't doubt it at all. Why? Do you?"

Turning her head to look at her friend, Lilly drew in a breath, "I honestly don't know. I guess I'm scared about what might happen. These Nephilim sound so terrifying that I'm just worried about will happen if they catch him?"

"You mustn't think like that. Just concentrate on him coming home safely. The power of positive thinking, it is pretty amazing."

"That's easy for you to say, you're a witch."

"And you're a witch's best friend," smiled December as she turned over and lay on her front, "now let's get some sleep. We've got a long journey home tomorrow," she added, blowing out the candle that had been flickering in between them.




"I have to say it's so good to have some company," said Nick as the three of them bedded down for the night, with Oprah lying some distance away from their small camp fire.

"How long has it been?" asked Jack.

"I have met others over the years but never anyone from my world. The only humans I've ever seen were corpses."

Jack's ears pricked up, "Corpses?"

Nodding sadly, Nick continued, "When I was trying to find my way out of the caves, I tripped over them. A pile of bodies, dead bodies. The stench was unbearable. I think they were being prepared to be dumped somewhere."

"I think that's how I got out... I don't remember exactly how I got there but I was dumped, presumed dead I suppose. When I came to, I was lying in a large pit next to a corpse. There were probably more, but I don't really remember. I was so weak, I passed out."

"It's not something you really want to remember," sighed Nick, "but if you could recall, it might help find a way in."

"I've thought about it over and over but I just don't remember anything about how I got out. There is one thing that confuses me though."
"What's that?" asked Zalea and Nick at once.

"Why are they dumping the bodies so far from their caves? How are they transporting them all that way?"

The three of them remained silent, looking up at the orange tinged sky.

"Nick, you've been here for years, have you never seen them?"

He shook his head, "Never. I don't think they ever leave the caves."

"Then how are those bodies being dumped?" he repeated.

"They must have someone working for them on the outside," whispered Zalea.

"Surely I would have seen them if they had," asked Nick quietly.

"Maybe you did, maybe you just didn't realise it at the time. Think back to all the times you have seen anything out of the ordinary."

"Erm... anything out of the ordinary? Have you looked around you, Jack? Everything is out of the ordinary here."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry. How on earth have you survived here all alone?"

"I'm lucky I found Oprah pretty early on. She was just a baby when I found her next to her dead mother. She kind of gave me something to live for..."

"That's why she's so tame," said Zalea smiling as Nick nodded to her side.

"Yes, I have come across others that aren't quite so friendly but when they see me with Oprah, they tend to disappear. She protects me as much as I protect her."

Jack chuckled, " I have a daughter too."

Nick laughed, "Yes, you could say she is my adopted daughter. How old is yours?"

"She'll be about 15 or 16 now."

"You don't know exactly how old she is?"

"It's a long story, but suffice to say that since she was born, our lives have been somewhat hazy... there are lots of things we are both trying to forget."

Nick looked up quizzically.

"We were kidnapped when Lilly was born. Turns out the woman who took us, also murdered my wife and eldest daughter..."
"Jesus, Jack, I'm so sorry."

"... and the woman wasn't even a normal woman. She was a witch. She put a spell on me for years, she took my blood..."

"There are witches up there?"

Jack laughed, "You're surprised? Look around you. Look at what took you from your home, Nick. This world is full of weird supernatural beings. I mean, look at Zalea. Would you ever have known faeries existed?"

"I guess not. It's all surreal. If I ever get home, nobody will ever believe me."

"You're right about that, Nick. If you tell people about this place, you'll be put in a loony bin."

"What is a 'loony bin'?" asked Zalea.

"It's where crazy people are locked up," answered Nick with a chuckle, before asking "How did you know about witches and stuff, Jack?"

"My family has always known about such things. There are lots of, let's say, 'special' people back home, Nick. People with special abilities that must keep it a secret. My family is one such family."

"Do you have special abilities?" he asked, stunned.

"Not personally, but some of my ancestors were able to transform into ravens."

Nick started to laugh, "You're a laugh a minute," he said, amused. But when Jack said nothing, Nick turned to look at him. "You're actually... serious?"

Jack merely nodded.

"Ravens? Well I never."




As the family and friends gathered their belongings in readiness for their journey back down to Powell River, they were asked to head into the main hall.

As everyone bustled into the huge cavern, Lilly wondered what was going on as she grabbed hold of December's hand and they walked in together.

"We have information," said Carmelo as he stood and beckoned for everyone to sit down, "regarding the Nephilim."

December and Lilly turned to look at each other as they hurried to the front of the room where Jo sat beside Tiffani and Sammy, "What's going on?" whispered Lilly.

"Listen..." replied Jo.

"We have managed to find out a number of things regarding the Nephilim, which we believe may help us in our search for our dear friend, Jack. When we last communicated with him through December here, we were told he had found another man who had been taken some 15 years ago. The dates of their vanishing shared something in common. Both disappeared on the night of a Full Moon. We have since had our computer whizzes, witches Emilie and Margot, looking into disappearances on the nights of full moons and we have discovered many people have vanished on such dates. It's nothing concrete, of course, but it is a start. However, there is more. We have been in touch with our worldwide contacts and found out there have been recordings of strange mirror-like anomalies during the phase of the Full Moon over a number of years..."

Suddenly there was a hiccup and Tiffani stood up, wide-eyed, "That sounds like the strange thing I saw just before I found myself in your land."

"And what happened, Tiffani?"

"I thought it was so beautiful that I walked into it and found myself... here. That's all I can tell you, I'm afraid."

"But that's very useful information, my dear," smiled Gabriel.

"It sounds like some kind of vortex," shouted a voice from the crowd as people began to whisper to each other.

Carmelo nodded and quietened everybody down, "Yes, you're quite right Seamus, it does. But we don't know for sure. What we do know is the Nephilim are behind this and the only way we are going to get to the bottom of this is by finding out more about them. So, I am asking you to reach out to your contacts and try and find out as much about the Nephilim as possible. We must bring Jack home... and of course, at the same time, return Tiffani to her own home to her own family. Please keep me up to date. Thank you everyone."

As Carmelo stepped down, he approached Lilly with a smile, "Are you all set for your return home?"

She nodded, "I wish I could stay here and help you find out more about the Nephilim."

"Don't worry, we will keep you informed. You must get back home ready for school on Monday."

"Carmelo, you sound just like Gabriel," she laughed.



"It's good to finally have you back," said Oliver as he sat in front of the TV with one arm around Lilly.

"I've not been gone that long," she smiled, snuggling into him.

"You went down to Seattle, came back briefly and then up to the Elders. I hardly saw you," he scolded.

"I did ask you to come with us."

"I know, I know, but I can't keep taking time off work, I'll end up losing my job," he replied, ruffling her hair.

"Speaking of jobs, has Ben found a replacement for me yet?"

Oliver was silent for a moment before he changed the subject, "So, how are Carmelo and Jo?"

Lilly turned to look at him, "You didn't answer my question!" she said, "And Carmelo and Jo are fine. Well?"

"Well what?"

"Has Ben found a replacement?"

Again, he was silent for a few seconds before he looked away from her.


"Yes, yes he has."

"Why was that so difficult to tell me?" she said, shaking her head. "So, who is it?"

"Who is what?"

"Grrr, what's the matter with you tonight? Who is my replacement at the vet's?"

"Erm, just some girl."

"Who?" she demanded.

"Someone from out of town, you don't know her."

"Well, what's her name?"

"Her name?"

"Yes, Oliver, her name? What... Is...Her...Name?"

"Babe, there is no need to be funny."

"I'm not being funny... you're being weird."

"I'm not being weird. You are!"

"Oh My God... Oliver this is getting ridiculous. Are you going to tell me her name or what?"

Oliver's cheeks turned a little pink as he opened his mouth to speak, "Okay, okay. Her name is... Calliope." As he spoke, his eyes glazed over momentarily.

"Oliver... is there something going on with you and this... Calliope?"

Oliver's face turned deep red as he looked straight at his girlfriend, "Lilly... no way. I don't even know her. She's just, just... someone from out of town who accepted your old job with Ben. There's nothing going on, honestly. All I know is her name..." again his eyes glazed over while he spoke, "... Calliope."

Lilly's heart hurt. She knew there was more to this girl and it was clear Oliver was head over heels for her.

"I think you'd better leave, Oliver."

"B...but why? I haven't done anything wrong," he said deflated.

"You haven't done anything right either. I'm tired. I'd really like to go to bed now. Goodnight, Oliver," she said as she turned away and stormed out of the lounge, leaving him sitting with his mouth open in shock.

"What just happened?" he whispered to himself before he put on his coat and walked out, quietly closing the front door behind him.




The more they walked, the further away the mountains seemed to get.

"It's been days and we don't seem to be getting any closer. It's weird," said Jack as they planted their belongings down on a couple of large rocks and approached the river to drink some of the refreshing water.

"Do you think it's safe to bathe in the river?" asked Zalea, who was getting increasingly hotter.

"If you stay by the water's edge and are quick about it. Don't worry, we'll keep an eye out for Dacius's sister," said Jack with a wink as Zalea walked slowly and carefully into the cool water, dipping her head back so her hair was soaked through. After a couple of minutes, she walked out, feeling much better.

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