Read The Lost Library: Gay Fiction Rediscovered Online
Authors: Tom Cardamone,Christopher Bram,Michael Graves,Jameson Currier,Larry Duplechan,Sean Meriwether,Wayne Courtois,Andy Quan,Michael Bronski,Philip Gambone
William Haywood Henderson: Native (1993)
Frank Hilaire:
Gordon Hoban: The Green Hotel (1988)
Guy Hocquenghem: Love in Relief (1986)
Andrew Holleran: The Beauty of Men (1994); In September, the Light Changes (1999)
Bo Huston: Dream Life (1992); Horse and Other Stories (1989); The Listener: Four Stories and a Novella (1993); Remember Me (1991)
Gary Indiana: Horse Crazy (1989); Scar-Tissue and Other Stories (1987)
Charles Jackson: The Fall of Valor (1946)
Fenton Johnson: Scissors, Paper, Rock (1993)
Kevin Killian: Arctic Summer (1997); Bedrooms Have Windows (1989); I Cry Like a Baby (2001); Shy (1989)
Harry Kondoleon: Diary of a Lost Boy (1994)
Jay B. Laws: Steam (1991); The Unfinished (1993)
Stan Leventhal: Barbie in Bondage (1996); Faultlines (1989); A Herd of Tiny Elephants (1988); Mountain Climbing in Sheridan Square (1988); Skydiving on Christopher Street (1995)
Edward Lucie-Smith: The Dark Pageant (1977)
Joey Manley: The Death of Donna-May Dean (1991)
Robin Maugham: Enemy (1983); The Wrong People (1971)
Richard Meeker (Forman Brown): Better Angel (1933)
Gordon Merrick: Forth into Light (1972); An Idol for Others (1977); The Lord Won’t Mind (1970); One for the Gods (1971)
Merle Miller: What Happened (1972)
Larry Mitchell: The Terminal Bar (1982)
Paul Monette: Afterlife (1990); The Gold Diggers (1979); The Long Shot (1981); Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll (1978)
Oscar Moore: A Matter of Life and Sex (1992)
George Nadar: Chrome (1987)
Michael Nelson: A Room in Chelsea Square (1958)
Felice Picano: Dryland's End (1999); Like People in History (1995); Onyx (2001)
David Plante: The Catholic (1985); The Country (1981); The Family (1978); The Woods (1982)
Joel Redon: Bloodstream (1988)
Paul Reidinger: Good Boys (1993)
Lev Raphael: Dancing on Tisha B’Av (1990)
Robert Reinhart: Beldon’s Crimes (1986); A History of Shadows (1982); Walk the Night (1994)
Michael Rumaker: My First Satyrnalia (1981)
Paul Russell: Boys of Life (1991)
Darieck Scott: Traitor to the Race (1996)
Robert Scott: The Finding of David (1984)
Michael Schmidt: The Green Island (1982; reprint of 1980 British edition, The Colonist)
Leo Skir: Boychick (1971)
George Soulie de Morant: Pei Yu: Boy Actress (1991; reprint of 1925 French edition, Bijou-de-Ceinture)
Matthew Stadler: Landscape: Memory (1993)
Thomas Barnett Swann: How Are the Mighty Fallen (1974)
Edward Swift: Splendora (1978)
Joseph Torchia: As If After Sex (1983); The Kryptonite Kid (1979)
John Weir: The Irreversible Decline of Eddie Socket (1989)
Peter Weltner: The Risk of His Music (1997)
George Whitmore: The Confessions of Danny Slocum (1980)
Calder Willingham: End as a Man (1947)
The old Rome that he had known was disappearing and a new Rome was taking its place. All over the city there were sights that drew him out of himself, not through an attraction that he recognized in them, but through an obscure affinity that returned and persisted beyond his understanding. Certain street corners, certain glimpses of park, seemed to have a hidden importance and to hint to him that a time would come when their meaning would be revealed. They were not famous places; they were not places that he had been with Marcello; often, they were not even places that had impressed him when he first saw them. But they kept reasserting themselves in the way that, in his youth, certain books which had meant nothing to him at the time had kept reappearing until he read them. They were real in the way that the trees, the banisters, the backyard dump heap of his childhood had been real; they held no significance that he recognized, but he felt that he would live with them for the rest of his life.
Donald Windham, Two People