The Looming Tower (73 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Wright

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“the Wall”:
interviews with Jack Cloonan, Ali Soufan, Pascuale “Pat” D’Amuro, Daniel Coleman, Admiral Bob Inman;
9/11 Commission Report
, 78-80.
given birth:
9/11 Commission Report
, 222.

Pink Floyd:
interview with Ali Soufan.
O’Neill…in Spain:
interviews with Mark Rossini, Valerie James, Enrique García, Emiliano Burdiel Pascual, and Teodoro Gómez Domínguez.

Atta…also in the country:
interviews with José Maria Irujo, Keith Johnson, and Ramón Pérez Maura;
Joint Congressional Inquiry, 139
; Fouda and Fielding,
Masterminds of Terror
, 137.

Irish Republican Army:
interview with Dan Coleman.

“The duties of this religion”:
“Rede des Scheich usamma Bin LADEN anläßlich des Fitr-Festes erster schawal 1420.” [Speech of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden on the occasion of the Fitr celebration of the first schawal 1420], Motassadeq Document, Trans. Chester Rosson. I have modified some of the grammar and the stilted language, which was translated from Arabic to German to English.

alarming electronic communication:
interviews with Jack Cloonan, Mark Rossini, and Daniel Coleman; Miller, Mitchell, and Stone,
The Cell
, 289;
Joint Congressional Inquiry
, 20. In FBI vernacular, an “electronic communication” is an e-mail that requires a response; it is not an informal document. It has superseded teletypes as a formal communication.

Zacarias Moussaoui:
interviews with Richard A. Clarke and Michael Rolince;
9/11 Commission Report
, 273-76.
Yazid Sufaat:
9/11 Commission Report
, 151; “Entrepreneurs of Terrorism,”
Weekend Australian
, July 24, 2004.
“Today is”:
The Man Who Warned America
, 350.

interviews with Ali Soufan, Jack Cloonan, Mark Rossini, and Daniel Coleman; Eleanor Hill, “The Intelligence Community’s Knowledge of the September 11 Hijackers Prior to September 11, 2001,” Joint Inquiry Staff Statement,
Joint Congressional Inquiry
, September 20, 2002.

“I left because”:
Roula Khalaf, “Dinner with the FT: Turki al-Faisal,”
Financial Times
, November 1, 2003.
“over-ripened fruit”:
Paul Mcgeough, “The Puppeteer,”
Sydney Morning Herald
, October 8, 2002.
“huge burden”:
The Man Who Warned America
, 359.
Jon Lee Anderson, “Letter from Kabul: The Assassins,”
New Yorker
, June 10, 2002.

Mullah Mohammed Khaksar:
Kathy Gannon, “Osama ‘Ordered Assassination,’ ”
, August 17, 2002.
“We’re overdue”:
interviews with Jerome Hauer and Robert Tucker.

mountains above Khost:
interview with Ali Soufan.
“We were playing”:
videotape of bin Laden’s dinner with Sheikh Ali Saeed al-Ghamdi.
banned all talk of dreams:
Understanding Terror Networks
, 117.
America in ashes:
Peter Finn, “Hamburg’s Cauldron of Terror,”
Washington Post
, September 11, 2002.

nine thousand gallons:
Der Spiegel,
Inside 9-11
, 50.
O’Neill helped usher:
The Man Who Warned America
, 366.
“Wait, wait”:
interview with Ali Soufan.

held up three fingers:
Mike Boettcher, “Detainees Reveal bin Laden’s Reaction to Attacks,”, September 10, 2002.

north tower:
Details of the scene inside come from interviews with Kurt Kjeldsen and Michael Hingson; the video footage shot by Jules and Gedeon Naudet; Murphy,
September 11
; Fink and Mathias,
Never Forget;
and Smith,
Report from Ground Zero
“Is it true”:
interview with Wesley Wong.

dust was a compound:
Anthony DePalma, “What Happened to That Cloud of Dust?”
New York Times
, November 2, 2005.

20. Revelations

Quso and Abu Jandal interrogations:
interviews with Ali Soufan and Robert McFadden.

special protocol:
The Man Who Warned America
, 383.

“We planned”:
John R. Bradley, “Definitive Translation of ‘Smoking Gun’ Tape.”, July 15, 2004. translated by Ali al-Ahmed.
“I never knew”:
interview with Maha Elsamneh.

Tora Bora:
Al-Qaeda’s Great Escape
, 119-20.
“We were about”:
bin Laden audiotape: “Message to Our Muslim Brothers in Iraq,”, February 12, 2003.
“Only a few”:
“Al-Majellah Obtains bin Ladin’s Will,”
, October 27, 1992. Translated by FBIS.

“I saw a heavy”:
Ilene R. Prusher, “Two Top al-Qaeda Leaders Spotted,”
Christian Science Monitor
, March 26, 2002.







Nicholas Abbott

R. Scott Appleby

Abdelaziz Osman Abdelaziz

Gustavo de Aristegui

Tourabi Abdellah

Grant Ashley

Genieve Abdo

Saad Asswailim

Khaled S. Abu Rashid

Ghazi Salah Eddin Atabani

Hafez Abu Saada

Abdel Bari Atwan

Victor Abu Said

Gerald L. Auerbach

Asma Afsaruddin

Juan Avilés

Iftikhar Ahmad

Mohammed Saleem al-Awa

Ali al-Ahmed

Mohsin al-Awaji

Reem Akkad

Mohammed al-Awwam

Abu Ala-Mady

Hussein al-Aydi

Alaweed bin Talal

Javed Aziz

Mohammed Alawwan

Sahar Aziz

Hamid Algar

Talal bin Abdul Aziz

Mirza Ali

Mahfouz Azzam

Mohammed Jasim el-Ali

Maha Azzam

Bassim A. Alim

Omar Mahfouz Azzam

Mohammed Alim

Nadia ba-Ashen

Tariq Ali Alireza

Yahia Hussein Babiker

Fouad Allam

Ahmed M. Badeeb

Jeff Allen

Saeed Badeeb

Graham Allison

Robert Baer

Rogelio Alonzo

Omar Bagour

Abdel Monem Said Aly

Faisel Bajaber

Faiza Salah Ambah

Ramesh Balon

Michael Ameen Jr.

Gamal al-Banna

Abdullah Anas

Shmuel Bar

Frank Anderson

Tom Barfield

Lars Erslev Anderson

Michael Barrett

Sami Angawi

Hasan Basweid

John M. Anticev

Khaled Batarfi

Michael Anticev

Faisal Batewil

Mohammed Loay Baizid

Frank Cilluffo

Milt Bearden

Richard A. Clarke

Waquih Bector

Jack Cloonan

Mohammed bin Nasser Belfas

Ray Close

Harlen L. Bell

Charles Cogan

Daniel Benjamin

Daniel J. Coleman

Robert Bentley

Denis Collins

Peter L. Bergen

Elizabeth O. Colton

Sandy Berger

John Cooley

James Bernazzani, Jr.

Thomas F. Corrigan

Khaled al-Berri

Dina Corsi

Abdullah M. Binladen

Juan Cotino

Saleh M. Binladen

Roger Cressey

Mohammed A. bin Mahfooz

Dominik Cziesche

Sultan bin Salman

Pasquale D’Amuro

Alaweed bin Talal

Saeb Dajani

Ghazi Faisal Binzagr

Thomas G. Donlon

Jochen Bittner

Essam Deraz

Robert Blitzer

Aida Self el-Dawla

Philip Bobbitt

Sarah al-Deeb

Waguih Boctor

Agustín Diaz

Barbara Bodine

Anna DiBattista

Steven A. Bongardt

Tom Dillon

Arnaud de Borchgrave

Teodoro Gómez Domínguez

Theron Bouman

Kevin Donovan

H. Braxton

Joseph Doorley

Jean-Charles Brisard

Mary Deborah Doran

Peter T. R. Brooks

Eleanor Doumato

Rachel Bronson

Joshua L. Dratel

Jean-Louis Bruguiere

Abdel Aziz al-Dukheil

Ihsan Ali bu-Hulaiga

Carson Dunbar

Paul Busick

Charles Dunbar

Malik A. Ruiz Callejas

Joseph Dunne

Robert Callus

Elizabeth Durkee

John Calvert

Jack Eckenroad

Greg Campbell

Mohamed Salah Eddin

Antonio Cañizares

R. P. Eddy

Vincent Cannistraro

Mohamed al-Edrisi

Joseph Cantemessa

Paul Eedle

Yigal Carmon

Abdel Wahab el-Effendi

Timothy Carney

Michael E. Elsner

Jacobo Teijelo Casanova

Steven Emerson

Sharon Chadha

Javier Jordán Enamorado

David Chambers

Elfatih Erwa

Robert Chambers

Emilio Lamo de Espinosa

Gary Chapman

Essam el-Eryan

Françoise Chipaux

John Esposito

Khaled Abou el-Fadl

Hamid Gul

Abdulaziz H. Fahad

Rohan Gunaratna

Mandi Fahmy

Lou Gunn

Amr Mohamed al-Faisal

Allan P. Haber

Reem al-Faisal

Kamal al-Sayyid Habib

Saud al-Faisal

Herb Haddad

Turki al-Faisal

Deborah Hadwell

Mahmoun Fandy

Sayeed Abdul Hafez

Saad al-Faqih

Mohammed M. Hafez

Juan Avilés Farré

Ali el-Haj

Jamil Farsi

Lisa Gordon Haggerty

Najla Fathi

Abdul Rahman Haggog

Haizam Amirah Fernández

Berhan Hailu

Elizabeth Fernia

Yousef A. al-Hamdan

Robert Fernia

Khaled al-Hammadi

Al Finch

Andrew Hammond

Walid A. Fitaihi

Hussein Haqqani

Patrick Fitzgerald

Hasan al-Harithi

Peggy A. Ford

Mamdouh al-Harithi

Yosri Fouda

Mohamed Haroun

Wyche Fowler

Elias Harfouche

Charles E. Frahm

Peter Harrigan

Stephen Franklin

Tom Hartwell

Louis J. Freeh

Saad Hasaballah

Alan Fry

Khalid Hasan

Graham Fuller

Janullah Hashimzada

Abdel Moneim Abdel Futuh

Badreldin Hassan

Neal Gallagher

Hamza al-Hassan

Mary E. Galligan

Sulaiman al-Hatlan

Kathy Gannon

Suliman Hathout

Antonio Maldonado García

Hasan Hatrash

Benigno Pendás García

Jerome Hauer

Enrique García

Thomas Hegghammer

Mike Garcia

Kamal Helbawy

Paul Garmirian

Clement Henry

Diego López Garrido

Neil Herman

Baltazar Garzón

Ibrahim Hilal

Stephen J. Gaudin

Michael Hingson

F. Gregory Gause III

Frank Hodgkins

Fawaz Gerges

Bruce Hoffman

Hussein Abdel Ghani

Tariq al-Homayed

Kevin P. Giblin

Ibrahim Hooper

Hao Gilbertson

Fahmi Howeidi

Heather Gregg

Steven Hughes

Klaus Grünewald

Mohammed I. al-Hulwah

Stanley Guess

Malik Hussein

Hosnya Guindy

Len Hutton

Hussein Ibish

Judith Kipper

Abdel Wahab Ibrahim

Kirk Kjeldsen

Dina Ibrahim

Bernard Kleinman

Saad Eddin Ibrahim

Bassma Kodmani

Bob Inman

Evan Kohlmann

Ibrahim Insari

Michael Kortan

José María Irujo

May Kutbi

Christopher Isham

Ben Kuth

Farraj Ismail

Robert Lacey

Jamal Ismail

Stéphane Lacroix

Mamdouh Ismail

Donna Lee Lakin

Mahnaz Ispahani

Frank Lakin

Edward Jajko

Salah Lamei

Ali A. Jalali

Ted Landreth

Kevin James

Thomas F. Lang

Valerie James

Mohamed abd al-Latif

Edward Jeep

Fernando Lázaro

Josef Joffe

Rodney Leibowitz

Chris Johnson

Eric Lewis

Keith Johnson

Richard Lind

Rocio Millán Johnson

James Lindley

Robert Jordan

John Lipka

Adl al-Jubair

John J. Liguori

Nail al-Jubair

David Long

James K. Kallstrom

Bernabe López García

Salah Abd al-Kareem

Douglas MacEachin

Hisham Kassem

Petros Machas

Mahmoud Kassem

Dittmar Machele

Theodore Kattouf

Khaled al-Maeena

Rita Katz

Naguib Mahfouz

Elaine Kaufman

Wissal al-Mahdi

Joseph Kechichian

Saddiq al-Mahdi

David Kelley

Abdulaziz I. al-Mana

Gilles Kepel

Abd al-Haleem Mandour

Abdul Rahman Khadr

Jay C. Manning

Zaynab Ahmed Khadr

Manuela Marín

Jamal Khalifa

Saad M. Mariq

Ashraf Khalil

Jonathan Marshall

Imran Khan

Bobby Martin

Ismail Khan

Georg Mascolo

Javed Aziz Khan

Rihab M. Massoud

Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi

Barry Mawn

Khalid Khawaja

Kenneth J. Maxwell

Mohammed al-Khereiji

Ernest May

Ramzi Khouri

Andrew McCarthy

Kathryn Kilgore

Pete McCloskey Jr.

Daniel Kimmage

Ken McConnellogue

Janet McElligot

M. Arif Noorzai

Robert McFadden

Essam Noweira

John McKillop

Ayman Nur

Jaime McLendon

Christine O’Neill

Frances Meade

J. P. O’Neill

Richard A Meade

Hugh O’Rourke

Dominic Medley

Nawaf Obaid

Amin el-Mehdi

Mohammed S. al-Odadi

Roel Meijer

Hassabulla Omer

Moneir Mahmoud Aly el-Messery

Fathi Osman

Cordula Meyer

George Pagoulatis

John J. Miller

Emiliano Burdiel Pascual

Marty Miller

Reuven Paz

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