The Loom

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Authors: Shella Gillus

BOOK: The Loom
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The Loom

ISBN 978-0-8249-4816-0

Published by Guideposts

16 East 34th Street

New York, New York 10016

Copyright © 2011 by Shella Gillus. All rights reserved.

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Distributed by Ideals Publications, a Guideposts company

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Guideposts and Ideals are registered trademarks of Guideposts.

The characters and events in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

Cover design by Laura Klynstra

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To the One who knows and loves me anyhow.


I would like to say thank you to my agent, Joel Kneedler. I am honored to be among the best. Thank you for your diligence in finding a home for this novel so quickly; Editor Beth Adams, Marketing Director Carl Raymond, and the entire team at Guideposts for believing in this story and working so hard to see it in print at its finest; Editor Adrienne Ingrum for posing just the right question that sparked a whole new vision; Rusty Shelton for an incredible social media campaign; Author Sharon Ewell Foster and Author/Actor Blair Underwood, my mentors from afar; the following spiritual leaders who have laid a strong foundation on which I stand: Rev. Amos L. Lewis, Bishop Alexis A. Thomas, Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, and Pastor Terrence Autry; my friend, Rev.

Allen Parr, thank you for sharing your biblical insight and answering endless questions with patience and grace. Thanks to a team of women who encouraged and supported my effort to complete this task: Alisa Swinger, Viveca Bonner, Lisa Autry, Cheryl Savage, LaShon Anderson, Taiwan Brown, Kafi Nsenkyire, Melanie Quick, Shanise Pugh, Teresa Isaias Park, and my wonderful mother-in-law, Joyce Gillus.

I would also like to thank Gwendolyn Potter, my fairy godmother. I have recently discovered just how much of who I am comes from the wisdom and love you have showered on me since my infancy. I could never repay nor could ever be convinced that we do not have the same blood running through our veins. I love you.

Lee S. Chamberlain, you have supported every idea I have ever contemplated and believed in every one of my dreams since I can remember. From questioning unjust music teachers to cheering every one of my performances, you have been at my side. There is no greater father.

Minnie L. Chamberlain, you are an amazing woman of God, one of the world’s greatest givers, and the best mother a girl could have. I thank you for your fervent prayers and your unwavering love. There is only one Minnie. Never will the world have another like you. How did I ever receive such favor?

Alisa Chamberlain Walker, what can I say? You are more than my sister. You are my very best friend and I cannot, will not imagine my days without you. I don’t know another soul who has labored through every challenge, every line, each story idea of this book like you have. But I know why. We are knit together. You are my treasure. I love you with everything.

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