The Look: Alpha Male, Feisty Female Romance (68 page)

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“Look,” Carter said, putting his hand on Stetson's massive shoulder. “I like you. It's okay. You don't have to be afraid. This is our business, nobody else's.”

It occurred to Carter that maybe Stetson suffered from a loneliness he couldn't escape with women. Ultimately no one truly knows why they do the things they do, and Carter wasn't willing to dig too deeply for fear it would ruin the moment. Whatever it was that made Stetson accept his advances, Carter wasn't complaining. He wanted more.

He put his face close to Stetson, and he could smell in one strong breath the wildness of the forest in which Stetson hunted, the muskiness of the rain he's worked shirtless in during summers in the mountains to build a house for his ailing father, and the free air that blew across Stetson when he rode horseback to fuck his girlfriend for the first time on a camping trip. Carter placed his lips on Stetson's neck and he could feel the thumping of his heart in his chest, a strong, hardy beat you would find only from the best stock. Carter felt the chaotic energy coiled up inside Stetson's body, ready to explode at any moment. It was the most erotic moment of his life.

He rubbed his face against Stetson's, who let him, giving Carter no indication he wanted him to stop. He tasted his lips and then chin and then his suprasternal notch. The deep and strong collarbone lay a few millimeters underneath the soft, smooth skin.

Suddenly Stetson exploded with a fiery passion Carter surely didn't expect. He grabbed Carter by the chest and lay him down on the bed, groping his hands over his waist, while making out with Carter. He put his tongue in Carter's mouth, sliding it down into his throat, filling him up for a moment. Carter enjoyed the fullness. But he wanted Stetson inside him.

After a few seconds of making out, it seemed to Carter like Stetson didn't know what to do next. Carter wanted Stetson inside of him badly but didn't know how to approach the idea of anal sex. For the second time, he stifled his fear about how this guy would react to him and just took off his pants and got on all fours, presenting him to the guy for the taking. Carter faced away from Stetson for a few seconds and wouldn't dare turn around for fear of how the cowboy would react. He prayed to get the reaction he expected. Then he heard the sound a belt unbuckling and pants slipping onto the floor. The bed shook a little as Stetson got on the bed, and Carter's heartbeat sped up even more. Suddenly he could feel the thickness of Stetson's cock around the rim of his ass, tickling him ever so slightly. He heard Stetson spit and suddenly, too suddenly, he felt an immense pressure and pain as Stetson entered him. He never had a chance to see the size of Stetson's member before they began having intercourse, but if the physical sensation was any indication, it was massive.

The sex was painful, no lie, but after a while things got immensely better. He could feel the hardness of Stetson's muscles on his back as the cowboy kept pumping away. Carter felt for the first time in over a year that same pleasing wholeness and contentedness he felt with Maddox. But how could keep this going with Stetson?

Carter wanted to see him, look him in the eye, as they made love.

“Hang on,” Carter said under his breath.

Stetson stopped and pulled out of him. Carter flipped himself around and saw for the first time the man naked in his fully glory. His thighs were thick as tree trunks with hair in all the places. His waist was small but not overly so, and surprisingly, his knees were without a doubt the most beautiful part of his body, next to his hands. Stetson seemed a little embarrassed by Carter's eyes roaming over his body.

He leaned forward and lay on top of Carter, kissing his cheek and ear area. Carter wrapped his legs around him as Stetson re-entered him. He was pumping away. He grunted in Carter's ear as he orgasmed. The sounds of his deep voice in the heat of passion were more than enough for Carter to come not a few seconds after.

Stetson lay on top of Carter for a silent second before the sound the bedroom door opened. They both looked up to find to see Jaylon standing there in disbelief.

“Dear God a'mighty in heaven,” Jaylon said.


Do you miss the adventures and moving struggles between Stetson and Carter Simmons? Check out the rest of the Stetson Series, available now on the Kindle Store. You can also get them FREE with a subscription to Kindle Unlimited.

More by Candy Collins















Taming the Stallion



Every year when the carnival rolled into the small town of Baggs, Wyoming, Carter Simmons made a pact with his boyfriend that they'd have sex in the fun-house when all the drunk visitors stumbled their way through the maze, which Carter's father helped design.

"Okay let's go back here," Maddox said. He walked in front of Carter through the smoke. Drunk men with their cotton-candy toting girls laughed through the metallic walls as their reflections in the mirrors. Maddox was a thickly built blonde guy who enjoyed wearing his boots over his jeans. Carter's first impression of Maddox, before he fell in love with him, was that he was the straightest guy east of the Mississippi. But when met him on at a bar on Bourbon street, the first thing to jump out to Carter was the fact that Maddox wouldn't take the shots the female waitresses were vigorously foisting on him. They'd take his hand and put glowing test tubes of tequila in their cleavage, summoning Maddox like a succubus from a sexy dream. He didn't budge. When Carter laughed out loud, Maddox heard and the rest is history.

Carter was the bottom, simply because the love of his life would never trade positions. The truth was that Maddox was in all ways pure cowboy, save one. He liked slim, tall boys with big lips who looked just like Carter, instead of busty girls. Maddox treated Carter with the grace and care he would a woman, if he'd been straight. So it was in this way Carter could see that it truly wasn't in his boyfriend's nature to be anything but dominant.

They stepped around the corner from where a couple was laughing. Maddox put his hands on Carter's face in the dark, groping for where to plant his first kiss. He found Carter's lips and began making out with him. His calloused hands were something permanent that Carter endured because Maddox's job required heavy labor in the oil fields of Louisiana. For some reason, though, no matter how dirty Maddox got, after a quick shower it was like his skin rejuvenated itself, white and without a single mark. His odor was slightly sweet, as well.

As they continued to make out, Carter put his hands on Maddox's chest, a thick slab of pec, smooth as a marble sculpture. He continued down his abs where he could begin to feel the soft fuzz of his boyfriend's pubic hair. Maddox's gigantic erection was swelling fast as they continued their foreplay. Soft grunts vibrated through the area, drowned by the din of the carnival, the laughter, the screams of excited riders, the giggles of school children. Maddox drifted his kissing down Carter's neck, sending soft tingles of energy through his body. He took his strong, 21-year old hands and ripped Carter's shirt open. He could feel Maddox continue tasting his chest and then his pelvic area.

Carter put his hands on Maddox's sides and pulled him closer. He began stroking his boyfriend's cock, now swollen to its full glory, as Maddox took Carter's penis in his mouth and rolled his tongue around Carter's dick. The metallic walls shook as a teen male threw his body up against the wall to see if it would crumble. Unbeknownst to that teen and his friends, Carter and Maddox were making sweet, sweet love on the other side of the wall at that very moment.

Maddox picked Carter up and put him on a metal crate in the dark corner of the fun house. They could smell that sugary scent of airborne mist used to create atmosphere of the maze. A soft hiss hiss of the machines at their feet expelled streams of smoke and the light from the fun-house leaked out from under the crack in the wall.

Maddox stepped out of his jeans, smiling (he never did any talking during sex) and pulled Carter's underwear off aggressively. Maddox's erect cock was thick and long and it hung over under its own weight. Carter put his hands on Maddox's square waist as Maddox entered him. There was always a little pain at first, but this time they'd brought lube so things got very pleasurable as Maddox began pumping away.

Carter and the rest of the Simmons family were the caretakers of their own self-made carnival called the Buffalo Bill Travelling Carnival. The company originated from an early 20th century entrepreneur from Chicago who enjoyed spending his fortune on various exotic investments. Unlike the rest of his ventures, the Buffalo Bill carnival was hugely successful, and, being that there is no greater bore than perfection, the rich Chicagoan sold it off to Carter's grandfather. The company remained financially solvent through the century and into 1978, when Carter's grandfather died and left it to his son, Carter's dad. Life as a "carny," though Carter never particularly enjoyed hearing the term, meant he had to adapt to constantly changing circumstances. Never staying in one place for more than three weeks, Carter habituated himself to the friends he'd make and then lose all over again throughout high school. He made peace with the schooling from different mail slots each month and the strange gaps in education. (For example, he taught himself through home school how to write rudimentary programming languages on the computer, but he couldn't do long division. He could recite his own Shakespearean sonnets, but he never learned proper punctuation.) He also tricked himself into enjoying the musty smell of motels he was forced to cook his dinners in when he came home from helping build the makeshift, collapsible roller coasters and spinning teacups.

When he was 13 years old, finally hitting puberty, he began fantasizing about naked men. Having never been exposed to pornography, or even knowing what it is, he founds the magazines which featured naked people in gas stations and convenience stores strangely unnatural, like he might as well have been a mountain man coming into civilization for the second time in his life, exposing himself to all the accoutrements of modern life which everyone else had taken for granted.

But make no mistake, even though he was gay, he was still male. From the start, he had had a preferred type of guy, which he preferred above all others—a strong, hairless cowboy with blonde hair and brown eyes. He could never understand where a preference so specific and rare came from; perhaps it had imprinted itself on his imagination as a baby. Cowboys generally attracted him; their remoteness, quietness, and way of dealing with their problems by doing something, rather than thinking about it, turned him on.

Carter, being gay, surprised himself, and likely family members and friends should they have known his secret, because he began having sex with men very early in his life, at the ripe old age of 18. Even though he was living during an intolerant time in American history, Carter was an independent, fearless young mind, a quality which didn't necessarily become apparent until later in his life. Perhaps, despite his circumstances, his experiences living as a carney gave him a breadth of understanding uncommon for someone his age. By 17, over his travels through the nation, he had seen the homeless lying along the 17th street in Los Angeles, the quiet coldness of Montana winters, the beauty of the smokey mountains, and the exciting adventures 20-somethings have on Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Maddox continued pumping away, naked as the day he was born, and Carter pulled his blonde hair closer to his own face. Maddox's cheeks were without a doubt the softest part of his body, as the rest of him was hardened by the pulling and nagging he had learned from his teens on the oil fields. Carter kissed him softly right as he was about to come.

"I just came," Carter said into his ear.

"OK, wait for me. I'm almost there."

Maddox thrust his hips into Carter faster and faster, grunting with each push, and within a few seconds Carter could feel hot, wet lubrication inside him as Maddox slowed his rhythm to completion.

In the soft warm glow of the street lamps, Carter could see Maddox's dark brown eyes lighten in the light.

"We almost got caught," Carter said. They laughed.

"I know."

They stood there in the darkness, as the sound of the carnival around them sliding into a momentary silence. Just then, a loud scream came from outside the funhouse. Something was wrong.




Stetson Carthswaite was a man of few words, almost none in fact. He trusted very few people and belonging to groups gave him the shivers. He put his black cowboy hat on and stepped out of his rugged blue Ford F-150, in the direction of a pizza parlor.

"Just wait your turn!" a brunette woman said. The girl had a Minnie Mouse bow sitting on top of her head, as she carried in two separate hands a giant pile of dishes to the back. That girl was Stetson's fiancee, the only girl he'd ever loved, whom he met in high school. She had been the cheerleader all the football guys wanted, and Stetson was the lonely cowboy who won all the awards at Future Farmers of America conventions. They'd spoken for the first time at 18 when he won first of many trophies for a rodeo tournament. But that day Stetson had stormed off the podium when they tried to give him his award, because when he looked in the audience for his dad, Stetson couldn't find him. That was the whole reason he'd done the damn thing in the first place, to please his dad. And the son of a bitch hadn't even bothered to show up. On top of that, Stetson hated crowds and talking to strangers.

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