The Lonesome Rancher (14 page)

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Authors: Patricia Thayer

BOOK: The Lonesome Rancher
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Smiling, she went into his arms. “A new Merrick tradition.”

He nodded. “Then all I need is enough time to get the bed moved into our house.”


was the big day. Sloan and Jade’s wedding day. More had happened over the past thirty days than Jade thought possible, but that was before she had a U.S. senator for a father. Things got done in record time.

She stood in her bedroom at River’s End, amazed at her reflection in the mirror. Of all the treasures they had found at Otis’s house, this had been the best. In the attic was her great-grandmother Sarah’s wedding dress. It needed some repairs and alterations, but the long fitted gown now looked as if it had been made for her.

The ivory satin draped over her slender frame, and then fanned out below the knees creating a long flowing train. She touched the princess neckline with its antique lace insert. The fitted sleeves went from shoulder to wrist and were adorned with tiny covered buttons, ideal for a November evening wedding. The veil was long and had been made for her by the ladies of the Quilers’ Corner.

“You look so beautiful,” Louisa said, standing next to her in a champagne-colored dress. Alisa was there, too, in a rose hued tea-length gown. She and her younger
sister had easily become closer in the past weeks. Alisa was her maid of honor, and Bud was Sloan’s best man.

It was hard to hide her excitement. “It did turn out nice, didn’t it?”

“More than nice.” Alisa whistled softly. “My brother will go crazy when he sees you.”

Jade blushed, knowing how anxious Sloan was to get this wedding out of the way, especially since they’d decided to wait until their wedding night before they made love again. Maybe her request was a little extreme, but she wanted the time to get to know not only Sloan but the rest of her family.

There was a knock on the door and Jade quickly called “Come in.”

Clay appeared and smiled as he looked her over. Jade had treasured these last days with him, never more than at this moment. He was going to give her away like a real father. He
her real father. But it had been Sloan who’d convinced her, then stood by her when Clay announced to the world that she was a Merrick. The citizens of Kerry Springs had been happy with the news.

“You are a vision,” her father said as he went to her. “So beautiful.” He kissed her cheek as Louisa and Alisa stepped out of the room to give them some privacy. “Your great-grandmother Sarah would have loved you wearing her dress.”

She touched the satin. “I feel honored to get the privilege.”

“It seems strange that you only just came into my life, now I’m giving you away.”

She smiled. “Not so far away. I’ll be just down the road. And you’ll be seeing us a lot. Besides, with your
retirement you and Louisa will probably be gone on vacations.”

He grinned. “I’m a lucky guy to have been blessed in so many ways. Not only because you helped Louisa get well, but for the joy you’ve brought to this family.”

“I’m so glad we’ve found each other, too.”

He drew her into his arms. “And no father could be any prouder to have a daughter like you. I love you, Jade Hamilton Merrick.” He pulled back, not embarrassed about showing his tears. “Now, it’s time I give the bride away. I’m only doing that because I happen to know what a great guy your future husband is. And he will love and cherish you as much as I do.”

She blinked trying not to cry, too. She’d come here a few short months ago after learning about her adoption. Not knowing who she was anymore. She not only found a wonderful family, but a wonderful man she loved to distraction.

Music swelled in the background. “That’s our cue.”

Clay took her by the hand, escorted her out into the hall and down the winding staircase to the main floor. The ceremony was being held in the sunroom with friends and family.

As she walked through the doors, she could smell the scented flowers that had been arranged around the room. Suddenly everyone rose, but she couldn’t tell who they were because she didn’t see anyone but the man awaiting her at the front of the room.

Sloan looked so handsome in his tuxedo. His thick black hair was recently cut and styled. Her pulse quickened when his smoldering gaze locked on her.

“It’s time,” Clay said and they started down the aisle.

When they arrived, Sloan met them and the minister asked, “Who gives this woman to this man?”

“Her father and mother do,” Clay announced.

Jade glanced at her father, knowing they were both thinking about Kathryn and her difficult decision to give up her baby. Then Clay placed a kiss on her cheek, stepped back and Sloan took his place, his hands warm and strong.

“Hey, beautiful.” He winked at her. “What do you say we get married today?”

“I’d love to,” she answered him.

They turned to the minister and he directed them through the service. Not that she remembered much. The “I do’s” and exchanging of the vows seemed to be a blur. All she saw was Sloan.

The next thing Jade remembered was the minister saying, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Sloan didn’t need to be asked twice. He leaned down, and covered Jade’s mouth with a sweet kiss, controlling his hunger for her. He finally broke it off hearing cheers around the room.

“Te quiero,”
he whispered for only her. Then he grasped Jade’s hand and walked up the aisle as the crowd applauded.

Sloan kept a tight hold on Jade until they reached his dad’s study. They went inside and closed the door behind them. He pulled his wife into his arms and kissed her with all his pent-up feelings leading up to this day.

They were finally married.

Jade smiled. “And I love you, too, Mr. Merrick, but if we stay in here people will come looking for us. So we need to get back to the party.”

He groaned. “Just so you know we’re not going to be the last to leave.”

She managed a nod and followed him into the living room where a buffet had been set up.

Jenny came up to them in the receiving line. “It was a lovely ceremony,” she told her. “Brings back so many memories of my wedding day. Now, we’re expecting a baby.”

“Oh, Jenny, I’m so happy for you.” Jade hugged her new friend. “Are you feeling okay?”

She nodded. “I’m tired, but good. And Gracie will be a big help to me.”

Jade knew Jenny’s stepdaughter from seeing the nine-year-old at the quilting class. Now that Jade was a member of the Quilters’ Corner, she’d needed some instruction. Louisa had helped, and Jenny had gotten her into a beginner’s class. She’d had the chance to meet many more of the women in town. And they all were very accepting of her.

“If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

“I’m just happy you’re a nurse at the medical center. I hope you’re on duty when I deliver.”

“I’ll try to be there.”

Sloan congratulated Evan Rafferty and the couple moved on. The next group was Millie, Liz and Beth.

Finally finished with the greetings, Jade turned to her new husband and smiled. “Oh, Sloan, sometimes I think I’m dreaming.” She squeezed his hand. “I’ve never been so happy.”

“That’s another family tradition, too. We Merrick men know how to keep our wives happy.”


Sloan thought the reception would never end. Texans were known for celebrating, but it was already after midnight, and that was carrying it too far.

He wanted to have his bride to himself. Although, technically, their honeymoon didn’t start until they took off for the Caribbean the next day, late the next day. That was what was nice about having a father who had his own plane. You could make your own flight schedule. And for two weeks, he planned to devote his full attention on loving his bride. Starting tonight.

With the help of his mother, they made their escape out the back door, away from the music and the dozens of people who refused to leave the party.

Jade was just as anxious to go. She grabbed the train of her gown, took his hand and together they made their way to his place.

Correction, their place.

They were a little breathless by the time they reached the front porch. Although Jade had moved most of her clothes in earlier, coming and going across the threshold, he still wanted to follow tradition and carry her into the house where they were going to start their life together.

His two-story house was small in comparison to his parents’ but it was plenty big enough for them, and a few kids to boot.

He stopped on the dimly lit porch and turned to face her. “So many times I wanted you here with me. I dreamed of you being here.” He blew out a breath. “Now, I’m glad we waited until tonight.”

Jade rose up on her toes and placed a soft kiss against his mouth. “I’m glad, too. But now, I’m getting a little anxious, Mr. Merrick. If I remember correctly, you have several fantasies to fulfill tonight.”

Grinning, he pushed open the door, scooped her up in his arms and together they entered the house as man and wife. He didn’t put her down until he reached the second floor and the master suite.

Jade gasped seeing the bedroom for the first time. The glow of candles lined the edge of the room along with several bouquets of multicolored roses making the area fragrant. The centerpiece was the huge bed her great-grandparents had slept in during their fifty-plus years of marriage. She went to the bed, and touched the carved headboard, then glanced down at the Double Wedding Ring quilt made for her and Sloan.

“This is beautiful.” She smiled at her handsome groom, fighting tears of joy. He was still wearing his tux; it was missing his tie and soon she was hoping they would be rid of all their attire. “When did you do all this?”

“I’d like to take credit, but I didn’t do it. I have a feeling this was the work of Mom and her friends.”

He went to the bottle of chilled champagne in the bucket on the dresser. Once he removed the cap and poured two glasses, he handed one to her. “To many years that we’re going to share this bed, and the babies we’re going to have.”

Jade had trouble swallowing. In the past weeks they’d brushed over the subject, but neither said anything definite. “Babies?”

He nodded, took a drink from his flute, then set down the glass and came to her. “As soon as you’re ready, so am I.” He took her into his arms. “I want a little girl with your eyes.” He placed a kiss on each eyelid. “And your beauty.”

“What about boys?” she managed to ask. “I want
them to be strong and good-looking like their father.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe a little less stubborn.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty stubborn, all right.”

“One of the many things I love about you, Mr. Merrick. You’re fiercely loyal and you love the land.”

“And I’m fiercely in love with my wife.” He drew her closer. “No more talking, Mrs. Merrick, I only want to feel you, to touch you.” He lowered his head and kissed her softly, sweetly. He drew back and watched her. “Damn, I want you so much.”

Jade didn’t want to break the spell between them as she moved closer. “I want you, too.”

Sloan’s hands moved over her back. “Dammit, it’ll take decades before I can get enough of you. I’ll die wanting you.” His mouth came down on hers once again.

Jade never dreamed she could feel this way. Never thought she could love any man like this, and now, she knew he felt the same about her.

They’d survived so many hurdles to come to this point. To be able to admit their love for each other. It was something that Kathryn had never been able to do. She couldn’t have the man she’d loved so desperately.

He broke off the kiss as he saw her tears.

“Oh, Jade. What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “I was thinking about Kathryn. She loved me enough to have the courage to give me up so I could have a better life.”

Sloan brushed away her tears. “All the more reason you should be happy. This was what Kathryn wanted for you. Why she wanted you to have the picture. Now, you have a father.”

“You are a good man, Sloan Merrick. And I’m a lucky woman to be married to you.”

He smiled. “Okay, how about if I have some of that luck, too?”

As if to prove his point, his mouth covered hers. He angled his head to get better access and deepened the kiss. Making her hungry for more. She would always want more of him.

She had more than luck. She had her man’s love and trust. Along with a home and a family.

Oh, yeah, they had it all.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1228-2


First North American Publication 2011

Copyright © 2011 by Patricia Wright

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