The Lonely Dominant (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #submissive, #dominant, #submission, #bondage, #Noble Romance Publishing, #contemporary erotic romance, #Erotic, #Ella Jade, #Bdsm, #LLC, #dominance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Lonely Dominant
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"Please don't feel uncomfortable." I took her hand in mine. "I want to help you."

"Why?" She glanced down at our joined hands. "You don't even know me."

"I can help you."

The appropriate thing for me to do was rent her an apartment, and offer her a job in my office, but that wasn't what I wanted. And, since I was ruthless, I was going to make sure I got exactly what I wanted out of this deal.

"I have a rather large house about twenty minutes from here. There are more rooms than I can count, a swimming pool, hot tub, and every amenity you can imagine, and some you can't. The house is entirely too big for me."

"I don't understand. What exactly are you offering?"

"I want you to come and spend the holidays with me, and if you like my home, you can stay until you get your degree."
Will she think I'm some lunatic serial killer for
offering her this?

"Why would you do that for me?"

Because you are the most beautiful, intriguing woman to me, and I can't stand the
thought of you being homeless and alone.

"Because I can." It was that simple. "You need help and I want to provide it." I also wanted her in my house, and even more importantly, in my bed. I felt my cock jump around in my pants, letting me know he agreed.
Okay, I'm getting way ahead of

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I can't accept," she firmly said, as she let go of my hand. "I appreciate your offer, but I can't."

I shook my head; I wasn't the kind of man who took no for an answer.

"Clara, do you want to leave college?" I knew how much this degree meant to her from our previous conversations, so I had to use that information to my advantage.

"No," she mumbled. "I'm too close."

I saw her eyes fill and the tears threatening to spill out. She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, but it was too late; I was breaking down her defenses.

"Then I don't think you have a choice."

"Oh yes, I do," she said in a tone I'd never heard her use before. "I'm not some sort of prostitute you can just buy."

I laughed because I didn't know what else to do. She was a kitten trying to be a lion. Amusing, and cute.

"It's not funny. Just because I'm struggling right now doesn't mean I'd sell myself." She shook her head. "I can't believe you'd think I'd move in with you and let you pay my way in return for—"

"Whoa!" I put my hands up in the air. "That's not what I'm doing. My old friend Jack said you needed help. He's concerned for you and noticed we've been talking and he thought I could help you. I agreed. I am not a pimp. I'm a prominent businessman who gives back to society when I can."

"Oh," she said as her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red. "I didn't mean to accuse you of anything inappropriate, but you have no reason to help me and I don't know what else to think. You said you go after what you want."

"I think it's good that you're cautious because there are plenty of inappropriate men out there."
Hell, I'm one of them, but only in a consenting relationship

"If it makes you feel better," I said, "you can come and work for me as an intern this summer."

I would never hold her to that, but the job would be there if she wanted it. I wouldn't take advantage of her, but I knew she was attracted to me; the pull between us, and her moving in, could be mutually beneficial.

"I could work for you after I graduate? This wouldn't be charity or some sort of inappropriate proposition?"

Ah, I'm getting what I want. I see it in her eyes.

"Of course not. I can see how smart you are and would hate for you to come this far, and not realize your dream."
I need to close this deal.

Even if nothing ever came of the two of us, I couldn't allow her to live on the street, not when I had the means to help her.

She ran her fingers through her long, cinnamon locks, and suddenly the scent of her shampoo overwhelmed me. Now my cock was screaming to be unleashed.
What am
I going to do when she's sleeping down the hall from me?

"I know how wrong this might appear to an outsider." She hesitated. "But, obviously you know I don't have any other choice, and Jack must trust you to have told you my circumstances."

She took another deep breath and with some forced conviction, she said, "I'll accept your offer."

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be

She must be desperate, and now I found not only did I want her body, but I was interested in her life, too. I gently stroked her cheek, "Smart girl."

That beautiful rose color crossed her cheeks again and then she looked away.

"What is it?"

"You've touched me several times today," she said rather timidly, and I realized I was being entirely too forward. I needed to take things slowly with a girl like her.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to be inappropriate."

"No." She looked deeply into my eyes, taking my hand in hers. "I like it."

Fuck me! This might all work out.

Chapter Two

The semester ended a few days later, so I picked her up from campus and brought her to my house. I showed her around and tried to make her feel as comfortable as I could.

She kept running her hands through her hair and I noticed her big, warm eyes got wider as we made our way through the house, a very large residence. I could see how it might be intimidating to someone who had never been exposed to this type of home before.

"I'm not going to remember where anything is," she said.

"You'll get used to it."

"You can't possibly use all these rooms. Why did you buy such a big house?"

"I liked the view." I shrugged.

The house was situated in a gated community, quiet, and centrally located just off a golf course. At the time I bought it, I was in a serious relationship and thought maybe I'd eventually need the space. It didn't work out, but I still loved the house.

Once we got to the room where she'd be staying, I opened the door and motioned for her to enter.

"Oh," she said as she looked around. The drapes were pulled open, revealing a view of the perfectly landscaped backyard. My housekeeper had done a really nice job of making the room more feminine. I'd asked her to make it look like a woman's bedroom. She accomplished that task with new bedding, drapes and pictures. I hardly recognized the room myself.

"If you don't like it, there are three other rooms you could choose from," I said. "I thought you'd like this one because it has the sitting room and desk. It's good for school."

"This is bigger than all the bedrooms combined in the house I grew up in," she said. "If this is a guest bedroom, what does your room look like?"

Well, she did ask.

"You're welcome in my bedroom anytime." I laughed.

"That's not what I meant." She blushed. "It must be really big."

"My room?" I smiled at her because I liked getting her all stirred up.

"God, yes." She let out a nervous giggle.

"I'm just teasing you because you seem really out of sorts."

"I just didn't expect the house to look this way. I've never seen anything like this before."

"Please make yourself comfortable. You'll find I'm not here much during the week because I work long hours and travel quite often."

She looked disappointed. I briefly wondered why.

"There's an exercise room off the main level, so feel free to use it if you want, and there's a hot tub and a sauna back there, too. My housekeeper is here Mondays and Wednesdays. She grocery shops and prepares my meals as well."

The more I talked, the more stressed she appeared. She was trying to take it all in, but she looked as if she was going to vomit.

"If you have any special requests, just let her know. She'll be thrilled to have someone besides me to look after. She thinks I overpay her."

"You probably do." She continued to run her fingers through her hair. And, now I had the urge to tangle my fingers in it, too. "I can eat whatever she makes."

Okay." I nodded. "You have my cell number so you can call me if you need anything throughout the day."

"Thanks." She plopped down on the edge of the bed and looked around. "I really appreciate all of this. I just think I'm a little overwhelmed."

"I understand," I said. "Why don't you settle in and I'll get us something to eat?"

She nodded. "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

Would you mind if I joined you?

"No." I tried to stop imagining her naked in the guest bathroom. "Take your time.

I'll meet you in the kitchen when you're ready."

"I can get to the kitchen through the back staircase?"

"See?" I smiled. "You'll get the hang of it."

I headed for the door, but she hopped off the bed and moved to stand in front of me.

She stared at me for a few seconds, looking like she wanted to tell me something.

"Alec." She nervously bit her lip. "I—"

She lowered her eyes, and if that didn't make my dick twitch, nothing would. I suddenly had visions of her bound and gagged, waiting on my next move as her chest anxiously rose and fell.

I had to stop this. She was here all of ten minutes and I was already trying to figure out how I was going to get her on her knees. She'd never be into my kinky games. I found it hard enough discreetly finding a woman who wanted to play. A girl like Clara was too young and innocent to even know what a BDSM relationship was.

"What is it?" I tilted her chin up so she had to meet my gaze.

"I just wanted to say . . . ." She swallowed hard. "Well, what I said that day when you offered me a place to stay and I accused you."

"Of trying to buy your services?" I was still amused by that notion.

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay." I released her chin. "It's forgotten."

"It's just that, well, umm, I was just embarrassed about my situation and I didn't want you to know I'd been homeless."

"You don't have to be ashamed of that," I said. "I'm just glad I could help."

She stood up on her toes and quickly kissed my cheek before scampering off to the bathroom.

Now I need a very cold shower.

She'd managed to stun me, and shocking me wasn't something that happened often. I leaned against the door frame, trying not to read too much into her actions.

And, as I heard her turn on the water, I couldn't help but wonder if she was trying to tell me she wouldn't mind if I showed interest in her after all.

* * * * *

The next few weeks were an adjustment period for both of us. She was shy and quiet around me, and basically stayed out of my way. I had to get used to having someone other than the housekeeper in my home. I liked Clara's presence. We shared meals together whenever I could break away from the office, and I found the dinner conversations usually proved to be very informative. I learned about her life, and how she'd come to be in her current financial state. It turned out her grandmother had been funding her school and living expenses, but once she died, her mother's husband took over the money and cut Clara off. There was a history there, and I hoped someday she'd feel comfortable enough to share it with me. I wanted to share so many things with her.

I liked having someone around to discuss the details of my day. She was a lovely, intelligent, young woman, who'd hit a few road bumps along the way. I looked forward to our evenings, and the more time we spent together, the more I wanted to learn about her. I noticed she was guarded with her thoughts and didn't always offer up information about her life easily. I tried to give her space.

My parents were on a cruise this holiday season, so I didn't have to worry about what I was doing over the break. I'd been invited to several friends' houses for Christmas dinner, and normally, I would've accepted, but this year I didn't need to. I was looking forward to spending the holiday with Clara, and only Clara. For the first time in years, I was with someone I cared about. It was nice.

Christmas Eve quickly approached, so I hired a private chef to come and cook for us. Clara was in total amazement over the gourmet dinner he prepared, and I realized she never had the opportunity to enjoy the finer things in life. I wanted to show her what was out there, what she'd been missing.

During this particular dinner, I decided I couldn't hold out any longer. As I expected, it was sheer torture to have her sleep down the hall from me. On more than one occasion, I had to stop myself from getting out of bed, walking down the hall, and climbing into hers. Those nights usually resulted in me jerking off as I imagined pounding into her.
That shit has to stop.

I simply needed her. I had to be delicate. I didn't need her feeling as if she was some whore I'd moved into my home to have my way with. That couldn't be further from the truth. That was crazy. Yet, I'd only known her for a short time, and she was all I thought about.

Once we finished eating, I asked her to join me in the family room, by the fire.

She was stunning as the glow from both the embers and the Christmas tree lights bounced off her creamy, alabaster skin. I wanted to explore that soft skin with my tongue. I sat down on the sofa and patted a cushion, for her to sit next to me, but she chose to sit on the opposite side.
That's not going to work.

I shook my head. "Too far." I insisted as I motioned with my finger. "Come closer."

She hesitantly inched closer to me, until our thighs were pressed against one another. I inhaled, taking in her scent. She always smelled so good, like roses and vanilla, and lately I was wondering if she tasted as good as she smelled. I intended to find out. I turned to face her, noticing her flushed cheeks.
I'll never tire of that.

"You seem to be settling in rather well here. Is there anything you need?"

"No!" She smiled. "You've provided everything. I don't even know how to repay you."

"You don't have to," I said. "I'm just glad I could help."

"You did." She looked down at her lap. She was always so quiet. I was hoping she'd overcome that and be a little more forward with me.

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