The Loneliest Tour (15 page)

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Authors: Karolyn James

BOOK: The Loneliest Tour
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That in itself was sexy.

Masie touched the rose.

It had been wild being with him.
The interrupting phone calls stole the rest of their temptation. Which was

Getting involved with a rockstar,
however, was not a good thing.

At all.




Jett waited at the pier.

It was dark and quiet. The sound of
the waves crashed behind him. He put a foot up and looked around, making sure
he was alone. The sad part was that this was almost how it always went when he
needed a little fun and the bottles weren

doing it. This was what it was like. Standing alone, looking around with a
nervous eye, waiting for the fix. Waiting for some guy to come up to him and
slip him a few pills.

Looking at it now, Jett realized
how pathetic it all was to try and mask some kind of deeper pain.

The difference now was that he wasn

t waiting for some pills.

He was waiting for Masie.

She was his addiction now. She made
him nervous, excited. She made him feel wild.

Keeping to his word to see her
again, Jett sent a car for her. It should have arrived by now, so Jett wasn

t sure what the hell happened.
Maybe Masie wasn

t home or she
told the driver to screw off.

Either way, Jett planned on

When he saw a car pull up, he
grinned. The backdoor opened and out came Masie. She was fucking beautiful. In
jeans and a white t-shirt, she was like a dream walking toward him. She had her
hair down and the ocean breeze quickly grabbed it and tossed it all around.
Watching her touch her own hair as she tried to get it out of her face actually
turned Jett on. He gripped the railing of the pier and gritted his teeth.

Easy now, man.

The last thing he needed was to get
hard and have it be so obvious. He wanted Masie. He planned on having her. But
he was actually enjoying the chase right now.

evening, sweetheart,



t believe I

m here again,

she said.

Jett put his hand out.

I can. We have to finish our

Jett pulled Masie right to him and
hugged her. The smell of her hair, her shampoo and soap, mixed together and
attacked his senses.

He swallowed hard, resisting the
urge to groan.


he said. When he
pulled at Masie

s hand, she
winced in pain.

Hey, what


you hurt your wrist?


s nothing. I kind of
fell at practice.

fell? You don

t seem like
the kind that would fall.

was nothing. Stupid Colin

Jett felt his blood ice up.

What happened?


s nothing, like I said.

Jett turned and faced Masie.

Tell me.



Jett said.

If he did anything

was drunk. It was just something stupid. That


Jett hated Colin even more. He knew
he was going to have to knock the guy in his mouth before it was all said and

your wrist okay?



s fine. Just tender. Not
a big deal. I

ve had worse
work injuries in my life. Please let

not talk about the band right now. That

the last thing I want to think about.

Fine. But if that guy does anything. I mean, anything, I

m going to go after him.


t ruin something for yourself,
Jett. Not because of me.


re worth it, Masie. And it
pisses me off because I think nobody has ever really told you that. That

s not fair to you.

you really know how to work the romance angle.

Jett laughed.


s not an angle here, sweetheart. I

m just being honest with you.

They continued their walk to the
end of the pier.

It was really dark and serene. They
were over the water, the waves hitting the thick pillars. The breeze was constantly
blowing. The moon glowed high in the air, hitting the ocean with a thousand
little reflections on the waves as they crested.

Jett leaned over the pier and Masie
was next to him.

They were in silence for a few
minutes, just absorbing it all.


m glad I

m here,

Masie said.

This is really


m glad you

re here with me,

Jett said.

I don

t bring people out here. I don

t really do any of this stuff.

for me?

of now, yes. Sometimes I like to stop and just think about things. When I can

t do that I feel like it all
gets to me. I get overwhelmed. I think that

why I always kept falling back. Going back to those damn pills.

you were addicted,


That was a bold statement to make.
Normally, it would have really pissed off Jett. Hell, it did piss him off right
then. Not because Masie said it, but because it really was the truth.


s a thing about accidents,

Jett said, feeling the strings
of his heart and truth loosening a little.

was in an accident and messed up my leg a little. Nothing serious or permanent
at all. I mean, not like what happened with Colby and his accident.

read that story, too,

Masie said.

off the internet, sweetheart,

Jett said with a grin.


ll drive you mad.

know. Trust me, I know.

was prescribed pills for the pain. I didn

need all that was given so the others were something to take for fun. I was
young and dumb with it. No big deal. When I ran out, I wanted more. So I bought
more. More became more. Then I pulled back. I focused on music, touring, that
stuff. I stayed laser focused. But each time there was a little setback, I was
on the phone, making arrangements. Stupid, right?

Masie put her hand on top of Jett


No, Jett. Not stupid. You

re human. And it

okay to talk about.

the label shut down and we were out on the street,

Jett said.

second we

re touring, the
next second, done. Gone by Autumn were a big help but they had their own thing.
Harry reached out to some other bands. Fallen Tuesday

s still touring the world. Chasing Cross only plays
little shows when they want. We were just dangling. The funny thing is, I didn

t buy any pills then. I was
laser focused on finding a way out of the mess. Then we got our shot and I had
the urge to buy some pills. Then I got caught. Now here I am with you.

you for sharing that with me,

Masie said.

And I promise
you I

ve never judged you.
I know the whole famous thing kind of paints a bigger portrait than it really
is. I mean, I

ve dreamed of
that for myself for years.

want to be larger than life?

Not on stage with a rock band though. Sorry.

no dancing for Willow Son?

something a little more private,

Masie teased.

I get it. You have the hots for Ryker.


Jett laughed. He moved closer to
Masie. Slowly, his right hand moved around her back to her waist. He then kept moving
his body until he was behind her, his hands at her waist. Right at the end of
the pier.


s just get lost in tonight,

Jett whispered.

Just you and me together. You
make all the other shit go away, sweetheart. Not that I want you to feel
pressured by that. That night I was in the studio, I was just trying to chase
away some pain. Then you showed up. Each time my mind gets a little wild, you

re there.

Masie looked back at Jett.

To be fair, you invited me
tonight. It

s not really
romantic fate.


Jett said.


controlled by me. The way I fucking want it.

Jett smiled. Masie then bit on her
bottom lip.

That was the opening. That was the
beginning of the end. Or maybe just the beginning.

Being conscious to everything, Jett
knew there was a choice. Back away from Masie and keep things right. Or go for
the kill and see where the wild road would take them.

The decision was pretty easy. After
all, Jett was a rockstar.

He kissed Masie.

A little, gentle kiss.

Just once though.

He wasn

t going to let the night get away again. Not like
last time.

Jett tasted her sweet mouth, the
kiss getting hot fast. Masie reached up and touched Jett

s face. He squeezed tight at Masie

s waist, keeping her tight to
his body. He felt her, right there, against him. There was no stopping the
obvious, which was Jett getting hard.

The kiss broke for a second, Masie

s lips parted. She let out a
soft whimper. Her fingers curled, scratching at his face.

Jett then kissed her again, harder.

Masie started to turn but Jett
groaned, keeping her in place.

He had a plan for her.


tongue teased Masie

s neck,
kissing softly. His hands then moved around to the front of her body. He
quickly opened her jeans, his right hand grazing along the top of her lacy
panties. Jett returned his left hand to her waist.

Masie was looking forward, her head
tilted to the right. She reached and grabbed her own hair, making sure her neck
was completely exposed. The sight and smell drove Jett mad. He gritted his
teeth and sucked in a breath as his fingers slipped into Masie

s panties. His fingertips felt
soft and smooth skin. Where her body curved and Jett touched, Masie jumped. She
let out a groan as his fingers began to explore her wet silky skin. His middle
finger cut right between her forgiving folds. Curling, Jett pressed, feeling
the warm resistance of her center.


he said, breathing against her

He couldn't believe her tightness.

Pressing, Jett penetrated Masie

s beautiful body. The burning
tenderness gave way to his touch. He felt Masie

entire body tense. Her hands gripped the railing of the pier. She pushed back
at him, her hips already gently rocking. Rubbing against him. Making him harder
by the second.

He slipped his finger from her
sweet center and moved up. Her soft folds parted again, but Jett kept going. He
found her pleasure button then, her tender nub. With just one flick of his
finger Masie let out a gasping groan. He then cupped his entire hand down and
between her legs, against her sexiest curve.


when he stopped.

Masie looked back, her eyes wide.


me, sweetheart. Tell me.


t fucking stop,

she groaned.

She put her head back against Jett

s chest and waited.

Trust me, sweetheart, I won

t fucking stop. That

s what scares me.




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