The Light of Asteria (39 page)

Read The Light of Asteria Online

Authors: Elizabeth Isaacs

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Light of Asteria
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“Come, future princess, we have many things
to discuss.” We started to follow, but the Ancient One stopped and
gazed upon Gavin with kindness.

“Sire, I know of your love and commitment to
this wonderful creature, but I must insist only she travel
further.” Gavin froze; protection ran through me as his hand
tightened around mine.

“I vow to you, as original Keeper of the
Mountain and ruler of all things ancient, no harm will befall the
Light while she is in my care. The power that imbues this mountain,
that protected her in her darkest times, will not permit anyone
other than a descendant of the ancients to have access. I do not
ask this of you lightly, dear prince. It simply is not possible for
you to travel here.” Gavin’s emotions became aggressive. The
Ancient One sighed.

“Trust your heart; she needs to understand
her purpose. This one loves you as no other has been loved. It is a
rare gift she offers with her power and her heart. Take heed, for
she will perish and take with her all that is instilled in this
land if you fall. She will not go if you ask it of her. I sense
that in her. Do you wish her to meet her full potential, or is your
intent to be selfish. What say you, Gavin of Frey?”

Looking between Gavin’s tortured gaze and the
cool diamond eyes of the Ancient One was difficult. Gavin

“He’s right, love. You must do this on your
own, but I fear once you leave, you won’t walk back out for some
time … I don’t know if I can avoid going after Mia without you.
Your physical hold was the only thing keeping me from it last
night.” He paused for a few moments, his brow furrowed in conflict.
“Still, I want you to go. We have needed this information for
centuries.” I took his hand. It shook under mine, and I made a

“Ancient One, I have a compromise. I’ll go
with you every morning for four hours, but then I must return. I
want to learn, but Gavin and I vowed we would never be parted
again, and that will always be my priority.” The blue surrounding
the cave briefly illuminated, and the Ancient One reluctantly

“I know you have things to do, but would you
please wait for me?” I kissed him, filling him with as much energy
as I possibly could without opening my mind. The Ancient One

“I must tell you, Prince Gavin, you are not
just some lucky elf that happened upon our Light. You were the only
one that could have found her. You need to understand—you are as
important to this tale as she, for it is the pair that contains the
power. She will never be able to feel anyone as she feels you. Your
essence is embedded in your emotions, and she does not possess the
ability to sense others in that way. She is the only one who will
know your true spirit. Likewise, no one will ever be able to
experience her fundamental nature, even if she opens her mind to
the kingdom. The experience would be extremely personal as she is
so pure, but nothing else will they sense. Only you will be able to
enjoy her essence, for it is your soul she is bound to. I take it
she has shared this with you? Or attempted to, but you have not
quite understood?”

I gasped. How could he know this?

“We will learn of such things a snippet at a
time, Light of Asteria, but our time grows short if we are to
venture in the heart of the mountain.”

Gavin’s emotions surged with surprise, and I
startled. The Ancient One took my hand and placed it on his arm. We
walked through the blue energy sheeting the wall. I marveled at the
large, open cavern. The numerous corridors running off of it gave
the impression that at one time this was a reception hall. The
space needed no lighting; the walls blazed blue.

“Can this energy talk to the Mighty Oak?” I
didn’t know if it was a silly question, but I wanted to know.

“Of course. The root system of the tree seeps
into this realm and is fed the energy that is of our world. That is
how I knew you were coming.” He patted my hand knowingly.

“You would have been able to find the prince
with your mind had you expended more energy. The lake being sealed
had more to do with the queen than with your selfishness, although
that did not help matters. Only pure intent could have undone that
mess. The Keeper of the King sent word you had healed the water.
Had you grown any weaker, I was prepared to come for you myself,
although that would have been a mistake. It has been written you
would seek me out, and so that is what I hoped for.”

We walked for several more minutes, and I
built up the courage to finally ask the question burning through my
heart. “Why did you call me the Light of Asteria?” His eyes warmed
and he smiled.

“Asteria lived a long time ago. Earth’s Greek
mythology tells of her running from Zeus’ advances. Humans have
such a peculiar manner of trying to find a way around the fact that
there is only one Creator of all things.” He winked and then looked
ahead. “At any rate, she did not run from someone named Zeus, but
she did come to your lands seeking what could not be found in ours.
She fell in love with a human and married him, producing seven
children with her mate. Most elves are blessed if they ever have
one child, and the energy in her to produce seven has never been
seen since.” He guided me down another passageway. So engrossed in
the tale, I didn’t realize that the tunnel seemed to be getting

“As you know, our race can only mate with one
person throughout our existence. The man eventually perished, and
took with him Asteria’s source. She weakened but did not despair,
and died with a smile, waiting for her true love to come find her
on the next plane of consciousness, or as you call it, heaven.” He
turned with his eyebrows raised, as he took both my hands in

“You, my dear, are a descendant of the first
female elf to inhabit earth.” Frozen now in my spot, he chuckled as
he explained.

“The other children held similar traits, but
eventually fell into despair or darkness. Human attributes weakened
the purity of Asteria’s heart through the generations, until only
one remained. That, I believe, was five generations past of your
mother. The trait held in the daughters, and your mother blessed
you with it, but sadly her energy was not enough, and she died with
your birth.” He now pulled me from my spot, and we continued our
journey through the mountain.

“The energy of the tree immediately
recognized your power for who you are—the last Nora of Asteria, for
when you opened up to the tree’s energy the night you saved the
prince, you also revealed to it all of your existence.”

At first, I couldn’t believe it was possible.
I came from nothing and was rejected and abandoned. It seemed
impossible that this energy was part of a lineage that had been
passed down for thousands of years. What are the odds?

“Are you discounting fate so easily, dear
Nora?” he said, as we continued to walk.

“Can you read my mind as well?”

“I cannot hear your words, but your intent is
crystal clear.” Brilliant diamond eyes twinkled in the blue

“Why have you been waiting for me?”

“You will become the new Keeper of the
Ancient Power. You will study with me until you know all of the
secrets of the mountain, the land, the sea, the animals, and the
sky. We will share this information with your mate and your new
family, and they will carry on the power of the ancients. My time
here has been long, and I desire to rest with my clan on the higher
plane. I have grown weary waiting for you, my dear.”

“What about the queen?” I asked, not wanting
to keep things from her.

“She is the only one other than your clan
that you may tell.” He stopped, and his features burned with
intensity. “It is extremely important the secrets of the ancients
not fall into anyone else’s hands; otherwise, the land itself may
perish. Any elf who allows their thoughts to turn to darkness can
descend into evil, as we have seen with Mia.” A faint glow shone on
the crude cave wall up ahead, as the tunnel widened.

“I have protected the ancient knowledge for
centuries waiting for the one who would know purity of intent. Your
handling of the situation last night, and your strength in
reminding our young prince of his priorities, has proven you are
the right person for the job.” He slowed, and I suddenly became
aware we were at the mouth of a huge grotto in the mountain. The
radiant white light and the heat were like the spiders’ webs. The
Ancient One smiled.

“Right again. The spiders are of the ancient
ways. The original purpose of the webs was to recycle energy back
to the mountain. We eventually expanded it to meet the needs of the
tree. A side effect of their unique power is the ability to
immobilize evil. After the rise of the Dokkalfar, the spiders vowed
to help protect the land and all its inhabitants, and they have
spun webs for the kingdom since. The prince’s command that your
room be nested with webbing has caused this energy to surge in the
mountain. I am currently trying to disperse it throughout the land.
We have not seen this type of power since before King Frey.” We
turned and started walking back; I realized two hours had already

“We will learn of all of this gradually, dear
Nora of Asteria. Please do not fret. We have all of the time in the
world. For when the lake strengthened you, it also gave you the
prince’s long lifespan. Take care to keep each other whole, for
only parted can you be defeated … but you have known that for a
while.” Joy filled my heart, as he confirmed what I had hoped for
at the portal’s edge so long ago.

“How are the butterflies involved in this?” I
now was sure he would know what I meant. He snickered.

“The butterflies were Asteria’s favorite
creatures. She is the one that gave them such power that they would
never perish, but in her selfishness to have them around always,
she also took from them their ability to procreate. They have had a
happy life, but also a bitter one. They are living beings and
desire to experience the joy of little ones. So attuned are they to
intent, they will not come close to one who is tainted. I take it
your visit to the garden yesterday proved fruitful?” His eyes
twinkled with a knowing glint. “If you ask of them, they will tell
you, but be mindful. If your purpose is to know for yourself, they
will not be offended. If it is to share with others, the affront is
great. Better to be up front … they never forget,” he said

“How will I be changed after Gavin has
claimed me?” I asked, losing all sense of modesty.

“That, my dear, is something to be
experienced and not discussed. It is different for everyone.” He
felt my disappointment and sighed.

“Now, I have two other matters to discuss
with you before you meet with the queen and your counsel of
keepers. In our mating ceremonies, music plays an essential role in
the celebration of the day. I have access to your memories and find
the music of earth most exhilarating. I know the queen has
suggested that the traditions of both Earth and Kailmeyra be
honored. And so, if it is acceptable to you, I would love nothing
more than to help with this endeavor.”

Really, the only music that ever meant
anything to me was Edna’s sunshine song. I had only been to three
weddings in my life, and I had no clue what would be appropriate. I
loved the idea.

“Thanks Ancient One … that would be great.” I
patted his hand and started for the entrance. He stopped me once

“There is one other matter, Nora of Light.”
His eyes twinkled and warmed, as his expression grew tender.
“Another common trait of both rituals is the male of the one who is
to be claimed, or the father in your land, hands over the betrothed
to her future mate. I believe it is similar in your world?” I shook
my head that that was correct. “I would like for you to consider me
in that role, as you are the last descendant of an ancient. What
say you?”

Tears flooded my vision. I secretly had been
avoiding the subject, thinking I could just go it alone, or perhaps
Tark or Elias could do this for me, but I didn’t want to ask.

“You honor me with your gift, and I humbly
accept,” I said, as tears fell down my cheeks. I hugged him, and he

“Careful, young Nora. Your prince will think
I ran you through the hedges backwards.” I gasped.

“I believe that was the saying of your first
care taker, was it not?” he muttered, as he felt my awe.

We went through the archway that led back to
the Ancient One’s cave, and Gavin was there waiting. His alarm
stung when he saw my tear stained face. I ran to him and wrapped my
arms around him; hope and love filled the room.

“We have much to discuss.” My voice broke
through the tears of joy, and the Ancient One chuckled.

“I will see you tomorrow, Light of Asteria,
and we will continue with your education.”

“You honor me in many ways, Ancient One. I
vow to you I will honor you as well.” His diamond eyes were warm,
his emotions full of joy.

“Please, call me Malachi,” he softly
requested. I beamed, knowing he had yet again bestowed me with a



Chapter 25—The


“Are you up for one more dinner with the
queen?” I asked, shutting the door to the bedroom. The webs blazed
as all of my thoughts over the past four hours erupted in my mind.
The joy he felt when he discovered we no longer had to worry about
a short human lifespan fed our circle. I backed away. The energy
ran rampant, and I knew if he touched me at this moment, he would
claim me. My mind wrapped in blue until the webs stopped screaming
with light. My thoughts kicked into action; we needed to speak with

Gavin summoned Elias and Elaine back from the
chase and sent a whole squad in their stead. I knew Elias was the
best, but I didn’t know that it would take so many to replace him.
Suddenly, Mia didn’t seem like such a big deal.

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