The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined (10 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined
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“Yay. So, did you get things figured out after moving out of Jack’s place?”

“Yes. At least I think so."

“So where are you living?”

Anna hesitated. “I guess I have an apartment downtown.”

“You guess? You don’t know?”

“I haven’t seen it.”

“You haven’t seen your apartment? Anna, you’re not making any sense.”

Anna sighed. “It’s...really complicated.”

“Okay...but, you’re not with Jack anymore?”


“Good. So, when can we hang out?”

Anna laughed softly at Jenna’s eagerness. It was nice to be wanted. “I need to find a cocktail dress for something on Wednesday. Could you help me find one?”

“Shopping? Hell, yeah! How about tomorrow?”

“That would be great.”

“Cool. Are you going to Aaron’s party? He was asking if I’d heard from you this morning.”

Anna smiled. “Really?”

“I think he likes you, Anna. He kept talking about how pretty you looked on Saturday.”

“Aaron wouldn’t feel that way about me. I’m his ‘Little Giselle’ remember?”

Jenna laughed. “He’s aware that his ‘Little Giselle’ is all grown up now. Very aware.”

Anna shook her head. “I don’t think I'm really his type, Jenna.” Besides, she needed to be available for Alex and Devin.

"Why not? You've turned into a sexy woman. Guys will be tripping over themselves to ask you out. I mean, Kurt's a cool guy and all, but he's married. You shouldn't pin your hopes on a married guy, even if he is one of the hottest guys in town."

“He left to go back to Frankfurt this afternoon.”

“Oh. Well, then you’ve gotta come to the party and meet the guys.”

Anna reminded herself that Jenna didn’t know about what had gone on in Anna’s life the last few years. The last thing she needed was a bunch of guys to be around. But, at the same time, going to a party with Jenna sounded like fun. “I’ll come.”

“Cool! You should call Aaron and tell him.”

“Can't you tell him?”

“He gave you his number and invited you himself. You should call and let him know that you’re coming.”

Anna couldn’t argue with Jenna’s logic. “Okay.”

“What time do you want to go shopping tomorrow? The party’s at seven.”

“How long do we need?”

“Who knows? I could spend the whole day shopping. Call me in the morning and we’ll figure out what to do.”

“All right. Sounds good.”

They said good-bye and Anna hung up. She stared at the program with Aaron’s number on it. He had nice handwriting.


Aaron sat on the floor in his dressing room, stretching for the matinee of
Sleeping Beauty
. His thoughts inevitably strayed to Anna, as they had been doing constantly since he’d seen her backstage last week. She had been pretty when she was twelve; she was gorgeous now. His Little Giselle, all grown up.

She’d been such a sweet girl when he knew her before. Big green eyes that sparkled when she danced. He would forget that she was only twelve sometimes; she was such a mature, amazing dancer. She did things he’d only seen Russian ballerinas do.

After the initial shock of being told he, the best dancer in his class, was dancing with a twelve-year-old, he looked forward to every rehearsal. Dancing with Anna was like dancing with an angel. He'd had to remind himself he was just acting when he flirted and declared his love for her in dance.

He never would have admitted it at the time, but he’d developed a little crush on her. Nothing inappropriate; he just loved dancing with her and she was so sweet he’d wished they were closer in age.

And now she was older. And prettier than ever.

Aaron sighed. He’d been hoping to hear from her this week about coming to the party tomorrow night.

Unexpectedly, his phone rang. “Hello?”

“Aaron, it’s Anna.”

Aaron’s heart leapt in his chest. “Anna! Hi, how are you?” He tried to suppress his grin but failed miserably.

“I’m fine. Are you busy?”

“Just stretching before the evening performance.” He needed to get out there soon, but he had a few minutes.

“Oh, I don't want to bother you-”

“I’m glad you called, Anna,” he interrupted. “I'd let you know if I couldn't talk. So, to what do I owe the honor of your phone call?”

“I was calling to let you know I could come to your party tomorrow night.”

His heart skipped a beat. “Really? That's awesome! D'ya need me to pick you up or anything?”

“No, I...I think I have a car.”

“You think?” How could she not know if she had a car or not?

There was a pause. “It’s a long story.”

“Okay, I'll text you my address. It starts at seven, but you can come any time. It's all really informal.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” she said, sounding sincere.

“Me, too,” he said, his voice soft.

There was a pause and Aaron chewed the inside of his cheek. Had he been too forward? Alex had said she scared easily.
. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

“I should let you go so you can get ready.”

Aaron swallowed back the disappointment and let out a strained laugh. “Okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Sounds wonderful, Aaron. Break a leg.”

He smiled at the artistic way of saying good luck. “Thanks.”

He dropped the phone back into his bag. She had said, “Sounds wonderful.” And it sounded like she meant it. He grinned again. Maybe he hadn’t been too forward.


Wilhelm watched his oldest son fidget with the small boxes he held in his lap as they waited for Anna to come downstairs. He hadn't seen Alex nervous about a woman in a very, very long time.

She smiled shyly at the two men as she walked into the room. The green silk dress that Alex had picked out for her fit perfectly.

“You look very pretty
Anna,” Wilhelm said, standing and walking over to her. He kissed her cheek and inhaled as he did so. She smelled heavenly. He might admit to himself that he was in danger of falling in love with Anna as much as his sons, but was, at the moment, keeping his feelings at bay. Knowing that he, as an Elder, had the right to bed her tempted him even more, but he wouldn't do that to Alex.

Alex walked over and gave Anna an affectionate smile. “You really do look beautiful, Anna,” he said in a soft voice. He, too, kissed her cheek.

Wilhelm could see Anna's eyes close as Alex kissed her, and knew she felt about Alex the same way Alex did about her. It would be an interesting evening.

Alex took Anna's hand and led her to the couch. “Come. I have something for you.”

They sat next to each other and Wilhelm sat nearby.

“How are you feeling,
?” Wilhelm asked when she winced as she sat.

“Better, thank you,” she said with a smile that went straight to his heart. He would miss her terribly when he left in the morning.

Alex turned to Anna and opened the jewelry box he had been holding. Inside was a bracelet made of linked diamond circles. Each link consisted of a small cluster of white diamonds surrounded by a circle of black diamonds, linked together by another, larger black diamond. On either side of the clasp was a small silver disc with an etching of a double-tailed lion holding a sword, like the one on his own ring.

Alex pulled it out and handed it to Anna. “Do you like it? The black gems are black diamonds.”

She took it from him and looked at it closely. She looked up at Alex, clearly confused. “It's very pretty,” she said, looking apprehensive.

Alex took it from her hands and fastened the clasp around her right wrist. “This tells people that you belong to me.” He pointed to the etched discs. “This is my family crest.” He held up his right hand and showed her his signet ring. It was like Wilhelm's, except that every other diamond was black, making a black and white circle around the lion. “The black diamonds are specifically representative of me.”

She looked down at the bracelet and back at Alex’s face. “It's my mark from you?” she asked.

Alex cupped her cheek and looked at her with love in his eyes. “Yes. And it means that I can, and will, protect you,” he added softly. “Anna, please, unless you have a very good reason, don't take this off. It is nice enough to wear at formal events and speaks much louder than your necklace does. The black means something very significant. Even if Devin gives someone permission to...hurt you, if they see that, they will think twice.”


Wilhelm wondered if Alex would tell her the nature of his position in the Brotherhood.

Alex shook his head. “Now is not the time to talk about it. I will tell you sometime. Just not now.”

She studied his eyes for a moment, then nodded. “I won't take it off,” she promised.

Alex was pleased. “Good girl.”

Anna beamed at his words. It amazed Wilhelm how much a simple word of praise lit up her entire face.

Alex grinned and handed her the other package, a flat, rectangular box wrapped in white paper with a pink ribbon. She stared at it for a moment, hesitant to open it.

She looked up at Alex nervously and he gave her a gentle smile. “Consider it a late birthday present.”

She blinked back tears and stared at the present. “I haven't had a birthday present since I turned sixteen,” she said in such a soft voice Wilhelm wasn't certain he'd heard correctly. She stared at it a moment more, lips pressed together, and then timidly pulled at the ribbon. It came loose and fell into her lap. She turned it over to slide her finger under the taped paper and pushed it aside to reveal a brown box with a picture of something that looked like Wilhelm's tablet.

“What's a
?” she asked, studying the box.

Alex chuckled. “An e-reader.”

“E-reader? Like, books?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she gazed at Alex.

He grinned and nodded. “Yes. An entire library at your disposal. Kurt said you mentioned that you liked to read.”

Wilhelm chuckled softly. That was putting it mildly. Kurt had teased Alex mercilessly about Anna saying she read for fun. Alex was also an avid reader.

Anna clapped her hands over her mouth, blinking rapidly. “An entire library...?”

“Well, any book that is available electronically.” Alex chuckled, obviously thrilled that Anna was pleased. “It's set up with an account, so you just tap on the book you want, it will download onto the tablet, and you can read it within seconds.” He pulled it out of the box and turned it on. He tapped on the screen several times and showed her how it worked.

“Oh, Alex!” Anna launched herself into his arms and hugged him tight.

Wilhelm laughed. “Apparently the way to Anna's heart is through a good book.”

Alex held her briefly and then took a deep breath and gently sat her back on the couch. Anna's expression fell as he did so. She likely could sense the wall Alex was erecting again between them.

“Shall we go?” Alex said in a strained voice.

Anna nodded and Wilhelm gave Alex a disapproving look as they stood. He was giving her mixed signals. Alex returned the look with a “what else do you suggest?” expression.




Wilhelm smiled as Anna laughed at a silly joke Alex had just told her. He loved how easily she laughed. Her sweetness was such a refreshing change from other women he knew.

Anna sat between Wilhelm and Alex in a booth near a floor-to-ceiling aquarium. Dinner and conversation flowed freely between the three of them. Wilhelm enjoyed Anna’s company tremendously. She asked intelligent questions and delighted in everything. Her smile lit up the entire room. Alex deliberately told silly jokes to make her giggle.

It pleased Wilhelm to see his son caring for her the way she needed and deserved to be cared for. Alex had truly matured into a good man.

Toward the end of the main course, Alex's phone buzzed. He frowned when he looked at it. He glanced up at Wilhelm. “My girlfriend,” he said in German.

Wilhelm frowned as Alex excused himself from the table to answer it.

Anna watched him as he walked outside, then glanced at Wilhelm. “Is he okay?”

Wilhelm frowned in the direction Alex walked. “Yes, Anna.” He turned and smiled at her. He didn’t know what to do for Anna, aside from assure her that she belonged to his family. He had come to care deeply for her.

He didn't feel any conflict between being in love with his wife and caring for Anna. Men in his position often took mistresses and although he'd never been tempted before now. Even knowing that Anna would be his daughter-in-law someday didn't bring any concern. His own father had been very fond of his wife, Ilsa, though Wilhelm was fairly certain they'd never been intimate. It wouldn't have surprised or bothered him if they had been. It was just the way things worked in his family's position.

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