The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Lies That Save Us (The Broken Heart Series)
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Chapter Twenty-Five


The beautiful couple walked through the massive double doors into the bridal suite.  Alexa approached the huge freestanding mirror.  Her new husband sauntered slowly up behind her and gently unzipped her strapless gown.  She let it fall to the floor, goosebumps forming on her skin where the dress touched her as it fell.  She turned to him, kissing him passionately as she removed his jacket. 

She giggled playfully, moving her head to the side as he kissed her neck, and explored the contour of her body.  She slowly removed his tie, tossing it to the floor.  Their eyes met and both smiled as she unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his chest with each opened button.  He was finally hers…forever.  She felt the thrill of knowing tonight was only the beginning of many, many nights together…

He kissed her so very softly on the shoulders; the passion began to burn in both husband and wife.  She removed his shirt, then unbuckled his belt, released the button on his slacks and pulled gently on the zipper.  Cayman let the pants fall to the floor.  He stepped out of them, kicking them to the side with one leg as she giggled again.  His arms embraced her and she melted into him.  He lifted her into his arms, kissing her again. 

He carried her to the bed, their kisses growing more passionate, ready, inviting.  He laid her head gently on the pillow, his lips never leaving her mouth. 

There will be no interruption this time, no stopping to wonder if they should or they shouldn’t.  They are now Mr. & Mrs. Cayman Richards, and they will not be pausing for anything or anyone.

Their passion ignited as they realized once again, how very, very in love they felt.  They gave themselves to each other willingly, passionately, forever.




Patrick removed the covers and sat up, his toes playing in the thick luxurious carpet.  His sandy hair looked like he’d been in a tornado, his deep blue eyes staring at the carpet.  Checking the clock, he stood, stretched his six foot, well muscled frame and headed to the bathroom.  He grabbed his clothes as he walked by the end of the bed.  Before leaving the bedroom, he turned and looked at the beauty he’d spent the previous night with.

What was that Cayman had said to him? 
“…there’s just something about her, Patrick, something that made me see she was more than a body, more than a shell…”

He still couldn’t understand what that felt like.  Kenn
edy was beautiful, a perfect body, smart, easy to talk to.  What more could anyone want?  Would I still be able to breathe if she were gone?

He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, laughing softly to himself. 

“She’ll be gone by the time I’m out of the shower, and I won’t care.  How do I find the kind of love Cayman was talking about?  Do I even want that kind of love? Why am I even thinking about it?  Am I looking for that?”

Patrick shook his head as he stepped into the shower and let the water pour over him.  He thought about the wedding the night before, how happy his brother was, how beautiful Alexa was.  It seemed to him they’d both glowed with the love they felt for each other.  He thought of his mom and his dad.  He wondered if that was how they felt when they’d married.  Did they still feel that way, in a “we’ve-been-married-forty-five-years” kind of way?  It was obvious his dad loved his mother.  It was beyond obvious Cayman loved Alexa. 

When he turned off the water he had no idea how long he’d been in the shower.  He really didn’t care.  He wrapped the towel around him and opened his shave kit setting it on the side of the sink. 

His cell phone rang in the other room.  He walked out and snickered when he saw the bed was empty,
Kennady’s things gone.  He was right…he didn’t care.  Goodbyes like that were always so messy. 

The phone rang again.  Rummaging through his pack he pulled the howling cell from inside and pressed the button to answer it. 

“Richards” he said briskly.

“Patrick, it’s Max.  Are you alone?”

“Yes…what’s going on?”

“It’s Sam.  We need you at the hospital,
.  Don’t’ call your parents, don’t call Cayman.  Just get here…”


To be continued….













Watch for the next book in the Broken Heart Series:


Solitary Tears


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I’ll see you there!








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