The Letter (Bedtime Stories)

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The Letter

(Bedtime Stories, Book 1)

Rosemary Gunn

Copyright ©2012 Rosemary Gunn


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This ebook file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience.


To B.D. - For push, push, pushing me to keep at it. Thank you.

A tisket a tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped it,
I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
A little boy, he picked it up
And put it in his pocket.


Chapter One


“Oh, for the love.”

The muttered words sounded loud in the quiet apartment, even as Emily tore the cushions off the sofa, shuffled through stacks of magazines, and peered under furniture. She had already been over the entire apartment – a half dozen times, but returned to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Not that she really believed the letter would be there, but she was getting desperate.

As she
already known, the little folded paper was not
to be found among
the milk, fruits, or leftover pizza.
left only one possibility.
Emily groaned.
The absolute worst possibility.

“Stuart.” Thoughts of her friend brought a flush to her caramel colored cheeks.
Friend? Was that what they were? More like two business professionals who simply made a point of taking the time to enjoy each other’s company. Kind of.
She raised her hands to
her heated face
her heart pounded beneath her breasts. Breasts that even now tightened and ached
at the thought of Stuart reading her note.

Why had she even written the silly thing? It was that creative writing
. The instructor had suggested free writing as a means of unleashing the inner muse or some such crap.

If Stuart had found her note, something was definitely going to be unleashed, though Emily was fairly certain it wouldn’t be her muse.

The room seemed to shrink, becoming claustrophobic. Her skin tingled and itched at the idea of Stuart reading over her most secret desires.

To him, Emily was just one of the guys.
Okay, so maybe not that platonic, but certainly not someone who interested him sexually. In the six months he’d been coming into the coffee shop, there had been several different companions. All tall, slender, elegant. And blonde.

They had conversations. She would take her lunch break among the books in his shop, nibbling on something and working on homework.

Maybe she’d dropped it on her way out of class. Embarrassed at the thought of a stranger reading it, Emily knew her name wasn’t on it. Only someone who knew her well would be able to identify her handwriting.
who had given her a ride in their pickup.

The butterflies in her stomach turned into giant flapping blackbirds.

She would simply retrace her steps from yesterday. Easy enough. She pulled the antique bicycle from beneath the stairs,
her green and yellow
into the
basket on the handlebars. Usually dependable, yesterday Emily had gotten a flat.

Stuart had seen her on the road outside of town pushing
bike, coming from the community college. He’d spun his pickup around,
bike in the back. Her tote and notebook had
gotten tossed into
the extended area of the cab. She recalled that the bag had tipped over and it was a pretty good bet that her letter had slipped beneath the bench seat.

She rode through the quiet streets of her small town,
and then
parked her bike in front of the Stuart’s book
His big red truck was parked in the alley between his store and the coffee shop that Emily managed. She would love to just open the door and take a peek in there before confronting him, but even in a small town, that wasn’t a good idea.

She screwed up her courage and entered his shop. S
everal people brows
Stuart was behind the counter ringing up an
older man.

There was a millisecond of hope that
he hadn’t discovered her secret yearnings, but then
her muse looked up, golden eyes snagging her breath.


Chapter Two


Stuart’s eyes met hers directly
the gleam she saw there made her breath catch in her lungs.
She felt like the
deer in the headlights, unable to move. As the customer reached for his wallet, Stuart held her gaze, almost daring her to run. Or stay.

looked away first, darting
between the shelves
her heart in her throat
. The bell chimed and
before she could even try to figure
what to say to him,
Stuart was behind her
. His arms bracketed her on either side and
that sexy
at her ear.

“Tsk, tsk, little Emily.” He bit the sensitive, nerve rich area below her ear before soothing with the velvet heat of his tongue. “Someone’s been keeping secret
He kissed her neck. “Dark naughty secrets
that have had my cock hard all morning

She could barely breathe
as he gripped her hips and kneaded the soft flesh with strong fingers. The low moan that escaped her lips earned her another nip on her neck.
Emily had many
about this delicious man
. H
aving his hands on her body and
wicked and hot on her neck
had her creamy reaction soaking her panties.

“Stuart.” That couldn’t possibly be her voice.

Stop. Don’t say anything else.
” His low groan against her neck had her squeezing her legs together as her pussy spasmed. “I lay awake
that catch in your voice when you say my name.
Coming for me.

“Wha-a-at?” she said. “You do?”
If he kept talking like that, she was going to come right now with no more stimulation than his hard palms on her curves.

, you
have no idea what you do to me
” He glanced
around them, then
at the row of books she was pinned against. “Did you scurry to this aisle for a reason?”

The spine titles came into focus and she flushed to the roots of her black curls.
365 Nights of Sex
Blow by Blow
, and
Come with Me
were just a few that caught her attention.

Stuart reached for a book on sexual positions, holding it in front of her as he flipped through the mouthwatering photos. He stopped at one featuring a naked man on his knees between a nearly naked woman’s legs feasting on her neatly trimmed pussy.

“I’ve thought of you like this
as I stroked my cock in the dark
I didn’t think you were ready for me. For what I need from a lover.
” His words sent shivers racing along her skin. Her nipples were so hard they ached. “
But your
tells me otherwise.
God, Emily, I want you so much.”

He stood behind her, the solid length of his erection pressed against her back, but he could see her
distended nipples against her shirt
as he towered over her.

“Mmm, I think I’ll start with those tiny nipples. Sucking and biting them while I finger your pussy.
Then I’m going to spank your ass until it burns against my hands.
” Emily’s heart pounded so hard in her ears, she felt faint. He kissed her neck again. “I’ll be at your place as soon as I can get the hell out of here.”

He stepped away from her
and Emily felt cold and vulnerable without his heat. She gathered her wits and recalled the reason for being at the store. Obviously he had the letter. Would he give it back to her though?
She turned to look at him, and had an almost irresistible urge to climb all over him.
Possessive male dominance stared back at her and she drew herself to her full five five. Heat flared in his golden eyes at her silent challenge to him.

“Where’s my letter, Stuart?”

His mouth tipped up in his usual half grin, but the glint in
his eyes
turned it wolfish.

“No worries, little girl. It’s safe.” He patted the front pocket of his jeans, drawing her eyes to the outline of his reaction to the new level of their relationship. “Right here in my pocket.”

Breathless, Emily giggled like a girl at his uncomfortable gait as he returned behind the counter.



The afternoon dragged. By the time Stuart knocked, Emily felt on the verge of spontaneous combustion.

She barely had the door open enough to register how delicious he looked before
he had her pushed against the wall with his hands in her hair.
He kicked the door closed,
angled her head to his best advantage,
then devoured her mouth.
He absorbed her gasps and
continued until they were both breathless.

“Oh my God,” he paused, leaning his forehead against hers, his lashes lifted, eyes burning into hers like golden fire. “This has been the longest day in the history of my life. I think I may have given away half of my sales today.”

He kissed her again, gently this time, watching her as he sampled her lips with soft bites, licking at the seam. His thumbs caressed her jaw, tilting her head up even more. “Open for me, Em.”

Her hands had been squished between their bodies, but she looped them around his neck and pulled him down, attacking his mouth as he had.

His taste went straight to her head like a shot of
is hands were no longer in her hair, but sliding up and down her back and around her hips
, th
e thin cotton of her skirt no shield against the heat of his hands
clenched in the soft flesh

Emily felt and heard the growl in his chest as his fingers caressed the curves of her butt, following the line separating the cheeks. He bent and lifted her legs around his hips, securing her to the wall. The position pressed her clit against his cock and the gentle thrust of his hips created a friction that had her panting.
“Please. Please, Stuart.”

Her full breasts crushed against the warm wall of his chest, their thin shirts merely add
friction. The lace of her bra rubbed the sensitive tips of her nipples making her want to be rid of it. Nerves fluttered wildly at the thought of lying naked beneath the man whose lips kissed her jaw and neck before returning to her own

“God, your pussy’s so hot on my dick
.” Her gasp sounded loud in the silence.
“And that sweet catch in your breath. Christ
I could come right now.”

His words had her pulse rioting, but she smiled against his lips,
and then
kissed her way along the shadow of his jaw and cheek, savoring the rough drag on her lips.

“Oh, no, you can’t.
” She planted soft kisses on his lips, little pecks that he met with his own.

Obviously we’ve both been keeping secrets.” She tried to wriggle out of his hold, but he wasn’t let
go. “Put me down and we’ll continue in
my nice
big bed

“Uh-uh,” he said, shaking his head. “Hang on with those sexy legs.”

“Stuart, I’m too heavy.”

“Enough.” With that harsh word, he hauled her up over his shoulder
. The apartment was small
headed down the
the bedroom.

“Stuart, for God’s sake!
Put me down.” She laughed and swatted at his back until one large hand landed in no uncertain terms on her butt, the sting making her yelp in pain. And sizzle with pleasure.

“Now quit squirming or you’ll get another one.”

His fingers rested at the
of her thighs, under her skirt. She could feel the dampness of her panties and was sure he
too. As he carried her, those curious fingers stroked along the elastic leg opening. She tried to part her legs for a more direct touch, but that wicked hand landed on her butt cheek again. She moaned at the throb in her clit, her pussy gushing as she clenched her legs.

In the bedroom, he dumped her unceremoniously on the bed
, then
tore off the t-shirt and went after his belt and fly. Emily knew she ogled the plains and muscles of his chest and abdomen, but she couldn’t help herself. The jeans and boxers went the same route as the t-shirt.

She knew he was fit.
It was obvious
he worked out. But the pure perfection of Stuart’s form, including the jutting erection, long and thick, made her heart flutter with whispers of uncertainty
How on earth was that going to fit inside her?

made a move to
the edge of the bed
and he
was on her. All that gorgeous male heat surround
her as she tried to cover her legs where the loose cotton had ridden up her thighs. It was too much.

“No way are you running away from this, little girl.”

“Stuart, I made a mistake. This is a bad idea.”

“The only mistake is you thinking too much right now, Em

They lay on their sides, the entire length of his body caressing her from feet to head. One arm wrapped around her shoulder,
hand at her neck. She was sure he could feel the blood pounding beneath his fingers. His other hand held her hip firmly against his own. “I’ve wanted you like this for months, baby. Feel my desire for your beautiful body?”

“I’m nervous now

he confessed.

“I know you are. We’re going to get past that.
This is going to be perfect.
He laughed softly. “But y
ou have
way too many clothes.” Something he remedied much faster than she cared to think about, until suddenly she had nothing to hide her curves behind.

As she lay there on her back, her first instinct was to shield her breasts with her hands. Stuart wasn’t having any of that. He took both wrists in one
and held them over her head
, her jutting
breasts tingled and ached
, the
tips drawn to tight little buds. He laved at a peak with his tongue,
and then
sucked it between his lips to torment. The suction pulled at
her core
, clenching in her womb.

“So beautiful and responsive.” His warm breath on the wet tip sent a streak of electricity to her clit and she rocked her hips off the bed. “What’s going on down there?” He drew circles with his fingers on her belly as he made his way toward the neatly trimmed triangle above her pussy.

“Stuart, you’re teasing me.” The breathless words caught at the end as his fingertips smoothed over her mound to the bare lips below.

“Oh, what a sweet surprise this is,” he said, his fingers easing along her slit, her creamy response soaking his hand. “I’m going to let go of your hands, Em. Don’t cover any part of this gorgeous body, unless it’s to increase your pleasure. Understand?”

His eyes and tone were so serious, she could only nod.

“What’s that?”

“Yes, Stuart. I understand.”

“Better.” He continued to stroke the swollen lips of her pussy until Emily shifted her legs restlessly. “That’s right. Bend your knees and let your legs open up for me.”

The gravel of his voice sent chill bumps over her skin. He shifted and settled between her thighs, continuing the tender assault on her breast
, nibbling the undersides with teeth and lips, before trailing kisses over the soft swell of her tummy.

He rested on his elbows, framing her pussy with his hands, feathering his thumbs along the slit.

Emily wanted to dig her hands into his thick dark blond hair. The strands fell into his face as he seemed to fully focus on the sight of her pussy.

Open as she was, there was no stopping the creamy response that flowed freely. His nostrils flared as he inhaled. She felt the stroke of his thumb as he entered her slippery sheath. His lips parted on a breath and his eyes clashed with hers. Burning her.

“I want to just lay here and play with
” He trailed his lips and nose along the inside of her thigh, teasing the sensitive flesh. He blew softly against the damp lips, replacing his thumb with the thicker invasion of
first one, then
two fingers. “Christ, baby, you’re so tight. It’s a struggle just to get my fingers inside you.”

She made a sound that could only be a whimper as he began a slow in and out. “Please let me touch you, Stuart.”

“Not yet, baby.” He curled his fingers and Emily gasped at the wild sensations fluttering through her pussy. Heat exploded, quaking in her womb.

“Oh my God!” Her hands dropped to his head, pulling his hair and lifting her hips to take his fingers deeper.

He growled. The sound primal and hungry, as he laid his tongue against her clit
, then
her, lapping at the juices flowing from her as he fingered her slow and deep. 

She was at the mercy of his mouth and hands. He continued the rhythm of his fingers over the nerve rich areas inside her slick pussy and tormented her with his tongue
, l
icking deep inside her,
only to retreat and flick
the engorged bud of her clit.

Her skin felt too tight. Panting, she clasped his head, not certain if she was pulling him closer and trying to make him stop.

His lashes lifted and the
gold glittered
as he sucked her clit between wet lips.

, I need you
...” Her hips jerked against his mouth, trying to find a rhythm that would catapult her into oblivion. He held her though, stilling the frantic shifting.

He withdrew from the clasp of her pussy, sending a shudder coursing through Emily as her body protested. He ran his tongue over his lips, swiping up her cream. Then he bared his teeth, looking truly wicked.

“How do you need me, sweet Emily?” The gleam in those sexy eyes told her she was being teased. She knew he was thinking of the letter that told in graphic detail exactly what she wanted from him.

An embarrassed flush crowded in on the euphoria she
been on the edge of.


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