The Lethal Encounter (13 page)

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Authors: Amy Alexander

BOOK: The Lethal Encounter
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“I knew who you were of
course, so it was good to have a bit of a surreptitious gawp. And then someone
rang from the office and I told them where I was and he told me to watch out
for you - that you were a terrible womaniser and I should not get involved. I
told him that we were only in the same restaurant and not fornicating on the
tables. At least not yet.....”


Katie's voice tailed off and
they stared at each other. Katie could feel the start of another raging torrent
inside and she knew at that moment Peter felt the same.


“Yes, quite,” said Peter
slowly. “Mind you, I don't think I like being called a womaniser by my staff.
It’s degrading and definitely not respectful. Human resources would have
something to say I’m sure.” Peter smiled at Katie. “Let’s choose what to eat”.


Silence ensued as they both
looked at the menus on the table in front of them. Katie found it hard to
concentrate and stole a look up at Peter, at exactly the same moment he looked
up at her. Both laughed in a slightly embarrassed way and resumed their


After the waiter had
disappeared into the back with their order, Katie sat back.


“I just love this
place.....the smell, the feel, the food, the drink…..and sometimes the
company,” she said.


“I hope that last comment
includes me. Look Katie, I know this is awkward…..for you probably more than
me. But let me say that this can be whatever you want it to be. I'm not on an
agenda, whatever people may say.”


At that moment, Katie
believed him and, feeling it was time for some straight talking, said.


“You probably won't believe
this but I'm a pretty ordered person who enjoys her job, sees her friends,
loves her family and has ambitions on several fronts. The last week has pretty
much turned all that upside down and the scary thing for me is that I don't
really understand why. I mean, god, of course I'm attracted to you…..but then
at risk of inflating your ego too much, probably half the women in this
restaurant feel the same. That meeting the other day in work.....I mean, I
behaved like a total idiot and everybody noticed and then I had to lie about
coming to see you…..say that you had asked me to come to you…..I mean it’s just
not real.”


The words poured out of her
mouth and she realised her voice was rising. She looked round and reduced it to
a whisper.


“I'm just not the kind of
girl who lets men get the better of her.”


Peter looked on with the now
familiar look of amusement.


“So can I tell you now?” he


“Tell me what?”


“What I felt when I first saw


“Well, yes but only if it’s
unbelievably nice.”


“I thought that you were
possibly the most gorgeous girl I had ever clapped eyes on.”


“Mmmn. Bearing in mind the
women who hang around your coat tails, I find that hard to believe,” retorted
Katie sceptically.


“You don't understand. Not
only are you gorgeous, you give off this aura of.....I don't know quite how to
explain it. This aura that says you're fun, dependable, happy, independent,
confident. God, I could go on. It’s the combination of those things that make
you utterly amazing - not just the appearance.”


Peter paused, as if thinking
hard about what he was going to say next.


“Look, you say I must have
women falling at my feet. Well, I suppose they do, but those women are all of a
similar type. They’ve all got trust funds and seem to spend their entire time
chasing men like me. You are totally different and happen to be as amazing
looking as any of them at the same time. It’s an irresistible proposition…
least to me it is.”


Katie could feel the
happiness bubble up inside of her. OK, he may be over egging it a bit but this
situation was what she had probably dreamed about…..what all girls dream about
and she was determined not to let the doubting devil take that feeling away.


“Oh Peter… say all the
right things,” she said with a purposeful note of sarcasm in her voice. As she
spoke she smiled to show that she was not really serious.


The rest of the meal seemed
to go in a flash. They chatted openly and Katie felt as if she was seeing a
side of Peter that not many people ever saw. Apart from the holiday thing, they
found they had a lot more in common and their grandparents had come from the
same village in Sussex. The food and drink had perfectly complimented the
general mood of the evening as dessert gave way to a slow stroll back to the


As Peter ushered Katie
through the entrance, her heart started beating wildly in her chest. She knew
now that all doubt in her mind had been eradicated and more than ever she did
not want the evening to end at the lifts. Her only worry now was whether or not
the feeling was mutual.


“Do you fancy a drink?” asked
Peter, nodding towards the bar.


“Well, no, if you don't
mind,” replied Katie. “I think I should go upstairs now.” With you if possible,
she thought.


Peter nodded, and to Katie’s
excitement and relief, they headed towards the lift together. Once in, Peter
pushed the button for his floor and turned to face Katie. The invitation in his
eyes was obvious and Katie felt her head nod up and down slowly. As the lift
started up, he stood in front of her and their eyes locked. He reached out his
hand as the doors opened and she took it, revelling in its smoothness and


Together they walked to his
suite, the same one as before, and through the door.


“I've got a distinct feeling
of déjà vu,” said Katie in a low voice as she walked boldly into the main body
of the room. She turned to face Peter and dropped her bag on the nearby chair.
With two strides he was next to her and slowly reached out to gently brush her
bare forearms with his fingertips. A shiver ran through her and, despite the
relative warmth of the room, the hairs on the back of her arm rose. He trailed
his fingers up to her shoulder and then followed with the other hand until both
were either side of her face. He gently cupped her head, running his fingers
into her hair. Their eyes were locked as he slowly lowered his lips down onto
hers. The first kiss was merely a little introduction, a greeting, giving way
to a second and a third that yielded more pressure and urgency. Katie felt
Peter's hands gently caress her cheeks and then move back into her hair, his
fingers brushing through and gently rubbing her head. Slowly she opened her
eyes and saw that his were closed, her hands moving around behind him to pull
his body into hers. He stood away and their eyes opened, starring deeply into
the others. He smiled and then his lips moved down once more onto hers, the
lips pressing with more urgency and then the tip of his tongue, quivering with
anticipation, gently made its introduction. She opened her mouth a little to
accommodate its journey and slowly moved her tongue towards his. The tips met
and danced around each other, still tentative, still shy until confidence and
passion overcame everything and their lips crushed together.


Katie felt as if her body was
on fire, the now familiar ache moving from her stomach to between her legs as
her insides started to ebb and flow. She reached up and pulled his head down
hungrily, their tongues moving around each other with more and more energy. She
heard a low moan issue from her throat and thrust her pelvis forward to meet
his pushing torso. God, this was sublime, she thought. She had never felt like
this and now realised what true passion was - something that could too easily
consume everything about you.


She felt him move back and
reach for her hand. He pulled her towards the bed in the middle of the room,
kicking off his shoes as he pulled her round, his hands reaching for the
shoulders of her dress as he gently pulled them down her arms. As he did so, he
traced the revealing flesh with his lips, starting on her neck and then moving
down over her collarbone and then down into her cleavage.


She pushed his head down and
felt his lips follow the path of the dress as it slid down her body. He
lingered on her tummy button, pressing his nose and then tip of his tongue into
the little nub of flesh. He gently tugged on the dress to get it over her hips
and it slid to the ground around her feet. His head moved agonisingly down
until his lips were level with her pubis. He moved his lips closer and she
could feel his warm breath against the tops of her inner thighs. Her hands
entwined into his hair as she tried to push his face closer, to make contact to
that part of her body that now seemed to be on fire. Her breath became
shallower and another moan escaped her lips. She felt resistance and Peter
slowly moved his head back up her body, gently kissing and licking her skin. He
paused on the swell of her breasts, touching the exposed parts fleetingly with
his lips.


“You smell just perfect,” he
murmured as he stood once again in front of her.  


Looking deep into her eyes,
his hands reached around to unclasp her bra. Now, released from their confines,
her breasts leapt free and she could feel her nipples harden as his fingers
reached under the cups to find them. She gasped as he gently pinched the
growing buds between the tips of his fingers, sharp stabs of desire running
down her stomach to her pussy. She reached down and pulled her bra off, pushing
him away to step away from her dress. She threw her bra onto the bed and turned
to face him, standing before him in just her lace panties, her chest heaving up
and down as she fought to keep this raging inferno in check. He reached out
again for her, but she smiled and started to undo his shirt, pushing it open to
reveal the broad chest. She ran her hands over it and lowered her mouth towards
one of his nipples. This time it was him who groaned as she teased one of the
little tips between her lips, her hands reaching round to cup his buttocks and
gently pull his lower body towards her.


He pulled off his shirt and
undid his trousers, pulling the zip down and letting them drop to the floor.
She couldn't help but look down and saw his cock straining to be released from
his shorts. She let out a little giggle and moved to grab it, at the same time
lifting her head again to kiss. Their mouths met hungrily and she moved her
hand up and down his straining manhood as his hands crushed her bottom to him.


They collapsed onto the bed,
with her underneath and him pinning her body onto the freshly turned down
sheets. His hand slipped into her panties and she felt him reach out for her
pussy. A fresh wave of desire swept through her as she felt her legs open to
give him easier entry to the volcano raging inside her. His head dipped to her
breast and nipples once more as his finger danced teasingly around her
clitoris. She knew she was soaking wet with desire and with her other hand she
urged him to penetrate further with his fingers. He pushed two into her and she
could already feel the first wave of orgasm stir inside her.


She rolled over and rose
above him. Still kissing, she reached down to free his cock from the cotton
confines. It sprang up and she revelled in its hardness and warmth. She turned
to look at it, at the same time sliding her body down so that her head was
level with this wonderful organ. She looked up to see his eyes closed and, in
one swift motion, she lowered her mouth over the throbbing head. She had never
felt more empowered sexually than she did at this precise moment and, now more
than ever, she wanted to totally possess this man, and for him to possess her
as strongly as possible. She wanted to do everything with him and, as she
swirled her tongue around the head and up and down the shaft, she knew that she
would soon have to have this lovely hot tool inside her. She watched his face
as his eyes closed and a louder groan emanated from his mouth. She engulfed the
head once more and speeded up her tongue as it swept from side to side. His
hands pushed through her hair as his hips pushed up in response to her actions.


All sense of time and place
seemed to melt away as their love making continued. Katie felt disconnected
with the outside world, her total being concentrated in this room, on this bed,
with this particular person.


She fell on her back and
urged him over on top of her.


Peter smiled. “Oh, no. You
are just going to have to wait I’m afraid.”


Katie had a moment of panic.
Was he going to leave her? Like this?

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