The Legend of the Ditto Twins (50 page)

Read The Legend of the Ditto Twins Online

Authors: Jerry Douglas

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Legend of the Ditto Twins
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Jay, sure." In unison.

We tried
one of the other doors and headed out into an adjacent storage space, only a
little surprised when Jay immediately closed the door behind us. Instantly, we
became aware that we could hear everything being said through an air duct high
on the wall that separated us from them. Maybe we shouldn't have, but we moved
as one directly beneath it to listen. This is the conversation we heard, as I
remember it.

going to be one helluva scene. I can just fuckin smell it," Jay was
saying. "I'll choreograph the sex pretty much as it actually

told you?"

Only you don't get to fuck them. I'm saving that—they won’t top each other till
the finale."

they are going to fuck
aren't they?"

course. Exactly as it happened.
up both of them
with a single condom is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. Fuckin

I know. I'd been thinking of doing that for
years. Don't worry. I will make it happen again." A giggle. "You
know, I have been thinking about a repeat performance with them ever since that
night. They are... very special."

are terribly infatuated with you."

"Ja ja,
I am not blind."

hurt them!"


A long


God. What now?"

could make a leopard change its spots." Another long pause before Helmut
III continued. "I... I have given considerable thought to wondering what
it would be like to spend the rest of my life with them."

long silence before Jay responded. "Helmut. Have you ever been to bed with
anyone in your entire life more than once?"


relationship with one other person is hard enough to maintain, even when you're
madly in love."

that is what I am."

what would happen if your fascination with twins became a daily reality...
attainable... ordinary?"

have thought of that. But still... I wish to explore the possibility. I have...
invited them to Mykonos."

did they accept your invitation?"

course. Will you give them your permission to go?"

not mine to withhold. They're big boys. Legal. Almost adults." Jay
chuckled wryly. "Of course, they do have to be back in the States within
the week—to finish high school or they won't fuckin' graduate."

I being that selfish?"

I could
almost see Jay shrug.

all selfish. Don't kid yourself. Love is not as selfless as it's cracked up to
be. Just one thing, my friend, don't destroy what they have."

That is part of their allure."

all I ask. Now, let's find your shoes."



We began
to shoot the scene in the confessional about an hour later. Phil's camera
picked us up as Clark and I entered the church and followed us down the aisle
into the divided booth where Helmut sat waiting in one side of it. Squeezing
into the narrow confessional was not easy. By the time we started the dialogue,
we were both sweating profusely. That added a lot to the scene.

us, father, for we have sinned."

are two of you?" Helmut peered through the latticework. "But I can
only hear one confession at a time."

explained that our sin so completely involved both of us that neither could
explain it precisely without the help of the other, and so we both were allowed
to stay. In graphic detail—it was a porn film, after all—we described how we
discovered smoking, masturbation, and their attendant joys.

reveal," murmured Jay.

spread his legs. His robe fell open, and out popped his erection.

my sons, continue!"

response, Ryan and Bryan began to tell of the night in the barn with the
farmhands. Clark and I had a lot of fun with this dialogue. Describing what
Pavol and Libor had been doing to each other, we each tried to top the other in
talking dirty. And, as directed, we began a slow striptease out of our suits
and ties as we got more and more turned on. It was even harder to undress there
in the confessional than it had been in the 747, but soon we were naked again.

em up," ordered Jay, and Lily sprayed the three of us with a mixture of
glycerin and baby oil. Within seconds, we were shimmering like a trio of mirror
balls and working our dicks at ninety miles an hour. Finally, we remembered we
were supposed to say something.

many Hail Mary's..."

you gonna give us, Father?"

shall see. Go on! What happened after you witnessed these two farmhand sinners
indulging in these unnatural acts there in the barn?"

Father, we..."

carnally aroused."

what did you do then?"

began to kiss each other..."

with our tongues."

this." In unison.

Clark and
I began to kiss. Helmut leaned in for a closer look, his nose pressed against
the latticework.

yes, you have sinned. What else did you do?"

of things, Father."

Helmut nodded happily. "Well, in order to receive God's forgiveness, you
Him what you did."

here? It's..."


not here. You must lay yourself on the altar of God to be cleansed, my sons, and
only then will He absolve you of what you have done."

okay." In unison. We had to shoot that line twice because Jay laughed out
loud the first time.

as God's representative here on earth, I must also watch. Now go, my sons. When
I join you momentarily, I expect you to be lying on the altar—kissing each
other. God wants you to show Him and me every detail of your sins."

perfect!" shouted Jay. "Keep rolling! Don't stop! Keep this

rushed down to the altar to capture the transition. Now totally bare-ass, Clark
and I made our way down the aisle, kissing and fondling one another. I don't
remember how we crawled
onto the altar, but I guess we did without too much trouble
because no one called "Cut." When we opened our eyes, Helmut was
standing nearby, now completely naked, watching us, his rosary beads dangling
from his erection.

The scene
played out much as it had the night in Berlin, except for two things: One, the
altar was a lot harder than Helmut's bed, and two, he kept whispering tender
endearments to us, so we began to respond in kind. It seemed natural to let him
know how much he meant to us.

This is
the way the scene was choreographed: Helmut soon joined us on the altar; we
spun into a round of three-way kisses; we intertwined our bodies in a variety
of visually striking poses; Helmut accidentally fell off the altar three times
before he got it right; he twirled the rosary as if it were a lariat and tossed
it; we did our bumps and grinds much more professionally than we had before; he
serviced us; we serviced him; and then, we noticed the mirrors.

Jay had
placed one on either side of the altar, and inevitably, all three of us began
to be drawn into the hypnotic lure of our reflections. Under the lights, Helmut
had never looked more desirable, and at the risk of sounding immodest as all
hell, neither had we. Despite Jay’s warning, or maybe because of it, the sex
was already hotter than the first time back in Berlin and getting more so by
the second.

do you have a star filter in your kit?" asked Jay, a sudden inspiration in
his voice.


it! I want starbursts! You know, X-rated Disney."

When we
stopped for a cigarette, Jay told Phil and Felix to keep the cameras rolling,
and we stayed in character as Ryan, Bryan, and the priest.

has always been my experience that reality is never as good as the
fantasy," murmured Helmut at one point. "But tonight..." He
paused and added, "the two of you are enough to make me forsake my

His words
sounded so honest that there really was nothing else to do but start kissing
again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lily placing the lube and
condoms just outside the frame of the shot. When we eased out of the kiss,
Helmut spoke.

would very much like it if both of you could be inside me at the same
time." He held up two condoms. "Do you think that it is


should try."

As in
Berlin, we lay down,
to butt, and edged closer
to one another until our balls were touching and our heels were in each other's
armpits. In that position, we effortlessly

ordered Jay. "Lots of close-ups!"

were different now. This time, Clark and I needed no instructions to inch
closer to each other till our shafts touched. This time, we could hardly wait
for Helmut to stretch the third condom over both our erections at once. This
time, we knew for sure that we were totally fused into a single, massive
phallus that would work magic, not just for us but for everyone watching.

As the
three of us watched ourselves in the mirrors, Helmut slowly lowered himself
and, this time, he truly became part of my brother and me.



There was
no applause after the scene ended, and I guess that was even more of a
compliment than cheering would have been. Everyone just stood around in
spellbound silence for awhile before they started packing up. Totally
exhausted, the three of us remained on the altar, still wrapped up in each
other in more ways than one. I opened my eyes. Jay and Riggs were standing over

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