The Legend (21 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Le Veque

BOOK: The Legend
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He laughed softly and rose,
pulling her up with him. "I know for a fact you are most courageous.
Birthing a child should be nothing to a woman like you. You should be able to
recite poetry, sew a bedrug and slug it out with Thia between labor

She pulled herself from him
embrace and mounted the stairs. "And get up immediately afterward and
plant an entire crop of summer vegetables. How terribly rugged I am."

"Terribly. I think I am
afraid of you."

"You should be," she
mounted the last step into the corridor and Alec paused a moment. Suddenly,
their last two sentences took on an entirely different meaning.

He truly was afraid of her and
with good reason. It would be too easy to develop feelings for her beyond
fondness and he absolutely refused to love a woman; any woman. Love was a weak
emotion and he had no desire to become swept up in its fickle torrents.

In faith, the frightening thought
had not occurred to him until just now.



Peyton awoke to Ivy's snores late
the following morning. Her head felt fine and her body refreshed, full of vigor
in spite of having been jolted awake by her sister's loud breathing. After a
sound sleep, the world appeared a little brighter, a little clearer. Gazing at
her sister's contented face, she couldn't seem to remember when Ivy had come to
join her during the night. For all Peyton knew, Ivy had been out until dawn
with the black soldier.

But none of that mattered any
longer as Ivy snored softly. She was returned and she was whole. As Peyton
stared at the sleeping face, she thought mayhap an apology for their bitter
words was unnecessary; better to simply forget the incident. She was more than
willing to forget their hostilities and hoped Ivy was, too.

With an evil, sleepy grin, she
leaned over and blew softly in her sister's ear. Ivy fidgeted and slapped a
hand over her head and Peyton proceeded to nibble at the back of her hand with
sharp white teeth until Ivy twitched and rolled onto her back.

Peyton held back the giggles.
"Lady Ivy," she said in a mockingly deep voice. "My sweet
wanton, how luscious is your unclothed body."

Ivy peeped one eye open at her
sister, who burst out in loud laughter. Regardless of the fact that she had
just been annoyed out of a deep sleep, Ivy smiled. "And you, my delicious
brown warrior, taste as good as you look. How delectable is your...."

"Stop!" Peyton cried,
choking on her laughter. "Say no more. I do not want to know what you may
have sampled."

Ivy closed her eyes tightly and
began to thrash about. "No more, I cannot stand it! Your hands to my....!"

"Ivy!" Peyton pleaded.

".... breasts as you....!"


".... attempt to milk me
like a cow!"

Peyton smacked her sister on the
rump and rolled off the bed with disgust. "Ivy, you are an uncouth
trollop. I will not hear what he has done to you, do you understand?"

Ivy propped herself up on
Peyton's pillow. "I never said he did anything to me," she raised an
eyebrow at the tattered edges of Peyton's shift spilling from beneath the silk
robe. "But why, may I ask, is your shift torn?"

Peyton's cheeks flushed as she
looked down at the mussed robe and snatches of torn shift.  She and Ivy had
always been open with each other and she was not about to hide from her sister.
Ivy would never think poorly of her no matter what she had done, even if she
herself was ashamed.

Slowly, she untied the sash to
her robe to reveal the entire torn length of shift.

Ivy gasped and sat up on the bed,
her eyes wide. "What happened, Peyton? Did he force himself on you? Did

Peyton shook he head, sheepishly.
"He did not," she stammered for words. "We.... I still Do not
know how exactly it came about, but.... oh, Ivy, I am so confused I do not know
what to think anymore."

Ivy swung her legs over the side
of the bed. "He was here last night when I arrived. He was sitting by the
hearth and you were sound asleep. He said he had brought a potion for your
headache but had decided to let you sleep rather than wake you so that you
could take it. He left with Ali the moment I arrived," she stood up and
moved to her sister, gazing at the ripped garment. "He did not.... you two
did not..?"

"Nay!" Peyton
exclaimed. "Of that I am certain."

Ivy moved to touch the shift and
the entire robe fell open, revealing her sister's naked body and the very
purple love bite on her upper abdomen. Ivy's mouth fell open.

"What is this?" she

Peyton looked down at her white
belly, marred with a vibrant bruise, and ran a finger across the mark.
"You would not believe me if I told you."

Ivy nodded vigorously. "Aye,
I would, because I have one to match."

It was Peyton's turn to be
shocked. "You do?"

Ivy reached up and pulled back
the neckline of her shift. On the top of her plump breast was a purple and
green mark. She and Peyton exchanged confused glances.

"What's the matter with
us?" Peyton whispered urgently.

Ivy simply shook her head.
"I do not know."

Peyton's gaze lingered on Ivy's
brilliant bite. "You said you hadn't yet accepted him as your

Ivy touched her sister's mark,
ignoring Peyton's piercing inquiry for the moment. When their gazes locked,
inquiry and confusion rippling in Peyton's sapphire depths and Ivy could no
longer ignore her.

She sighed helplessly. "I
cannot describe how I feel about him, Peyton. Only that he has made me
understand more about myself, more about life, than I ever dreamt possible. He
is unlike any man I have ever met."  

Peyton could read the sincerity
of discovery and was suddenly determined to know the man through Ivy's eyes.
"His color doesn't bother you any longer?"

Ivy shook her head. "His
skin is magnificent to behold, exquisite to touch. And he makes me feel more
beautiful than any woman on earth. There is a wonderful man beneath the outer
facade, Peyton. And I like him."

"Enough to allow him
to..," she cocked an eyebrow at the vivid love mark, "do that?"

Ivy ran a finger over the
blemish. "Aye."

Peyton touched her own mark
hesitantly, a tremendous confusion sweeping her. "I do not.... Ivy, I do
not even like Alec, certainly not the way you have come to accept Ali. But
something happens when we look at each other and it is as if I have no control
over myself. And, lord, when he kisses me.... what's wrong with me, Ivy?"

"Nothing," her sister
said evenly. "He is a gorgeous man, Peyton. Can you not accept the fact
that you find him attractive?"

"Nay! He is.... He is not
attractive to me. What I mean is, He is handsome and he has beautiful eyes and
a beautiful smile, but.... damnation, I love James! I do not love Alec

"Who said anything about
love, darling?" Ivy said with a faint smile. "Love means different
things to different people."

Peyton looked thoughtful, trying
desperately to analyze the situation and her own feelings. Her gaze returned to
her sister's colorful bite. "How far.... how much did Ali touch you?"

Ivy lowered her gaze for the
first time. "He touched me nearly everywhere until his parents
interrupted. I think had we continued unhindered, we might have.... and do you
want to know something? I think I wanted him to bed me. I think I wanted it
nearly as badly as he did."

Peyton asked, awed.

Ivy nodded and Peyton shook her
head in wonderment. "Is Ali so extraordinary that you would turn yourself
over to him without reserve?"

Ivy lifted an eyebrow. "Ask
yourself that same question. If you discover the answers, then let me know. I
have none to give."

Peyton looked down at her own
mark, feeling more baffled by the moment. "Neither do I. And do you know
what else? I hated you yesterday."

Ivy did not look overly
surprised. "I hated you, too. You were very cruel and unreasonable."

Peyton's pretty mouth twisted
with regret. "I know, darling, and I am sorry. 'Twas just that I was so
confused about everything and when I saw how you were coming to terms with Ali,
I was angry at you for surrendering so easily. And.... and I think I was
jealous in a way."

"What way?" Ivy asked

"Because you have found
someone you can tolerate, and I am saddled with Alec the Giant."

Ivy shook her head. "Peyton,
I simply cannot believe that you do not find Alec attractive. He is the most beautiful
man I have ever seen. Even Jubil is smitten with him."

Peyton sat down on the bed,
looking dazed, and shook her head. "Ivy, I love James. I cannot find
another man attractive."

Ivy felt a stab of pity for her
sister. "I know, darling," she said gently. "But he is gone and
Alec is to be your husband. You must come to understand that, the sooner the
better for you both. Do you not think you could grow to like him?"

Peyton shrugged, confused. "He
is kind at times and humorous too. I.... I simply do not know."

Ivy sat down on the mattress next
to her sister, feeling the familiar pain they had shared so often over the past
year. Grief, as ugly as it was, was a binding emotion and Ivy understood
Peyton's reluctance.

A soft rap came to the door then
and Ivy rose to answer. Lady Celine's bright face entered the room as she
smiled at the two young women.

"I heard voices," she
said. "'Tis nearly the nooning meal and I thought to help you dress."

Before Peyton could open her
mouth to reply, Thia entered the room behind her mother and immediately the
tension in the chamber thickened. If Lady Celine detected the hostility, she
did not react. Instead, she sent a serving woman running for hot water.

Ivy, however, sensed her sister's
distress and cast a long glance at the large Summerlin sibling. They'd barely
been introduced the day before, certainly not more than two words spoken
between them, and Ivy had not been told about the confrontation between Peyton
and Alec's sister. Now, however, she sensed loathing from her sister toward the
robust young woman and responded with dislike of her own.

Tactfully oblivious to the
animosity between the three young women, Lady Celine went directly to the
wardrobe. "Lord Brian is completing the marital arrangements this morn and
tonight after vespers, the marriages will take place," coming across an
acceptable dress, she tossed it to Thia and eyed the two sisters still huddled
on the bed. "Hurry, ladies! There is much to do!"

Several serving wenches brought
hot water in large basins and Lady Celine ordered the girls to disrobe. Her
manner was brisk and no-nonsense, indicative of a woman who had raised four
children, and Peyton and Ivy looked to one another in horror. Were they to
disrobe in front of Lady Celine, the unmistakable marks of passion would be
displayed. But they also knew they had no choice but to obey; Lady Celine was
far gone into the large wardrobe, clearly expecting naked women to dress

Peyton's eyes were fixed on Ivy.
They simply stared helplessly at each other while Lady Celine chattered
continuously and Thia stood silently by the bed. Finally, Peyton lifted a
resigned eyebrow and began to untie her sash. After all, she and Alec were to
be married and the fact that they had briefly tasted one another before the
ties of matrimony were secured should come as no great shock to Lady Celine. At
least, she hoped not. Moreover, she was at a loss to think of a plausible
stalling tactic.

The robe and shift came off.
Ivy's followed shortly.




Alec and Ali were waiting
patiently at the base of the stairs when the ladies descended, appreciation in
their expressions. Ali moved directly for Ivy but was foiled by Lady Celine,
who grabbed him by the ear and pulled him into the small solar near the entry.
Ivy looked stricken and Peyton turned to Alec.

"Do something," she
whispered urgently, pointing to the solar.

"What do you mean?" he
was planning to greet her fondly but his compliments died on his lips.

Peyton motioned for him to lean
closer to her and he did gladly. In fact, he was preparing to kiss her but she
frowned at him irritably.

"Your mother discovered a
passion mark on my sister while helping us with our toilette this morn,"
she whispered hastily. "I fear Ali is in for a thrashing."

She watched with satisfaction as
Alec passed a concerned glance in the direction of the solar. "I would
assume, then, that she did not see my signature on your abdomen?"

Peyton shook her head. "I
was able to conceal it somewhat."

He wriggled his eyebrows.
"Clearly. Had it been discovered, I would undoubtedly be receiving a
thorough reaming at this very moment," patting her gently on the arm, he
turned toward the solar. "You will excuse me for a moment, my lady."

He moved into the small room
determinedly and the ladies could hear him exchanging words with his mother.
Lady Celine's voice was angered while the low baritone of Alec's rumble was
maintained and calm. As his mother became animated and agitated, Alec remained
quite cool and collected. Even when she pinched him.

After several minutes, Lady
Celine exited the solar with her head held high and motioned to Thia, standing
by the stairs, who followed her mother obediently. Without a glance at Peyton
or Ivy, the two women disappeared into the grand hall. The sisters looked to each
other in confusion as Alec and Ali emerged from the solar, wolfish grins on
their faces.

"Ali, are you all
right?" Ivy asked with concern.

Ali rubbed his ear and Peyton
found herself gazing closely at him; it was the first time she had seen him out
of his armor and she was not displeased with her observations; he was a big
man, far leaner than Alec however, and he had the longest legs she had ever
seen. His torso was short for his size, but he was muscular and beautifully

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