Read The Lawson Boys: Alex Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #romance, #love, #pets, #tears, #secret, #laughter, #bbw, #australia, #soldier, #country town, #plussized heroine

The Lawson Boys: Alex (27 page)

BOOK: The Lawson Boys: Alex
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Every swipe of
his tongue made her breath stutter frantically, every scrape of his
teeth had her moaning, and when he delved inside the entrance to
her body, humming his appreciation of her moistness, she

There was no
doubt he drank of her essence, her body’s cream surging with every
demanding movement of his mouth.

shattered, thrown out into a vortex of emotions and eroticism so
intense she thought she’d surely die. Her heart thundered, her
fingers gripping the thick rug beneath her, her thighs straining
against the ungiving hardness of the male body that held her open
for his delight.

Alex didn’t let
her come down, forcing her higher with every sweep of his tongue,
every insistent suck on the little nub that was unprotected, every
lick of her cream.

She didn’t know
how long he kept her up in those shattering heights, spinning away
from one splintering sensation to the next, but suddenly she became
conscious of him above her, his hands braced beside her head as he
smiled darkly down at her, almost wolfish in his carnal heat.

“Oh God,
!” She almost screamed the name as he rammed home inside
her, his thrust so hard and sure, boring through her tender channel
until he was buried to the hilt inside her.

“Yes,” he
grated harshly. “Scream my name, Harly.
Scream it

Another hard
thrust had her hurtling upwards, her nails scratching along his
back as she screamed his name once more.

He rode her
hard, merciless, hips pumping powerfully as he took her with a
voracious heat.

There was no
doubt who was the master in that moment as he played her body,
controlled her, made her experience the reality, and it was
magnificent. Mind-shattering. Almost frightening.

He could read
her like an open book, dipping his head down to rain tiny kisses
along her cheek, smothering her fear beneath tenderness, and once
he had her emotions and sensations spinning again out of control,
he pushed her mercilessly once more, higher, higher, shattering her
restraints, every thrust of his hips tearing her into erotic

This time when
she was flung out into the vortex she felt him come with her, his
hot seed pouring deep, almost scalding her as it coated her
spasming walls.

And then she
was lost to everything.


When she
finally came to, she was laying on her side, her legs entwined with
Alex’s, his arms tight around her back and waist, one of his big
hands resting on the generous globe of her bottom. Her cheek was
against his chest. Pressed against the entire front of Alex, all
Harly could do was slump limply against him.

“Jesus,” he
said shakily against her hair.

She was too
deliciously wrung out to do more than make an inarticulate sound of
agreement. Held in his protective arms, she happily drifted on the
aftermath of what had been an earth-shattering joining.


“Uh,” she
groaned. “Don’t talk.”

softly, Alex gathered her tenderly against him and buried his face
in her hair.

With the heater
blowing warm air on them, she fell asleep in his arms. Once she
awoke and dimly registered the blanket of the sofa draped over them
both. Closing her eyes and nestling closer to the big body against
hers, she once more drifted off.


When she awoke
again, it was to see the sun shining through the big lounge room
window and in place of Alex’s body against hers, she was tucked up
in a blanket with a cushion beneath her head.

Coming up onto
one elbow, her hair a tangle around her shoulders and pooling on
the floor, she squinted at the clock on the mantelpiece. Good
grief, it was nine o’clock in the morning!

A quick glance
around showed that she was alone in the room, but she heard sounds
coming from the direction of the kitchen. Scrambling upright, she
wrapped the blanket around herself, more than aware of the
delicious ache between her legs.

Whoo boy,
what a night
. She blushed. Alex had woken her twice, each time
to make love to her, and each time he’d swept her away in a tide of
eroticism. Just the memory was enough to make her moist.

The trembling
of her knees, however, was more to do with unused muscles being
given a workout.
And what a workout
. She had to muffle a
giggle. Another quick glance around showed that her clothes weren’t
in the room.

Biting her lip,
she switched off the heater before moving to the doorway and
peering down the hallway. The sound of water being poured into a
cup sounded followed by Alex’s deep voice talking to one of the

Not quite sure
what she’d say to him once face-to-face, she clutched the blanket
around her and slipped quietly down to her bedroom. The clothes
she’d worn the night before were folded neatly on the end of her
bed, proudly topped by her purple silk bra.

Alex had
certainly liked that purple bra.

He’d also liked
other things as well.

Just the
thought had her face going hot and her heart stammering.

Gathering clean
clothes, she checked the passage was still clear and nipped across
to the bathroom. The hot water was a relief, easing her aching
muscles, and she slathered herself with soap, washed her hair and
rinsed it all off. Then she did it again. Finally she realised that
she was procrastinating because she was uncertain of facing Alex in
the light of day, especially after what had transpired between them
the previous night. Several times.

Good God, the
man had had his face between her legs, his tongue on her- Harly
twisted the taps off and grabbed a towel.
Oh God
. How was
she going to face him?

Chewing on her
bottom lip, she towelled herself dry and dressed in warm pants and
long-sleeved t-shirt, before drying her hair with the blow-dryer
and fastening it up in a high ponytail.

Staring at
herself in the mirror, she was rather surprised she didn’t have
‘brazen hussy’ stamped on her forehead, but the only thing that
gave indication that she’d had a thoroughly debauched night - and
enjoyed it - was her sparkling eyes and slightly swollen lips.

“Harly?” A
knock on the door made her jump. “Are you coming for breakfast, or
are you going to hide in there all morning?” Laughter laced the

“I’m coming.”
Damn it, how did he know? “And I’m not hiding!”


Taking a deep
breath, she straightened her shoulders, nodded to her reflection
and crossing to the bathroom door, she swung it open.

Alex grinned
down at her from where he leaned against the doorjamb. “Morning,

“Morning,” she
mumbled, trying desperately to maintain a cool façade but failing
dismally as she looked at his strong jaw-line, unable to quite meet
his eyes.

Laughing, Alex
stood upright, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and steered her
down the hall. It said a lot that the gesture seemed so natural, as
did having him in her house.

Entering the
kitchen, Alex led her to the table and nudged her into a chair.
“Tea or coffee?”

“Tea, please.”
She watched as he placed a frypan on the stove and lit the gas jet.
“What are you making?”

Cracking four eggs into the frypan, he glanced at her and winked.
“To replenish your strength.”

Yep, there it
was again, her cheeks going red.

Still grinning,
he put bread in the toaster and poured hot tea from the tea pot
into a cup and brought it across to the table. Placing it before
her, he bent and kissed the top of her head before moving back to
watch the cooking eggs.

It was such a
natural gesture on his part that she relaxed a little. “I didn’t
know you could cook.”

“Mum always
insisted we learn,” he replied. “I can cook just about anything and
so can Cindy, but Marty is hopeless. The man can’t even boil an egg
without charring the living hell out of it.” Holding the spatula in
the air, he added, “Marty’d be the first to admit it, too.”

“Your family
always sounded nice.”

Smiling, he
flipped the eggs over. “They are.”

Picking up the
tea cup, Harly laced her fingers around it and glanced around the
room, not really surprised to see that the dog and cats bowls had
food in them already. Obviously Alex had fed them earlier. She
returned her attention to him as he buttered the toast and put two
eggs on each plate before bringing them to the table. After shaking
salt over her eggs, she handed the shaker to Alex and watched him
do the same.

Cutting off a
slice of egg on toast, Alex said “Bon appetite” and ate.

Shaking her
head slightly, Harly followed his example, and was surprised to
find herself relaxing in his easy company. They ate in
companionable silence, and it was only once their plates had been
pushed aside and they were sipping at a second cup of tea that he
broke the silence.

“Harly, I
forgot to use a condom last night. I’m sorry.”

Meeting his
gaze, she saw the sincerity reflected within it. “It’s all right.
I’m on the pill.” When his brows rose, she explained, “I saw my
doctor the other day.”

“Ah.” He nodded
approval. “Good plan. I’ve always been careful, but around you it
seems I lose whatever sense the good Lord gave me.”

She couldn’t
help but feel at least a little pleased, but then Alex studied her
for several seconds and she wondered what he thought. Her own
thoughts were a little rattled. There was no way she could help the
blush that rose once again in her cheeks as she wondered if he was
remembering the previous night and the magical, carnal ways he’d
taken her.

It seemed his
thoughts were there, but on a totally different level. “Did I hurt
you last night?”


“Last night.”
His gaze travelled over her face, lingering on her lips. “I was
rough.” Oh boy, could a question get any more intimate? “You didn’t
hurt me. It was incredible.” Way beyond it, in fact.

There was no
mistaking the faint relief on his face. “I also didn’t give any
thought to the fact that you’d possibly never had oral sex

She swallowed.
“I’ve never had…done it…before.”

To say his
smile held male satisfaction was putting it mildly. “So I’m the

“Uh - yes.”
Unable to hold his gaze, she fiddled with the handle of the tea

“And your
only.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Of course.”
Startled and a little annoyed, she frowned at him. “I thought…”

he angled his head.


“No, tell me.
You thought what?”

“I thought…I
thought we were in a relationship. Of some kind.” There, she’d said

“We are,” he
replied steadily. “That’s why I’m honoured that I’m your first, and
I’ll be your only.” Placing one forearm on the table, he leaned
forward. “I know you’re not a hundred percent certain of me, Harly,
but I know you’re the only woman for me. I can’t say I’m happy
about your uncertainty, but I understand it. I think.”


“You’re a
woman. One can’t be exactly sure of understanding the female

Mouth agape,
she stared at him for several seconds before seeing the twinkle in
his eyes, and grabbing the napkin, she threw it at him.

He ducked,

“Arse,” she

“Totally.” He
winked. “Not as pretty as yours, though. Aw, there we go. I just
love watching you blush, baby.”






The next week
was the best Alex could ever remember having, but it was coming to
an end all too soon.

Sitting on the
veranda swing, his arm around Harly as they enjoyed the afternoon,
he contemplated the changes that had occurred over such a short

He’d come to
Whicha an angry man, with a sadness dogging his footsteps, he’d
certainly never expected the source of his anger to be one that
he’d fall in love with and with whom he’d want to spend the rest of
his life.

Harly had
changed, too, though he knew she probably hadn’t thought about it.
Though still a little shy at being naked in front of him, she
nevertheless eagerly welcomed his lovemaking, and her inhibitions
when in his arms fled.

He hadn’t
slept at Paul’s house since the night they’d all gotten together
for dinner. Nope, every night since he’d been here, making love to
Harly, sleeping in her bed, spending time with her between helping
Paul with his building, and Harly working at the café and meeting
her sewing orders.

Leaning his
cheek atop Harly’s head where she rested against his shoulder, he

Reaching up,
she slid her hand into his near her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“The day after
tomorrow I have to head back to the city.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want
to leave you.”

“The Army is
your life.”

“And now
you’re a part of it, too.” He rubbed his cheek on her silky

Tipping her
head back, she looked gravely up at him. “I promised you I would

He smiled.
“You did, and I have total faith in you.”

“I’ll email
and write to you.”

He studied her
face. “Harly, come back to the city with me.”

flitted across her face. “What?”

“I’m spending
a couple of days at home before I catch the plane back to the base.
I want you to spend that time with me, and meet my family.”

“You do?”

“Of course I
do. Let me repeat what I said, you are a part - a huge part - of my
life now. I want you to meet my family, spend the last few days
with me in the city. Please?” He loved Harly, and he wanted to
ensure that she felt safe with his family, safe enough to go to
them for help if she needed it and he wasn’t there to come to her
rescue. “I’m going to go back to Afghanistan, probably for another
six months. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I

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