The Laws of Seduction: A French Kiss Novel (18 page)

BOOK: The Laws of Seduction: A French Kiss Novel
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“She’s here,” Rex whispered.

Charlotte gripped his arm. “Where?”

“Front and center,” Rex said, tilting his chin. “The one with the bright blue coat and dark hair.”

“Good God,” Charlotte whispered as Viviane turned to the left. “Who could deny Marcel’s her son? He’s her spitting image.” She looked to Rex. “Okay, there’s your answer. Now let’s go.”

“In a minute—there’s Hitchell,” Rex said, leaning forward.

Representative Hitchell shuffled his papers atop the podium and looked to his colleagues. “Let me begin by saying I believe in climate change.”

“Oh boy, a heretical admission for the right, but a new hero for the liberals,” Charlotte whispered.

“And because of that,” Hitchell continued, “we’re constantly on the lookout for fuels that even out or eliminate carbon emissions, especially for developing nations and even in Europe. And that’s why I say if we introduce new technology we can solve these problems and bring about a cleaner world, and in the process . . .”

“Please, Rex, he’s sucking all the oxygen out of the room,” Charlotte said. “Let’s get out of here before you get caught or I die of boredom.”

Viviane took a seat, loosening her coat, but she was hardly settling in. Rex leaned forward, watching her.

“And because of that I’m introducing H.R. 12953,” Hitchell continued. “The LNG Carbon Reduction Funding Bill, that will make the United States the largest producer of clean fuel in the world . . .”

She’s not listening to Hitchell
, Rex thought.
looking around, searching for someone.

Charlotte noticed. “Five more seconds and she’s going to see you.”

“Just a second,” Rex said.
Who are you looking for, Viviane? Are you looking for me? Just a couple millimeters more and—
She turned, looking dead into his eyes. Then just as quickly, she looked away. Like she couldn’t quite believe what she saw.

He wasn’t about to give her another chance.

Rex rose. “Let’s go.
.” He grabbed Charlotte’s hand. “Hurry.”

They trotted out the gallery as fast as they could, and were out on the street and chasing down a cab before Charlotte could catch her breath.

“Jesus—Rex! Hold up!” she cried, running to the curb, Rex already sliding into the taxi Once they were out in traffic, she turned to him, her chest heaving. “Damn, that was close. As it was, I could almost hear the jail door clanging shut.”

He took her hand, kissing it. “It was kind of exciting though, don’t you think?”

“Almost getting caught?” She shook her head. “You’re crazy. What if she saw you?”

He was excited, the blood pumping, pounding in his veins. He hadn’t felt this charged in as long as he could remember. “That’s the thing. She did.”

“What?” She looked horrified.

“And you know what? I don’t think she quite believed what she saw.”

“You’d better hope not, or there’s going to be five million less dollars in your bank account.”

He leaned back, throwing his arm over her. “Oh, the look on her face . . .”

“Rex, stop. Please,” Charlotte said, an ironic twist to her voice. “You’re scaring me.”

He looked to her, astonished, tilting her back in his arms. “Scared? Of me? When all I really want to do is kiss you?”

She held him off, her hand to his chest. “I’ll bet that’s the least of it.”

“How well you know me already,” he said, his mouth lowering to hers.

they got back to the suite Rex was like a bull in rut. Only randier.

“Come here . . .” he growled, pulling her into the bedroom. He ripped back the sheets, then proceeded to strip every piece of clothing from her body.

“You know I can do that,” she said, standing there as he kissed her cheek, her neck, as he opened her coat and slid it from her. “And probably faster, too.”

“You’re like opening up a piece of candy,” he said, slipping off her sweater before he proceeded to unbutton her dress, sliding that off her, too, until she was only in her bra and pumps, a puddle of clothing at her feet.

He raked his gaze down her, his eyes heavy and lidded. “You weren’t kidding about the panties, were you?”

“Told ja,” she said, as if it was obvious.

He pinched his thumb and forefinger between her breasts and let her bra snap open, sliding it off her shoulders to the floor. After a moment of openly gaping he stood back to gape even more.

“Like what you see?” she said, hands to hips, thrusting her breasts forward.

He shook his head slightly, like coming out of a stupor. “
,” he said, low and throatily, “get in the bed.”

“I will,” she said, crawling into it, “but I don’t care what your kinks are. These are not coming with me.” She kicked off her shoes, then propped herself against the headboard. “Now it’s my turn,” she said, openly gaping as well.

Rex slipped off his shoes and socks and unknotting his tie, yanked it off, removing the rest of his clothing in record time.

“You’ve done this before,” Charlotte observed, bringing her legs up to her chin.

He was left with his boxer briefs and for a split second, Charlotte wished he’d leave them on. Much like what lingerie does for a woman, she savored the mystery beneath the form-fitting cotton and silk below his broad chest and tightly packed abs. After a few moments he slid them off and came toward her, cocked and loaded. He slipped in beside her, taking her in his arms.

“You know, I . . .” He sighed. “Look,
, it’s up to you of course, but we kind of dispensed with the wrappings before, so it probably wouldn’t matter if we did it
au naturel
now.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “But even so, I kind of did it without your permission before, so . . .”

She cocked a brow. “It’s kind of late for that now, don’t you think?”

Ma belle
,” he murmured, laying her back against the pillows. “I just want you to be sure.”

“I’m sure,” she said, stretching out beneath him. “And I trust you. Any reason why I shouldn’t?”

Mon Dieu
, Charlotte,” he said, his kissing her as he lowed himself, “there’s every reason in the world.”

Her breath caught as he slipped himself inside her, the feeling of fullness almost overwhelming. She arched her back as he drove himself in, his hand slipping under her thigh as he pulled her leg up to bury himself to the hilt. “Charlotte . . .” he whispered, groaning as he sank himself deeper. She smoothed her hands lightly down his back, Rex shivering under her trace. “Charlotte . . .” he whispered, nipping the corner of her mouth. She shivered as well. How couldn’t she?

Because it was becoming harder and harder to separate the woman she was to the outside world, to what she became when she was with him. She’d been hired as his lawyer, but her feelings for him were so much more personal now. Maybe she needed to forget the inclusive feel of his arms around her, the desire in his eyes when he looked at her, that sense of belonging to someone other than herself. Because she didn’t belong to him. Whatever they were together, she knew it was only temporary, a faux security unlikely to become permanent.

Yet when she touched his cheek, he smiled.

She couldn’t help smiling, too. There were worse things she could fool herself with, she supposed.

She tossed her head back and let his steady stroking take her higher and higher, his eyes blissful as he rolled them over the edge. For now it had to be enough. For whatever would come, she’d always remember this, the two of them joined, a perfect illusion of one.


Chapter Eighteen

Thicker than Blood

asleep almost immediately after, sliding off to spoon behind Charlotte, his arms tightly around her. She awoke to find she could hardly move, but why would she want to? How long had it been since she’d spent this much time in such close proximity to another human being? Too long, she knew. And she was going to miss it after he was gone, not so very long from now.

She could feel him breathing against her neck, the soft hairs of his chest against her back, the taut muscles of his thigh as it rested on hers. He had been in her and now he virtually surrounded her, his arm flung across her chest in a possessive clutch. He was warm and she felt safe, from what, she wasn’t sure, but if it was out there she knew he’d keep whatever it was away.

She opened her eyes and fixed on his hand, or what she could see of it lying loosely across her shoulder. For as much as she knew of him, these weren’t the pampered hands of a businessman. There was something in his life that had caused those calluses below the curl of his fingers. Probably indicative of all his mysteries, like a tiny glimpse into a life she’d never know. And suddenly she wanted to, very badly.

She wasn’t sure why she was feeling this way now. Maybe it was because of what happened just before, how excited he got over playing a little too close to the edge. It had almost seemed that he wanted Viviane to see him. Why was that? What lay between them besides the obvious fact of his betrayal? She’d have to ask him as up until now, they seemed to have been following the same tack. Maybe that was significant. Maybe that proved whatever he came here to accomplish, he had. And that saddened her that this thing, whatever it was, was playing out.

Strange that it had happened to begin with. When they first met, she had hated him on sight, as she did all his breed of corporate bulldog. They were her bread and butter and she ate them alive every day, but somehow she could tell Rex was different. He didn’t stare past her and let his minions do the talking. He listened and spoke his own piece, then let her do the same. He was courteous and gracious, but that only made her suspicious, having seen that ploy before. He reminded her of an old saying:
The knife will enter so much easier when it’s oiled.
But not once did she feel as if she’d been played. She came in with her demands, then left with more than she expected.
It’s just good business
, he had said. Suddenly Rex shifted against her and she moved along with him. Was this good business, too? She had to wonder.

He kissed her neck and she rolled over to face him. “
,” she whispered.

He yawned and raked back his hair, his eyes even more sensual in their somnolence. “
. I must have fallen asleep.” He kissed her shoulder, looping his leg over her again. “
Toutes mes excuses
. Do you forgive me?”

“I always do.” She took his hand, smoothing the pads below his fingers. “Tell me, how does a desk jockey like you get calluses as thick as these?”

His mouth crooked as he threaded his fingers into hers. “Maybe because real jockeys have something in common with me.”

“Like betting on the ponies?” she said, trailing a finger up his chest.

He grabbed her hand, kissing it. “Like riding them.”

“You ride horses?” She had to stifle a laugh. “What—polo ponies? That would fit.”

He took exception, his chin lifting. “I’ll have you know I’ve been riding since before I could walk.”

“On little tiny baby polo ponies,” she said, curling into him. “With training wheels.”

,” he said, trying not to laugh. “On big, strapping Percherons.”

Charlotte thought a moment. “Aren’t they draft horses? Work horses, I mean?”

. They pull things. Like wagons full of grapes.” He brushed back her hair, smoothing it down her neck. “I grew up on a vineyard, and I used to ride all around it.”

“Did you now?” It thrilled her he was telling her this. “Is that where you live now?”

“Too far from the office. I live in a little house by the sea in Vallon des Auffes, a fishing port in Marseille. But I ride every chance I get.”

“I’ve never been to Marseille. I’ll have to come visit you next time I’m in France.”

. . .” he murmured, kissing the slope of her jaw, “but I’m here, right now, with you.”

He certainly was. But for how long? And that was the truly scary part. Because she was starting to ask herself—could she fall in love with him? He slid down her body, kissing the hollow of her throat. “Yes, you are. It seems I can’t get you out of my bed.”

He laughed in that low, throaty baritone of his. “
rends fou
Qu’est-ce que je ferais sans toi
” he whispered, his tongue trailing little circles around her breasts.

Now she was as surprised as he. What would he do without her? “
Je ne sais pas
.” She supposed he’d find out soon.

He lifted his head. “Don’t you?” he continued
en français.

“You’ll wither and die,” she said in kind. “You’ll miss me so terribly you won’t know what to do.”

He rested his chin on her belly, looking up. “I don’t know what to do now, my love.” He grasped her hips, kissing his way from one hip to the other. “All I know is I want you badly, more than any other woman I’ve ever been with.” He kissed her navel, his tongue trailing around it and down. “I want you now and every second of the day. And just like now, I can’t get enough.” He trailed lower and lower, until his tongue deftly flicked her clit.

She arched up, startled, still moist from where he had come inside her. The very idea was almost too erotic and she squirmed, her hands at his shoulders, his grasp only tightening.

“Don’t move,” he ordered, pressing her hips to the mattress, his tongue pleasuring her in such rapid succession her breath became uneven. His hands slipped around to her backside and he lifted her up, his fingers delving in between, one rimming her before sinking deep inside.

“Ahh!” She gasped, yanking his hair, her hips bucking with the force of her rising. Rex probed deeper and deeper while she rose even higher until all at once he let go and slid up and sank into her. Before she could take another breath she was going off again, her head thrown back in a wordless yowl. A moment later his face contorted and he joined her, going rigid as he climaxed deep inside her. When he was spent he collapsed atop her. Charlotte, indescribably sated, flinging her arms around him.

“My—God,” he choked out, still
en français
, “that just about cost me my—”

“Shut up,” she said in English, turning her head to kiss him, so deeply he growled from the back of his throat.

,” he said, his eyes flaring. “A kiss like that demands another fuck but I regret I’m down and out for the duration.”

“Good,” she said, kissing him lightly. “I don’t think I could survive it.”

“Oh you would, you’d have to.” He slipped from her, sliding to her side. “I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t,” he said, caressing her cheek. “Not when I’ve finally found you.”

She stared at him, barely able to speak. “Rex—what are you saying?”

He didn’t answer. He just looked at her, his eyes dark and fathomless. Then he turned and climbed out of the bed. “Come here,” he said, gathering her up.

He took her to the shower where they wordlessly soaped each other down. When they were finished they simply stood under the warm rain, locked in each other’s arms.

“What do you want from me,
ma petit
?” he murmured against her mouth. “Am I saying what you want to hear, and if I am, why won’t you believe me?”

“Why do you have to even say anything?” she said, laying her head against his shoulder. “Why make this more than what it is—what you
it is.”

“And what’s that?”

It pained her to admit it, but she was veering too close to dangerous territory to even hope it was more than what it was. “A wonderful way to pass the time until the inevitable takes over.” She looked up. “You know that’s all it is.”

“No I don’t. I can’t tell the future like you.” He regarded her, his eyes heavy-lidded and unreadable. “How about for now we don’t waste any more time talking about it. I want you and I want to be with you, and I’m fairly certain you feel the same about me. Plus I have you naked in my arms. How can I ask for anything better?”

“I suppose you couldn’t,” she said, sliding her hands down his slippery back, storing the memory for later.

her hair Rex ordered big, thick steaks and pommes frites for dinner, along with a salad of mixed greens, a cheese plate with bread, an assortment of petite French pastries, and coffee.

“And a big bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon,” he said, putting down the house phone. He padded over in the hotel robes they were both wearing, leaning into the jamb. “Do you think that’s enough?”

“I think I’ll explode if I even eat a third of it,” she said, reapplying her mascara. “And that’s coming off hardly touching the food we got for lunch. I’m starving.”

“So am I. They said it shouldn’t take that long.” His mouth crooked. “They always take care of me fairly quickly.”

“No doubt,” she said, sliding on her lipstick. “As much coin as you probably drop here.” She stood back, fluffing her hair.

“I could watch you do that all day,
ma belle
,” he said.

She didn’t follow. “Do what?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her. “Making yourself beautiful for me.”

“For you?” She laughed. “Oh sweetie, this is just maintenance. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t even want to see me in the dark.”

He came up behind her, resting his hands on her hips. “Why is it the loveliest of women are always the most disparaging of themselves?
, I only want to see you in the dark now,” he said, kissing her neck. “Because that would make it night and that would mean you’d be under me.”

She groaned, arching into him, his hands hot as they snaked under the robe to her breasts. It was almost incredible how much she craved him, even again, even if it were only his touch. But someone had to be sane in this relationship. She pulled away, going for her clothes.

“I’d better get dressed,” she said, reaching for her bra.

,” he said, his hands at her waist. “Not yet.”

“Oh really,” she said, turning in her arms. “You are indeed a T-Rex. But I think we’ll wait for dessert, okay?”

Très bien.
” He leaned in, smiling wickedly as his hand slid to her belly. “Why do you think I got the French pastries?”


“Oh, very astute, Charlotte.”

Twenty minutes later they were at the dining room table tucking into their steaks, each large enough to feed a small country. Or so Charlotte thought. Not that she was complaining.

“God, this is awesome,” she said, slicing into the beef. “This is just what I needed.”

“Right,” he said, as if it was obvious. “What woman doesn’t need a big slab of beef now and then?”

“Or two,” she said, eyeing him salaciously, “you big beefsteak, you.” She chewed, savoring each bite.

He glanced at the clock. “It’s eight now. I think we’ll wait a couple hours and then we’ll make our way back. How’s that?”

She eyed him speculatively. “That’s a good idea. I’m surprised she hasn’t tracked us to the hotel by now.”

“She doesn’t have to.” He set down his fork, reaching for the bottle of Cabernet. Charlotte pushed over her glass and he poured them each one. “She knows where to find me.”

“You mean with me.”

, and I expect she’ll pay us a visit before too long.”

The mere mention of Marcel’s mother seemed to set his teeth on edge. “And how do you feel about that?”

He swirled the wine, regarding it, before he took a sip and set it down with a wince. “Well, what do you expect from Sonoma. Anyway, I would say we’ve been due for a confrontation for a long time now. She’s never forgiven me for thwarting her Machiavellian ambitions and siding with her son.”

Charlotte thought a minute. “But what about Andy? Wasn’t he the one who came up with the plan?”

“You know, I think he’s the only person in the world who gives her pause, though I seem to have come in a close second. We’ve both had to bear the brunt of her wrath.” He picked up his knife and went back to the steak. “Though all she tried to do was break up his marriage. How much worse could you get than getting someone accused of sexual assault?”

“I don’t know.” She tossed her hand. “Murder?”

His brow arched. “Now who’s going to volunteer for that? Call me self-centered, but I can envision much worse scenarios than compromising yourself with me.”

She grinned salaciously. “I’ll attest to that.”

“Exactly.” He slid a piece of steak into his mouth, chewed, swallowed. “Anyway, what better way to get a bill killed than by having it benefit a sex fiend like me? Even a vague association would be anathema.”

“But Lilith couldn’t know that when she sponsored the bill.”

, of course not. I think she came into it with honest intentions. Remember, it would benefit her constituency as it would mean jobs, so it could only help her in the election. And that’s precisely why someone got to her.”

“Marcel’s mother.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

“So Lilith’s not so innocent after all.”

“Lilith is for Lilith, but I knew that going in.”

“Metaphorically speaking, of course.”

,” he said, coloring, using his fork for emphasis, “I will allow that one time and one time only.”

“Hey, I’m only your straight man. You thought that up all on your own.”

“Don’t remind me. I’m usually much more obtuse than that.”

BOOK: The Laws of Seduction: A French Kiss Novel
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