The Laws Of Elios (Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Laws Of Elios (Book 2)
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Taking back his list from Ari
General D’Mere nodded, “I agree,  I will have my men continue to coordinate with the mages from Yllyan to remove all civilians that are in danger and let them know that they can return as soon as the conflict is finished.”

the General had finished Monsieur Golan stood and in an arrogant manner glanced at the group to make sure that he had everyone’s attention.  “Gentlemen, Lieutenant,” he added condescendingly to Roger’s assistant. “I expect to have detailed plans of all actions prior to the execution of any of your operations.  The law must be followed and procedures must be observed. 

Additionally I have nu
merous concerns regarding the secession of several of the border cities and the legality of Luion assuming rule of them.  I must forbid any occupation of those lands until we can inform the Kingdom of Infin of our intent.  We must allow them to formally accept these secessions; just because the people have asked for asylum in Luion and have requested to be citizens of Luion doesn’t mean that we can automatically accept lands under claim of Infin as part of our republic without due process.  This means that until diplomatic relations can be reestablished that I must forbid any Luion incursions into any of the border cities unless these cities actively threaten our currently established borders.

General, Admiral,”  Golan turned to the two military leaders, “I expect your adjutants to report to my sub minister as soon as possible so that protocols can be followed in this manner.”  Turning to Shane, Shew, Roger and Ari, “As for this ‘Artifact’ espionage and ‘intelligence gathering’ – so called
- you are to cease all of your use of this magetech until it has been identified and approved as legal.  I have significant doubts in the methods that have been reported to have been used so far and I expect you and your associates to comply immediately; my office will waiting for your appointee to liaise with my office as soon as possible.  Feel free to provide that information when you give your portion of this briefing.”

After nearly thirty more minutes of ultimatums and regulatory emphasis Golan smiled smugly and took his seat.

Shew was the next to stand.  “Monsieur Golan. I appreciate your sense of humor.  That part about the cease our use of magetech was hilarious.  As for the paper work, we’ll get right on that.”  Turning to the Admiral he added.  “I can see why you bring him to these meetings.  I bet he’s a hoot at parties.”

Monsieur Shew,” retorted Golan, “you mock me but if you do not comply I will have you arrested for war crimes,” the minister smugly replied as he leaned back and folded his arms across his chest.

Shew looked at Ari.  “You better start filling out some paper work, I’m about ready kill somebody.”

Ari laughed, “Just give your brief and I’ll address Monsieur Golan’s Concerns.”

It’s okay, I’ve got this.  This upstart isn’t the first bureaucrat I’ve had to educate.” Shew responded to Ari as he aimed one of his crusty looks toward Minister Golan.  “General D’Mere I will be working with you and the Army.  I will need to meet with you first thing in the morning to discuss how I will be getting intelligence to you and improving your current organization.  I have already met with a number of your personnel prior to this but that has been mostly on extraction of refugees and only a few minor intelligence missions.  We have a number of ideas and I look forward to setting up a small intelligence company with the proper chain of command that will allow you to make better battlefield and overall theater of operations decisions.  I will let you know what magical support you will have available and Monsieur Oiseau will provide you with the logistics necessary to obtain that support.  I hope you understand that due to the secrecy required I will only provide you and a few select officers this information personally outside of a meeting of this nature.”

Turning to face Minister Golan, “
As far as paper work and legality, I will provide intelligence within the parameters of the Code of the Infin-Luion Alliance of Five ten.  Also within that code I will not reveal or report any activities to any ministry or individual outside the Prime Minister or the operatives involved.  Within that code you can feel free to press charges through appropriate channels and I will answer them if they are presented as outlined in the Code.  To be clear neither you nor your office will have anything to do with my activities. 

You should realize that I have been doing this job for over forty years and I’m exceptionally good at it. 
I am not your enemy I am your ally and I am also an asset that you need. 

I think the thing that you are missing in all that has gone on in the last couple of weeks is that
Luion has been the gentle neighbor to the north to Infin for years; they are not the least bit afraid of you or your army or navy.  You may not have been preparing for war against your southern neighbor, but I know of a surety that they have been preparing for you.  I know this because I was the one that prepared them.  The reason that I am here today is because the current king has lost his mind.  Now if you want to live in your little world of self-importance by minimizing the defense needs of this country by making demands that do nothing but inhibit the ability of everyone to move forward at the speed necessary to protect this country then you go ahead.  My recommendation is that you take your resources and instead of trying to prosecute those that are fighting the war, you look for ways of defending them and opening the doors necessary to conduct a theater of operations without having to expose yourself to security leaks and communications delays.” Turning to D’Mere, he ended his briefing, “General, I’ll see you in the morning regarding the next steps in the plan.”

As Shew sat down
, all eyes turned to Shane who simply smiled and nodded to Ari indicating that he should go next.  Ari stood and scooted his chair up to the table and stood behind it with his hands resting comfortably on the top of the back of the chair with a glance around the conference room he addressed the crowd.  “My remarks are primarily for the Admiral.  Like my associate, Monsieur Shew my mission will be the same with the exception that I will be working with the navy.  Admiral Cyrado, I will be briefing you on artifacts that have been designed and tested specifically for naval operations that will allow you many abilities; from stealth to navigation to propulsion.   I’ll elaborate on these devices in the morning when we meet.”

Clearing his throat and standing
to his full height with an aura of a master addressing a group of students Ari’s voice took on an unmistakable authoritative tone. “Gentlemen, we are here to help.  There is a danger involved with this war that you do not at this time comprehend.  We do.  You will soon be facing magic that hasn’t been seen in over a thousand years.  We are here to assist because the enemy you face has access to an evil magic that only the magic of the Elios can counter.  Our goals run parallel with each other but I need to express that our purpose is not only to protect you from the Infin, but to also protect the Infin from Luion and most of all from themselves.

Some of you possibly
feel that we may have ulterior motives and might be asking yourselves what is in it for us.  Most of our group is unique. We are headed by the rightful heir of Coholo and a true descendant of the Elios. Our leader is the protector of not just Coholo but of Luion, Infin, and any of the undiscovered island nations scattered around the entire world of Eliom. 

of us are Glyph Mages and Glyph Masters; something that hasn’t been seen on this world since the fall of Luion  Our leader is much more than that and without his aid Luion would have been swept aside already. 

What we have to offer
you is probably most likely not what you want in the way you want it and it will most often be not what you expect.  Our mission, as we have outlined with the Prime Minister is not to fight your battles but to allow you to able to defend yourselves. 

Monsieur Golan did
not mince words as he has dictated his passion for the law.  I will now speak with the same candor.  Know without a doubt that we are subject to
Law.  We live and operate as students, practitioners, and masters, governed by the greatest of all laws.  In order to become a mage and bare the magic of the Elios we accept the wisdom and governing foundation of the Elios.  We live the Laws of the Elios.  So if you are concerned whether or not the battles that will be fought, the magic employed, and the purposes behind them, are in violation to the law, you can rest assured that the mage that exercises the misuse of Lumen will suffer a far greater consequence than that of someone who crosses a border illegally or claims a city without parliamentary approval.”

The room was silent as Ari concluded.  “Monsieur Golan, if you would like to begin learning the Laws of Elios I will arrange for a manuscript to be provided for you.  You do not need to concern yourself with our conduct as we are capable of governing ourselves.
  If we detect any abuse to the enemy or refugees by either side we will bring it to your attention.  If you have further questions regarding this issue I invite you to take it up with the Prime Minister; unfortunately the mages of Yllyan do not have the time.  Thank you,” he concluded as he pulled out his char and retook his seat.

ane stood and looked at the quiet room.  It would do no good adding anything to Ari’s inspired and informative presentation so after a brief pause he opened up the room to questions.

I’d like to thank you all for listening to our presentations and trust that as we move forward with the various implementations of the plans touched on today that you will feel a bit more comfortable as you see them grow into fruition.”  Shane paused and the image of an unfamiliar glyph formed in his mind and he seemed hear a whisper of the word harmony.  Cocking his head slightly as if trying to understand his daydream it evaporated away like a cool mirage.  The room back in focus he continued.  I’d like to open up the floor to questions and answers.  I only ask that you keep it to the topics discussed today and try not to delve too deeply beyond the secrecy that has been conveyed.”

General D’Mere’s hand went up.

“General,” Shane acknowledged.

“Monsieur Chason, will the Army be receiving similar magetech that will be provided to the Navy?”

“Yes and no,” Shane answered.  “Due to the different missions of the two armed forces the devices and functionality will be different.  As to the differences I will need to have you wait until Monsieur Shew meets with you tomorrow.”

Cyrado’s hand that had been raised moments before lowered as it appeared that his question was along the same lines.

Minister Golan raised his hand.  “Monsieur Golan, you have a question?” asked Shane.

“Yes,” the minister said as if demanding an answer.  “I can’t help but wonder about the leadership of the Mages of Yllyan.  Who is this man and how can we know he has the best interests of Luion in mind, and when will we be able to meet him?”

Shane smiled and Shew nearly fell out of his chair as he laughed out loud; calming only after a warning glare from Ari.

Once more the peaceful glyph ushered its way to the forefront of Shane’s thoughts.  This time Shane mimicked it and using glyph mastery drew the glyph in his mind and imbued it with lumen.  As if a fresh breeze had entered the room everyone smiled and seemed to visible relax as if the stress of the war had suddenly melted away.  This time an image of the Arc of Wisdom filled his thoughts –
Unify with harmony teach do not compel, treat them as your brothers.

Shane reshaped his thoughts and with an understanding that he had not imagined addressed the stern minister. 
“Minister Golan, I am the youngest here therefore I am the most inexperienced.  Before the war started the most important thing going on in my life was winning the Warball Championship between U of J and Wonstrowd.  Now due to the talents and education that I have, I find myself in a meeting with some of the most professional and dedicated men and women I have ever met; hopefully providing answers, tools, and experience that will see us through a very difficult time.  But for one exception this has been true.  You are that exception, minister Golan.

Please do not take offense.  I see your heart is loyal to Luion.  You are worried for your family both here and in Infin.  Like all of us you are under considerable strain for both your family and your country.

I look at you and
I have hope.”

Shane ignored the look of perplexed surprised that Shew gave to Ari.

“I look at you, monsieur Golan, and behold a leader with vast experience and knowledge in the rules and order required in guiding those tasked with protecting this nation.  I also see that the persona of a man that continually condescends to those around him, ostracizing those that are not among his perceived class.  To me this is nothing but a façade covering up the fears that we all share.  Monsieur Golan due to the professionalism of those in this room I know that what I am about to say will not be repeated.  Please bear in mind that I’m an unpolished warball player and I don’t know how to speak any other way. 

You need to change your attitude immediately.  You are being divisive at a time when unity is
paramount. I have no doubt that you know the laws of Luion; probably better than anyone.  It is not my intent to diminish that expertise.  You are an intelligent man who has obviously worked hard to obtain your degree of expertise.  I ask that you talk to the Prime Minister regarding the time that I had a similar topic of discussion with him.  Please think about this:  There is going to be an incredible influx of refugees and there will be many injured soldiers and civilians before this war is over.  Many families will be disrupted and the inevitable sorrow of war will be more damaging than any destruction or loss of property.  They are going to need someone that can teach them the laws of their new country in a manner that is comforting not threatening.  That is your job.  I can think of no greater responsibility or honor than to be the man that steers a grateful band of people seeking the peace that this country affords, toward a patriotic appreciation of the law; rather than be the man that creates an environment of frustration and a feeling of regret that they ever came here in the first place.

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