The Laughing Gorilla (52 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #Social Science, #Criminology, #Fiction, #General

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Murphy, Morris B.
Murray, Edward.
See also
Farrington, Peter
Murray, May (victim)
Musil, Emil
nails of Gorilla Man
Nash, Jay Robert
National Auto Theft Bureau
NBC radio
Nell, Harmonica (May Stockdale)
Nelson, Battling
Nelson, Earle Leonard .
See also
Gorilla Man
Nesbit, Mary (victim)
Ness, Eliot
Nevel, Charles
Newman, Clara (victim) .
See also
Gorilla Man
Newman, Merton
Nieri, Lawrence
Nilan (Officer)
“nipped the fender”
Nolan, Joe
O’Brien, Dan
O’Brien, Martin
O’Brien, Ray
O’Brien, Wilson
O’Donnell, Martin
O’Doul, Lefty
O’Farrell, Jasper
See also
Kingsbury Run Butcher
Ohley, Henry
Old Mint
O’Leary, George
Oliver, Charles.
See also
Fell, Slipton
Olsen, Charles
Olson, John
112 Observation Squadron/37th Division of the National Guard
O’Neill, Dan
O’Neill, Frank
O’Neill, Jim
Orlandi, Leslie
Orlando, Frances
Otts, William
Oviedo, Louis
Pace, Bonnie (victim)
Page, Charles
Page, George
Parker, Al
pattern of sadistic torture and murder
Patterson, Bob
Patterson, Emily (victim)
Patterson, William
Pearce, Arthur
Perry, Joe
Peters, Henry “Hank”
Peyser, Minnie
Pflueger, Timothy
Phantom .
See also
White Mask Gang
Pidgeon, Ralph
Pierce, Rev. Jason Noble
Pinkerton, William A.
“Playboy Murderer, the”
See also
Fell, Slipton
Poe, E. A.
Poe the Detective
“Poker Slayer, The”
See also
Fell, Slipton
police cars of SFPD upgrade
Police Commission and William Quinn
Polillo, Andrew
Polillo, Florence Sawdey (victim) .
See also
Kingsbury Run Butcher
Porter, Martin
Postel, Oscar
postmortem lividity
Pound, Ezra
Prendergast, Thomas
Prohaska, Janos
Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe
prostitution, gross from
Purcell, Charles
Purvis, Melvin
quake and fire (1906)
Quigley, Joseph M.
Quinlan, J. O.
Quinlan, William
Quinn, William J. (Chief of Police).
See also
corruption within SFPD; Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); SFPD
admissibility of evidence Senate bill
antiunion and antireform stance of
appearance of
background of
bank robberies and
“Bloody Thursday”
cigar and
command structure
Communists, stand against
districts shaken up by
Flying Squad (motorcycle units)
Frank Egan and
Hassing scandal
honest cops, reward for
nightsticks with a lead core
office of
Phantom as policeman
Police Commission and
radio and
retirement of
salary of
schooling for police
special-duty unit
tear gas
Teletype system for communications
True Detective Magazine
Wesley Malcolm and
radio and Quinn
Randolph, Jennie (victim)
Rappe, Virginia
Rawlings, Mrs. Ted
Readick, Frank
Redmond, Ian
Regina, Saskatchewan
Reid, Joseph M.
Reilly, Bernard
religious mania of Gorilla Man
Remmer, Bones
Renoe, A. J.
Renton, William
Riccardi. Vincent
Rice, Charles Freeman
Rice, Harry
Rice, Margaret
Richards, George
Richmond, Everett (victim)
“riding academy”
Riedel, Albert
Rinehart, James
Riordan, Michael
“rip job”
“Roaring Third, The”
“Roar of the Four”
Robinson (Judge)
Roche, Theodore
Rockwell, Bobbie
Roderick, Frank
Rolph, “Sunny Jim,” Jr.
Romola, Joe
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Upton.
See also
Fell, Slipton
Rossi, Angelo
Rowan, Mickey
Rowe, Mary
Ruef, Abe
Rum Bribery Investigations
Russell, Ollie (victim)
Ruth, George Herman “Bambino,” “Sultan of Swat”
Rutledge, William P.
safe mobs
sailor as Gorilla Man suspect
Bay Hotel autopsy murder
Charles Dullea and
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
Kingsbury Run Butcher
Slipton Fell
San Francisco.
See also
corruption within SFPD; Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); Egan, Frank J. (public defender); Quinn, William J. (Chief of Police); SFPD
Gold Rush
hoodlum, originating in
journalism in
labor riots
Mooney (Tom) bomb plot days
quake and fire (1906)
total eclipse
vice in
San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner
San Francisco City Guide
San Francisco News
San Quentin Prison
Savage, Thomas S.
Scalisi, John
Schainman, Paul
seamen murder cases
second degree murders
“seek the evidence” mantra
Selbje (Captain)
Selchaw, T. L.
Sells, Ralph.
See also
Fell, Slipton
Selz, Anna J.
Selz, Heinrich Fritz Ralphe Jerome von Braun .
See also
Fell, Slipton
Semeria, Rev. Father Walter
sex crime era
sexual appetite and perversion of Gorilla Man
See also
corruption within SFPD; Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); Quinn, William J. (Chief of Police)
“Bloody Thursday”
command structure
detained prisoners
HOJ “Old Girl”
“in the business” vs. “on the force”
“Irish demotion”
Press Room
Rules and Procedures
(radio show)
Shahati, Eddie
Shannon, Patrick
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Sheehan, Frank
Sheehy, Roland
Shumate, Thomas E.
Sietsema, Mary (victim)
Silva (Chief)
silverback gorillas
Silverman, Isadore
Single Latent Fingerprint Section (FBI)
Sing Sing Prison
Skelly, Charles
Skidmore, M. J.
Skillin, Harmon
Skrovan, Frank
Smeins, John
Smith, Bruce
Smith, Ed
Smith, Evelyn
Smith, George
“South of the Slot”
Sperry, Howard
Spilsbury, Lord
Spooner, Vince
St. Francis Hotel
St. Mary, Lillian (victim)
Stanton, William
Starr, Kevin
Steckel, Roy E.
Stelzner, John
Stephani, Fred
Stidger, Mrs.
Stitt, Arthur
Stockdale, May (Harmonica Nell)
Stone, Elton M.
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Storey, Wayne
Strange, Shelby
“Strangle Murderer”
See also
Gorilla Man
strength of Gorilla Man
Sudari, Tony
Sudoni, Tony
Sullivan, Jack
Sullivan, Matt
Summers, Mary (victim)
Sweeney, Francis Edward
Sylvester, Richard
Taaffe, John J.
Taggert (Dean)
Tardieu spots
Tarr, Hewlett (victim)
Tatham, Richard
Tatoo Identification File
“tattooing” of Malcolm’s uniform
Taylor, Nick
Teapot Dome Scandal
Teletype system, communications
Terror Bandits
Teuber, Louise murder
Thurmond, Harold
tire marks analysis
Torre, Emil
Torres, Vincent
Toschi, Dave
Toschi, Joseph
total eclipse
Trabucco, J. J.
Trabucco, Tony
tragedies (failures) in Dullea’s life
Tramutolo, Chauncey
Traung, Charles
traveling serial killer (first) .
See also
Gorilla Man
True Detective Magazine
Tyrolean Ripper
Tyrrell, Edward
uncontrollable impulses of Gorilla Man
Undersea Kingdom
United States.
See also
Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); San Francisco
criminals (number of)
Depression times
fingerprints as evidentiary tool
sex crime era
“Untouchables, The”
U.S. Secret Service
Vacher (French Ripper)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
van der Zee, Herman
Van Horn, Emil
vice in San Francisco.
See also
corruption within SFPD
victims of Gorilla Man.
See also
Bay Hotel autopsy murder; Hotel Irwin autopsy murder; Newman, Clara
Vollmer, August
Volstead Act
von Feldman, Otto
von Selz, Jerome Braun and Ralph Jerome.
Fell, Slipton
Wachsman, Herbert
Wafer, George “Paddy”
Wagner (Senator)
Wagner, Jimmy
Waldeck, Adolph
Waldman, Sam
Wallace, Rose (victim)
Walsh, Jane
Walsh, John
Walter, Albert
Walther, Mrs. Fred
Wanworthy, Dorothy (Winifred Hemmer “Boots” )
Warren, Earl
“washerwoman’s skin”
water and corpses
Webb, Doug
Weber, August and Katie
Weeks, Larry
Weiner, Lillian (victim)
Weitzel, Harvey
Welles, Orson
Werder, William
West, William
Whispering Gunman.
Farrington, Peter M., Jr.
White, J. E.
Whitechapel (London)
White Mask Gang
end of
Francis LaTulipe and
Frank Egan’s protection of
“lock shot” method
nitroglycerin used by
professional amateurs
robberies by
Wide, Faran.
See also
Fell, Slipton
Wiener, Albert
wild vs. captive gorillas
Wiley, Ralph
“Wilkins, Mr. & Mrs. J.”.
See also
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
Wilson, Clarence
Wilson, Herbert Emerson
Wilson, Roger.
See also
Gorilla Man
Winchell, “Cabbage Head”
Winters, Ed
wire taps (Dictograph)
Withers, Beata (victim)
Wobber, William
Wobke, Herman
Woodcots, Mr..
See also
Gorilla Man
Woodring, William
Woodside Glen.
Fell, Slipton
Wren, Bill “Iron Duke”
Wright Act
Xaver (Tyrolean Ripper)
Yeiser, Jimmy
Yelavich, Frank
Zalewski, Martin
Zanardi, Louis
Charles Jr. would later become president of the University of San Francisco; John, a professor of theology at Santa Clara University; and Ed, the partner of famed attorney Jake Ehrlich who called Captain Dullea “one of the city’s toughest, straightest and best cops.”
In 1932, cops nailed Farrington’s partner, George Berta, in Seattle after a fierce gun battle.
A prohibition bar that worked under the knowledge of the police by payoff.
A thief, especially a safecracker, from John Yegg, the first safecracker to use nitroglycerin to break into a safe.
Arrested on March 4, 1918, while driving a stolen car—case dismissed; 1928, charged with attempted burglary at 1938 Post Street—case dismissed; 1930, charged for concealed weapons—case dismissed; 1932, robbery charge—case dismissed. Frank, first arrested in San Francisco on December 31, 1914, for robbery, served a year in the county jail. Sentenced from one to fifteen years in the Washington State Penitentiary for robbery, he got paroled in October 1919 and in January was sentenced to 180 days in jail at Portland for burglary. Beginning in 1920, in charges ranging from narcotics to assault to murder and battery, every San Francisco case against Frank was dismissed.

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