The Last Word

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Authors: Lee Goldberg

BOOK: The Last Word
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Table of Contents
Praise for the
Diagnosis Murder

Diagnosis Murder: The Past Tense
is the latest—and arguably the best—original mystery based on the popular Dick Van Dyke TV series, which Goldberg wrote and produced. What makes it more than just another spin-off is the way Goldberg takes the reader—and his hero, Dr. Mark Sloan—through forty years of Los Angeles history, a journey that captures the unique flavor of the city so many of us used to call home.”—
Chicago Tribune

The Past Tense
contains all the elements of a fine mystery novel: good characters, interesting plot, surprising twists, and, above all, crisp and enjoyable writing. With books this good, who needs TV?”—
Chicago Sun-Times
“The novel begins with tension and ends with surprise. Throughout it is filled with gentle humor and a sure hand. . . . This is not just a novel for fans of the television series, it is a nifty creative take on the tradition of great amateur sleuths with a cast of quirky characters.”—Edgar® Award-winning author
Stuart M. Kaminsky
The Past Tense
] is Lee Goldberg’s best
Diagnosis Murder
novel yet. He can plot and write with the best of them.”—
Mystery Scene
“A whodunit thrill ride that captures all the charm, mystery, and fun of the TV series . . . and then some. . . . Goldberg wrote the very best
Diagnosis Murder
episodes, so it’s no surprise that this book delivers everything you’d expect from the show. . . . A clever, high-octane mystery that moves like a bullet-train. Dr. Mark Sloan, the deceptively eccentric deductive genius, is destined to join the pantheon of great literary sleuths. . . . You’ll finish this book breathless. Don’t blink, or you’ll miss a clue. A brilliant debut for a brilliant detective. Long live Dr. Mark Sloan!”

New York Times
bestselling author Janet Evanovich
“Can books be better than television? You bet they can—when Lee Goldberg’s writing them. Get aboard right now for a thrill ride.”—
New York Times
bestselling author Lee Child
“An exciting and completely satisfying read for all
Diagnosis Murder
fans. We were hooked. . . . Goldberg’s skill in bringing our favorite characters to the printed page left us begging for more.”—Aimee and David Thurlo, authors of the Ella Clah,
Sister Agatha, and Lee Nez Mysteries
“Lee Goldberg has done the job
Diagnosis Murder
fans have been anxiously awaiting—tying up old relationships and delving deeply into the characters, answering all the questions about who they are and what makes them tick, in a riveting mystery that elevates Dr. Mark Sloan to the pantheon of great detectives. Wonderful stuff.”—Paul Bishop, two-time LAPD Detective of the Year, and author of
Twice Dead
, and
“Dr. Mark Sloan returns in a crime story that seamlessly interweaves two radically different story lines while taking the reader on a roller-coaster ride through the delights—and dangers—of Hawaii. If you liked the broadcast episodes, you’ll love
The Death Merchant
.”—Jeremiah Healy, author of the
John Cuddy mysteries
“Fans of Dr. Mark Sloan will not be disappointed. If anything,
The Shooting Script
is an even more compelling showcase for the good doctor than the television series.”—Rick Riordan,
Edgar® Award-winning author of
“This is the
Diagnosis Murder
we all know and love. Even if you’ve never seen a moment of the TV series, you are bound to be caught up in the twists, the thrills, and the fun on every page. From start to finish,
The Shooting Script
is a damned entertaining read.”—Eric Garcia, author of
Anonymous Rex
Matchstick Men
“For those who have, as I do, an addiction to Mark Sloan, Lee Goldberg provides a terrific fix. . . . Will cure any
Diagnosis Murder
withdrawal symptoms you might have had.”
—S. J. Rozan, Edgar® Award-winning
author of
Winter and Night
“A swift saga with colorful homicides, glamorous locales, and clever puzzles—sure to please Dr. Mark Sloan loyalists.”
—Walter Wager, author of
Twilight’s Last Gleaming
58 Minutes
Diagnosis Murder
novels are great reads. Intricate plots and engaging characters combined with Lee Goldberg’s trademark humor make for page-turning entertainment.”
—Barbara Seranella, bestselling author of
the Munch Mancini novels
“Even if you never watched the TV show, read these mysteries! Sly humor, endearing characters, tricky plots—Lee Goldberg’s smart writing is what makes these terrific
Diagnosis Murder
books something to tell all your friends about.”
—Jerrilyn Farmer, bestselling author of
the Madeline Bean mysteries
“Lee Goldberg takes the utterly familiar Dr. Mark Sloan and surprises us with heartbreaking glimpses of the past that allow the good doctor to step off the television screen and into a flesh-and-blood reality. Well plotted and beautifully rendered.”
—Margaret Maron, Edgar®, Agatha, and Macavity
Award-winning author of the Deborah Knott mysteries
“Just what the doctor ordered, a sure cure after a rash of blah mysteries.
Diagnosis Murder: The Past Tense
has more plot twists than a strand of DNA.”—Elaine Viets, author of
Murder With Reservations
“Lee Goldberg’s
Diagnosis Murder
books are fast-paced, tightly constructed mysteries that are even better than the TV show. You’ll read them in great big gulps.”—Gregg Hurwitz, author of
The Program
“Lee Goldberg takes you on a streamlined ride through forty years of LA history with a busload of suspicious characters.
The Past Tense
will quicken the pulses of longtime
Diagnosis Murder
fans and newcomers alike while Dr. Mark Sloan’s quest for justice is sure to warm hearts.”—Denise Hamilton, author of the Eve Diamond crime novels
“A clever, twisting tale.
The Past Tense
leaves you guessing right up until the heart-stopping ending. This was my first time reading a
Diagnosis Murder
novel, but it won’t be my last.”
—Lisa Gardner, author of
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