The Last Werewolf Bride Complete Trilogy (4 page)

Read The Last Werewolf Bride Complete Trilogy Online

Authors: Sage Domini

Tags: #werewolf, #bbw, #mate, #bride, #virgin, #alpha, #curvy

BOOK: The Last Werewolf Bride Complete Trilogy
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“Jessa of the Caprese,” he intoned darkly,
“you are the last alpha queen.” His smile was evil. “And your body
is now the property of the strongest of the western packs. Iron
Jaws!” At the shout the entire pack beat their chests and howled
heavenward. I felt more desperate when I realized our location must
be so remote they had no fear of being heard or

Rocco’s narrowed eyes flashed at me. “You will
serve me and be my mate. You will breed until your body gives

I’d had enough of his theatrics. With a flash
of desperate bravery I spat at his feet. “You are nothing but a
vile coward and a sore fucking loser. The Dark Claws-“

He roared. “The Dark Claws! Domesticated
little zoo animals! House dogs, not a wolf pack!” He surveyed his
grim brethren and nodded. “Iron Jaws!”

I closed my eyes as the terrible howls arose
once more. I opened them when I felt Rocco’s breath on my neck. He
warning was quiet. “You will be punished if you challenge me
again.” I gasped as his hand reached into the bodice of my gown and
cruelly twisted my left breast. As he returned to his place at the
head of the room, I noticed several of the other werewolves had
begun idly massaging their swollen pricks with looks of glowering
desire. I glanced down and realized Rocco’s rough seizure had torn
several buttons from my gown and released the breast he has
savaged. Instinctively I moved to cover up, but the Iron Jaws
minions still gripped my arms, making it impossible.

“When are we gonna do it?” A bored female
voice complained from a dark corner.

I had not noticed her before. She was pretty
and dressed provocatively. As she swayed to her feet I realized she
was likely drunk or high. She ambled over to Rocco and placed a
clumsy hand on his crotch. As her head lowered to suck him he
glared at her with disgust, kicking her away. “Hey,” she

One of the other brethren hauled her to her
feet and smiled. “Soon,” he promised, and roughly stuck a finger
between her legs. Her eyes instantly rolled back into her head and
she moaned as his hand slid in and out. The other werewolves
shifted restlessly. Some threw their clothes down and stroked
themselves openly as the girl approached her climax.

Rocco was watching me. His gaze moved to my
naked breasts and he ran his tongue over his lips. I felt as if I
would vomit. Whatever he had in mind would happen soon. And it
would be bad.

He nodded to the two minions holding me and
they dropped my arms. I covered my breasts but knew the futility
and instead tried to blot out the sounds of the girl’s pleasure. I
knew I would feel nothing of the kind when Rocco forced himself
inside me. I longed desperately for Marcus with every fiber in my

The girl gave a little mew of disappointment
when the werewolf withdrew his hand. “I was close!” she

Rocco stepped over to her and placed a hand on
her blond head. “My sweet, you will have the honor of being a key
player in a very old, and very important ritual.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know already. Why the
hell you think I agreed to come?” She hiked up her short black
skirt, exposing her carefully shaved pussy. “I’ve been fucked by
more crazy shit than you can guess,” she said confidently, playing
with herself and glancing around at the werewolves to ensure they
were paying attention. Though I was terrified, I could see their
bodies were magnificent, all with large exposed hard cocks now as
they had unanimously discarded all clothing. “But this, to be
fucked by this pack,” she said softly, “yes, that would be goddamn
amazing.” She pulled her tank top over her head and exposed pert
breasts which were curiously pocked with a series of twin red
puncture marks. She lay on the dirt floor in front of the fire pit
and spread her legs wide, smiling. “Now. Fuck me good. Who’s

It was one of my former captors who reached
her prone form first. He seized her around the hips and slammed
himself into her. She arched her back and groaned. Another of the
Iron Claws straddled her neck and pushed his dangling dick into her
open mouth. She sucked greedily as the rest of the pack grunted and
howled with lust.

The first two did not take long to finish.
Immediately another werewolf pushed himself into her, rolling until
she was on top. She gripped the flesh around his tattoo and
squealed with female pleasure as she rocked on top of him.
Meanwhile, another from the pack came from behind and pushed her
downward until her breasts touched the chest of the Iron Claw
between her legs. This newcomer spread the cheeks of her pink ass
and found a place for himself there. It went on and on like

Rocco did not watch the spectacle, nor did he
participate. Once I tried to inch backwards into the night but one
glance at him told me there was no point in trying to escape. His
cold eyes were glued to me and I knew what he was planning. He
would rape me there in front of the pack, filling my womb with his
evil seed again and again until it took and spawned his

My ears were filled with the grunting orgasms
of the Iron Jaws, punctuated occasionally by the girl’s feminine
shriek. There seemed to be no limit to her capacity as she eagerly
took on each member of the pack in all ways.


Except Rocco. He made no move towards her. I
knew why. He was waiting for me. But even in the depths of all my
horror over the moment, I could never have guessed the next
pitiless turn of events.

The girl lay writhing beneath the last Iron
Jaw. Rocco caught his eye and nodded and the werewolf flipped
positions so she was straddled across him instead. She moaned
rhythmically, stretching her arms upward as she reveled in her

Rocco stood before the fire pit and spoke.
“Brothers. Tonight in this place your leader will take his mate.
You have all celebrated the event by sharing a moment of pleasure.”
His voice grew low. The girl was oblivious, her groans of ecstasy
continuing. “Now we will share a moment of blood. Iron

At the last, the werewolf being ridden by the
girl shuddered his climax. Then, he sprang into wolf form. The
others, except for Rocco, followed immediately. The girl opened her
eyes. She screamed, falling backward onto her bare ass. She tried
to scramble to her feet but one of the wolves pounced on her. His
paws held her down and tore at her skin with his sharp claws. The
others quickly circled, snarling. They were ready for the

The girl’s desperate eyes found mine,
pleading. Large gashes ran down her face and her eyes bulged. “Help
me!” she screamed but the wolves closed in further. I shut my eyes
at the first bite of her flesh, feeling the bile rise into my
throat. I could hear the crack of her bones as they ravaged her.
Above that were her last screams and finally, I heard the dreadful
sound of Rocco’s laughter.

When I finally opened my eyes the floor by the
fire pit was a pool of blood and gore. The wolves milled about the
cabin, licking their mouths clean. Rocco knelt before me, his chest
painted with the girl’s blood, and held out a hand. “Now my queen,
shall we?” I recoiled backward and he chased me. “I’m sure your
high minded Dark Claws never shared this quaint little custom with
you. But this is our history, and yours too. The alpha’s claim to
his queen must be sealed with the blood of a ravaged maiden.” He
clucked regretfully. “The ritual wasn’t completely correct as she
wasn’t a maiden,” he said. “But then, so few are these

Though I knew it was foolish, useless even, I
slapped him. It was a hard hit, rocking his head backward. But in
my head I heard Marcus’s words, telling me of my strength, my
importance. That strength had been bred into my bones and coursed
through my blood. I would not let this wicked beast have me

The look he gave me was deadly. He abruptly
grabbed a handful of my dress in each hand and ripped savagely. I
had been wearing no undergarments and was now completely exposed.
He pushed me backwards and put a knee into my soft

“It was always going to happen,” he said
softly. “But now I will make sure it is painful.”

The wolves paced excitedly in the background.
Rocco tore his pants off, exposing the rigid cock which I looked at
with revulsion. I tried to kick my legs, but he held me down

“Iron Jaws!” Rocco yelled and the pack rose in
a unanimous howl.

His hard arousal pressed into my thigh and I
fought mightily. He still managed to get my legs apart. The wolves
came closer, panting and jostling. I bit, I scratched, I tried
desperately to squirm out from underneath him, though I knew I had
nowhere to go. Rocco played as if I were a mouse he was toying
with. I had never hated before but I knew I would rejoice if he
were to die horribly. “Here boys, behold the scent of your new

My legs were spread so wide I thought my hips
would crack. A wolf promptly sat on each of my ankles to keep me
still. Though I tried to force them back, tears burned my eyes as
the pack sniffed at my most tender places and licked their chops.
Rocco’s eyes were merry as he rolled his thick dick roughly into my
breasts. “I think the queen is too dry, boys. Solve this problem
for her.”

A new level of disgust seized me as I felt the
lap of many tongues inside me. I opened my mouth and screamed, a
long shriek of outrage and loathing the likes of which I had never
known. Rocco’s slap silenced me. I felt blood running out of my
nose. He leaned in close. “Had to return the favor,” he whispered.
He knelt between my legs, shooing the wolves away, and I knew the
horror was just beginning. He gripped one of my thighs in each
hand, growling.

“Now you’ll learn what it really means to be a

Suddenly the cabin erupted in a circus of
snarls and snapping teeth. “Fuck!” Rocco screamed and I realize all
the Iron Jaws were intently focused on whatever lay beyond the door
in the dark night. The wolves crept to the doorway, hair

And then I heard it. The sound of a dozen
strong werewolves howling their fury, searching for revenge. The
Dark Claws. “Marcus,” I whispered.

“That mother fucker.” Rocco pulled me by the
hair until my face was inches from his. “Come watch your beloved
die.” I shuddered as he licked the side of my face. “I will fuck
you in the pool of his blood.” He dragged me out the door by my
hair as I tried to kick away.

The Dark Claws stood in a fierce line. I
glimpsed Marcus in the center before I was tossed to the ground. I
had managed to grab the ruins of my dress as I was being hauled out
and I clutched it to my bare body. Marcus’s snarl of wrath at the
sight of his abused bride was unlike any sound I had ever heard
from him.

Rocco laughed again. “Now let’s see who wins
the claim this time.” And with that he sprang forth as the largest
of the white wolves.

I inched away from the deadly Iron Jaws as
they pushed together, snapping and snarling. None seemed interested
in me anymore as they were intently focused on the fight at

Then I noticed the sinister shadows. They were
lined up behind the Dark Claws, taller than most men. The wraiths
made no noise, but moved closer.

Rocco’s animal sneer dropped when he finally
glimpsed the figures standing behind Marcus and the Dark Claws. The
wolf melted away and the man roared with rage. “You called THEM?
Cowardly little shits crawling to bloodsuckers for help!!” He swore
and spat.

Marcus threw his head back and then stood
straight in his human form. His voice dripped with violence. “Fuck
you.” He clenched his fists with fury. The sight was surreal; two
mighty alpha werewolves utterly unclothed and on the verge of death
blows as their wolf packs waited behind them.

One of the creatures in the shadows stepped
forth. He removed his dark hood and smiled terribly. He was slender
with alabaster skin. His sharp white teeth shone in the dark night.
“Rocco. We are not here because of the wolves.” He tapped a long
fingernail against his teeth and nodded to the Iron Jaws. “You will
recall the girl, the one whose blood you’re wearing.” The creature
sighed. His eyes glowed red and his voice lowered dangerously. “You
see, she was something of a pet...”

Rocco swallowed. It was a lovely thing to
behold the terror in his eyes.

The vampire took a step forward. “I warned
you. “ Another step. “ Rocco.”

What happened next was unclear. Rocco and
Marcus burst into their wolf forms at the same instant. Howls rent
the air as the wolves of both packs leapt for the throats of their
enemies. The lead vampire signaled to the other shadows and the sky
was filled with terrible shrieks and dark shapes.

The wolf Kiko, Marcus’s brother, found me
there on the ground. I wrapped my arms gratefully around his strong
neck and he carried me out of the melee. We had moved several
hundred yards but I plainly heard the thrashing, and the screams of
animal pain. Kiko stood in front me, still as stone, his face
pointed towards the battle and I understood. He had been ordered to
protect me.

It was over quickly. An ominous silence
reigned. My shaking hands clung to the ragged remains of my dress.
Kiko did not move.

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