The Last Love Song (124 page)

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Authors: Tracy Daugherty

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“The Humboldt Murders” by

Monster: Living Off the Big Screen

mother's death and

New York relocation, 1988, by

New York Review of Books

Nothing Lost


“Quintana” by

The Red White and Blue

Saturday Evening Post

screen writing by

sexuality of

Show Me a Hero

The Studio

contributions by

“Tinsel” by

True Confessions


Vietnam reporting by

Dunne, Quintana Roo (daughter)

adoption of

alcohol/drug use by

birth family's reunion with

care giving, by family, of

as character/theme in writings

death of

depression of

education of

father's death and

health issues of

marriage of

maturation of

naming of

nightmares, recurring, by

parental marriage issues and

photography by

rehabilitation stays by

writing by

Dunne, Richard

Dunne, Stephen

death of

Dunne, Tony

Dunne, Virginia

Dutch Shea, Jr.
(Dunne, J.)

Dutton Books

Dylan, Bob

Dylan, Jesse

Earhart, Amelia

“East Coker” (Eliot)

East Village Other

Easy Rider

Eberly, Don

Echols, Alice

Edelman, Peter

Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland

The Ed Sullivan Show

The Education of Henry Adams

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eisner, Michael

“Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test”

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Eliot, George

Eliot, T. S.

Elle Décor

Elliot, Cass

Ellis, Bret Easton

El Salvador

body dump in

El Mozote massacre in

Emerson, William

The End of the Battle

“Endymion” (Keats)

England, Lynndie

Enola Gay

Ephron, Amy

Ephron, Nora

Epstein, Barbara

Epstein, Jason

Erskine, Howard

Erskine, Lou

Ertegün, Ahmet

Ertegün, Mica


Didion contributions to

Europe's Last Summer

Evans, Harry

Evans, Robert

Evans, Walker

Everett, Rupert

Eve's Hollywood

Ewer, E. C.

The Executioner's Song

Executive Order 13223 (George W. Bush)

Fairy Tales. See Where I Was From



Farber, Buzz

A Farewell to Arms

Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG)

New Journalism and

Farrell, Barry

Farwell, R. G.

Faulkner, William


Feeney, Mark

Feibleman, Peter

Felker, Clay

Ferrie, David

The Feud of Oakfield Creek

Feury, Peggy

Field, Todd

Fifield, James W.

Filipino Community Center, Delano

The Final Days

Fischl, Eric

FitzGerald, Frances

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

“Fixed Ideas” (Didion)

Flanagan, Caitlin

Fleischer, Ari

Fleischman, Gary

Flye, James H.

Folger, Abigail

Fonda, Afdera

Fonda, Henry

Fonda, Jane

Fonda, Peter

Fontanne, Lynn

“Footnote to Howl!” (Ginsberg)

Ford, Gerald

assassination attempts on

Ford, Harrison

Foreman, John

Fosse, Bob

Fouquet, Betty Lansdown

Four Quartets

Fox, Margi

Fox, Robert

Frank, Joseph

Freep. See
Los Angeles
Free Press

Free Speech Movement

Fresh Air

Freud, Sigmund

Friedrich, Otto

From Here to Eternity

Fromkin, David

Fromme, Squeaky

Frykowski, Bartyk

Frykowski, Voytek

Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Fuerbringer, Otto

Fuhrman, Mark

Fuller, Buckminster

Gage, Joan

Gallick, Sarah

Garcia, Jerry

García Márquez, Gabriel

Garis, Leslie

Garrison, Jim

Garr, Teri

Garson, Greer

Gass, William

The Gates

Gehry, Frank

Gelber, Jack

gender bias

Didion's perspectives on

Gentile, Bill

Gentlemen's Quarterly

Gernreich, Rudi

“The Getty” (Didion)

Ghorbanifar, Manucher

Gibbs, Katharine

Gilmore, Gary

Ginsberg, Allen

“Girl of the Goldenwest” (Didion)

Giroux, Robert

Giumarra Vineyards, California

Gleason, Ralph

The Golden Screw

Goldman, Ronald

Goldsmith, Barbara

Goldwater, Barry

Gombrich, E. H.

González, Elián

Goodbye, Columbus

“Goodbye to All That” (Didion)

theme of

Goodbye to Berlin

Good Housekeeping

Goodman, Andrew

Goodrich Lloyd

Gore, Al

Gottlieb, Robert

Gould, Lois

The Graduate

Graham, Katharine

Graner, Charles A.

Grant, Cary

The Grapes of Wrath

Grateful Dead

Gravenites, Linda

Graves, Ralph

The Great American Writers' Cookbook

the Great Depression

The Great Gatsby

Greene, Gael

Greene, Graham

Greenfeld, Foumi

Greenfeld, Josh

Greenfeld, Karl

Greenfeld, Noah

Grissom, Gus

Grosbard, Ulu

Gross, Terry

Grunwald, Henry

Guercio, James

Guillermoprieto, Alma

Gurdin, Nick

Haber, Joyce

Hailey, Arthur

Halberstam, David

Haldeman, H. R.

Hall, Diana Lynn

Hall, Linda

Hall, Morty

Halverson, Janet

Hamilton, James Alexander

Hammarskjöld, Dag

Hammett, Dashiell

Hansberry, Lorraine


Harden, Dick

Harden, Ruth

Hardin, Benjamin, IV

Hare, David

Hargis, Billy James

(Dunne, J.)

Harper & Row

Harper's Bazaar


Didion profile by

Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti

Harrison, George

Harrison, Rex

Hart, Al

Hart, Gary

Hart, James D.

Hart, Jim

Harvest Home. See Run River

Haslam, Nicky

Hass, Robert

Haug-West, Joan

Hawken, Paul

Hawkes, John

Hazelden Center

Headley, Lake

Hearst, Patty

Hearst, Randolph

Heart of Darkness

Heller, Joseph

Hellman, Lillian

Hells Angels

Helms, Jesse

Hemingway, Ernest

themes and style of

Hendricks, Christina

Hendrix, Jimi

Henry Holt Publishing

Henry, O.

Herman, Carol

Herman, Ron

Herr, Michael

Hersh, Seymour

Heston, Charlton

“Hills Like White Elephants” (Hemingway)

Hills of Gold

Hills, Rust

Hill Street Blues

Hinkle, Bliss

Hinkle, George

“The Hippies: Philosophy of a Subculture”

History of the Donner Party

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitchens, Christopher

Hobhouse, Penelope

Hockney, David

Hodel, Steve

Hodel, Tamar

Hoffman, Abbie

Hoffman, Dustin

Holender, Adam

Hollister, Jane

Hollister, Leo


evolution of

liberal bias in

political parallels to

Hollywood Reporter

“Holy Water” (Didion)

Homes, A. M.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Hopper, Dennis

Hopps, Walter

Hoskyns, Barney

Hotel Alamac, New York

House Select Committee on Assassinations

Howard, Jane

“How Can I Tell Them There's Nothing Left” (Didion)

How It Feels to be Adopted


Huerta, Dolores

Hughes, Howard

“The Human Be-In, A Gathering of the Tribes”

“The Humboldt Murders” (Dunne, J.)

Hunt, George

Huntley, Chet

Huston, Anjelica

Huston, John

Huxley, Aldous

Hyde, Jim

Hyde, Robert

If You Marry Outside Your Faith

“In Bed” (Didion)

“In Bogotá” (Didion)

In Cold Blood

Indiana, Gary

Industrial Design

“In Hollywood” (Didion)

Inland Empire, California

Inouye, Daniel

Inside South America


Iran-Contra affair

Iraq War

Irving, John

Irwin, Robert

Isherwood, Christopher

I Want to Quit Winners

Jackson, Jesse

Jagger, Mick

James, Dan

James, Henry

Jenkins, Dan

Jerrett, Edna Magee

Jerrett, Gloria

Jerrett, Herman Daniel

JJD Carmel Investments

Joffe, Marc

John Birch Society

Johns, Jasper

Johnson, Joyce

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Philip

Johnston, Alva

Johnston, Georgia

Johnston, Harold

“John Wayne: A Love Song” (Didion)

Jolly, Timothy

Jones, James

Jones, Jim

Jones, Marvene

Joplin, Janis

Justice for Homicide Victims

Kael, Pauline

Kakutani, Michiko

The Kansas City Star

Kasabian, Linda

Katleman, Beldon

Katz, Burton S.

Kauffmann, Stanley

Kaufman, Sue

Kazin, Alfred

Keats, John

Kelly, Grace

Kennedy, Anthony

Kennedy, Ethel Skakel

Kennedy, Jackie.
Onassis, Jacqueline Bouvier

Kennedy, Joe

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

Kennedy, Nancy

Kennedy, Robert

assassination of

Chavez support by

Kennedy, Robert, Jr.

Kent State shootings

Kerouac, Jack

Kerr, Clark

Kesey, Ken

Ketchum, James E.

Kienholz, Ed

The Killers

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King, Rodney

Kirkus Reviews

Klein, Herbert G.

Klein, Joe

Klinkenborg, Verlyn

Klopfer, Donald

Kluger, Dick

Koons, Jeff

Korda, Michael

Korshak, Sidney

Krassner, Paul

Krementz, Jill

Krenwinkel, Patricia

LaBianca murders

Laemmle, Carl

Lambert, Gavin

Lamm, Robert

Landor, Walter

“Landscapes” (Eliot)

Lange, Dorothea

Langella, Frank

Lang, Michael

Lapham, Lewis

Laski, Michael

Lasorda, Tommy

The Last Thing He Wanted

narrative of

voice of

The Last Tycoon

Laughlin, James

La Violette, Peggy

L. A. Weekly

Lawford, Peter

Lawrence, D. H.

Lawrence, Ernest O.

Lawson, Mel

Lawson, Wayne

Leacock, Richard

Leary, Timothy

Leavy, Morton

le Carré, John

Led Zeppelin

Lee, Spike

Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher

Leibovitz, Annie

Leonard, John

Lessing, Doris

Lester, Richard

Lethem, Jonathan

“Letter from Paradise, 21° 19
N. 157° 52
W” (Didion)

Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

Levine, Joseph E.

Levy, Chandra

Levy, Matthys

Lewinsky, Monica

Lewis, Grover

Lewis, Sinclair

Liberman, Alexander

Lichtenstein, Roy


Didion contributions to

The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean


Limbaugh, Rush

The Lime Twig

Linehan, Marsha

Lipset, Seymour Martin

The Little Drummer Girl
(le Carré)

Livingston, Alan

Logue, Christopher

London, Jack

The London Review of Books

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