The Last Heroes Before Judgement (26 page)

BOOK: The Last Heroes Before Judgement
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“What happened in there? Goja the Thirteenth? Are we joining the Chron in their Roan?”

“Don’t you worry about that. You have one mission, and that is to aid Major Swiftblade in any way you can. The Swillians are safely distanced by an ocean on each side. These Opa are here- now. Luckily, the man eating beasts were so foolish as to take root in the Monster Hunter’s valley.”

“Yes, very lucky. There’s only one thing that could be better than that.”

“Oh, truly? Do tell.”


“Aha! Bless you Matthius. That is why you are my favorite tall.”

“You saw the bags- we are fresh out of powders.”

“Yes, I know. You will have dinner and a resupply. For now, you must be getting to your doctor’s appointment.”

“What? I’m not sick, Bratley. I’m just very, very hungry.”

“No, no, that’s not-”

Bratley looked around to ensure the courtyard was clear before he continued. We could hear the flurry of noise on the opposite side of the domes, but, we were indeed alone.

“You have an appointment with Doctor Prinn.”

His low tone was reinforced with a raised brow.

“Of course. Thank you Sir Bratley, I almost forgot.”

“Very good, boy. Run along then. You will have a bed above the guard’s stables tonight. I will meet you there in the morning with fresh powders.”

“Right, just to be clear. The Bully?”


“And, there will be food?”


“And, I can have some?”

“Yes, of course.”

I nodded and straightened my Chron leathers. I extended my hand for him. He shook it ever so gently with both of his.

“Good evening sir.”

“Sleep well Matthius.”

I could no longer contain myself. With the last bit of sunlight, I ran across the courtyard. Beggar’s Pass was still being emptied, so I had to run along the handrail. Some people were amazed, some merely had their hands smashed under my boot. Either way, I was much too hungry to care.




The lighting globes were being lit all across the city. A Lantos handler had his phoenix pulling on the igniters in the most impressive way. Hundreds of town folk filled the streets and only the northernmost and highest tiers of the city still allowed for travel by cart. The majority of people were finely dressed couples wandering about holding hands. I saw a few children with the town guard in the firing boxes built into the wall. They were under protection without realizing it. Most of the younglings had either passed in the winter- as usual- or were forbidden from watching the violent blood sport played by the Lokah down in the flat plain. The barderies were much more popular and the fine weather likely attributed to the heavy presence of feathered caps and gowns.

“Oi! Took you long enough boy! Hey! Over here, you ruddy barbarian.”


Doctor Prinn’s driver got down from his seat and instinctively blinked at the illuminated street signs. He had had enough time to turn the cart completely around. I was having a vivid flashback of Ambassador Crow’s body when he mumbled insults under his breath. In the wake of reliving so much death, I slammed him into his master’s cart.

“Who are you disrespecting civilian? I had to run all the way here from Ram’s Peak.”

“Alright laddie, alright. The guards want the cart gone is all. We can’t rightly be here this late. Master Prinn had to call in a favor, as well as cancel his date with the Misses.”

I did not let him go until I had leaned around the cart. There was indeed a group of town guards waiting on the corner. They likely would have come inspecting after the noise if it weren’t for the wrestling match going on across the street at the Blood and Bone. I dropped Gunther and bowed to him with a forced smile. He quickly ran to the doormen at the closed entrance to the Bully and showed his chock. The boys were so tired that neither of them stood from their stools.

Smoke and noise billowed out with the hot air and one of the boys closed the door so fast it knocked on my shell. Gunther led me around the crowd to the left, down the servant’s ramp, and up a small bit of stairs over the entrance to the kitchen. We popped up behind the bar. He took a seat just inside the open archway, bidding me to walk into the private lounge without a proper introduction. The bard’s stage was being used by the freaks prior to the main show. The dome was so perfectly backlit that I could only see one third of the crowd, and their view of me was skewed by the smoke from the fire breathing freak. The thin sliver of moonlight beamed in through the center air hole down onto the center of the stage. Those patrons who were bored with the freak show could watch the smoke rising and dancing as they patiently awaited the main show.

I did not recognize Zelsa at first. Her hair was pulled up and weaved into a diamond encrusted tiara. Her dress was dead black and she leaned over the table whispering a harlot’s lullaby into Doctor Prinn’s ear- whilst pouring more wine into his cup. I noticed where she had planted her other hand for stability and thought it fitting. The spoiled wife of a lord would spend all day playing prim and proper, yet, here she was, her true self revealed after sundown, a freak and a harlot. I knew she was one of us. My smile was much too wide when Doctor Prinn noticed me standing behind her. Zelsa’s head snapped to me and back before I could blink. She sat down and he pulled her chair closer with a jealous look on his face. Apparently, he too was changed at night, to a drunk with much less confidence. His wife- after a long day of smiling politely and keeping quiet- finally reaped the undivided attention she so desired. It was a common trait amongst the golden haired girls. Even Major Talon acted in the same manner when drunk- which was at all times.

“My-my, so jealous my love.”

“He was staring, Zel.”

“Truly? But, he is so young. Perhaps I am still beautiful.”

“Of course, Zel.”

She kissed him with too much force, establishing her dominance over the both of us. As she writhed about her lover, she poured his wine glass to near full. Then she laid back to drink straight from the bottle with less than no shame.

“Sir, ma’am, Matthius, Cadet Commando.”

Gunther suddenly gave an introduction, though he mostly called it out to the bar below.

“Yes-yes, well met son. Sit, no not there, right here by Zelsa.”

“Don’t be afraid, boy. I don’t bite…strangers.”



“Fetch Leona, she’s upstairs waiting with Lent.”

“Yes sire.”

I got comfortable, foolishly still hoping for a meal. My shell did not fit very far into the outlined chair back and it forced me to sit up straight and at the edge of my seat- like a good boy in a schoolhouse. Zelsa played with the rose in her tight blouse before pushing up her bosom in an attempt to catch me looking- which she did not.

“Ugh, you’re no fun. What are you a gay?”

“Sorry, ma’am, just thought it impolite to stare.”

“Please, Zel, he could not handle a real women.”

“Right you are, my love.”

They were sharing chairs and smashing faces the entire time it took Gunther to return. I saw Leona when she walked in and could not help but smile from ear to ear. They had her in a black wig with too much makeup. She was also dressed like a freak, but then I was the one wearing that ridiculous turtle costume. For a nurse, she blended as well as any spy, complete with bright green lipstick and a tightly laced neck choker.

“Nurse Leona, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”

“Ugh, don’t even start little man.”

“Ah, there she is. Come dear, sit by me.”

“Matthius, do be a gentlemen and move these seats around proper.”

I offered her my seat but she did not sit down until I did, ensuring my shell would block her from the few audience members with a view. Zelsa pounced on Leona and squeezed her tight. Leona was cringing and blushing while Zelsa smiled at me deeply.

“I think he likes what he sees dear.”

“I don’t care.”

“That’s the spirit, Le. Now, fetch the good Doctor his sample.”

Zelsa threw Leona onto her knees and my attempt to back away cracked the old wood of the chair back. She cackled and drank more wine from the bottle while Leona looked up at me with disgust. It wiped the smile right off of my face.

“I don’t know what they told you, but, you do not have to do this.”

“We’ve all got our orders, boy.”

She slid the bag off her shoulder, taking off her black lace gloves and taking in a deep calming breath. I spoke to Doctor Prinn directly.

“And if I refuse?”

“Too late for that Matthius. Your fresh samples yielded a success rate of ten-out-of-eleven. The whole army is due to be inoculated next year. You should be proud of your contribution- and excited to give more.”

I just kept shaking my head with my mouth hanging wide open. Then I looked back down at Leona. She was preparing another bloodletting session under the cover of harlotry. I completely understood the need for secrecy, but not the reasoning behind our public meeting.

“He matters not, my love. I am so proud of you.”

“Don’t move.”

Nurse Leona slid the fang into the soft tissue of my elbow and her hollow tube filled with blood much more quickly. My wince of pain drove Zelsa wild with lust. For those seated in view, she became their favorite freak in the show. Leona was red with embarrassment, so she made sure to keep her head low and face hidden. Without any food in my stomach, the blood loss was causing me to lose focus. More than once, I nearly fell backwards through the chair and gave up the scam.

“Right you are Prinn, eh?”

“My main man, Tremaine!”

“Oh, hello Thomas. Don’t mind my friend here, she couldn’t resist any more than I.”

“Alright then Zel! Send your mother my love.”

“Every bit, sire.”

Prinn raised his glass and drank in a celebratory manner. I recognized the name, as the House Tremaine was the richest and most powerful in Ulfbar. Masons of steel and stone, whom uphold the old code of the honorable Viking lords long since passed. It explained how he could see over the bar back and even the low wall of the private lounge, as they were all half giants like the Bloodaxe. Unfortunately, the woman he was with sounded utterly appalled.

“And to think, he is a man of such high esteem.”

“That’s how you earn yourself a solid favor right there, love.”

“Officers, they get younger every year.”

“Aint it the truth, love. Come, the show’s starting up soon.”

“Matthius, are you alright. Sir, he’s dead white- we have to stop.”

“Nonsense. You’ll finish when we’ve got our samples, nurse.”

“Have you eaten today?”

I shook my head, too slowly, fully feeling the effect of both the hunger and the blood loss.



“Fetch the boy a bowl of sloth soup.”

“Yes sire.”

“Sir, that is not good enough-”

Zelsa grabbed Leona’s choker and twisted it, pulling her face-to-face.

“Open your mouth again. I dare you!”

Zelsa threw her back to the floor, face twisted into the smile of evil pleasures. Poor Leona put her hand to her throat and breathed deeply while someone in the crowd cheered for an encore. Gunther returned with a spicy soup that made my eyes water. Still, I had to wait for Leona to finish. I had so little energy left that I could only flash her a weak smile to say goodbye. She was glad to stomp off, slapping the hot stamp on my wound was just an uncalled for bonus. The soup was good but I was sloppy with the spoon. The hot bandage on my arm did not stop the bleeding until about the time I was finished. I slurped up the last drops and licked the bowl like a hungry dog.

“Ugh, you freak.”

“Indeed. Where are your manners, boy? Eating that way in front of a lady…”

Doctor Prinn waved me away from behind his own personal harlot. I did not bother to say goodbye to the pair- nor even to Gunther. As I stumbled down the stairs, Leona surprised me by reappearing. She slammed her lips into mine and my body into the wall. When she was sure that people were looking, she pulled me into the kitchen. Lent was waiting there for us.

“By the gods, even the Bard himself is in on it. Just how high does this thing go?”

Leona spit and walked away, stealing a bottle of wine for a job well done. The Bard nodded to me and then blocked the doorway. He prepared his voice with a few oddly hummed tones, then, his eyes flashed gold. He half opened the door and turned back. When he did, I saw the false skin covering the back of his head, hiding his hilt under a pile of drawn on wrinkles.

“Damn those retched half men and their secrets! You may tell the Lantos that the Bard sends his regards from Embraun Proper. They have no power here!”

Lent’s tongue shook about loose like a goat. Deep behind his eyes, I saw Kane laughing, proving to his mates that he did in fact have control over the entire nation. Lent kicked open the door to the sound of thunderous applause. He made his way around to the stage out in front, so Kane would have a clear view of all those in attendance. By the time the clapping quieted enough for the opening monologue, I was nearly asleep on my feet.

“War has returned to our lands!”

After the first statement, the crowd went so quiet, I heard the front door slowly creak open.

“Just this month, the Swillians made an attack on our allies in the west. The honor less cowards, with their bows and their cannons, laid an ambush for the unsuspecting. The peace loving flower child himself, Jyonna Crow, was slain before he could he even blink. And the Chron demand a Roan!”

I walked outside while the crowd gasped and whispered. The dome’s opening was blocked by the peaking guards and a few of the strong men from the Blood and Bone. Lent gargled some water to build up the suspense. Though they would soon discover I was to be publicly blamed for the spilling of military secrets, the other bards and their enquiries sped past to buy the official story. Unfortunately for them, the doormen were in cahoots with the guard for the free show. No one else would gain entrance until intermission. I did my best to blend in, pumping my fist and calling for Roan like the few strong men who knew its true meaning.

“For their one fallen son, the Chron spirits demand a thousand Swillian dead. An impossibly large army sails west to the Nepori Highlands. Giants, ten thousand strong, chasing vengeance and glory, shall heartily cripple the Swillian invaders. And the Zonya fleet will burn their ships to ash.”


A single Chron man raised his fist, recognizing my black steed leathers. He did not hide the tears streaming down his tattooed face. I returned the gesture before he realized I was one of the Swillians he was swearing to kill, and slowly pushed through the gathering crowd.

I nearly got lost finding the front gate. I would have simply hopped the wall and slept in the grass, but, even in late spring, the icy cold morning dew was not a pleasant thing to wake up in. The pile of junk and crates was still in the corner where I had left it. Instead of cleaning it up, the town’s guards simply added to the mess. I shook my head, disappointed, but it did make it easier for me to climb up into the rafters. Very few recruit level soldiers were in bed so early. I could hear the town divided right down the middle. Half of the people were gushing over the Lokah blood sport, while the other half was chanting a blood oath for the fallen Crow.

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