Read The Last Dance Online

Authors: Scott,Kierney

Tags: #Contemporary, #Suspense

The Last Dance (14 page)

BOOK: The Last Dance
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Other than the first time they were intimate, when he’d made her beg and when he searched her, the lights were always off. Only in darkness did they give in to their desire, when they couldn’t see each other, and they could pretend they were different people—people who could be together. There was an alternate universe between them in which it worked, the criminal and the spy.

But the lights were on now. And she could see him, all of him, the scars and rough edges.

And she still wanted him, still wanted to pretend.

“Roman,” she breathed against his lips. There was so much that needed to be said, but there were no words.

Roman’s head lowered. He licked the delicate hollow of her neck; his tongue glided across her collarbone. Georgina sucked in a ragged breath as desire shot through her. Even the slightest touch from him left her breathless. He had barely kissed her, and she was already wet and ready for him.

She glanced at the shut door. She had not locked it. Anyone could come in and see them like this. The knowledge sent a sweet ache coursing through her. Part of her wanted to be caught, wanted someone to see Roman kissing her, pleasing her, see him buried deep inside her. In that moment, it would be real. What they had between them would not be a charade.

More than that, she wanted to see it, watch their bodies come together, and create an erotic memory that she could play back when this insanity came to an end.

She pulled back to create enough space to unbutton his pants. In an instant his cock sprang out, long and hard, ready. Her hand ran down his solid length. “I want to watch us,” she whispered. Admitting it out loud heightened her arousal; her body ached with need.

She stood up, offering her hand to him. When Roman stood he reached for the door, to lock it, but Georgina stopped him by placing her hand on his. Silently she shook her head, the small movement communicating everything he needed to know.

Roman turned her around so she was facing the mirror. He was a good head taller than her, which meant she could still see his face and the sharp lines of his suit even when he was behind her.

“Is this what you wanted to see?” He reached around her, cupping her breasts, gently working her nipples to taut peaks.

Wordlessly she nodded. Every tug sent waves of pleasure over her.

“What else do you want to see?” His voice was a low growl.

Georgina swallowed, her mouth too dry to answer. Her response would be far too wicked to say out loud.

“Are you shy now, angel?” He ran the rough pad of his thumb over her cheek. “Am I to guess? Is that the game we play?” Roman moved around her and sank to the floor. He lifted her leg and draped it across his shoulder, spreading her wide.

She watched as he parted her delicate folds. She was exposed for him, laid bare. His hands circled her hips, anchoring her in place. She sucked in a sharp breath.

“Is this what you want to see?” He did not wait for an answer. He lowered his head between her legs. He licked her in long, languid strokes, unrushed, from the entrance of her body to her swollen clit.

Georgina’s leg buckled as sensation crept over her, drowning out all thought, but Roman’s strong arms kept her upright. In the mirror she watched his head between her legs, licking and teasing. Never had there been a more erotic sight. Her breaths came in shallow pants as the urgency grew. He strummed her clit with his tongue and then latched on, sucking.

Georgina moaned, no longer able to keep it in. It felt too good. She tried to remain silent, but the intensity was too much. His mouth was skilled and demanding, knowing exactly what she needed to make her lose control and scream out. She laced her fingers through his blond hair, pulling him in closer. She was almost there. She forced her eyes to remain open so she could watch.

The voices outside her door grew louder as dancers rushed by. At any moment someone could come in, Sergei to offer her a ride…Maxim to criticize her…even Vlad. Georgina’s heart picked up speed. The idea of being caught was thrilling. Her gaze locked on the handle, silently willing it to open so someone would see this, Roman on his knees licking her.

Roman pulled back, the smile on his face wicked and sensual. “Is this what you want to see?” he asked again. “Do you want to watch your face as I make you come?”

Georgina licked her lips.
Yes, she wanted to watch as he fucked her with his mouth. She was almost there. The exquisite pressure had reached the point of no return. She would come hard against his face with only the slightest touch. And she wanted it, to watch him pleasure her.

More than that, she wanted to watch his face as he came inside her. The realization struck her. The proof of his pleasure is what she wanted most of all. She would forgo her release to watch him. “Take me from behind,” she begged, her voice only the thinnest of whispers. “Let me watch in the mirror as you fuck me. I want to see you come inside me.”

Roman’s eyes narrowed in question as if he had misheard her.


Roman lowered her leg to the ground and then stood. Georgina braced her hands on the ledge for support. He positioned his cock against her pussy, but he did not enter her.

Her gaze locked on his. “Don’t hold back.” Her words were an invitation and a challenge. She was asking him to fuck her hard. She wanted everything he could give, unbridled, without limits. She wanted him to lose control the way she did every time their bodies came together.

He thrust into her, the force brutal in its intensity. Her eyes widened as a biting pain seared through her core. He was too big, the angle too deep, but his pace did not slow, and she did not want it to. Even if it hurt, she wanted this. Again and again he pushed into her, pounding into her harder and harder with each thrust. The force lifted her from the floor. Only the tip of her toes stayed in contact with the cold marble floor.

Slowly pain gave way to need as the tension coiled in her again, building, pushing her higher and higher. Her head fell back against his chest. She fought the urge to close her eyes as her orgasm mounted. She wanted to watch him. She needed to see him. She bit into her lip to focus, hoping the pain would stave off the onslaught of sensation threatening to crash against her and pull her under.

The muscles in Roman’s jaw bunched under his skin. Her eyes locked on his; they were hooded with desire. He was almost there. His face, so scarred and masculine, so utterly perfect, so Roman. Roman groaned loudly as he came inside her. The sound was low and primal. There was no doubt that everyone in the hall heard him. Everyone knew Roman was her lover and that he was fucking her now. That knowledge was enough to push Georgina over. There was no holding back now. She cried out as an orgasm tore through her. She shook with the intensity of it. Her body clenched in intimate spasms, molding over his cock, caressing him from within.

Roman waited for the tremors to stop before he collapsed onto the chair, pulling her down with him.

For a long time neither of them spoke. She had seen it in him, the same need she felt every time they were together. He felt it too. Maybe there was something between them. Maybe they weren’t just two bodies finding release in the dark. Maybe, just maybe…

There was only one way to find out, to test it. “I don’t have a performance tomorrow, just rehearsal. I will be done by four o’clock.” Georgina stopped, debating whether or not to keep going. She did not need the rejection, not tonight, but at the same time she needed something, the possibility of something. She closed her eyes and continued. “I don’t need to be at the theater tomorrow night, so we could have dinner together. I can cook. You can come to my apartment.” There, she had said it. She had invited him over…for a date. Ridiculous that she was nervous after what they had just done.

They had slept in the same bed every night. They’d had sex, amazing sex, more times than she could count. There was no reason she should be nervous about asking him to share a meal. And yet she was. “Or if you don’t want to come to mine we could go back to the Hermitage. I can show you my favorite rooms, and there is a little café around the corner. We could do coffee and sandwiches. Very gourmet.” She was rambling now, but Roman had not answered her and the silence was excruciating.

ROMAN SIGHED. HE wasn’t going to come tonight. He shouldn’t have come. He had fought hard to maintain some distance between them. He managed, only barely, but he did.

They pretended when they fucked, but only then. That was how this worked, how he was able to compartmentalize enough to do what he needed. But now Georgina was asking to extend the parameters, pretend to be lovers in other ways.

That could never happen. They needed to remember who they were, what they were doing. By design they were enemies. Passion had made them lovers, but it would never be more than that. It would never be real.

Fuck. Why had he come here tonight? He shouldn’t have. They could not do this anymore. He could not lose control again. No more pretending, no more wishing, no more sex. Roman could monitor her anywhere in the world; he did not need her in his bed every night. That was for him, because he enjoyed it. He liked the charade. He liked the weight of her body on him as they slept. He liked falling asleep next to her every night and waking up to her every morning. And he liked fucking her. But it was over.

He had come to tell her he was going to Moscow tomorrow and he was taking her with him. He told himself it was to watch her, but that wasn’t it. It was so he could spend time with her. It was madness.
This has to stop.
“I will be gone tomorrow. I am going to Moscow.”

Georgina nodded. “Oh…um…maybe…I could…”

She was going to offer to go with him. She was going to offer to miss rehearsal to be with him. He could not let her say the words. “I am going to see my mistress. I won’t be home for a few days.”

Georgina’s mouth dropped open to form a perfect O. Her body went rigid. Her cheeks went scarlet like he had slapped her. She slid off his lap without looking at him. She kept her eyes down. She pulled on a red sweater and a pair of black leggings and fur-lined boots. When she looked back up at him her face had changed. It was completely impassive, impossible to read. She pulled the pins out of her hair and let it fall to her waist in loose ringlets.

“I can wash off my makeup when we get back to your apartment.” She pulled on her jacket.

Roman’s eyes narrowed. She still wanted to go home with him. Well, not wanted. God only knew what she wanted. He doubted she even knew anymore, but she was willing. The realization filled him with rage. She was willing to let him take her home and fuck her because it was her job. He was a target. Pavel was her handler. And her lover. The one she did not fake it with.

“I am leaving tonight. Don’t do anything stupid when I am away.” He stopped short of telling her what he would do to her if she betrayed him. It was enough that they both knew; she did not need reminding.

This time Georgina’s face did not register any emotion. Her stage face was on, her mask.

Georgina did not speak on the short drive to her apartment. She kept her focus outside on the dark night.
When will this be over?
she mouthed when they pulled up in front of her building. She did not say the words out loud because of the bug she had planted in the car. This conversation was not meant for Pavel. The strain showed around the corners of her green eyes.

Roman took in a deep breath. It would not be too long. He was slowly drip-feeding information through Georgina to Pavel Ivanov. Roman was slowing giving him the rope to hang himself.

He was going to destroy Pavel once and for all, and in the process, Georgina too. He ignored the tightness that spread through his chest. “Not long, angel.”

Roman turned so he did not have to see her leave. She was safe. He had her building surrounded. He did not need to watch to make sure she got inside.

The door shut. Roman glanced down at the seat she had just vacated. She had left the roses. She had taken the other bouquets but left his.

Vlad turned and looked at Roman. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to, Roman knew what he was thinking.

“Drive,” Roman muttered, in no mood to speak to anyone.

The ride home was long and silent, which suited Roman. He slammed the door behind him when he arrived home. He threw the roses into the trash in his kitchen. Georgina did not want them and neither did he. They were done pretending.

Roman stripped off and climbed into bed. He closed his eyes and swore. The bed felt empty. He felt empty. He wanted Georgina, by his side, in his bed.

Chapter Eight

Georgina put a salmon fillet in the oven and chopped a head of broccoli and dropped it into boiling water. A variation on the same dinner she had eaten every day for almost a decade. There was no joy in eating, not this meal at least. She ate for the energy to perform; that was it.

Everything she did in life was to dance. That would not be the case in a year, eighteen months at the most. She would go home for surgery. She had made the decision last night as she lay in bed alone. She could not sleep. Her racing thoughts would not let her. She phoned this morning and registered with a doctor in Montana.

Her pulse raced at the thought of seeing her home again. She had not been back since she’d left for Russia. She’d thought about it, but as the years passed and friendships faded, she realized there was no one there to see. She would just be going back for the hell of it. She didn’t want to do that, be a tourist in her own town, and that was what you were without people.

The clock had been set. Once
Sleeping Beauty
finished, she would have surgery. The idea of it made it hard to breathe. But she was done. Her leg had held out longer than her will. She couldn’t do it anymore, or work for Pavel. Roman was her last target. She could not do it again. This time had broken her. She had given more of herself than she should. The tattoos were supposed to remind her not to do that. They had reminded her to never suck his cock. That physical distance was supposed to guard her heart, but it hadn’t. She had not stopped herself from caring about him.

BOOK: The Last Dance
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