The Last Crusade (2 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Last Crusade
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To those Islamic countries who have refused to join the Holy Caliphate, I say unto the people living there, rise up and overthrow your leaders. Those leaders can’t be true Muslims because they have refused to join their brothers and sisters in the Holy Caliphate. I call on the people of Mecca and Medina, rise up and join us. Our holy cities should be under the control of the Caliphate, not a false royal family who steals the wealth of Islam to spend on themselves. It’s the obligation of ever Muslim to take the Hajj, to ensure Mecca remains open to all the followers of Allah.  I call on the false rulers of Saudi Arabia to denounce their ties to the West and join with us. A true Muslim loves Allah and Mohammad his messenger. We know it’s our duty to unite the entire world under one flag, Allah’s holy flag. Allah has ordered the world must be ruled by Sharia law. I raise my voice to Allah proclaiming my love for him. Join me in giving praise to Allah the Almighty.”


The Al Jazeera reporters cheer his announcement, the leaders of the twenty-three states of the Caliphate Join Ali Muhammad Tanvir on the stage as the green flag of Islam and the black flag of ISIS fly overhead. The leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia watch the broadcast in fear, each country orders their borders sealed.


Unfortunately, it’s too late for Saudi Arabia where the underclasses pour into the streets proclaiming their love of Allah and their desire to join their brothers in the Caliphate. A hundred thousand people race to the King’s palace. The Royal guards are unable to hold back the mass of people. Trying to hold back the swarm of people from breaking into the Royal Palace, the Royal guards open fire on the crowd. The crowd’s shock and anger drive them to quickly overwhelm the guards. The guards are quickly over powered, they are shot with their own weapons.


Thousands of screaming protesters run through the palace searching for the royal family. Locating him in his throne room, they drag their screaming king out of the palace. The people take turns using their dull knives to behead him. They raise their bloody hands into the sky screaming, “Allah Akbar.” His head is tossed among the crowd; some kick it like a soccer ball from person to person. The Saudi national press sends a message to Ali Muhammad Tanvir asking if Saudi Arabia can be admitted to the Caliphate. They agree to turn over control of Mecca and Medina to the Caliphate.


The Egyptian President watches the beheading of the Saudi King on television, knowing he can’t stand up to the combined military might of the Caliphate, he calls the American President, begging for assistance,


“Ms. President, we’re asking for your military help. We are willing to open all of our military bases to you, we are willing to grant you permanent basing rights for your forces. We’re even open to discussing joint control of the Suez Canal.”


“Mr. President, thank you for your offer. However, I’m not sure this is an American issue. My advisers tell me this is a local Muslim issue. It’s not in our sphere of influence. I consider this a normal extension of the successful Arab Spring.”


“Madam President, if you don’t act, the Caliphate will close the Suez Canal and the Strait of Hormuz, stopping the flow of oil to the West. We have been allies for many years, we were the first Muslim country to sign a peace treaty with Israel, we desperately need your help to protect us from the Caliphate’s invasion. Helping us will help your friend Israel.”


“Mr. President, we’ve been assured by the Caliphate’s Premier, Ali Muhammad Tanvir that they won’t use violence against any country who votes not to join them. All they ask is for an open general election. America has always supported general elections; we believe the people have the right to choose their own government. You should allow your people to decide the fate of their country.”


“As you were elected by your people?” Sarcastically asked the Egyptian President.


“I was elected by the American people in a fair election.”


“Really? Our reports disclose that you had more votes in a few cities than there were registered voters, there’s also the story that more than a million ballots in Dallas, Texas are still missing. And of course, there are the unusual results from the city of Brotherly Love where in ten precincts you had more votes than the entire population. Madam President, please don’t lecture us on fair elections.”


Hillary begins screaming, “You’ll do as you are told, anything that happens is your own fault. I won’t listen to you insult me. You illegally took power from the legally elected Egyptian government, The Muslim Brotherhood. You led a coup against the elected government, now you’re asking for our help to keep you in office?”


“The truth burns does it not Madam President? Don’t you remember, the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization? It would have turned around and bitten you with your own weapons.”


“You’re part of the vast, worldwide, right wing conspiracy. All you do is tell lies about me. LIES!  I won’t listen to any more of them.” She hangs up and orders her Chief of Staff to not put through any more calls from the Egyptian President ever again.


The President of Egypt looks at his staff,


“I think we have to make the call we’ve dreaded having to make.”


“Do you think they will come to our aid? Surely they are concerned the Caliphate is going to attack them too. They are surely the Caliphate’s number one target.”


“The Caliphate won’t attack Israel, we know the Jews have and will use nuclear weapons to protect their country. They have the best military in the Middle East, if we hope to remain independent, we don’t have any option except to call and ask them for aid.”


His advisors nod their agreement. Before they can place the call, they’re told the Israeli Prime Minister is on the secure phone calling them. The Egyptian Defense Minister looks up,


“It’s Allah’s will. He wants the Jews to help us. I don’t understand why, but this is surely a sign from Allah.”


The Egyptian President smiles, patting his friend on the back,


“We will speak with the Jews, they have kept their end of the treaty with us, they have helped us before, I am sure they are calling to offer us assistance in this, our greatest time of need.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, my friend. You’ll see. They won’t let us down now. Let’s talk with our friend, it’s funny that the Jews might be our only friends in the world.”


“What about the Russians?”


“I don’t trust them. They would play us to gain favor with the Caliphate.  I don’t trust the whore in the White House or the Russians. I can guarantee she won’t be sitting in her chair for a full four years. I know she’ll be booted out of office as soon as the Caliphate makes their copies of her deleted emails public. We will be in a better position with the new President. On the other hand, the Russian President will control his country for life. He has a much longer time to accomplish what he wants. He’ll use us as a bargaining chip with the Caliphate. He may help us today, but will toss us into the garbage bin as soon as we outlive our usefulness to his master plan.”


“The whore could stay for eight years.”


“She won’t make it. I know she won’t make it through her entire first term, it’s only a matter of time before one of the countries which hacked her server decide to use what they have on her to do their bidding. When that happens, their Congress will figure it out, maybe they will grow a set of balls and remove her from the office she bought and paid for. When that happens, it will shake America to her roots. They’ve never removed a sitting President before. It may turn America to the far right.”


“Do you think she will follow Nixon and resign?”


“No, the whore thinks she’s entitled to the position, she’ll never resign. She will have to be dragged out of the White House by armed guards. We need to buy time. Time for the whore to be found out, time for the American people to come to their senses and help us and realize they made a mistake. Their military knows they will have to fight the Caliphate; when they do, they will need us as their forward operating base. We only have to hold on until she’s kicked out of office.”


His advisers nod, pressing the flashing button on the speaker phone, the President says,


“Shalom Mr. Prime Minister.”


“As-salaam Alaykum Mr. President and ministers of the great Egyptian nation. I believe we have some areas of common interest to discuss.”


Chapter 2

Ms. Clayton quickly learned she had serious problems at home and abroad, her friend the Mayor of Chicago had been forced to resign within a week of her taking office. The mayors of Baltimore and Newark had decided not to run for reelection. The media and Ms. Clayton are surprised when members of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ organization win elections to replace the three mayors. Their initial acts as Mayor win the support of their supporters and the shock of the rest of the cities population. They fire two-thirds of their cities police officers. They double taxes on business owners while increasing welfare and city support payments. They launch programs to pay people not to commit crimes. They quickly release most of the young blacks being held in the city jails. In their first month in office, crime in their cities jumps more than 50%. Chicago sets a new record of five hundred shootings in the first week of the month. Newark sets a record for the number of people moving out of the city in a single month. Baltimore breaks their record for the number of arson fires in a weekend. The three cities quickly resemble war zones in a third world country. Trash fills the streets, snow sits unplowed, the fire department refuses to enter certain sections of the inner cities. Real Estate values drop like stones thrown off of the closed Walmart roofs. People who could afford to, quickly move out of the three cities. Entire neighborhoods are emptied, leaving massive holes in the cities’ tax collection.


The three Governors threaten to call up the National Guard to provide security in the cities.  Hillary orders them not to call up the Guard or she will Federalize the Guard, taking them out from under the Governor’s control. She tells the Governors, it’s the people’s will, the Governors are to leave the cities alone and let them work out their problems.


Ms. Clayton leans back in the President’s chair smiling, thinking
, I’ve finally arrived at the position I’ve spent my entire life working towards. I put in my time in each job I needed so I could end up here. I stayed married to that skirt chaser just to prove I’m a good wife, what a joke. We hate each other. One reason we have so many homes is so we don’t have to spend time in one together.  It’s time for my first Cabinet meeting, it’s time to begin molding America to my vision.
Getting up, she walks down the hall to the Situation Room where’s she greeted with a standing ovation by her Cabinet Secretaries.  She smiled, her mouth open, duh grin and gave them a small bow before taking her seat at the head of the table. She patted her Chief of Staff’s back, winking at her and remembering their enjoyable encounter the previous night, 


“Huma, what’s on the agenda for today?”


“Madam President, we have the following issues to discuss;

  • The situation with the Caliphate, NATO is concerned, they are asking us for our position, Egypt is again asking for military aid. The Israeli Prime Minister’s office has called five times; they are worried they’re going to be the Caliphate’s first target. They’re requesting we release advanced weapons to them.
  • We’ve received additional requests for help from the police departments in the cities of Baltimore, Chicago, and Newark.
  • The FBI has been without a Director since last May.
  • The Russians have begun flying their bombers along our West Coast and their submarines are sitting off our major harbors on the East Coast. They have filed the proper paperwork to begin flying open skies missions over the country. The Air Force is urging you to reject the Russian request.
  • The military is requesting rules of engagement when they meet Caliphate forces.
  • The Ambassadors of Russia and China would like to meet with you ASAP on what they’re saying are very urgent matters of State.
  • The TPP is still stuck in the Senate.
  • Your initial budget is due.
  • The banking industry is worried the formation of the Caliphate will raise the price of oil, harming the economy. The price of gold has started to soar.
  • The first unemployment data is going to be released this week, the initial numbers are very bad.

“Huma, really, that’s too many items for us to discuss in our first meeting. Let me see if I can cut the list down. As to our position on the Caliphate, we’ll support them. This is the natural evolution of the Arab Spring, they’ve finally gotten control of their own destiny; they’ve disposed of the monarchs and dictators who held back the people in the Middle East. I’m happy to have been the Secretary of State when the Arab Spring broke out, I was the first one to openly support the people in overthrowing their overbearing governments. State, tell NATO we’re supporting and suggest they follow our lead in respect to the Caliphate. Tell Israel, we’ve given them enough weapons, they should sit at the table and work out a treaty with the Caliphate. That was easy. Next?”

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