Read The Last Concubine Online

Authors: Catt Ford

The Last Concubine (5 page)

BOOK: The Last Concubine
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With a deep sigh, Mei Ju added, “I will be frank with you and take my chances on your discretion. Ci’an was a mistake. Hüi Wei conquered a province to the northeast ruled by a barbarian. It was a hard battle and many lives were lost. Hüi Wei judged it to be better to come to terms and stem the flow of blood. Her father, the king Daji, was to stay within certain boundaries, and the emperor would allow him to rampage as he would there. But Daji’s terms were that the emperor, or failing that, Hüi Wei himself, must take his daughter to wed.”

“So Ci’an was foisted upon my Lord Qiang Hüi Wei,” Lan’xiu asked, properly using his entire title.

Mei Ju cleared her voice. “Hüi was a very young man then, with a fire in his loins. Ci’an is very pretty; make no mistake. It was not entirely a diplomatic decision that he accepted her. But he soon realized his mistake. She shares her father’s ambition and ruthless personality. In fact, it is entirely possible that her father was only too glad to rid himself of her combative and competitive nature. She might even have succeeded in deposing him if she’d lived there any longer. Hüi actually found it necessary to forcibly explain to her that he would not permit her to dispose of any who stood in the way of her becoming first wife.”

Shocked, Lan’xiu gasped, “She tried to harm you?”

Nodding, Mei Ju answered, “Yes, she did.”

After a short silence, Lan’xiu reached forward to touch Mei Ju’s sleeve for the first time. “I am glad she did not succeed.”

Pleased that Lan’xiu had come out of her shell enough to make even such a tenuous connection, Mei Ju said, “Hüi was very displeased with her. I do not think her lantern has been lit since then. In fact….” She drew a deep breath before continuing, ashamed that the thought of Ci’an’s punishment still caused her such pleasure. “He beat her. With a whip.”

Lan’xiu went pale again.

Taking pity upon her, Mei Ju said, “He will never treat you thusly. You are a lady. He said that if one acts like a mule, one must be treated like one. He is a very loyal and honorable man and cannot abide treachery.” She watched Lan’xiu closely to see her reaction.

Another flicker of inscrutable pain crossed the ravishing face, but then the princess said, “Then my lord repays your loyalty with his own.”

“Although I can no longer bear Hüi any more children, my lantern is still lit one night each week,” Mei Ju said softly.

“This lantern you speak of. Is this a metaphor for something?” Lan’xiu blushed in embarrassment.

“When Qiang Hüi Wei chooses to visit the household, the lantern is lit beside the door of the chosen one. It allows whichever wife to make ready to receive him and forestalls inopportune visitors.”

“I see.” Lan’xiu shivered slightly and took a sip of her tea.

“Hüi Wei will send a servant to light the lantern during the day. That is how you will know when he chooses to come to you,” Mei Ju explained. “You are so lovely, I would be surprised if your lantern were not lit before the stars have faded from the sky too many more nights.”

“It will be an undeserved honor when that happy day arrives,” Lan’xiu said, not entirely suppressing the dread in her voice.

Mei Ju was troubled. She did not know how to comfort this girl. She seemed even more fearful than any of the other wives, and all had been virgins when they came—with the possible exception of Ci’an, second concubine. One never knew about her. “You are seventh concubine presumptive. If Hüi never chooses to come to you, that is what your title will remain. If he accepts you, then you will be seventh concubine or seventh wife, by my grace. Hüi Wei is a very important man. There are times when he has to be away or has no time for us. ”

“And you remain waiting always within these walls,” Lan’xiu stated rather than asked.

“As first wife, I have on various occasions accompanied Hüi Wei to the outside world,” Mei Ju said with pride. “All the wives see each other, and our children play together until the boys are of age to go into training and school. It is a very pleasant life. Every comfort is provided for. And I am very fond of a good game of cards or mah-jongg.”

“But we are prisoners within these walls.”

“No more a prisoner than Hüi Wei.” Mei Ju could see her words meant nothing to the girl. “We all have our own burdens to bear in this world and the one to come. Men are just as much a prisoner of their destiny as any woman.”

“Perhaps.” Lan’xiu didn’t seem to entirely believe that. “When you get together, is Second Wife Ci’an included?”

“She is. She is one of us, even though she still schemes and strategizes to win favor from Hüi Wei. In vain, but it amuses us both. The other wives don’t regard her very much as she outranks them.”

“Why is that?”

“I shall have to explain them to you. Ci’an, as I said, is a bitter, warped soul. If anyone holds her prisoner, it is her own ambition. She cannot learn to be content with her lot.” Mei Ju watched to see what reaction her veiled words of advice elicited from the princess, but the girl kept her face an inscrutable mask. “Third wife is Fen and fourth wife is Huan. They are never apart.”

“Close friends then.”

“Very close.” Mei Ju nodded, pleased that Lan’xiu seemed to understand the situation without having it spelled out for her. “If you cannot find one of them at home, chances are that she will be at the other’s house and—occupied.

“Sixth Wife Alute is like a perfect piece of carved jade. Beautiful to look at, but the lanterns are not lit upstairs. At least she is of an accepting nature. She would eat whatever you put in front of her.”

“And fifth wife?” Lan’xiu asked.

Mei Ju’s face relaxed into amusement. “I suspect you will like her. We all do. Bai is her name. She is very charming and funny, always up to some prank or joke. She keeps us all laughing, even with the short winter days and cold outside.”

“I shall look forward to meeting them all,” Lan’xiu said.

“Just be sure you hide a dagger up your sleeve when you meet Ci’an. I suspect that she will not take to you at all.”

“I shall be careful,” Lan’xiu assured Mei Ju. “I thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. It is most generous of you to condescend to welcome a mere seventh concubine.”

“I was not always first wife, my dear. I know how you feel.”

It was Lan’xiu’s turn to look at the older woman with astonishment. “But… how can that be? You
first wife. And you are so kind. I cannot believe you killed off six or seven previous wives as Ci’an aspires to.”

Mei Ju looked down at her hands, still smooth at her age, with the polished nails showing the half moons at the bases. “I am older than my husband, Hüi Wei. I was once a concubine to his older brother. I bore him children as well, but they were sickly, and none of them survived infancy. I did not love him, but I did my duty. And then, he was killed in battle.”

“I am sorry,” Lan’xiu said in her soft voice.

“If Hüi Wei were not the man he is, he could have had me thrown from the ramparts or returned to my village in shame or sold to pleasure the troops. Instead, he came to see me when his brother died and he succeeded to his position. And then, he married me. I have been a good wife to him and borne him six healthy children. I have given him the sons I could not give his brother.”

“He sounds like a fine man, but why are you telling me this?” Lan’xiu wondered.

“I don’t quite know.” Mei Ju gave a tinkling laugh. “I wish to offer you comfort. I have been in even more uncertain of a position than you are, but my lord is a kind man. Whatever your brother plotted by sending you here, you need not fear that Hüi will punish you for his transgression. He will be patient with you.”

Lan’xiu wrinkled her brow again and blinked rapidly. “Thank you for all your kindness to me, First Wife. I thought that luck had turned her back on me, but surely she shines upon me in guiding me to you. I shall never forget your compassion.”

Mei Ju stood up, briskly saying, “I should hope not. After all, we shall see each other every day from now to the end of our lives. I welcome you to the court of Lord General Qiang Hüi Wei and to the household, Princess Lan’xiu, seventh wife presumptive.”

Chapter 4

the Princess Zhen Lan’xiu was helped into her cloak and Ning had opened an umbrella to hold over her (even though he had to stretch his arm to full length to ensure that it covered her and was left all in the wet himself due to the differences in their stature), Mei Ju watched the small procession move out of sight toward the seventh house.

She waited by the window in the gathering dusk until she saw another servant approach under an umbrella, carrying a lit torch. As always, she held her breath,
the servant to light the lantern by her door. A little bubble of jubilation erupted within her when the servant approached her house and her lantern began to glow.

Although they no longer shared a bed, Mei Ju hurried upstairs to prepare for Hüi’s arrival. After seeing the fine cheongsam Lan’xiu wore, Mei Ju ordered her maid to fetch her best hanfu out of the wardrobe.

“But it is not a festival day or your husband’s birthday,” the maid objected.

“Do as I say, you silly wench,” Mei Ju snapped. “And find my jade drop earrings. And dress my hair again. My lord visits me tonight.”

“As you wish, Madame Wife.” The maid dropped a sketchy curtsey, and it was clear she thought Mei Ju’s hopes were in vain.

Mei Ju resolved to set her maid to polish the household bronzes on the morrow to pay her out for that disrespect, but she would not stoop to argue with her now. Although Lan’xiu was without doubt the loveliest girl she had ever set eyes on, between Mei Ju and Hüi Wei resided the comfort and respect of a long, intimate relationship. She would have to place her faith in that.

When she came downstairs to await his pleasure, she was powdered and scented. She had reddened her lips and pinched her cheeks to make them pink, but she did not realize how the anticipation of seeing her love made her eyes glow. Mei Ju remembered gratefully that she’d been very pretty as a girl, but time and bearing children had lined her pleasant face and made her once slim figure rounder. She smoothed her dress over her hips, pleased that at least she wasn’t fat yet. Although she loved sweets, she ate of them sparingly, wishing to remain pleasing in her lord’s eyes.

She had her reward when he came into the sitting chamber and his face lit up at the sight of her.

“Mei Ju, as pretty as ever. It is good to see you.”

“And you, my Lord.” She sank to her knees and bowed.

“So formal after all these years,” he teased, extending his hand to help her up. He kissed both her cheeks and then her lips. “Mei Ju.” He sighed contentedly and sat down in the large chair, stretching his hands to the fire.

“You still find me pretty, Hüi?” she asked anxiously.

“I could never find you anything but pleasing to look at. You are the mother of my children. You have given me fine sons and daughters as pretty as you.” Hüi looked at her with a troubled expression. “You need not fear the loss of my regard, no matter how many concubines join this household.”

“I miss going upstairs with you,” Mei Ju said.

He got up and came to her, brushing a tear from her cheek and putting his arms around her. “I miss that too, but you know we must not.”

“It would be worth death to feel you bearing me down into the mattress once more,” she whispered, clinging to him.

“It would not be worth it to me,” Hüi said firmly. “I cannot lose you, and my children need their mother. The doctor said you cannot take the chance of another pregnancy, and I will not put you at risk, no matter how much I may desire you.”

“It is my fault that you took Ci’an into this household,” Mei Ju said mournfully.

“Let us not speak of her,” Hüi said. “It was never your fault. I need you here to rule my household. Do you think I don’t know that you are mother to
my children, no matter which wife bore them? Besides, I need your counsel and the security of your loyalty. I have no one else I can trust.”

“Except Lord Jiang,” Mei Ju reminded him.

“A very different thing. He doesn’t think as you do, being male.” Hüi drew her to the divan and put his arm around her. “Tell me everything.”

“I hope you know that I did not need Jiang to remind me to welcome the Princess Zhen Lan’xiu to the household,” Mei Ju started.

“I hope he did not
you. I merely requested him to ask you to find out a specific bit of information; that was all. I meant no offense by sending him rather than coming myself.”

“I understand.” And Mei Ju did. Whatever Hüi did was noticed and commented upon. Despite Lan’xiu’s obvious allure, Hüi would wait a judicious amount of time before taking notice of her existence because news of his visit would be instantly broadcast far and wide. “Whatever her brother, Wu Min, intended by sending her here, the princess is not privy to the plot.”

“You’re sure,” Hüi asked.

“She is terrified and knows not what to expect. I imagine that before she came here, she had no thought of being a mere seventh concubine—”

“Of a minor official,” Hüi put in dryly.

BOOK: The Last Concubine
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