The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel (10 page)

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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“Our time is up,” Dwayne said regretfully. “I

ll call you tomorrow.”

“I love you,” Maria whispered, her fingers from her other hand touching his image lightly.

He touched his screen, too. “I love you.”

The screen flashed black then returned her to the main menu.

This was going to be the hardest part of being on the mission: being away from the man she loved.

Rolling onto her back, Maria covered her face and fought back tears. She could almost feel his presence nearby, comforting and loving. Her body yearned to feel him pressed against her side. Closing her eyes, she pretended he was laying next her, his breath matching her own as they fell asleep together.






Chapter 7


The next morning she awoke to a call from Dr. Curran informing her that she would be sent for in two hours

time. Crawling out of bed, she pushed her body through her morning exercise routine before taking a hot shower. Breakfast was delivered to her room on a tray by a young male nurse. He stared openly at her scars as she took the tray.

“Thank you,” she said, dismissing him before he asked any stupid questions.

He backed out of the room and the door slid shut.

Uncovering the tray, she was surprised to see eggs and bacon, toast, orange juice, and a thermos of coffee. She was certain the meat and eggs weren

t the real thing, but the food smelled amazing. Picking up a slice of bacon, she nibbled on the end curiously. It

taste at all like flavored tofu. Suddenly ravaged by hunger, she dug into the meal, eating each bite with great relish. Nothing she had ever eaten had tasted quite so amazing. When she finally finished, she poured herself a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly. It was the best she had ever tasted.

After she finished, she retrieved a second set of fatigues from her locker and took a shower. The water was hot and helped ease her aching legs and arms. As she soaped her skin, she studied the scars that had so fascinated the nurse. She supposed she had grown used to their appearance. The knots of hard flesh were a part of her now and she could barely remember what it was like not to wear them as a badge of honor. Her fingers traced over the especially savage wound over her lower belly. This was the injury that had robbed her of any chance of motherhood. It didn

t do any good to mull over the possible future children she could have had with Dwayne if she hadn

t been hit by the flying shrapnel, so she pushed those thoughts away.

Once out of the shower, she dressed and braided her hair. Despite her fabulous breakfast, her stomach was fluttering. For the thousandth time she reminded herself that she had no reason to be afraid.

Dr. Curran came for her personally. Today her long blond hair was wound in a bun on top of her head and she was clad in a white jumpsuit. There was a much more official air about her and her voice was clipped when she spoke.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, ma

am,” Maria answered, trying to not sound like she was lying.

“Very good,” Dr. Curran said briskly and led her down the hall to the wing with the labs. Her heels clicked against the floor as she strode swiftly ahead of Maria. “Did you sleep well? Did you eat all your breakfast?”

“Yes, yes. It was all good,” Maria answered.

“I arranged your breakfast. Real eggs and bacon. A rarity in the city, but obtainable for special purposes.”

“Like last meals, huh?” Maria joked.

Dr. Curran gave her a sharp look that gave Maria pause. “Something like that.”

Outside the lab, there were four SWD special officers on duty. The previous day there had been one. Dr. Curran and Maria were quickly waved through security, but the nurses preparing to enter behind them were immediately stopped. Glancing over her shoulder, Maria saw the guards scanning the wristlets on the nurses, their expressions grim.

“More security today,” Maria pointed out.

“Today is an important day,” Dr. Curran answered.

When they entered the lab area, Maria noted that even more doctors, nurses, technicians and the like were bustling about than the
day before
. A few threw curious looks her way before hurrying on. Dr. Curran took hold of Maria

s arm and pulled her down a new corridor, moving her swiftly past the onlookers.

“Why are they staring?” Maria asked in a low voice.

“They know who
. This is a big day for the SWD. This is the first step in our push against the
Inferi Scourge
. The success of your mission will ensure the continuation of humanity.

very important, don

t you realize that?” Dr. Curran shot her a curious look, obvio
usly surprised that Maria hadn

t recognized this on her own.


m just a soldier doing her job,” Maria answered.


re more than that now,” Dr. Curran assured her. “Much more.” She swiped her wristlet over a control panel set in the wall, and a set of doors hummed open. Entering, she motioned for Maria to follow.

Inside was another disturbingly white room. An examination table surrounded by monitors and equipment was the center of attention for several technicians. A few stole peeks in her direction, but most were fiercely concentrated on their tasks. Several robotic arms extended from the ceiling, swiveling about as they obeyed the commands of the technicians below. Satisfied, a technician pointed upward and the arms retracted into their bay in the ceiling.


s all this for?” Maria asked, intimidated by the sight.


re going to be extremely ill for about ten hours. We

re going to have to monitor you closely. Because of the raging fever that you will experience, we

re going to sedate you.”

“And this is safe? You

ve done it before?”

Dr. Curran turned and gazed into Maria

s eyes. “Yes, we have done this before. You will be safe in here.”


s misgivings

fade with the doctor

s assurances. Though she discerned sincerity in Dr. Curran

s expression, she felt as though the entire truth of the situation was not being revealed.

Striding over to the technicians, Dr. Curran motioned for Maria to take a seat on the examination table. “Please remove your blouse and boots.”

Complying, Maria took deep, discreet breaths, steadying her nerves. The tension between her shoulder blades was starting to be a burning pain. With a quick roll of her shoulders, she focused her concentration on exorcising any anxiety while keeping her goal firmly in mind. A technician took the discarded blouse and boots
Maria sat at the edge of the examination table.

“Everything is looking very good, Vanguard Martinez,” Dr. Curran assured her. “Please lie down and get comfortable.”

As Maria swung her legs up onto the table, her gaze swept over the faces of those gathered around her. Their white jumpsuits and austere hairstyles made them appear cold, remote, and just as robotic as the mechanical arms retracted into the ceiling overhead. She pulled her braid over one shoulder as she lay down. A technician touched the table and a small panel lit up. Guiding Maria

s wristlet over the panel, the technician gave Maria

s hand a gentle squeeze.


ll be alright,” she said. Her green eyes flicked toward Maria

s face before she returned her attention to creating a link between Maria

s wristlet and the monitoring equipment.


ve established a connection,” the technician informed Dr. Curran after a minute or two.

“Excellent,” Dr. Curran replied.

Another technician said, “Data is in the stream.”

Dr. Curran rested her hand on Maria

s shoulder. Her fingers were icy cold
Maria realized the Doctor was far more nervous than she had let on.


s almost time,” Dr. Curran stated, her gaze locked to one of the screens. “Everything is going just as we

d hoped.”

The door hissed open and Mr. Petersen appeared in Maria

s peripheral vision.


re almost ready,” Dr. Curran said in a voice that was surprisingly curt.

Mr. Petersen inclined his head. “Very well. Everyone has arrived and is waiting for you to proceed.”

Frowning, Maria searched the corners for cameras, then her gaze settled on a wall to her left. It was bare of any equipment and the technicians were careful not to linger on that side of the examination table. She wondered if it was a hidden window.

“Someone is watching?” Maria asked. “Why?”


t worry about it,” Mr. Petersen replied.


s just a few of the higher ranking officers of the SWD. You don

t need to worry about them,” Dr. Curran assured her, but the glare she cast in Mr. Petersen

s direction was tinged with anger. “Mr. Petersen will be joining them now.”

Without a word, Mr. Petersen turned and left the room.


re ready,” a male technician informed Dr. Curran.

“Very well. Clear the room,” Dr. Curran ordered. She leaned over Maria, her expression suddenly far from cold and remote. There was concern and warmth in her eyes. “Don

t be afraid.” After giving her hand a light squeeze, the doctor followed her team out of the room.

Alone, lying on the table, staring up at the robotic arms, Maria felt dread wash over her. She clenched her teeth together
, fighting her

One of the monitors began to beep faster and she realized it was her heart rate. Ashamed of feeling so afraid, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths while she waited for the doctor to return to administer the vaccine.

Instead, the robotic arms above her came to life, uncurling from the ceiling. The hum of their rotors compelled her
open her eyes and she gasped as one of the mechanical hands
pressed on her chest. Abruptly, clamps slid up out of the table, encircled her ankles, wrists, elbows and knees, and locked. Unable to move, Maria started to hyperventilate. Despite all her attempts to push away her misgivings and fears, she was utterly terrified and convinced she had made the wrong choice.

“Dr. Curran!” she called out as she watched one of the robotic hands tap a code into a stainless steel refrigeration unit marked


“Dr. Curran!”

“Please remain calm,” the inhuman voice of the machine commanded her.

“Dr. Curran! Why are you restraining me? What is going on?” Maria demanded.

“Please remain still and do not struggle,” the machine answered.

The refrigeration unit hissed open.

“Dr. Curran, please, talk to me. I don

t understand why

restraining me. What are you doing to me?” Maria twisted her hands, struggling to get free, but the clamps only tightened. She could hear the heart monitor

s beeps accelerating.

The robotic arms continued their task, the whirring of their movements adding to her terror. This didn

t feel right. Something was terribly wrong and in that moment she was absolutely certain she had been lied to.

One of the robotic arms withdrew a syringe with a very long needle from the refrigeration unit and swiveled toward her.

is ready to be administered,” the robotic voice droned.

“You may proceed,” said a male voice Maria


Straining to break free, Maria watched the syringe in horror as it was poised over her torso. One of the
arms moved, and a metallic hand pushed down her head, then turned it to one side. Out of the corner of her eye, Maria saw
another arm with a different
needle descending toward her.
Her eyes sought out the one identified as the modified
Inferi Scourge
Plague Virus.
It hovered just out of sight, waiting.

“Please don

t,” she gasped.

needle plunged into her chest, just below her right breast, sliding between two of her ribs. She screamed as it burrowed deep within her. Liquid fire spread through her body. Gagging, she arched her back as the burning pain filled her. It was unbearable. Maria felt as if her body was being consumed.

The heart monitor

s beeps were racing.

BOOK: The Last Bastion of the Living: A Futuristic Zombie Novel
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