The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (54 page)

BOOK: The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set
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      “Sssh now, you’re safe.”

      Circling back, she made her way to the man who was still running. Reaching him, she lowered the child into his waiting arms.

      “Please forgive me, Miss, I had no idea he’d run away from me. We were walking to collect leaves as he rose early.”

      “No harm has been done, although I would suggest you keep a closer watch on him in the future.” Phoebe’s shoulder was now protesting the strain she had just put it under.

      “What you did, saving Peter like that, it was very brave, and I can never hope to thank you.”

      Phoebe heard the thunder of hooves and realized it was not only Moses coming.

      “Phoebe! Christ, are you alright?”
Bloody hell, why is he always the one to see her doing something dangerous.

      “Leave now and take your son, sir. My companions are about to arrive and I would like to avoid frightening the child further.”

      The man looked reluctant, but he bobbed his head and soon disappeared into the mists. Phoebe quickly swung her leg back over the saddle and then, turning Harvey, she faced the viscount bearing down on her. Wrapping her hands around the reins, she gripped them hard and gritted her teeth to stop them chattering. Now the excitement was over, she was feeling a bit shaky.

      He rode with Alex and Ben, and Moses was there also.

      “Good morning, Alex, Ben, and Lord Levermarch.”

      “Lord, Phoebe, we nearly collided with you.” Alex moved to her side, where he reached over to place his hand on top of hers. “Are you well? How is your shoulder?”

      “I’m alright, Alex, really,” she added as he looked doubtful.

      “You’re pale and shaking, Phoebe. This will warm you up.”

Finn moved to the other side, and she watched as he pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. He wore no hat, his hair slightly damp from the mist. His face was flushed from the ride, and he looked so handsome she wanted to howl with the unfairness of it all. She could smell his scent on the heavy coat as it warmed her.

“That trick you did there, Phoebe, picking up the child at a gallop, do you think you could teach Alex and me?”

      “No, Ben, she can’t.”

      Finn looked at her as he spoke, his smile wry.

      “You were very brave, Phoebe, but the child is safe so you can take a deep breath now.”

      Phoebe concentrated on Finn as he talked to her, his eyes gentle with understanding as he saw she was trembling. Inhaling through her nose, she felt the rush of air calm her slightly.

      “And now you can tell me what possessed you to leave the house and ride your horse, when you are still not fully recovered.” His words held a little more force now.

      “I am recovered, my lord, and was enjoying a gentle morning ride when I saw the child. Would you have left it to become trampled, were our roles reversed?”

      “No, but I would also not have you so pale you look about to faint.”

It was true that she felt a bit shaky, but nothing that would render her unconscious. She was made from sterner stuff than that.

“I do not faint on a whim like many, Lord Levermarch.”

“First an injured wrist, that has surely only just healed, and now your head and shoulder. I fear the next time you will be truly hurt, Phoebe.”

“I’m alright, Alex.” Phoebe rubbed his arm as he looked at her, the worry evident in his eyes.

“Indeed the world would be a bleak place without you in it, Phoebe.”

“Thank you, Ben. However, I assure you I am not going anywhere. Now if you will excuse me, my sister is expecting me.” Phoebe handed Finn back his coat, patted Alex’s arm again, and then pushed her heels into Harvey’s flanks, making him spring forward and away from Finn and his brothers. Someone called her name but she ignored it, instead urging Harvey on. With Moses at her heels, she made for the gate and not once did she look back, even though the urge to do so was nearly overwhelming.

      Finn shrugged back into his coat as he followed her with his eyes until he could see her no more. His heart had nearly stopped when he’d watched Phoebe pick up the child while hanging nearly upside down off her horse. He could have hit her and knocked her to the ground. She could have fallen and he could have trampled her beneath the hooves of his horse and even now be lying lifeless at his feet.

      “If she would have me, I would marry her tomorrow,” Ben sighed.

      “As would I,” Alex agreed.

      “She’s reckless,” Finn snapped, hating the flare of anger at his brothers’ words. “I would never allow either of you to marry her.”
Only me.
Christ where had that though come from?

      “No, Finn, she’s courageous.”

      “And kind, Alex. She will talk with anyone, no matter their standing in society. She’s also fair, and has very few airs and graces,” Ben added.

      “She has a total disregard for the rules we live by,” Finn said. “She’s loud and outspoken. There would be nothing comfortable in marrying her, I assure you both. That woman would set you back on your heels daily. There would be no peace.”

      Finn looked at Alex, and by the anger in his face, it seemed their tentative truce was no longer in place.

      “I do not like to hear you speak that way about a woman I consider a friend, Finneous, especially when she does not deserve your censure.” Alex looked solemn as he spoke. “Phoebe Langley is, I’ll grant you, not the same as the other women in society. However, she is, in our opinion, so much more than they could ever be. She does not simper, nor does she trill. She does not gossip nor play games like others. She is open and honest and if that means marrying her would make my life less than comfortable then so bet it. I would rather that than someone who is not as she appears.”

      “You will not marry her.” Finn tried to quell his anger at the thought of Phoebe marrying Alex. Not just Alex, anyone.

      “Well, you don’t want her, nor do you deserve her,” Alex said, collecting his reins. “And it’s my belief she deserves someone who appreciates her, which, I assure you big brother, is definitely not you.”

      This time Finn watched his brothers’ ride away from him. Why did everything that turned ugly in his life have to do with Phoebe Langley? Why was she the reason he argued with his brothers or Will? Was he the only one who saw her for what she was? Seeing her take those risks today had merely confirmed his belief that she would turn him into a snarling, snapping over protective man, if he were foolish enough to follow through with this ridiculous need he had for her. If he married her, his life would be filled with turmoil. All his carefully laid plans would be shredded at his feet and he could not allow that. Would not allow that.

      Turning his horse for home, he followed his brothers slowly. Tonight he would dance with Lady Croxley again. She was the calm to Phoebe’s storm. He would talk to her properly, try and get to know the woman and then make his decision. Surely once he had offered for her he would no longer be consumed with thoughts about Phoebe. What if her actions had taken her life today? The thought was so painful Finn had to cough to dislodge it. He could not live with this seething mass of feelings burning a hole in his chest. He had to have peace. He must have it.




Faith, Phoebe thought as she stood beside Livvy in the receiving line of the Hathaway ball later that evening. Alex had said have faith, yet right now the first thing she had to do was stop her knees from knocking.

      “These gowns are beautiful, sister. You must be very proud to see all your efforts on display. I cannot wait to see Hannah’s,” Livvy said, holding out her skirts.

      Livvy wore a midnight blue satin with an overskirt of silver sarsenet. The neckline and waist had matching ribbon plaiting and the overskirt opened down the front to reveal the long lines of the skirt as she walked. Alex had decided the sleeves be puffed with a band of matching sarsenet around the cuff, which had finished the dress perfectly. Her lovely red-gold curls were swept high with two bands of matching plaited ribbon woven through it.

      “That dress does look beautiful on you, Livvy,” Phoebe said, admiring it.

      As they were next in the receiving line, Phoebe, Will and Livvy stepped forward to greet the Duke and Duchess of Hathaway.

      “That is a very pretty gown, Lady Ryder, and yours also, Miss Langley.”

      Livvy leaned forward after a brief look to the right and left.

      “I have found this marvelous little boutique, Your Grace. Madame Alexander’s in Plimley Lane. They have two wonderful French seamstresses and I have yet to meet their equal. I have commissioned them to do an entire wardrobe for me.”

      “Madame Alexander’s, you say?” The duchess said, looking thoughtful. “I need a new gown. Perhaps I shall pay them a visit.”

      Phoebe felt giddy as they moved on. It would surely be a wonderful thing for a duchess to visit their shop. Lord, they would have to make sure her dress was something to behold.

      “Move your feet, Phoebe.”

      “Sorry, Will,” she said, hurrying to catch up with him and Livvy. When she drew alongside him he whispered, “Your little venture is going to be a success, just as I predicted, sister. In fact, I wonder if I should invest some more—”

      “You will not discuss business now!”

      “Sorry, my love.” He lifted Livvy’s hand to his lips then replaced it on his sleeve. “Come along, family. Let me create a sensation by walking into the ballroom with not only the most beautiful women, but the best dressed.”

      Phoebe took a deep breath then smiled as the hum of voices reached her.

Finn was dancing when Will, Livvy and Phoebe arrived. He saw her enter the room and look down at the guests below. She appeared nervous, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth, and suddenly all he could think about were those lips on him, kissing, and licking. Clearing his throat, he tried to shake the image.

“Are you alright, Lord Levermarch?”

“Quite alright, Lady Croxley, thank you.”

Before today Finn and Phoebe had been polite to each other, barely conversing unless it was unavoidable. He had not held her in his arms to dance, nor had she fired a verbal attack at him for days, and he missed her. When he’d seen her throw herself at that child this morning his lungs had seized, and when he’d been able to breathe again, all he’d felt was anger that she would take such a risk.

The problem was that he wanted to see the wicked sparkle in her brown eyes again when she looked up at him. Finn suddenly realized that he didn’t want to spend his nights dancing with insipid females who tittered and talked about the latest event. He wanted to be teased and taunted by Phoebe Langley.
      She had begun to walk down the stairs and every muscle in his body tightened. She always looked beautiful but tonight she was magnificent, mouth-watering from the tip of her golden brown curls to the soles of her rose evening slippers and every delectable inch in-between.

“Is there a problem, Lady Croxley?” Finn looked down at his dance partner as she made a tsking sound.

“Tis nothing, my lord. I merely made a noise without realizing it, such is my vehement disapproval.”

As she was looking at Phoebe, Finn therefore now had a reason to do so, not that he ever needed any urging.

“You do not like Miss Langley,” he said, noting Lady Croxley’s disapproval.”

She walked on Will’s right, while Olivia was on his left. Her pale blue dress seemed to float as she moved and the small train appeared to be embroidered with tiny roses as did the neckline. There was no other adornment. The style, Finn guessed, was relatively simple yet the effect on Phoebe was devastating. The wide neckline came to a V above her breasts which led his eyes to the temptation of what lay beneath. The bodice was fitted and beneath, the skirt fell in a soft, fall of satin to the floor.

“It is not my place to talk about another, my lord. However, Miss Langley’s behavior this season has, I’m afraid, not endeared her to many.”

Dragging his eyes away from Phoebe as she, Will and Livvy reached the bottom step, he looked down at Lady Croxley. She was a pale, unemotional shadow when compared to Phoebe’s vibrancy, lacking in every quarter, and Finn knew, without a doubt, he could not marry her.

“Sh-she hit me one evening, my lord, hard in the face and I am fearful of being in her company now.”

No, Phoebe would never do that. Not the woman who rescued children, and was passionately championed by his brothers. No, he was wrong there. She would do it, but only if she believed it justified.

“I know Miss Langley quite well, as it happens, Lady Croxley, and have found her nature to be sweet, if forthright, on the few occasions we have conversed.” It was a lie, of course, the little witch constantly challenged him. However, he would not tolerate her character blackened by anyone but him, which was a terrifying thought. When had he come to think of her in those terms, as if she belonged to him in some way? He had never been obsessed before, or felt this driving need to possess someone, and he could only imagine it would intensify was he foolish enough to marry her. He was obviously losing his mind. However, Finn had a sinking feeling that it was too late to get it back.

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