The Land: Catacombs (Chaos Seeds Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: The Land: Catacombs (Chaos Seeds Book 4)
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Richter had almost expected Krom to give him a quest.  He accepted it without another thought.  Another prompt appeared.

You have unlocked a new field of study:

If only Ms. Cleo were here, Richter thought.  Then he’d know everything he needed about that field of study.  She could also teach him about tax evasion and fake accents.

“I’ll take care of it, Krom, but it might mean having some gnomes wandering around the Forge.  They’ll most likely need to study the ceiling.”

Krom’s face darkened.  He prepared to protest, but Richter cut him off. “Do you want to understand the Forge or not?  What would the real Ria do if you ignored her needs?”

The Smith immediately hunched as if to protect his middle. “You’re right, yer lordship.  I guess I can deal with it if there only be one at a time.”

Foreseeing a potential future issue, Richter decided to nip it in the bud. “More than one may need to be in here at one time, Krom.  You need to be okay with up to four.”

“Four?  Four?  My speckled arse I will have four of those buggers in me Forge.  Two!  Two is all I could take.”

“Two then, but you have to be helpful,” Richter smirked on the inside and couldn’t resist twisting the knife. “You also have to be nice.”

Krom looked almost apoplectic.  Richter added, “We could always just set aside some dedicated time for the gnomes to be in here without you…”

“Banished gods, no!  I absolutely refuse… yer lordship.  I will be”—Krom’s mouth twisted as if he were chewing sour glass—“nice.”

“Good,” Richter said.  “Make sure the other smiths are as well.  Understand that if I have to come over here to deal with silly complaints myself… I.  Will.  Not.  Be.  Happy.”  Richter clipped each of the last words as he said them.  “Are we clear, Smith?”

Krom, who had seen Richter’s steely disposition when he had accepted the job as village Smith, definitely saw the merits of keeping his lord happy.  “I will keep these knuckle draggers in line, yer lordship.”

“I knew I could count on you, Krom,” Richter said jovially, clapping the man on the shoulder.  “Now, do you have any other toys for me or should we just get to business?”

Before answering, Krom grew serious. “Ay, yer lordship.  Before I show ye, though, I wanted to say one thing.  Yer blade should show ye the power of having such a wonder as the Forge of Heavens.  I just wanted to say that I take the honor seriously.  I am with ye til death, yer lordship.”

Richter held out his hand until Krom reached out too, and the men clasped wrists.  The smith’s fingers were rough and his grip sure.  “I know you take it seriously, Krom.  I am lucky to have your service.  When you make these weapons, you are saving the lives of your fellow villagers.  This is your home for as long as I breathe.”

They released their shake and Krom coughed, somewhat embarrassed. “Well, I do have one or two more things to show you, milord.”  First, he tossed Richter a small piece of flat and thick marbled quartz. “Ye’ll be needing that.  Any softer stone will be cut right through when ye try to sharpen yer blade.”  Then he walked over to another stand and took down a quiver of arrows.  “I thought ye might be able to do some damage with these.  All we had left were the basic soul stones from the hunters, though, so the enchantment came out weaker than it could have.”

You have received: Moonstone Arrows of Freezing.  Quantity: 60.  Durability: 8/8.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Superb.  Damage: +4.  Traits: +3 Water damage.  2% chance to cause Freeze. 

“How did you enchant all of these?” Richter asked.  He was thoroughly pleased.  “I didn’t give you that many soul stones.”

“That was na a problem, yer lordship.  The arrowheads are so small; you can enchant them in lots of ten.  I have to warn ye though.  I be almost out of powdered crystal.  If ye want more enchanted weapons and armor, I will need more.”

“It won’t be a problem,” Richter assured him.  Then he went back to gushing over his new arrows.  “This is amazing, Krom.  Thank you.  That reminds me, though, can you do anything with this?”  Richter reached into his Bag and pulled out the schematic for the heavy arrows.

Krom greedily took the diagram and rushed over to a wooden table.  He smoothed out the large parchment and began poring over it. “Yes… See I always thought that… The counterweight…” Krom muttered to himself for a full two minutes.  That was the extent of Richter’s patience. 

“Krom!  Can you make these or not?” he asked.

The dwarf looked up. “I think so.  Yes, yes I can make them.  Just going to take a little trial and error.  Thank you for giving me this, my lord.  Give me… a week.  Learning to make these will increase my Smithing skill a lot more than just swinging a hammer.  Can I hold onto this?”

A prompt appeared in his vision.

Return to Smith Krom in one week to see if he has learned the creation of Heavy Arrows. 

Richter dismissed the notification and nodded. “Just make sure that you get it to one of the scribes when you have figured it out.  Tell them to make a copy and then give both to the chamberlain.  Okay?”

Krom nodded.  He weighted down two of the parchment edges with daggers he took from a nearby stand.  From the longing glances he cast at the diagram, Richter was sure the Smith would be back to poring over it the moment he was alone again.  “I do have one other thing to show ye, milord.”

Krom walked over to another table and reached underneath.  He pulled a chest out and lifted the lid.  Inside was a collection of white, hand-sized scales.  The skeeling scales.

“Haven’t made much progress, huh?” Richter asked. 

“More than ye think, my lord.  Each scale has been scraped clean.  Each also has small holes drilled to link them together and have been treated with a resin that will keep them strong, yet supple.  I have done everything short of making the actual armor, but it is completely planned out.  We will also measure ye for the armor first.  It will take longer, but there will be a boost to the defense.”

“So why haven’t you made it yet?” Richter asked, confused. 

“I believe these scales will make something special, my lord.  Because of that, they not only need to be forged well, they need to be enchanted well.  I know it not be easy, but we need more soul stones with strong souls.  It also would be a good idea to place more armor enchantments into the Forge.  If you do that, I can make ye an amazing set of armor.”

You have been offered a Quest:
The Spirit of Defense
.  Krom wants to make you an amazing set of armor, but he needs more soul stones!  Will you obtain them?  Obviously, higher-level stones will give you a better yield!  Optional: Place new armor enchantments in the Forge of Heavens.  Yes or No?  Reward: A new set of armor. 

“Of course,” Richter said.  He chose the “Yes” prompt. 

“Just let me know when yer ready to start on the armor.  Well, that be all I have for ye so far, yer lordship.  Much of our time be spent making arms and armor for the new militia.”

“This is more than enough, Krom.  Thank you.  I’ve seen the new gear the militia is wearing, and I want to congratulate you on a job well done.”  The dwarf’s chest swelled up with pride.  “I need to ask something else of you, though.  The hunters need better weapons and armor if they are going to keep going outside of the walls.  Can you make sure they are equipped with what they need?”

“That will not be a problem, yer lordship.  Do ye want me to wait until we have more soul stones?”

Richter thought about it for a moment. “No.  In addition to the meat they bring in, they are invaluable as scouts.  Just equip them as fast as you can.  I’m not letting them beyond the walls until you do.  Find them during the feast and set up a time for them to meet with you.  I’m going to send Basil to speak with you about his diplomatic mission with the Serrated Mountain dwarves too.  He is going to need as much information as you can provide.  Actually now that I’m thinking about it, should you go with him?”

Krom’s face immediately clouded. “I can’t leave now, yer lordship.  I just learned my new enchantment.  I know I’ll learn the other one soon!  I can feel it!”

Richter raised his hands placatingly. “Okay.  I do think someone should go with him, though.  Preferably two someones.  Are there any dwarves here that you trust to guide Basil’s party and act as a liaison?”

Krom scratched his beard. “I might know just the dwarves.  Me second cousin and his friend.  They’re young, barely thirty, and still more balls than brains.  They’ve been spoiling to go exploring and wouldn’t mind a bit of an adventure.  It be a good idea for Basil to have a guide.  There are more than dwarf tribes in the mountains.  More than one goblin and orc clan call the mountains their home.”

Richter nodded grimly.  He would have to increase the number of guards that he sent with Basil.  He felt much better knowing that Krom would pick a good guide for the man.  He thanked the smith and said, “Now I have to go.  I still have a few stops to make before I go hunting.  Keep up the good work.” 

Richter had turned and started walking away when he heard, “Ahhh, yer lordship.  There was one more thing.”

Richter was honestly starting to get a bit annoyed.  It was starting to feel like he was being pulled in twenty different directions.  He quelled his aggravation, though, and just turned back with a serene expression. “What do you need, Krom?”

“It’s about the iron mine, milord.  Some of the dwarves and the human miners have been gradually going deeper.  A few days ago, one reported that he heard some noises coming from lower in the shaft.  Since then, the other miners have been reporting hearing the same type of noises.  They say it sounds like a child laughing.  Well, I told them to toughen up and get back to work, but they will only work the areas closer to the surface now.  The iron veins that close to the entrance were the first that we stripped, though, so iron production be slowing down.  I thought ye might be able to investigate and put their minds at ease.”

Wait for it, Richter thought.  A notification popped into his view.  There it is!

You have been offered a Quest:
Noises in the Dark I
.  Your miners have heard sounds like a child’s laughter in the iron mine.  It is unnerving them and slowing down productivity.  Krom wants you to investigate the mine and ensure that there is no danger.  Reward: Access to the next level of the mine.  Your iron production will resume normal levels.  Yes or No?

“I’ll take care of it, Krom.” 

“I knew ye would, yer lordship.”  Some of the other dwarves had stopped in their tasks when the Smith had asked about the iron mine.  Seeing that, Krom’s voice boomed out, “Get back to work, ye lazy slugs!”

Everyone in the Forge hopped to.  Krom continued his tirade to make sure they kept at it.  Richter took the opportunity to retreat.  As he was leaving, he told Krom to take a look at the weapons and armor he had placed in the armory and to bring it all back up to full durability.  The dwarf grunted and nodded.  As Richter left the Forge, he set his sights on the meadow to the north of the village.  He felt a longing to see the celestial tree.  The silver wood and velvety white leaves brought a sense of tranquility to all who observed it.  After the horror and stress of the last week, Richter could use a little inner peace. 


Richter walked out of the Forge and looked around, but unfortunately there was still no sign of Sion and Futen.  Figuring they would catch up, he went on to his next errand.  The remnant always seemed to know where he was anyway.  While he was walking to the slope that would lead him to the meadow, sure enough Futen floated up with Sion strolling behind him.  He told the remnant about his new quests so they could be passed along to Randolphus, then turned to see his friend.   

“Piss off any more rock giants?” Sion asked with a mocking grin.

“Well, that depends,” Richter answered with a speculative gaze upward.  “Giants compared to me… or to you!”  His grin was just as shit eating as his Companion’s.

“Oh Richter,” Sion said without missing a beat.  “You will never compare to my giant.”  The sprite patted his crotch.

“Now why did you have to make it weird?” Richter complained.

“It is not my fault that I recently saw you naked.  Raw chaos must be really, really cold.”

“I’m a grower not a shower man.  Just ask Daniella,” Richter said offhandedly. 

“Daniella?” Sion said, sounding confused.  “Shouldn’t I just ask the cows and the sheep?”

“Enough!” Richter said with a laugh.  “It is good to see you, my friend.”  He reached out his arm.

Sion clasped wrists with him. “Always, my friend.  Now why did you have your magic ball bring me?”

“We have hunting to do.  The lands around the village are getting more dangerous.  Terrod wants to do some scouting before the feast.  I’m assuming you are up for a little action.”

Sion twisted his neck and a loud crack sounded.  “That is an understatement, my friend.”  His expression grew serious. “I feel horrible that the Assassin was able to harm you.”

Richter stopped walking. “That wasn’t your fault, Sion.”

The sprite looked up into Richter’s face and met his gaze.  “I am your Companion, but even more than that, I am your brother.  I feel great shame that I did not protect you.  It should have been me and not Terrod that started instituting greater security in the village.  If I had, you might not have died.  Will you forgive me?”

Richter saw the earnestness in his friend’s eyes.  He realized that more protestations would only insult him and waste time.  “I forgive you, but only if you will forgive me for my selfishness.  I have been walking around the village, and it seems like everyone that I meet needs something.  I’ve come to realize these are all things that I should have been making more of a priority before now.  I have been too focused on my personal needs when I should have been paying attention to my responsibilities as a leader.  I am sure that I have also been ignoring my responsibilities as a friend.”  A silence grew between the two men. 

“We have a deal,” Sion said.

“Good,” Richter said.  “Don’t wait so long to answer next time, though.  Having to look you in the face for so long… now
deserves an apology!”

“I could paint my face to look like a pig’s behind if that helps.  I know that’s the view you’re used to,” Sion quipped back.

“Really, dude?  Another animal sex joke?  You’re better than that!”

The two friends kept up a running train of friendly insults as they climbed the slope to the meadow and just enjoyed each other’s company.  It was a comradery born of battle and sacrifice.  Richter did not have many friends in The Land, but what he lacked in quantity he knew he made up for in quality.

When they got to the top, they could see a large tilled field.  The last time Richter had been up here, the herb garden had just been, well, a garden.  Now it was at least five times larger.  Three elves and a human female were tending it now.  The original garden was showing some great growth.  Plants of many different colors were sprouting up in various spots.  The new sections still just looked like furrowed ground.  As he watched, one of the men ran string between two small poles that stuck straight up from the ground.  Richter could see that a loose grid system had already been started.  He guessed it was to separate the different types of herbs that had been planted.  

As the two Companions walked up, one of the elves stood and started running towards them.  It was Isabella, Terrod’s love.  She didn’t slow down when she got close, but instead threw herself into his arms and held him close in a fierce hug.

“My lord, you did it!  You brought my love back to me!  From this day forward, you have my devotion and support!  Will you accept my pledge?”

Richter shifted uncomfortably.  Not because of the emotion she was conveying, but instead because her lovely lady lumps were causing a certain reaction.  He tried to extricate himself from her grasp, but it just made her hold him tighter.  “Please do not refuse my pledge, my lord.  My honor will not allow for anything less.  I must serve you!” 

Richter didn’t know what was happening.  It seemed like Sion and the other gardeners completely understood his predicament and were immensely enjoying the show, but Isabella was completely focused on getting Richter to agree.  He tried gently pushing her off again, but she would not take the hint.  She held him close, and the problem got worse.  Now there was friction!

“Okay!  Okay!  I accept your pledge.”

Your relationship with Isabella has improved from Friendly to Trusted.

She relaxed her death grip and looked him in the eye. “Thank you, my lord.”  Isabella went into a deep curtsy and then looked up at him with sweet and happy eyes.  He reached out to help her up from her curtsy.  She smiled brightly and then turned away to help the other gardeners.  Wanting to defuse any sexual tension, he reached out to clap her on the shoulder.  To his surprise, as soon as she felt his touch, she shied away.

Until this moment, Richter hadn’t really had a real interaction with Isabella.  From the time that he had saved her from Count Stonuk, she had been in seclusion.  He was finally seeing her as a person, though, and not just a damaged victim.  It was easy to see how Terrod had fallen in love with the elf maiden.  She was an obvious beauty, with her chestnut hair and dusky brown skin.  Her eyes were also captivating, being the shining gold of the setting sun.  More than the physical, however, Isabella clearly had a gentle and genuine spirit.  This was the creature that Count Stonuk had abused physically, mentally, and emotionally.  She had healed emotionally to the extent that she had been able to embrace him, but unexpected contact still made her flinch.  The count had hurt her deeply.  Richter reaffirmed his resolve to deal with the man in kind once he had dealt with the threat of the bugbears. 

He took a step back from the wood elf and just extended his hand, letting her come to him.  Isabella had recovered from her involuntary recoil and had a slightly pained and embarrassed expression on her face.  She firmed her lips, took a step forward, and placed her hand in his. “I am sorry for my reaction, my lord.  I know that I owe you for my freedom.  I can never repay you for that or for saving my love.”

Richter loosely held her hand, making sure that she did not feel trapped. “I have heard what you have done for me, rallying the villagers.  You take whatever time you need to heal.  With that in mind, I would like to give you a gift.  I must touch you to do so, however.  Are you okay with that?”

Isabella’s body tightened perceptibly.  It was quiet in the meadow as the four bystanders witnessed the interplay between the wood elf and lord of the Mist Village.  Richter didn’t make any move as her hand quivered inside of his.  He sensed this was a pivotal moment for her.  When she had seen him initially, she had clearly been overcome with emotion and a need to express her thanks. That was most likely why she had been able to hug him like that.  Now, though, he was asking her to consciously allow a man to lay hands on her again.  Richter just waited for her decision.

Several long breaths later, her hand stilled and she nodded.  “I trust you, my lord.”

Richter smiled comfortingly and placed one hand on her chest above her breasts and the other on her head.  His Power made his senses come alive as it sensed his intent.  Words spilled from his mouth, heavy with the gravity of the moment.  “By the Right of My Power, I Awaken Your Power.”

Warmth blossomed in his chest.  Images flashed through Richter’s mind, and each brought a warm emotion with it: holding his nephew for the first time, and then feeling the warmth of the sun on his face.  Then something he could not possibly have remembered, but still knew was a true memory.  He remembered his mother holding him as a baby and looking into her face for the first time. 

All of these memories and emotions suffused his very soul in the space of a single heartbeat.  Then he felt the warmth in his chest spread down either arm and flow into Isabella.  There was another breathless moment while both Isabella and Richter waited to see what would happen, but then they felt it.  The resonance.  He didn’t know if the Life magic found a home in her soul or if the Life magic inside of her had just finally awoken.  Either way, a new Life mage had been born!

Isabella had seen Richter awaken the Air mages several weeks ago, but it in no way prepared her for the exhilaration of magic coursing through her.  She felt as if a part of her that had always been asleep, a part of her that she had never even known existed was now singing out its birth to the world.  The spiritual scars she had sustained during captivity would never leave her, and some of her emotional wounds were still healing, but now some of the darker parts of her spirit were being bathed in the healing light of her new Life magic.  A smile bloomed on her face. 

Isabella spoke in a calm voice.  Richter heard a surety in her tone that had been lacking before. “Thank you, my lord.”

Your relationship with Isabella has improved from Trusted to Ally.

Richter smiled happily.  It just felt “right” somehow that the Life magic had found a home within her.  “You’re welcome, Isabella.  What spell did you learn?”

Isabella’s eyes lost focus for a moment and then she answered excitedly, “I learned three spells, my lord.”

“Three?” he asked, surprised.  “Your affinity must be high!  What is it?”

“100%!” she answered, delighted. 

“Well, what spells did you learn?” he asked again. 

Detect Life, Virol’s Blessing,
Slow Heal I
!  I don’t know what I want to try first!”

Richter laughed.  The woman had undergone a transformation.  “Well, what does
Virol’s Blessing

“It increases the yield of growing plants.  The spell can be cast once per day, but the casts are cumulative.  Each time I invoke the spell, the final growth and potency will increase by 5% for a max of 100!”

Richter wondered at the unknown rules of The Land.  That spell sounded like exactly what an herb gatherer would need.  Did she get the spell because of her skill in Herb Lore or did her skills in Herb Lore and Life magic both stem from something intrinsic to who and what she was?  The line of questioning was probably about as useful as “chicken or the egg,” Richter realized.  He decided just to be happy for his new Life disciple. 

“I want you to learn what I know as well.” Richter placed his hands on her head and chest again.  Her pupils dilated, and she
!  He was able to teach her
Charm I
Soul Trap. 
His other spells required a higher level in Life magic than her current skill level of one. 

She thanked him profusely again and hugged him.  There was no hesitation this time.  He looked at the other gardeners, who had stood silently by watching, and decided not to waste a good PR opportunity.  “Your loyalty and fealty are not taken lightly, Isabella.  I stand by my first pledge that as I rise, you will rise as well.” 

He looked at the three villagers and clearly saw that his words had taken root inside of them.  With any luck, they would spread this story during the feast tonight.  Even if it only convinced one more person to swear fealty, it would have been well worth the effort.  They all just stood there for few seconds.  Richter still wanted to go check on the Quickening, but had a feeling that as soon as he started walking away, someone would speak up and ask him for something.  He decided to nip it in the bud. 


She looked at him. 

“Is there anything else that I can do to help you?”

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