The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) (5 page)

BOOK: The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)
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‘Are you okay?’ I asked.

She smiled. ‘That was amazing. I have never been fucked like that before.’

‘Me either,’ I admitted, as I moved forward and held her in my arms.

The doorbell suddenly echoed throughout the house.

Miranda instantly pulled away. ‘It can’t be, Frank.’

She looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

‘No,’ I agreed. ‘He said he would not be back till later.’

The doorbell rang again.

‘Shit!’ cursed Miranda. ‘Hand me a paper towel.’

I ripped some paper off the roll on the wall and handed it to her.
Miranda reached down and cleared up the mess I had made on the inside of her
thigh. It had run all the way down the inside of her leg. I pulled my trousers
up, whilst Miranda headed for the door.

The overweight businessman she had been to dinner with late last night
greeted her with a smug smile. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but
Miranda hung her head and then reluctantly escorted the man inside. She looked
at me and mouthed the word ‘sorry’ before disappearing into the living room
with him.





Chapter Six: A Conversation under the






The hours rolled by. Day soon turned into night.

I turned over the pebble in my hand before launching it through the air
and into the lake. It hardly made a splash. In many ways that insignificant
pebble resembled my life up till now, I had started with such big dreams and
high hopes when I threw myself into the city, but I too had hardly made a splash
and like that pebble I had sunk to the bottom of the lake of life.

I am nobody.

The rippling surface of the lake made a good representation of Miranda’s
life, for she was someone who had made it, she was someone important, Miranda
was rich, beautiful, and successful and had a family. If she left them for me
then her life would be caught up in the chaotic disruption of the ripples
destroying the peaceful tranquillity of the calm surface.

I sighed. It needed to come to an end.

I lay back against the grassy bank of the lake and stared up at the
twinkling stars sprinkled across the deep black of space above. It was all so
peaceful and quiet.

‘I’ve been looking for you,’ said Miranda. She walked down the bank and
curled up beside me on the grass. Unconsciously I put my arm around her, as she
rested her head on my chest. ‘I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend the day
together. Frank told that man to meet him here so that they could conclude the
meeting. I had to mess around with the paperwork, but now that, Frank’s, here
it’s his problem’

‘Frank’s here?’ I asked.

Miranda could clearly sense the change in the tone of my voice and
quickly replied with. ‘I have already decided to tell him everything that has
happened. I want to be with you.’


The word hung in the air for a moment.

‘Don’t tell him?’ she asked. ‘I don’t understand. I thought you said you
loved me?’

‘I do.’ My fingers stroked through her beautiful black hair. ‘But he can
never find out what has happened between us.’

‘If you’re worried about, Sheridan, don’t be. She is old enough to
understand the reasons I am leaving. She can see what her father is doing.
Don’t you want to be with me?’

‘You know I do,’ I replied. ‘But can you imagine what will happen to the
business when, Frank, finds out his wife is sleeping with his business
partner’s eldest son? It would rip the business in two. That is not good for
you, for me, for, Sheridan, or my family.’

‘You think I should stay with him?’ she asked.

‘No. I think you should leave him. He does not treat you right and you
deserve so much better, but I think we have to wait until you are divorced
before people know that you and I are together. It’s the only way to safeguard
our family’s future and not tear the business in half.’

‘And then?’

‘You and I can finally be together, without having to hide our feelings.’

‘Okay,’ replied Miranda. ‘I will tell him that I am leaving him when we
get back home. So that he doesn’t suspect you and I are together.’

I released a long and weary sigh. ‘In that case I will go home tonight.’

‘What? Why are you going?’ Miranda was quick to ask. Her voice was filled
with shock.

‘I would die a slow and painful death having to pretend that I am not
head over heels in love with you, and unfortunately I am not a very good liar.
He would read right through me like a book. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to stand
seeing him touch you.’

‘Don’t worry. I will never let anyone but you touch me ever again.’
Miranda reached down and slowly started to unbuckle my belt. ‘I can’t believe
you are leaving tonight.’ She popped open the top button of my trousers and
pulled down my zipper. I could feel her fingers reaching inside my underwear,
as she firmly gripped my cock and pulled it out. ‘But, we still have a little
time together.’

Pressure began to build between my legs, as she sat across my lap and
looked down on me with those beautiful blue eyes. A smile broke her lips, as I
grew harder in her hand. Her fingers guided me beneath her mini-skirt, as she
slowly lowered herself back.

My cock disappeared, as her wet pussy consumed me.

‘You are so beautiful,’ I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my
mouth. Miranda’s smile widened and she placed her hands on mine, guiding them
under her skin tight t-shirt.

I lifted my hands up, pulling her top up over the curve of her breast,
and I began to suck sweetly on her nipples, as she started to roll her hips. A
gasp escaped from her mouth, as I sunk my teeth into her breast. My tongue
began to circle her erect nipples, as I devoured her breasts.

Our fingers interlinked and she pinned my hands down above my head,
forcing me to lie back in the grass. A wave of tingles ran along my spine, as
Miranda began to rock back on all fours. I could feel her pussy sliding right
to the very tip of my cock before she rolled her hips back and took all of me
inside of her.

I looked up into her bright blue eyes and smiled. ‘I never want this to

She leaned down and kissed me hard on the lips.

I waited until she sat back before lifting my ass up off the grass and
forcing my cock into the depths of her pussy. A moan escaped her lips, which
caused a quake of pleasure between my legs.

Miranda’s breathing began to grow heavy, as she rolled her hips back and forth
in very rapid movements. Minutes rolled by and the moans grew louder. I managed
to lift my head up off the floor for just a moment and sucked hard on her
nipple, as her breasts bounced above me, but Miranda forced me down onto my
back, as she squeeze her pussy around my cock.

My cock quaked violently and threatened to erupt right then.

I was close.

Using all my strength I forced myself up and rolled Miranda onto her
back. It was my turn to be on top. Miranda smiled from ear to ear, as I pinned
her hands down above her head and began to thrust my hips forward with as much
force as I could manage.

Cries of ‘ah’ escaped her lips each time her pussy consumed my dick
within its soaking wet lips. I could feel my breathing growing sharp and short,
as my hips pumped in lightning quick movements.

‘Look into my eyes,’ I told her.

Miranda did as I ordered and looked deep into my eyes.

I could feel myself falling inside her soul, as the edges of the world
began to blur. It was as if she was the centre of my universe, as the rest of
the world disappeared into a dark abyss. My consciousness began to gather in
one place between my legs, as numbness spread throughout my body. Miranda’s
cries seemed to echo inside my mind, as we made love passionately under the
stars on the bank of the lake.

Her body jolted and a long pleasing moan escaped her lips.

‘Look into my eyes,’ I commanded, as she braced herself.

Miranda forced open her eyes and looked up at me.

Her body jolted again and the muscles throughout her body locked. I could
feel her tightening around my throbbing cock, as I rammed it deep inside of
her. An explosion of bright light suddenly burst within my mind like a
supernova, as my cock erupted like an over-active volcano inside of Miranda’s
pussy. I forced my eyes to stay open and looked deep into the windows of her
soul, as we both climaxed. It was as if time stood still, as I stared into
those beautiful blue eyes that sparkled like crystals in the night sky.

Our moans echoed out across the lake.

The waves of ecstasy crashing against the shore of my mind drove my hips
forward, as the wildfire of passion burned violently within the depths of our
souls and we forced are hips against each other over and over again, as the
sensation of heavenly bliss filled our bodies.

We both fell limp. Her eyes were still locked on mine. I felt like I had
reached the gates of heaven only to be pulled back down to earth at the very
last moment.

I pulled myself out of her and lay in the grass at her side.

‘I love you, Miranda,’ I whispered.

For the next hour I held the love of my life in my arms. It was the greatest
hour of my life. I was truly happy and I was madly in love. I never wanted to
let her go, she completed me, but in real life all things come to an end.

It was time for me to go home.


I placed my briefcase and backpack on the passenger seat of my car and
stood to face Miranda. Tears were gathering within her eyes. ‘I wish I could
get in the car and go with you,’ she said. ‘I want to be with you.’ I glanced
at the window of the house, no one was watching. Sheridan and Pete were busy
listening to… ‘Music’, whilst Frank was still in his meeting and didn’t give a
single thought as to where Miranda was, the fool.

I brushed my hand against her soft cheek. ‘You know my number. I will
come and see you, as soon as you are ready.’ Miranda stepped forward and kissed
me. Her tongue danced in my mouth, as she devoured my face. I ran my fingers
through her beautiful black hair and pulled her head towards me.

Minutes seemed to roll by before she stepped back.

A tear ran down her cheek.

‘Here,’ she threw me an envelope. ‘Don’t open it until you’re on the
road.’ Miranda smiled that beautiful smile one final time and then turned away
and walked into the house without looking back.

I got into my car and started it up.

‘Time to go,’ I muttered to myself.

The car began its bumpy journey on the winding dirt road that led through
the forest towards the highway. A deer watched me suspiciously from the tree
line, as I pulled out onto the highway and opened up the throttle.
Unconsciously I picked up the envelope and began to open it with one hand. A
letter and a ticket fell into my lap. I looked at the letter first.

It simply read. ‘In six weeks.’

I looked at the ticket. It was for a private ski resort high up in the
mountains. I remembered seeing a brochure about this resort on the kitchen
counter the night I arrived at the lake house. The receipt pointed out that
this was one of two tickets.

A smile broke across my lips.

Miranda had the other ticket.

‘In six weeks I am finally going to be alone with you.’

I laughed out loud. I couldn’t help myself.

My father had persuaded me to come out to the lake house and recharge my
batteries. I had come here because he was a world-class salesman and could
convince a man with no feet to buy a new pair of shoes. I had expected to gain
nothing but a few days out of the city and away from work, but the lady and the
lake had restored a part of me that had been missing for all these years,
something I had lacked within the humdrum cycle of my daily life, and that
something was ‘hope’.

Every person dreams about the perfect someone for him or her, someone to
fill the gap within their soul, someone to love them and complete them. My
world has been one of darkness and loneliness for so long that I truly believed
that I had no future for there was no one out there for me, but out here at the
lake house I had found my true soul mate and the woman I wanted to grow old
with. There really was someone for everyone in this dark world.

I glanced at the holiday ticket in my hand and smiled from ear to ear.

‘The future is looking bright,’ I laughed. ‘The future is very bright,





Part Two: Conner’s Story




Chapter Seven: The Start of the Summer






The window wipers of the taxi throbbed back and forth, as a wave of rain
broke across the front of the car. The storm was getting worse. It was perhaps
the most awful possible start to a summer vacation in all of human history. Mum
and dad had come up with this great idea that our entire family, and the family
of dad’s business partner, Frank West, get together at the lake house for a
very long and tedious six weeks holiday. I hadn’t been a big fan of the idea
from the start and I liked it even less now.

Things had been going wrong since the moment I first signed up for this
family vacation. I had flown into the city to surprise my brother, Nathan, last
week only to find that he was out of town on some important business meeting
for his company, which meant that I had spent the last seven days living out of
a hotel room in an unfamiliar city. I would have gotten on the first flight
back home, but Nathan had phoned me and asked if I would fly out to the lake
house with his girlfriend Lisa.

Being the sucker that I am I reluctantly agreed, but things took a
troublesome turn when I actually met her. Lisa was perhaps the most beautiful
woman I had ever seen, or will ever see, in my lifetime. It was not because she
was so beautiful that my depression sank to an all time low, but it was a
reminder of how I would never get to be with a woman like her. She was kind,
sweet, funny and sexy beyond anything I could ever have hoped to imagine.

Lisa and I had flown out last night and arrived at the airport a few
hours ago only to find that our luggage was currently flying in the opposite
direction across the country. This meant we were left with nothing more than
the clothes on our backs, which is where my tale of spiralling depression
finally hits rock bottom. We had taken off on a nice hot sunny morning and
landed in a storm of biblical proportions.

I was now wet, cold and depressed.

The vacation had only just begun and already it felt like the worst I’d
ever experience. The sooner I could get out of this place the better. I guess I
could leave in a day or two once I think up an appropriate excuse to get back
into the city. I mean six weeks out here with happy couples kissing, hugging
and doing other adult things that couples do would just make me want to lose
what little will I had left to live.

I had to get out of here no matter what.

‘Do you have the key?’ asked Lisa through chattering teeth.

She was sitting in the back seat of the taxi with me and she was soaked
through. Her usual beautiful long blonde hair that flowed naturally over her
kissable shoulders was now sticking to her body like glue. It looked like she
had just stepped out of a shower fully clothed she was that wet. Her small
delicate hands hugged her body as tightly as she could manage. Her pretty
summers dress now clung to her perfectly shaped body like some sort of giant
suction pad. The rainwater had even made some of the lighter parts of her dress
see through, which made it impossible for me to take my eyes off her erect
nipples pointing out through the top of her dress.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

Lisa had the biggest and most firm breasts I had ever seen. I had met
large breasted women in my life before, but they were usually larger ladies
when it came to dress size. Lisa was a small petite blonde, but with perfectly
sculpted large round breasts. It didn’t help that she was forcing her breasts
up higher from hugging her body in an attempt to maintain some body heat.

I quickly glanced up realising I had been staring at erect nipples for
far too long.

‘I’m sorry, what?’ The question had slipped my mind.

Lisa allowed a half smile and unconsciously bit her bottom lip, as she
regarded me with those deep blue eyes for a very long awkward moment.

I suddenly felt very small.

My brother’s girlfriend had caught me staring at her breasts.

My heart sank down into the pit of my stomach. This was beyond

Someone kill me now!

‘I said do you have the key to the lake house?’

‘Yeah,’ I replied. My eyes dropped to her breasts a second time and it
took every ounce of self-control to force myself to look back up. ‘It was one
of the only things I didn’t put into my bag’

‘Just make sure you have it out when we arrive,’ she replied.

‘Eh?’ My heart nearly leapt out of my mouth.

Have it out!?

‘The key, Conner,’ she let out a sweet little laugh. ‘Why, what do you
think I was talking about?’ This time it was the turn of Lisa’s ocean blue eyes
to betray her, as she ever so quickly glanced down at my crotch.

Was she flirting with me?

‘The key,’ I forced a false laugh. ‘That’s what I thought’

I quickly turned away from her, as my cheeks began to glow an embarrassing
red. My eyes looked out through the water stained side window into the darkness
of the forest, which flashed by at the edge of the road. The taxi slowed
slightly, as it pulled off the main road and onto the winding dirt road that
led up through the ancient forest towards the lake house. The sound of loud
splashes reached my ears with every water-filled pothole though which the taxi

Thunder rumbled loudly overhead and the sky momentarily came alight.

‘Not thunder,’ muttered Lisa.

I turned my eyes back towards the beautiful blonde sitting in the back of
the taxi with me. She was wearing a mask of fear. A second thunderclap rumbled
overhead and Lisa nearly jumped completely out of her seat.

‘It’s okay,’ I flashed Lisa my reassuring smile. ‘I’ll look after you.’

‘Thanks, Conner.’ She graced me with a sweet angelic smile of her own. It
dropped off her face and landed with a heavy splat on the floor, as more
thunder rumbled overhead.

‘We’re here,’ informed the bushy faced taxi driver.

The car pulled to a stop outside the lake house.

This place never failed to impress me. The lake house was big beyond big.
It had more bedrooms than most mansions and was big enough that two families
could stay at either end of the house and never actually bump into each other.
My dad and Frank had injected a large amount of money into this place. It was a
relatively new build, but kept to the old forest cottage design.

‘Thanks,’ I replied to the planetoid shaped taxi driver.

‘That was six-four, ninety-nine,’ replied the driver.

I fished through my wallet and handed the man seventy pounds. ‘Keep the
change.’ I had always wanted to say that.

‘Thanks a lot,’ replied the happy cabby.

I glanced out the side window at the pouring rain and then turned my
attention towards the shivering Lisa. ‘Shall we make a run for the door?’

She released a long weary sigh. ‘Okay.’

It was time to get wet again.

* * *

I slammed the front door and quickly locked it from the inside. The winds
howled like some sort of wild monster, as another wave of rain crashed against
the side of the house. It had only been a twenty-yard dash from the taxi to the
front door, but I felt as if I had just swum through an ocean. Water was
dripping off me into a small puddle on the hallway floor.

‘I’m…so…cold…’ Lisa stuttered through chattering teeth.

She was standing in the hallway holding her arms out to the side. Water
was dropping like rain drops from her chin, fingertips, nose, hair and dress.
Every inch of her summer dress was clinging to her body.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked the stupid question.

She replied with a shake of the head. I could see she was trembling from
the cold.

‘Come with me.’ I placed my hand in her delicate palm. She was cold to
the touch.

I stepped by Lisa and headed into a small narrow corridor to the right of
the front door. The main living room of the lake house was located in the very
centre of the house, but it was a large open room and right now, we needed
someplace small and cosy to keep the heat in. We passed several doors that led
into unused offices, guest rooms and game rooms. The house had been designed to
have a room for everything, but there was more stuff than we actually needed
and half the rooms had never been used. It was to one of those rooms I was
heading for right now.

I stopped before a door at the end of the corridor and pulled down on the
door handle.

It opened with a click.

It had been intended, as a kid’s play room, but considering the small
fact that all the children of the men that paid for this lake house to be built
are over twenty-one years of age that idea had been scrapped. The room had been
converted into a sort of living room used for informal business meetings. It
was perhaps the smallest room in the entire house. Only one door led into the
room and out of the room. It had a black leather sofa, a hand carved coffee
table, a wide screen television and a large stone fireplace and that was it. I
think we were the first people to step foot into this room since the lake house
had actually been built, but it had everything we needed to warm up and
maintain some heat before we froze to death.

I guided Lisa by the hand towards the large stone fireplace and flicked a
hidden switch on the side. Flames instantly ignited within the centre of the
fireplace. They were more for effect than anything else, as it was in fact an
electric fireplace, but just the appearance of the orange flames flickering
within the centre of the fire seemed to add to the feeling of warmth.

‘Thank…you…’ stuttered Lisa. She stepped in front of the fireplace.

I stepped beside her and held my hands out towards the dancing flames.
The warmth emanating from fans beneath the fireplace felt like the nicest thing
I had ever experienced in my entire life.

‘It will get warmer in a few minutes,’ I reassured her.

Lisa attempted to rub her cold delicate hands against her body, but that
only caused her to shiver from the cold water dripping out of her soaking wet

‘This is killing me,’ she said through chattering teeth. She turned her
back on me and pulled her water soaked hair to one side. ‘Undo me,’ she

‘What…?’ I felt a sudden pressure pull down on my stomach.

‘I want to take my dress off. It’s absolutely freezing,’ she replied.

‘Yeah, but…’ I tried to reply but Lisa cut me off.

‘Conner, do you want me to catch a cold?’ she asked.

I didn’t like where this was heading.

‘No, of course not,’ I countered.

‘Good, then undo me.’

I swallowed down the lump in my throat and brushed a few loose strands of
wet hair of off her back. Slowly I pulled down the zipper of her dress to
reveal her smooth naked back.

My mouth was suddenly feeling very dry.

Lisa grabbed handfuls of her dress and pulled as hard as she could to get
it off her shivering body. It was stuck so tightly to her that it was not the
case of slipping her long summers dress off, but peeling it off instead.

The dress hit the floor with a heavy splat.

Lisa turned to me with her bright blue ocean coloured eyes and smiled a
sweet angelic smile that had the power to break a million men’s hearts. ‘That feels
so much better,’ she announced.

My eyes nearly popped clean out of my head.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Lisa was a goddess.

She was stunning.

Unconsciously I looked up her and down and then down and up again. The
most beautiful woman in the whole of existence was standing in her bra and
panties just one foot in front of me. Her body was to die for. She looked as if
she could have been a glamour model she had such a finely tone figure. Never in
my wildest dreams had I imagined a woman who could actually be this beautiful.

My eyes betrayed me once again, as they stopped on her large firm

The curve of her breasts looked so smooth. Something cried out within the
deepest darkest depths of my mind to touch them, to kiss them, to devour them.
I could see her erect nipples pointing beneath the fabric of her black bra and
I so badly wanted to put them in my mouth.

Horror hit me like a nuclear explosion in the face, as an uncontrollable
pressure suddenly began to build between my legs. I could feel my trousers
beginning to bulge, as hardness started to set in at astronomical speed.
Quickly I averted my gaze from her breasts in an attempt to stop the lustful
thoughts from dancing around my mind, but no matter how hard I tried I just
couldn’t take my eyes off Lisa. I looked up to see that the beautiful blonde
was wearing a smile so wide that it threatened to consume her eyes.

Did she like the fact that she was turning me on?

‘Feel how cold I am,’ she said.

Before I could even begin to react, she grabbed my hand and placed it on
her smooth flat stomach. Something dangerous pulsed between my legs and I
quickly pulled my hand away, but it was too late, the damage had been done. I
could feel my cock growing harder beneath my trousers.

Instinctively I rammed my hands down into my wet pockets in an attempt to
hide the large bulge growing between my legs. It was the only thing I could
think of doing to hide the fact that I was getting turned on by my brother’s
girlfriend. I attempted to distance myself from Lisa by taking a step
backwards, but she wouldn’t let me and stepped closer.

‘You must be cold too,’ she muttered. A sly smile crept up the side of
her beautiful face. Her fingers began to fumble with my shirt buttons.

‘Ah, no,’ I replied. ‘I’m okay.’

‘Don’t be silly,’ she protested, as my buttons popped open one after
another. ‘You will catch a cold if you continue to wear this,’ she pulled my
shirt open and paused momentarily to stare at my rippling abdominal muscles.
From the glint behind her ocean blue eyes, I could tell that she liked very
much what she saw.

Did she want me as badly as I wanted her?

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