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I never hesitate; to hesitate is to die

No fear, only intense anger...

I turned and whipped out two pistols and smashed them down - six, seven, eight - but in an instant the rest were on me, shoving me away from my only exit in their fury, and burning my legs as kerosene fire from their bodies ignited on my clothing.

I yelled in agony, then the floor gave way entirely and fell in massive sections. Burning debris and furniture slid down with the cave-in, my flaming tormentors being crushed by a large bureau that nearly took me, as well. The entire building was collapsing around me.

The floor upon which I had just landed also began to give way, buckling down on one side as the joists pulled away from their support. The wall fell outward and slid down the fort’s embankment into the water, dragging me with it; all manner of rolling heavy objects piled upon me. I was drowning in noise and flames, as everything was burning with liquid fire, even the water.

I barely pushed my way up to the surface, and with shaking, cold fingers, unclipped my pack, pulled it to my front, and tucked my arms into its straps. I held on and let the slow current take me away in cold darkness. I could do no more.

I drifted for a long, long time, spinning slowly under that clear, starry night sky, unconscious much of the time, numb and hypothermic, unable to move, semi-delirious, a gentle fog passing from my lips with each breath.

Sometimes dead - or mostly dead - and burned creatures would drift by, a few staring at me with ghastly, lidless eyes - jaws still working; arms outstretched; fingers still moving to grasp.

At one point, the body of a young woman from the fort floated by face up, her unseeing eyes visible in the starlight, with a serene expression on a face of gentle beauty.
My mind queried as I passed in and out of sanity, sorrow and consciousness.

Eventually, after many hours, I found myself snagged on something, half in and half out of water, face up to a sunny, yet cold early spring morning.

My mind drifted over my life, with many pleasant memories of family good times...I was just a happy kid again, with no worries. My papa would handle those. Life was perfect and simple. I missed my family.

I slept...

I was shocked awake by powerful arms drawing me from the water, a muffled voice saying words I could not comprehend. I resisted with what little fight remained, but it was futile. I was spent with cold, muscle fatigue, injury, and hunger.

Then, a statement broke into my semiconscious mind...

“Nicki Redstone lives!”

It was Brick.

Chapter Seven


HEY ALL said you were dead, Nicki,” Brick spoke in his always calm manner, as I sipped hot soup. “I feared it was true. My god, I could hear your guns exploding non-stop, rapid fire. I knew it was bad for you. All remaining survivors had escaped, so I ran towards the sound of your guns. I could hear you cursing, firing and yelling - but the walls and building were collapsing around me. I could not get through Nicki! I could not get through!” There we tears in his eyes.

Brick continued, “I ran out the window, sliding down the knotted sheets into the water at the last moment. Then the total collapse of that fort left no hope to believe you had made it out. I should have known better.” He smiled grimly.

“Nicki Redstone is dead!
The words spread like a madness among the survivors. All of those who still breathed were saved because of you.

“Ben did not lose faith, not for a second, although I
despaired of even finding your body.” Brick choked up, very slightly, “he was beside himself, running back and forth along the banks that night in great agitation. I could not calm him.

“Everyone watched Ben in sorrow. Eventually, he took off down the river into the darkness. I followed, as he knew I would.”

Then, after a long, thoughtful pause, and in what I had come to know was his
Sioux voice that he usually used for humor, Brick said calmly and with no smile, “Nicki Redstone -
zuyá itháηáčhaη -
War Chief.”

Brick had wrapped me in everything he had and built a nice fire. Ben was close and warm. I was comfortable and drowsy. “I need a vacation...” I mumbled with a subtle Austrian accent.

Brick was clearly pleased and smiled. Softly, he said, “Ah, the
today. Most appropriate.
Vous dormez maintenant, mon ami.”

Brick’s heavy Creole accent always made me smile...then I slept.

We stayed in that beautiful, secluded mountain spot for five days while we all recovered, my body and mind needing the healing most of all. Fresh fish, wild berries, clean water and calm company were tonics for body and soul.

Finally, I awoke on the the fifth day, feeling renewed, alive, energized. I had faced my demons,
pressed through my own demoralizing wall of fear, and now felt my future - no longer in sadness, nor regret. The gods of fate had thrust out a plan for me, and I would no longer recoil from it. Now I could -
and would -
embrace my destiny.

I stood up, buckling on my gear, cleaned and oiled - my intentions were clear. Brick looked at me in understanding...and nodded. “It is good to have you back, Nicki Redstone.” More and more, he was referring to me by my full name, which I knew was a loving sign of respect.

I nodded and looked up at a blue sky. “Let’s move on to Hedley, shall we? Along the way, Brick Charbonneau, Ben and Nicki Redstone may do some good.” I smiled at my companions.

With that, and after a quick stretch, we took off at an easy pace, heading east.

In small ways civilization was returning. That was evident the closer we came to Hedley. There were more travelers on the roads, and those whom we encountered seemed less tentative in their greetings, less afraid.

There were small, new start-up communities, too, each comprised of maybe a dozen or so people offering a few services and a secure layover for weary travelers.

I easily acquired a new rifle and pistols, and felt more security with my customary kit.

It was remarkable to us that we encountered no
runners, although residue from their carnage was still very much in evidence.

News was often transmitted by people on the road, and from them we learned that the “Rangers” from Hedley were largely responsible for the happy reduction of runners - and for the improved security and overall elevated morale in the area.

At an ever increasing rate, technical people at Camp Puller and Hedley were transmitting information on a variety of helpful topics, including communications, health, energy sources, runner control, and so on.

Yep, ever so slowly, civilization was returning, and it seemed that Hedley and Camp Puller were the critical genesis of that rebirth, at least on the North American continent.

We approached Hedley from the west, in the mid-afternoon on a cool spring day, seeing the small, yet beautiful community for the first time from a hilltop approach.

As we drew closer, fences became apparent, subdividing the town into more manageable - and more secure - compounds, evidently with a purpose similar to the arrangement at Camp Puller. A sudden runner conversion outbreak could decimate any community in minutes, and partitioning only made sense. Perhaps it would be a permanent requirement in order for
civilization to flourish. Time would tell.

Hedley was a much larger occupation than I had expected. The compounds - of many varying sizes - were all encircled by a heavily barbed, triple concertina fence that seemed to stretch for miles, interrupted periodically by small, manned gates.

We walked to the nearest entrance, where we could see people inside talking, gardening, and going about their business. I was so pleased to see the normality of it all, as the reality was truly far better than my worried vision had allowed, even though in my hopeful dreams I fantasized about a return to normal.
Who didn’t?

Not unexpectedly, everyone was armed in one way or another. It was a different world, indeed.

After chatting with the guard and explaining our purpose, he opened the gate and advised us to a nearby chart room where we could further our search.

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