The Kidnapper

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Authors: Robert Bloch

Tags: #Horror, #Crime

BOOK: The Kidnapper
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Steve Collins is looking for the Big Score, the crime that will set him up for life.

He thinks he’s found it. He’s going to kidnap Shirley Mae Warren, daughter of a wealthy banker and industrialist. The $200,000 ransom will get Collins his new start.

He can’t do it alone. He’ll need help. First, Shirley Mae’s nanny, Mary—for her, Collins is the perfect lover. Then, a driver and front man—the man Collins calls his best friend.

The plan goes wrong. The child dies. And Collins sacrifices all—friend, lover—to save himself.

The Ransom Demand

It was on dime-store paper, mailed in a flimsy envelope. The letters were rubber stamps, from a kid’s printing set. The special delivery package also included Shirley Mae’s hair ribbon, as proof. But the words were proof enough.



Look for these Tor Books
by Robert Bloch






Copyright 1954 by Robert Bloch

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

First TOR printing: March 1988

A TOR Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.
49 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10010

ISBN: 0-812-51576-5

Printed in the United States of America

Chapter One

came into town about the first of May. I took a fast ramble up from Florida and saved myself about fifty bucks. Riding freights has never bothered me any, and the extra money might come in handy if I had to lay around a while before getting a job.

Turned out I didn’t have any trouble, though. I staked myself out in a rooming house over on Clay Street, and the first paper I bought carried a
Help Wanted
for tool and die makers. That’s one line where there’s always openings, and it pays pretty good. Pretty good for a working stiff, anyway.

I went right over to Foster Brothers and they put me on night shift. A big layout they had there, doing government contract work, so it was steady. And they didn’t ask too many questions. I told them my uncle died last winter and I went down to Florida to clean up the estate. If they checked back, they’d find out about my last job, with Pitt Steel, but that wouldn’t tell them anything. What the records would show was that I quit in December. Nobody had ever tied me to the filling station job I pulled off just before I left town. So I had nothing to worry about.

Night shift is all right for a single guy with no strings tied to him. What you do is, you get off at two a.m. and grab something to eat and go home and lay around, reading magazines or listening to the all night disc jockey shows they got on for a while. Along about four you hit the sack, and at ten in the morning you get up and you have all day free ahead of you. I didn’t go on again until five, and I could even have taken a day job if I wanted to.

But you don’t catch me working any more than I have to. And even the night shift got me down, after a while. They had a smart aleck foreman name of Tom Cutrelli, one of those wise Dago boys—you know the type; get married at eighteen, have six kids in a row, work hard and save to buy income property. A real factory man, always bitching at us. He and I didn’t hit it off together from the start.

The only guy I got friendly with was the one working next to me. His name was Leo Schumann, but everybody called him Specs. Little guy, about thirty, with bad teeth, and these real thick glasses. I guess he was kind of lonesome; anyway it didn’t take long before we were kidding around together. Not too much, though, because Specs wasn’t what you would call a sharp character.

But we’d smoke in the john together, and talk, and after a week or so we’d hit some all-night eatery after work and talk some more. I found out all about it, and there wasn’t much to know. He was an orphan, and he’d been in the medics for a while until they kicked him out on account of his eyes or something. He worked up right from apprentice and saved his dough, but he didn’t know what to do with it.

“Why don’t you grab yourself off a broad and get married?” I asked him.

“I don’t know any, Steve,” he said.

He called me “Steve” because that’s the name I always go by—Steve Collins—and it’s even on my Social Security and stuff. My birth certificate says Stanley Kolischek, but I never used that after I ran away from the old man. The reason was, at first, I was afraid they’d come after me for beating him up so bad. Besides, I never liked being called a Polack.

I guess Specs didn’t like to be called Specs much, either. And it turned out he only had one problem—he needed a woman.

Now you take me, I’ve never had any trouble along those lines. When I ran away I was fifteen, but big for my age, and I wasn’t what you would call bad-looking. Got a nice build, and I always bought nice clothes, when I had the dough for it. None of this flashy stuff. I never had to grow long sideburns and stand on the corner and make noises at pigs. There was always all the stuff I could handle, whenever I wanted it. Last winter I ended up with a dame who ran a motel north of Miami. She was all right in the hay department and she treated me good, but she’d been married before and she got so she thought she owned me; besides, I generally like them younger. So I was glad to blow out of there when the time came.

Anyhow, Specs didn’t have any luck with broads. Oh, he went down the line regular, every Saturday and Sunday night, and being the kind of guy he was, he would shell out extra dough to a girl if he liked her. But none of the girls liked him. I don’t know what was wrong with him, really; lots of guys who look worse than Specs never seem to be hard up. But somehow, he just wasn’t the type, and it got him down.

After we got better acquainted, he’d sit there by the hour and talk about it. What was wrong with him, why couldn’t he get to first base with the dames he saw at church on Sunday morning, why wouldn’t they go out with him? And he would ask me what it was like to live with a broad, have somebody crazy about you, whether it was different than going down the line.

At first that kind of stuff got on my nerves, and I didn’t say much. Then, after about a month or so, I got so I talked about it a lot.

Finally, one Saturday night, I went out with him to this place. I hadn’t been doing anything except maybe go to a few shows in the daytime, because I wanted to save some dough for next winter. I hadn’t made any real plans yet because it was too early; one thing I figured was that this time I’d be going down to Florida in style and shack up at some decent hotel instead of ratting around. So I laid off drinking and cut down on smoking and didn’t fool around.

Only it doesn’t work out so good, not when you’re still young the way I was, and you’re used to getting it regular. Before I knew it I was just as bad off as Specs—and like I say, I ended up this Saturday by going down the line with him.

It was a crummy place, and they had nothing but hags. By the time we got there, about three a.m., most of them were canned up, and they’d been doing a rush business for maybe five or six hours.

Specs, he found what he wanted right away, some blonde with dyed hair and a figure like your grandmother’s broomstick. We were drinking downstairs, and two of these tomatoes were hanging around me; a fat, greasy little one that must of been Mexican or part-Indian or something, and a tall redhead. She wasn’t so bad, if you didn’t mind taking a chance. The trouble was, I did mind. I got burned once that way, and let me tell you it wasn’t the kind of a thing you joke about. Don’t let anybody tell you it’s no worse than a bad cold.

But even that greasy little one was better than nothing, and I was half-way up the stairs with her before I knew it.

“Aw to hell with it!” I said.

“What’s the matter, Daddy?” Jesus, I hate that, when they call you “Daddy.”

“Nothing. Here’s a present for you.” I slipped her a five and went away, not even waiting for Specs to come down.

I went to a tavern near the shop that’s open all night on Saturdays, and I hung one on. I spent eighteen bucks and I got good and loaded, but when I crawled in the sack Sunday morning I knew it wasn’t enough.

I was going to have myself a woman, a real woman. Or else there’d be trouble.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was going to get both—that same Sunday afternoon.

Her name was Mary Adams.

Chapter Two

he way it happened was I went to this movie downtown, about five o’clock. I had a hell of a headache when I got up, and I didn’t feel like eating much. So I took a bus downtown, and there was this movie.

I went in to see it, and it was this real old one I’d seen before—the one about Houdini, some stage magician from way back. But it was in Technicolor and this sexy dish ran around in tights, and that part made me think about the way I felt. For a minute I wanted to get up and walk out again—and then this Mary Adams came in and sat down next to me.

Of course I didn’t know her name then. The way we got to talking was during the intermission when I went out and got some popcorn and I noticed her sitting there, because the lights were on.

She wasn’t a bad-looking dame; nice and young, about twenty, I figured, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a skirt and sweater and a jacket over the sweater, but I got a pretty good look at her, and what I saw I liked.

So I asked if she would like some popcorn, and she said no, thanks, and I said well, would she go for some coke then. And she said, “You’re not drinking coke,” and I said, “I’ll fix that.”

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