The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!) (28 page)

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Authors: Sable Hunter,Ryan O'Leary

BOOK: The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!)
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Madison moved away from the wall and came to the front of Micah’s desk. “How are you doing this?” She demanded to know. “How can you possibly know this scene word for word?”

Micah opened the top drawer of his desk and slipped the picture of his mother inside before closing it. “Don Juan?” He sat back in his chair. “Such a made-up name, don’t you think?”

Madison’s head was swimming, was he really saying what she thought he was saying. “You.”

Micah smirked. “Me?”

“He’s you? You’re him?”

“Batman? Oh I’m afraid not, kitten.”

She held the book up to him. “You! You’re Don Juan.”

Micah raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond.

Madison felt even dizzier. She’d been nervous with Micah before and managed to get over it, but this new knowledge filled her with the same nerves she’d felt that first night in the back of Angel House. “But you can’t be?” Madison insisted, too overwhelmed by the thought.

Micah rose from his seat. “Can’t I be? Turn the page.” Madison flipped the page and stared back at him with her brow furrowed. “‘You’re turning me inside out, Vic.’” He picked up right at the top of the page she looked down on. “‘Her words danced across the short distance between us. I licked my lips once, greedy to taste her again.’” Micah came around to her side of the table. “You see, Fellows,” he whispered in her ear as he passed behind her. “When you write it. When you read it over and over and over again.” He ran a fingertip across the back of her right leg. “When you fine-tune it, tweaking a word here, a word there, all so it perfectly reflects your fantasy. When you’ve lived with it for months, the story becomes burned into your brain. ‘If I lived to be a thousand years old, I’d still never tire of your taste’, I said in her ear. Up so close, the heat from her skin was too much. I slid my hand up under her dress; her pussy was still wet from where my tongue had bathed her only a few minutes ago.’”

Madison swore a lightning bolt would come down from the heavens and smite her right on the spot. Or worse, she’d wake up in her own bed to find that all of this had been a dream.

Micah pinched her on the rear. “You aren’t dreaming, Fellows.” He sat back down in his chair. “Does this place look familiar?”

Madison looked around the room again and it all came back to her. The brown leather chair, the light gray marble floor. “This is Vic’s office.”

“It’s bigger and Vic doesn’t have the expensive desk and fancy bookshelves, but yes.”

“Even the picture on your desk is the same.” Madison looked for it but it was gone. “That’s the picture frame he broke the glass in when…”

“When he swept it off the desk right before taking Chloe for the first time,” Micah finished her thought. “You look like you need to sit down, Fellows.” Madison took a seat on one of the chairs across the desk from him. “Close your eyes.” She did as she was told again. “‘Vic, I need it’, she purred in my ear. ‘Need what?’ I asked. I very well could have just given her what we both wanted, but that power struggle never went away with us and I craved having the upper hand.’”

Micah could see the affect this was having on Madison, but he wondered if she had any idea what it was doing to him. He was rock-hard under the desk and he slid his pants halfway down his thighs so he could stroke himself to easy the ache.

“Your turn, Fellows.”

Madison vibrated. She knew the scene inside and out but her brain had gone away, abandoned her the moment she’d realized Micah was Don Juan. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t think right now. I know the scene by heart. I know the entire book frontward and backwards, but I can’t remember a thing right now.”

“‘To feel you inside me.’ She reached back and took my cock in her hand. I was always hard when it came to Chloe. She’d ruined sex with other women for me. I craved her morning, noon and night.’”

If Madison had been able to think straight, she would’ve known what was coming next.

Micah had stripped and made his way over to her. He took her hand in his and helped her off the chair before moving in behind her. Madison felt the bulge of his erection press against her back and she reached around behind her to grasp it just like Chloe had done in the book.

“‘I kissed her on the neck,’” Micah began to act out the scene as he retold it, “‘and she began to quake. She stroked me up and down slowly, reaching into my pants to free the cock I knew she craved.’” Madison felt the weight of Micah’s erection in her hands. “‘She stroked me with reckless abandon. ‘Slow down baby. You get me so worked up I might pop. And I want to enjoy you for a while first.’ She did this for a while, letting me indulge in the curve of her neck. I placed a hand on her cheek and turned her face, I needed to feel her lips on mine.’” Micah kissed her but it was brief. “‘We stayed that way for what felt like a millisecond before my urge to be inside her finally caught up to hers. I led her over to the worn chair across from my desk and took a seat. Chloe squirmed in front of me, lifting the hem of her dress. ‘Turn around,’ I ordered and when she did, I pulled her back and into my lap. She wiggled her ass over my cock while my hands worked their greedy way up under her skirt. ‘Every inch of you is perfect,’ I told her and squeezed her full tits with zeal. Chloe quickly had enough of the tease and she lifted up. ‘Don’t go,’ I begged, losing some of the power I’d fought to win.’” Madison lifted up, it was all coming back to her. “‘She reached between her legs and grasped me.’”

“‘I swear I’ll die if you don’t give me your cock right now,’” Madison said right on cue.

The burn was divine as Madison lowered herself down onto Micah’s throbbing cock.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered into her back, grasping her breasts even firmer with his big hands. “‘She slid me inside the tightest pussy I’d ever known and circled her hips on me, letting me feel every single square inch of her sheathe. I went impossibly deep and she pulled away for a moment, but I trapped her with an arm around her waist and pulled her back to me. ‘I’m not done with you yet.’ She began to move up and down on top of me, letting my staff slide almost all the way out before plunging it right back in. Every time I went deep, I felt her flinch and her pussy flutter around me. ‘Cum for me,’ I insisted and Chloe shook in my lap until she was spent.’”

Madison exploded with a climax at Micah’s urging and made a move to get up off of him to regain her composure. But Micah’s arm stayed firm around her waist. “Where are you going?”

“That’s the end of the scene. The phone on Vic’s desk rings and she gets off of him.”

“This isn’t a book, Fellows.” Micah’s other hand snaked around and found a home between her closed thighs. “And I’m not done with you yet.” He slowly circled her clit with his finger and Madison’s legs parted. “You’re going to cum for me again.” He worked her clit harder, softly bucking his hips up so she could feel his swollen cock inside of her. “Again, Madison. Cum for me again.” His words controlled her and Madison climaxed again through gritted teeth and after a brief break, she again tried to get off of him. “Again,” Micah said after giving her tender clit a short respite.

He pushed aside her shirt with his chin and kissed her back, removing his hand from her hip, bringing it up to grasp a thick swath of her hair. He tugged on the long locks, forcing her neck to bow, making her feel taken as his nimble fingers stroked her to another orgasm.

Madison came out of this climax completely out of breath. They’d both begun to sweat with the exertion and their skin stuck together.

“Again,” Micah urged.

“I can’t,” Madison insisted with a low whimper.

“You can and you will.” This time both Micah’s hands found a home on Madison’s hips and he lifted her up and down, impaling her on his manhood over and over. “Again!” Micah called out after another climax had torn through Madison’s body. He continued to move her up and down slowly. “I told you already. You are to be greedy when you are with me.” He kissed her back again. “You are to use me for your pleasure. One, will never be enough for you. I want you to take what you want, use me to achieve orgasm as many times as you can handle and in as many ways you can think of. I want my girl greedy and satisfied. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Micah.” The words drifted from her lips in a breathy whisper.

Micah gripped her hips hard again and drove up into her. Madison took the pounding. “Again, Madison.”

Every nerve in her body was on fire and when she cried out with another orgasm Micah emptied himself inside of her.

“How many was that?” Madison asked between breaths as she laid back against Micah’s broad chest.

“Enough for now. But I want more later. And Don Juan always gets what he wants.”


An untold story…


Madison sipped her coffee after finishing off the eggs Micah had made them for a late lunch. So far the morning had been amazing. Learning Micah was also a famous author just rocked her world. He was a man with hidden depths. He was also the man she was falling in love with. And not because he was famous or rich or even handsome. Madison was falling for Micah Wolfe because he was kind, good and treated her like gold. But the sex…she wouldn’t argue that the sex was amazing. She’d had no idea anyone was capable of having so many orgasms.

When they’d first left his office to come to the kitchen, Madison was still a little embarrassed, but Micah’s teasing, sweet banter had finally calmed her down until she almost normal–almost. There was still so much about him she hungered to know.

“What is Long Way Down?” she asked.

Standing at the sink, rinsing the dishes, Micah cringed. Of course she’d seen it, she’d been standing right there when he’d spotted her in his study. Colton’s old notebook meant so much to him and Micah always had to answer this question whenever someone saw it encased in his study. “What do you mean?” He hoped she’d just drop the topic.

“I saw a notebook under glass in your study. It looked old and stained, like someone had spilt coffee on it a long time ago.”

“Oh, that. It’s an old notebook Ernest Hemingway used to scribble in,” he told her.

It was the usual lie he told people. It explained the artifact and usually telling people you owned something that once belonged to a famous person was enough to impress them and at the same time, keep them from asking to look closer at it.

“Wow. That’s so cool. Where did you get it?”

Few people in his life knew the real story behind the notebook and those who did were the same ones who’d judged Micah for his relationship with Colton. He was very guarded when he talked about his lost friend, letting very few know the truth. Micah opened his mouth, ready to recite the same old lie about where he’d gotten the book–an auction years ago in Florida…but he just couldn’t do it. Something was keeping him from lying to her.

He turned around, drying his hands with a gray dishtowel and looked at Madison across the room at his big kitchen table. “Hemingway never owned it.”

Madison wasn’t sure what he meant. “He didn’t?”

“No. He didn’t.” Micah made his way over to the table and sat at the far end from her, almost as if the distance could heal the fact that he’d already lied to her.

It hit Madison that maybe he just didn’t want to talk about it. “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain it to me.”

Micah looked up. “You know. It’s crazy.”

“What’s crazy?”

“I never tell anyone the truth about that notebook, but I want to tell you the truth.”

“Oh, Micah. Really, it’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. If it’s too private and personal, I understand.”

“It’s a passion project of mine. A friend…Colton was his name.”

“Was?” The pain was visible on his face and Madison wanted to go across the table and hold him, but she let him talk.

“Yes. See. Growing up I had lots of friends. Hell, you’ve met me, I’m charming. People seem to gravitate to me, they always have. Funny thing about people like me is that even though others want to be around us, we rarely have many true friends. Colton was different though. We got along from the get-go. It was as if I’d found my twin the day we met. We liked all the same things and we both had issues with our fathers. We just got along from the jump.

“We were about twelve when we met and inseparable for a long time. But in high school, something changed in Colton. He started to have moods swings. He’d get into fights a lot. His parents took him to doctors and all sorts of specialist. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that he was bi-polar. It’d been there all along, it was just easier to see when he was older.”

Micah spoke, his eyes looking into the distance. Madison hung on his every word.

“He started getting into more and more trouble. Eventually he got kicked out of his house and wound up on the streets.” Some of his friends knew Colton’s story, but very few people ever got the real story from Micah himself and it felt good to be telling Madison things he’d never talked about before. “The doctors’ gave him these meds to take. Sure, they helped with his moods swings, but he hated them. He said they made him feel like a dial-tone, like he was just a flat-line emotionally. No more super-highs or super-lows. He once told me he felt like a robot on them and he’d go off them for short periods and that’s when he’d get in trouble. Eventually he turned to the bottle and even to drugs.” He stopped and got up from the table, pacing into the living room.

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