The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) (4 page)

BOOK: The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads)
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Taking a few minutes to regroup, Michael refocused on his pending divorce. He called Zachary. “I’m interested in the Baer Electronics franchise. Let’s make it happen,” he said without preliminaries.

“About time you came to your senses. You need to leave the scene of the crime anyway. Any word from my little sister?”

“Oh, yeah. I got a lot of words from her. I was served today.” Michael paused and took a deep breath. He had to hold it together. “She’s divorcing me.”

Zachary didn’t say anything right away. Seconds later, he began to pray. “Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we come boldly to Your throne of grace. God, only You know Your will in this situation. Lord, I know my brother and Desi are hurting. God, please mend their broken hearts in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

“Amen.” The prayer had a calming effect on Michael. “Thanks, bro. I needed that.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll work on my end on the Baer opportunity. They need someone quick. With your credentials, you should be in charge of that new store in a few weeks. In the meantime, you concentrate on Desi.”

Michael nodded before they said their goodbyes. Next he tapped in Desi’s name on his smartphone, it began to ring. A custom text reply appeared:
Talk to my attorney.

The peace he had moments earlier dissipated as he
waited for her voice mail. However, he had to choose his words carefully, so as not to come off combative. “Desi, please don’t do this. Baby, I really am sorry. I’m determined to make this right, including leaving the phone store. I’m serious. I want to start fresh. I’m going for the franchise Zachary has been hounding me about, which means less hours and more time with you.” The pleading in his voice sounded pathetic even to his own ears, but Michael wanted to convey the extremes he was willing to go to for her.

Checking the time, Michael debated a confrontation with his wife. He didn’t want any guessing whether she’d heard his message. He jingled the keys in his pocket and went in search of his assistant manager.  He would recommend her for a promotion after he resigned. “Malinda, I’m going to be out for a few hours.”

She gave him a suspicious twist of her lips and rolled her eyes. “Right.”

He didn’t owe her an explanation for trying to repair the damage he had inflicted on his wife. A gamut of emotions revolved in his head as he got into his car and drove to the telecommunications building where Desi worked. After parking, he mumbled a quick prayer and got out slowly. Inside the lobby, Michael approached the reception desk and mustered a smile. He couldn’t remember the woman’s name, but she recognized him. “Hi, Mattie, will you tell Desiree, I’m here in the lobby for her?”

The receptionist smiled and picked up the phone and dialed an extension. “Sure, okay. Thanks.” She ended the conversation and looked at him. “She’s on another line, so have a seat over there.” The woman pointed, then dismissed him to take another call.

Michael worked up a sweat, while waiting, mentally rehearsing his spiel. He prayed that his wife would be civil, or at least act cordial in front of an audience. Then he considered the divorce petition and her refusal to take his calls. Michael braced for the unexpected.

After fifteen minutes had come and gone, Michael didn’t know who was more concerned with his waiting, him or the receptionist, so she called again. “Hi Katie, did Desiree get the message that her husband is here in the lobby?” she raised a brow and signed off before looking at him. “Katie’s on her way down.”

True to Mattie’s word, the elevator binged and out stepped Desiree’s team leader. “Michael, I’m sorry, I did tell her you were here. I thought Desi left with you for lunch, since she’s not at her desk.”

His wife really didn’t want to see him or talk to him. The realization of Desi’s rejection stung.   Katie frowned as if she was trying to piece together Michael’s puzzle. “I don’t think she’s coming back this afternoon. I’m sorry.”

Michael stood. “Me, too. Thanks.” To escape their curious stares, he strolled out to his car. Once he was behind the wheel, Michael sent his wife a text and hoped she read it:
That was cold, Desi. He hit send.

Her reply was swift.
If you show up at my job again, I’ll file for a restraining order too. You can communicate with me through my atty. Go back to your mistress!

His wife had never been so stubborn. Unfortunately, he had given her every reason to be. Michael pulled away from the curb. It was time to find himself an attorney.










Desi wasn’t ready to see Michael. She couldn’t. The images of his affair would blind her eyesight. She just wasn’t mentally strong enough to withstand his fake apology and promises to never cheat on her again. She wasn’t enjoying her own behavior, but until she could figure out how to handle the sight of Michael, Desi preferred not to see him

While waiting at a streetlight, h
er smartphone rang again. She snatched it off the seat, snarling, sure that it was her soon-to-be ex-husband. However, she glanced at the caller ID and smiled. Surprisingly, it was Solae, her new friend from church. She answered, “Hey, girl.”

Hey, you were on my mind, so I’m just checking up on you. I’ve been praying for you. How’s it going?”

“Honestly, not any better
.” Desi sighed as she pulled off the interstate and headed back to her blah extended stay apartment. “I feel like I’m all alone in this torture. I haven’t told anybody, but I’m sure my coworkers are wondering, considering I took off my wedding ring and I just left Michael sitting in the lobby when he showed up without notice at my job. I don’t want to see him—I can’t.”

Desi, I’m not the best person to give advice. I’ve been in love and hurt mentally by men, but I’ve never been married. I can’t begin to understand your angst. But, I think you need to talk to your family or pastor. You need a support system. I don’t know how I’d have weathered my storms without my mother, and best friend, Candace. She’s the one who is dating the brother of my ex.”

kinda know what my sisters will say.” Desi exhaled. “Divorce his behind, and my grandmother and Pastor Reed will probably want me to stay in a broken marriage. Right now, I feel like I should cut my losses and get out, but my heart is tugging on me, saying wait.”

“But what has God said?” Solae pressed her.

“Nothing that I can decipher for sure. I love Michael. This is why it’s hurting so bad. In my heart, I want to forgive because I know without forgiveness of any kind, God won’t forgive me….”

“Sis, don’t confuse forgive with forget. Only God has that power. Talk to someone, please.”

After chatting a few more minutes, Desi agreed to confide in someone else other than Solae. Then she detoured to her grandmother’s house. She dreaded delivering the bad news. Holland women throughout generations were known to have long memories and kept score, ready to deliver the big payback. Somehow, Desi didn’t inherit the gene of getting even, but the memory part was definitely in her DNA.

As she parked in front of the small two bedroom bungalow, she took a deep breath. Their family loved Michael.
Desi rang the doorbell twice, then inserted her key into the front door. “Grandmother? Granny, are you decent? It’s Desiree.”

Price’s slippers could be heard dragging across the tiled floor before she made her appearance out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. The beginning of a smile blossomed when she saw Desi.

was a mini version of her grandmother because of their uncanny facial features and short stature. That’s where the similarities ended. Her grandmother was easily thirty pounds overweight and had no plans to take it off since the death of her husband ten years earlier.

There’s my sweetie pie. What are you doing here in the middle of the day and where’s your other half?” She held open her arms and Desi collapsed into them. The floodgates broke as Desi was inhaling. She sobbed uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong, baby?”
Granny guided Desi to the sofa and they sat together. “Shh-shh.” Rocking back and forth, Desi snuggled closer until she was all cried out.

Reluctantly, Desi slowly pulled away from the warmth of the
hug that was long overdue.  She struggled to meet her grandmother’s eyes. “It’s Michael…” She swallowed.

“What about my grandson? Is he hurt?”

It would serve him right if he was. Shaking her head, Desi sniffed. “I left him.”  She gasped for air and inhaled deeply, then choked. “He cheated on me.”

“My Michael? I can’t believe it. Are you sure, sweetie pie?” The look on her grandmother’s face was fierce as her nostrils flared when Desi answered yes. Granny nodded to herself and sat straighter
. “This can go one of two ways, and you know I’m down for whatever you decide.”

Desi giggled at her grandmother’s attempt at slang

What has God said about this?”

She shrugged.
“I don’t seem to have a clear signal, Granny. I almost feel like my pain isn’t important to Him.”

She patted Desi’s hand.
“The Lord is concerned about everything in our lives. Otherwise, He wouldn’t have counted the exact number of hairs on our heads. Baby, when you married, I told you to keep other folks out your marriage, so what happened?”

Michael started staying later at work and working on Sundays. When he was home, it was like I didn’t have one hundred percent of him. I became suspicious when he always took a shower when he came home instead of in the mornings….” Desi looked away, embarrassed to talk about her sex life to her grandmother. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight on the sofa. “He started making excuses for not making love to me—he was tired was one of them.” Desi silently wept. “I’m sorry, Granny. I couldn’t even keep my husband. It appears there’s something wrong with your three Holland granddaughters. That’s why I haven’t been over here lately. I’ve been ashamed that I couldn’t pick a man any better than Tracey and Halcyon.”

Humph. There is nothing wrong with any of you. However, your sisters need to come back to church. Sweetie pie, whenever you can’t hear clearly from God, it’s time to bring in the man of God, your pastor.”

Fumbling with her fingers
, Desi shrugged. “I don’t know Granny. I feel like he’s going to tell me to stay with Michael, and if I don’t, I’ll be the bad person.”

Now wait a minute. I rebuke that little slime Satan for trying to put you in a trick bag. The devil wants to make your life miserable and if staying with Michael against your heart will do that, then God and only God has an escape plan called divorce. Talk to your pastor and let him pray for you. Now, where is that grandson of mine? I have a few choice sanctified words for him. I am so disappointed.”

Desi chuckled. No doubt her grandmother’s
scolding would include Michael in a headlock with her dripping holy oil on him and praying. Her estranged husband had no idea how many people he had hurt besides her.

“Did he give a reason for his insanity?”

“He’s left plenty of messages on my voice mail, but I can’t listen to them. His sorry won’t change his infidelity.” Desi rested her chin on her fist and stared at nothing. She felt numb, frozen in time to the point that she didn’t want to thaw out. Her vision blurred. “I guess I better head to Mom’s and let her, Tracey and Halcyon know.”

“I’ll ride over there with you because your sisters will go crazy.” She glanced at the clock. “First, you wash your face and hands and get something to eat. You can stand to pick up some weight.”

Desi did as she was told. She was grateful that Michael was not the topic of discussion at the table. They chatted about the latest news, Granny’s volunteer efforts and recipes. An hour or so later, with her grandmother riding in the passenger seat, Desi’s next stop was her childhood home.

As she drove, her mind drifted. What part of Michael’s character had she missed that
would soon cause her to join her mother and Tracey’s marital status?  She and her sisters weren’t reared in a broken home.

As a matter of fact, her father had been a good man, father and husband. Her
mother said her biggest regret was re-marrying to fill the void her daddy had left. Unfortunately, her stepfather had made a mistake and laid hands on her mother. All it took was one time and that was the last time. Her mother had no qualms about divorcing him and taking her Holland name back. That second marriage, although brief, still had an impact on Desi and her sisters.

It wasn’t long before she and her grandmother arrived. Her other sister, Halcyon and her toddler were walking through the door behind Desi. Her mother seemed suspicious of the impromptu gathering.

Sarah Holland opened her arms. “And to what do I owe the pleasure of my mother and two younger daughters’ visit?” Her mother gave kisses and hugs, and then smothered her grandbabies with love. “Desi, where’s my son-in-law?”

Before she could speak, her grandmother intervened. “That’s why we’re here. Desi has something to tell you.”

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