The Keepers: Declan (15 page)

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Authors: Rae Rivers

BOOK: The Keepers: Declan
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Kate ignored the trickle of excitement and hoped the dim lighting would hide her flush. She gave Declan one last glance, ignoring his grin, and headed to the table, stopping briefly beside the pile of old books stacked on the drawer against the wall. Dusty, worn, brown with age. Grimoires? Without thinking, she ran her fingers over the cover of one.

Archer came up beside her. “Those are the old Beckham Grimoires and journals.”

“Years of history,” Sienna added, her pride for the books splashed across her features. “They’re musty and old but they bring me a lot of comfort.”

Declan snorted. “Would be nice if they brought you some answers too.”

“Declan is impatient with witches,” Ethan explained.

“Bad luck considering his entire life
witches,” Sienna added, winking at Kate.

Declan pointed to the pile of books. “Years of history and all we got from that is a
on the Blue Moon? I thought witches were all-knowing.”

“They’re magical, not psychic.”

Declan mumbled something under his breath that had Sienna whirling around.

“Careful, Bennett,” Sienna warned, the small grin softening her stern tone. “Insulting a witch? Not clever. I still have that toad-turning spell with your name on it.”

Kate laughed, the sudden sound breaking the playful tension in the room.

Sienna flashed a wide smile and motioned to the table. “Let’s eat.”

They sat around the table and began passing dishes. Pasta, garlic bread, and a huge salad bowl. The aromas made Kate’s stomach growl in anticipation and she took a seat beside Sienna – as far away from Declan as she could. She glanced at him, inhaling sharply when she saw his blue eyes staring intently at her.

“Ethan’s renovating a restaurant in town.” Sienna piled salad onto her plate. “I’ll show you tomorrow when we go into town.”

“Town?” Declan asked, shifting his gaze to Sienna.

She waved a hand at Kate. “Of course. If Kate’s going to be staying here a while, she’s going to need some supplies.”

“Give me a list and I’ll get them.”

Sienna laughed. “I doubt Kate wants you buying underwear for her.”

“The Blue Moon’s approaching. You know that Harper will be close.”

“Come with us if that’ll make you feel better.”

“I did not risk my ass bringing Kate home so that you could take her shopping.”

“It’s a trip to Lora’s store, Declan, not New York.”

“Have Lora send over whatever Kate needs, along with a phone. She needs a new one.” Declan sat back in his chair and reached for his wine glass, his rigid posture signalling the end of the conversation.

“I’ll call Lora in the morning,” Sienna said and smiled at Kate. “I’ve already organised an outfit for you for tomorrow’s party.”

“Party?” Kate asked, her spirits lifting at the idea of having her own clothes and supplies.

“Every year, just before our harvest, we throw a party to celebrate the New Year and the start of the harvest season. It’s a tradition. Everyone from town will be here. It’ll be –.”

“Cancel it.” Declan’s tone cut through her cheerful one.

“You know that’s not possible, Declan. Tara’s worked hard and the entire town is expecting it.”

“It’s too risky. Kate –”

“Everything about our lives is risky.” Sienna’s expression fell and she looked away. “You can’t keep Kate locked away forever, Declan. It’s not fair to her.”

“She’s a Null, Sienna.”

“And she’ll always be hunted because of that.” Sienna looked at Archer as if pleading for help.

Archer glanced at Declan. “A party’s not exactly playing it safe where Kate’s concerned but Sienna’s right, Declan. We won’t easily get away with cancelling it.”

“So we postpone until the moon has come and gone.”

A surge of irritation stirred and Kate pushed her food away. “I get you four have your history, but I’m new at witch speak. What’s the Blue Moon got to do with any of this?”

Sienna set her fork on her plate. “It provides a bigger energy boost than the average moon and only occurs once every few years, hence the term. We’re expecting one within a few days.”

“We suspect that’s what Harper meant in the forest about messing with his schedule,” Ethan said. “We think he wants to harness the energy of the moon and somehow you’re involved in the ritual.”

“What ritual?”

Blank stares met her question.

Declan exhaled noisily. “We’re not sure but if they miss their window, they’ll have to wait a long time before they see a Blue Moon again. It explains their determination. They’re restless, careless; different from before.”

They all looked at him for an explanation.

“Even though they still support the Brogan brothers and want the same thing; they’re bolder.” Declan explained their abilities and carefree use of them that they’d witnessed in New Orleans. “They’ve grown stronger, developed their supernatural abilities.”

“Yet other than brutal strength in our last two battles, there was no evidence of magical powers.” Sienna frowned at the memories. “So how are they suddenly channelling their energies?”

“They’ve had them all along,” Declan replied. “We’ve always suspected Harper to be weird. Today in the forest, Harper counteracted my fire attack and used his mind to hurl that spear at me.”

“Telekinetic powers?”

“Probably. Remember back in the science lab at school when all the lab rats drowned themselves in their water bowls? The lockers all opening at once?” He tapped his temple. “We knew it was magical but we couldn’t figure out who was behind it.”

“We suspected it was Mason but it wasn’t. It was Harper.” Ethan’s dark eyebrows narrowed into a frown. “He’s kept his magical abilities hidden all this time?”

“And he’s been gathering followers with similar abilities. When Mason and Warrick were at the helm, they kept them under control,” Archer said softly, the truth behind his words shifting the mood in the room.

“And now that they’re gone, Harper and his henchmen are itching to expose our kind,” Declan added.

Silence prickled, the thought of exposure fuelling the tension in the room.

“Mason was after the same thing and we kept him in line,” Sienna argued, a feeble attempt to brighten the gloom that had suddenly hijacked their dinner.

“This is different,” Declan said. “Harper and his warriors are reckless, killing and bullying people. Mason was careful, taking it step by step. This lot go way beyond that.”

Frowning, Ethan reached for the empty wine bottle. “We knew Harper was up to no good the moment he latched onto Kate. Throw in the recklessness, not to mention the Blue Moon and their hidden agenda, and we’ve got a whole lot of shit we never bargained for.” Clutching the bottle, he stood so abruptly that his chair toppled backward, sparking a series of tail thumps from Levi. “Fanfuckingtastic. I think we’re going to need more wine.”


Kate turned off the shower, wrapped herself in a white fluffy towel and squeezed the excess water out of her hair. It was almost midnight and although she’d been the first to opt for bed, sleep was the last thing on her mind.

She felt odd, restless, struck by strange sensations that were hard to decipher. She’d felt this way before, the last time she’d been in Rapid Falls. Either the town had some magical effect on her or she was losing her mind. Unless the talk of warlocks, warriors, and impending gloom during dinner had worn her down.

Either way, she felt wired in a way that was utterly foreign to her.

As for Sienna and her Keepers – she liked them. More than she should, despite her preconditioned wariness. It was hard not to and after even one evening, Kate had caught a glimpse of what it was like for them to live with their responsibilities. Despite their frequent disagreements, it was obvious that the bond they shared was unique; something Kate had never witnessed before, and the life they led had been tainted with sadness and loss. It was a life they’d been born into, a destiny they shared, and they fought for a peaceful existence.

Their courage was impressive and a part of her envied their acceptance of a world she feared.

A world that was rapidly becoming her own whether she liked it or not.

Sighing, she opened the door and went into the bedroom, pausing when she found Declan kneeling beside the fireplace against the wall.

He’d showered, the smell of man and soap permeating her senses, his thick hair finger-combed into order.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, wondering if the sudden spike in her heart rate had to do with surprise or delight.
Don’t go there.

“Making you a fire. It’s freezing in here.”

True, but she hadn’t had the energy to make one and had opted for a hot shower instead.

Conscious of her near-naked state, her hand closed over the folds of the towel, but did little to deter the lingering glance he gave her.

“I thought you’d gone to bed,” she said.

Far, far away from hers, hopefully. In a house this size, she figured that each brother had their own wing. Her entire house in Southport could fit inside their living area.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“So you came here?”

He added more wood to the fire, dusted his hands together, and stood. “Tonight’s conversation at the dinner table was a lot to take in. I came to check on you.”

“Careful, Bennett,” she said quietly, unable to keep the teasing grin at bay. “Your caring side is showing.”

His dark gaze met hers, sending her stomach into an instant flip. “We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

“I thought you were still mad at me.”

“I am.”

“You have a weird way of showing it.”

“You’d rather I come in blazing fire and heat?”

He blazed heat, alright. Everywhere. Just not the kind that spewed orange flames. She gulped, reeling in her thoughts before she blushed. “I’d rather you not come in here at all.”

His lips curled into a smirk. “You’re so transparent when you’re lying.”


Declan reached for a bottle of water and some pain tablets and went to her. “I also brought you these.”

She reached for the pills and swallowed them quickly.

“How’s the side?”


Without touching her, he stepped forward, closing the gap between them. Her rich, wild tumble of curls streamed over bare shoulders and she smelt of soap and sin. It was hard to ignore the curves concealed by the flimsy towel.

He pushed aside the thought and reached for the anger that had been churning in his gut ever since she’d tossed herself in front of him.

She surprised him by standing her ground, jutting out her chin, and meeting his gaze.

Little minx.

The heat that trickled between them only seemed to escalate the longer they stood in silence, and by the way her breathing had quickened, he could tell she felt it too.


“You almost got yourself killed today,” he said quietly, the sound of his gruff voice filling the silence between them.

“What else was I supposed to do?”

“Steer clear of the flying spear?”

“I thought I could stop it. It could’ve killed you.”

“Rather me than you.”

“But it didn’t. I’m still here.”

“That’s not the point. I’ve already lost one woman because she thought she needed to protect me. I don’t need to lose another.”

His fists tightened beside his thighs.

“Sarah did exactly what you would have done for her.”

“And she died because of it. Great save that turned out to be.” The image of his sister gasping on the ground came to mind. Declan turned away, furious he’d allowed himself to be trapped in his memories again.

God, would they ever subside?

Kate touched his cheek and brought his face back to hers. The tenderness in her eyes and the gentle movement caught him off guard, calming the shit in his head. “I get that you’re angry with me, with Sarah, but we both acted on instinct.”

“And it killed my sister. I don’t need anyone to watch out for me. I’ve got that covered.”

“Do you, Declan?”

He refused to bite at the challenge and caught her wrists in his hands, slowly removing them from his face. He tipped his head toward her, pausing when his mouth was an inch from hers. “Yes, so don’t ever do that again.”

Surprise flashed in big brown eyes and he caught sight of the pulse beating furiously in her neck. He stared at the gentle throb, caught by an urge to kiss her.

Drawing on the anger that was fast subsiding, and the remains of common sense that still lurked, he released her and headed for the door.


The snap of his name had him pausing in the doorway. He turned, ignoring the instincts demanding he shouldn’t, and met her gaze. Her expression punched him in the gut. Raw emotion. The kind he usually avoided. She looked so vulnerable and he stared at her, unable to tear his eyes away from the woman fast creeping under his skin.

“Have you ever considered why Sarah did what she did? She loved you, cared for you.”

“Drop it, Kate.”

“Because that’s what people do. Their instinct to protect overrules all common sense.”

“Stop it.”

“You came for me. Despite all the nonsense I put you through, you came, so when I saw that spear headed your way, I acted on instinct.”

He stared at her, the meaning behind her quiet words striking a chord. He sucked in air, denial slamming forward so fast that it left him reeling. “You barely know me.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t care.”

Several replies came to him, along with an ocean of emotions he refused to admit, but he didn’t offer any response. Instead, he simply stared.

Oh, hell.

Taking three long strides toward her, he captured her face in his hands and kissed her.


Kate’s sharp intake of breath was whisked away when his mouth touched hers. Her head reeled and she spread her fingers on his chest, torn between the urge to push him away and pull him closer.

But the rock hard muscles beneath her fingers, the urgency in his kiss, and the scent of him enticed her senses and kept her fixed to the spot.

A thrill of excitement twisted her insides and despite the warning that flickered inside, she relaxed into him.

He sensed her armour chip away and caught her mouth in a kiss so sensual that it triggered a wave of heat between them.

He cradled her face as he kissed her, his mouth demanding, his touch possessive, a thought that sent her pulse soaring. It excited her rather than offended her, and she leaned into him, tangling her fingers into his hair.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed against her mouth.

“What are we doing, Declan?”

His eyes held a storm of emotions, desire. His expression softened as he grinned. He didn’t reply and covered her mouth with his in another kiss that left them breathless.

He rolled his hips against hers, the hardness of him rocking against her in hot, grinding motions that sent her imagination soaring. His tongue swept against hers, seeking, tasting, driving her senses crazy.

His hand slid lower and he hooked his fingers along the hem of her towel, grazing her skin. She felt the brush of his ring against her flesh, a reminder of everything he was.

With growing excitement, she ran her hands across his chest, wanting to do some exploring of her own. Her fingers brushed his stomach, the muscles bunching under her touch.

His growl was low and deep as he took a fist full of her hair, tugging her head back so he could devour her neck. He nipped, kissed, licked until she was panting against him.

She pushed away the voice that cautioned to back away. For now, he wasn’t a warrior from a world she’d grown to avoid. No. He was a man who had set her insides on fire.

His kisses were hot and deep, his breathing heavy against hers. He shifted aside her towel, just enough to expose a breast. His hungry gaze took its fill and with another low growl, he ravished her with more kisses. More heat.

She cried out when he lowered his head to capture a nipple in his mouth. Heat flooded her, the aching throb between her legs begging for release. She tangled her fingers into his hair, tilting his head back.

“Declan,” she whispered in a hoarse voice, the sound foreign to her own ears.

He pulled away, breathing heavily, his dark gaze searing into hers. He ran his hands up her arms until they rested on either side of her neck. “You’re trembling,” he murmured in a husky tone that matched hers.

“I told you not to kiss me.”

His grin took her breath away. Leaning forward, he nibbled her lip. “But I like it.”

She smiled.

“We shouldn’t be doing this, you know,” she whispered, clutching the towel against her breasts.

“Why not, Kate?” His words were murmured against her skin but he pulled back to meet her gaze. “We both knew this was coming.”

Heat pulsated between them, an energy rush she’d only experienced with him. Panic whirled inside, mingled with the insatiable desire, and she stared at him wide-eyed as she took two steps back.

He motioned to the small patched wound on her side. “Ah, shit, I forgot about that.”

“I’m fine. It’s already healing.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

She couldn’t reply, could barely breathe, and simply stared at him.

He eyed her quietly, almost as though he were trying to read her. Not saying a word, he stepped behind her, his chest against her back. He lowered his head, nibbling her ear, his fingers toying with hers.

He slid his arms around her, pressing his body against her back. One hand keeping her against him, his other hand brushed the side of her breast. With a soft growl in her ear, his hand trailed lower, slipping beneath the folds of the towel that hung loosely across her body. Over her abdomen, across her hips, leaving a shiver of wanting.

“Tell me to back off,” he whispered in her ear as he cupped her between the legs.

Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest, hating the way her legs parted at his touch.

“Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll walk away and take a cold shower.”

Her eyes flew open on a gasp when his leisurely strokes triggered instant waves of pleasure.

“You would?” she whispered, her words a choked groan, not caring when the towel slid to the floor.

“Yes, if you asked me to.” He nibbled her ear and increased his strokes, his free hand coming up around her waist to cover her breast.

And this time, there was nothing gentle about his touch. He held her everywhere, firm, possessive, bold.

“But we both know that’s not going to happen,” he murmured, releasing her breast to capture her chin in his hand. He tugged her head back, exposing her throat, his mouth inches from hers.

She felt the climax building, shredding the last of her resolve, and leaned against him, not trusting her legs to support her.

Sensing her surrender, he quickened his pace, his fingers working their magic, until she felt the eruption of pleasure from deep within.

Her soft groan broke the silence and her arms came up to cling to him as she came with a fierceness that left her reeling.

“So what’s your answer, Kate?” he murmured against her ear as she soared. “You want me to back away?”

Still holding onto him, her face turned into his, she shook her head.

It was all the invitation he needed.


He caught her waist, drew her legs up around him, and walked toward the wall behind her. He lifted his arms as she tugged off his T-shirt with the same desperation, grinning as she reached for the zip of his jeans.

She smelt like vanilla, the scent washing over him, teasing his senses. He reached for her hands and held them up against the wall on either side of her head. Using his body to ground her, her skin deliciously smooth against his, he ravished her.

And she met his demanding kisses with a mutual urgency.

When her hand tugged free to trail across his body to the opening of his jeans, her fingers closing around him, he gritted his teeth at the rush of heat that reared inside. He was hard, pulsing, and grunted when she began to stroke him.

She smiled at his response, enjoying the effect she had on him, and lowered her gaze. “Wow, impressive gear,” she said, grinning.

“Thanks, you’re seeing it at its finest.”

She laughed, the sound whipped away as he caught her mouth in another fierce kiss.

“I have to have you,” he murmured between kisses, needing her with an urgency that unsettled him.

“Now, Declan,” she whispered in a husky tone.

Still holding her, still kissing her, her body wrapped around his, he walked to the bed. He nudged her onto the sheet, shifting her body so that she lay sprawled in front of him.

A vision of pale, naked flesh, a mass of dark curls, and wide eyes filled with intense desire. He longed to plunge himself inside her but urged himself to take it slow, to savour her.

Kicking aside his jeans, he kissed, touched, and explored every inch of her until she was writhing on the sheet, her breathless gasps fuelling his own need.

And when he couldn’t stand one more minute not being inside her, he reached into the drawer beside the bed, scrounging for a foil package.

He covered her body with his, nudging her legs open with a knee. They parted willingly, her surrender driving him wild, and he kissed her with raw abandon.

Lifting his head, he inhaled her scent, allowing it to seep through him, knowing he’d never smell vanilla again without thinking of her. The thought made him smile and he left a trail of kisses in her neck, along her jaw, until she was trembling, breathless, and flushed with heat.

Nestled between her legs, his body against hers, he dragged in a deep breath, reaching for control, calming the whirl of energy inside.

“Declan,” she whispered in a raspy voice that snapped his attention back. “Now.”

He pushed forward, resting his forehead against hers, their gazes locked with such heated intensity that he felt the effect deep within.

“Are you sure? Your wound?”

“I’m fine. Now, Declan!” she groaned, clutching his hips as her legs widened to accommodate him.

With a soft grunt, he entered her. Slowly at first, the motion extracting a low groan from them both.

Coming home. That’s what it felt like. Shit.

He paused, shoving aside the thought, and realised he was losing himself in this woman at a rapid rate. Impatient, she wiggled her hips. Desire arrowed through him and his breath caught.

“Don’t do that,” he grunted.

She wiggled again, grinning at the strangled sound he made. “Then don’t stop.”

“No chance in hell of that happening now.” He withdrew and pushed into her again with a slow, deep thrust. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him deeper, and met him thrust for thrust as he began his slow, rhythmic pumping.

He found her hands, laced their fingers above her head, his gaze unwavering on hers as he moved inside her. She shifted her legs around him, the motion drawing him in even more, and he released a low growl.

He revelled in the tension building between them and increased his pace, pushing deeper and harder.

She closed her eyes as she came, her soft moan triggering his own release. Like a caged beast, he shoved into her with a hard thrust and they came together in an explosion of ecstasy, their joint groans ripping through the silence of the room.

It took them several moments to level their breathing, and he shifted his weight off her without breaking away. Their fingers were still entwined and he released her hand to touch her face.

He kissed her, enjoying the breathy remains of her climax, and revelled in the satisfaction of knowing he’d made her his. Again.

God, he’d never felt so pleased – so enthralled.


The thought doused the heat with an icy chill.

He withdrew and reached for the duvet at the foot of the bed, covered them, and collapsed beside her.

He lay there, panicked, trying to catch his breath which suddenly had nothing to do with desire.

Sex, for him, was usually simple and uncomplicated. It satisfied his basic needs.

He felt her. Every beautiful damn inch of her.

Even though he wasn’t touching her.


It took every ounce of strength not to bolt from her bed. When her breathing finally grew heavy, he untangled himself from the sheets, from her, tugged on his clothes and left.

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