The Jungle of Horrors (13 page)

Read The Jungle of Horrors Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: The Jungle of Horrors
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As you fight, the Vordak succeeds in driving its black steel sword through the side of the ship's pressure tank. A blast of liquid gas hisses from the hole, freezing the Vordak in its petrifying spray. From above comes a stream of blue fire that ignites the escaping gas. There is a flash, and in a fraction of a second, the Levitron is transformed into a colossal ball of flame.

Your life and your quest end here.


The numbing cold robs you of the speed and strength needed to fight this evil enemy: lose 5

Suddenly a wave of heat awakens your senses. Paido has summoned fire to his aid, wafting a sheet of flame down upon the spiders that are closing in for the kill. They flare brightly, their legs withering in the flames, their crackling black bodies dropping to the floor and crumbling to dust. Kezoor shrieks in frustration. He draws his sword before his face and mouths a silent spell of protection before lowering his blade and pointing it towards your chest.


He is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge. You may reduce by half any
point losses you sustain during the combat as Paido fights by your side, receiving half Kezoor's blows.

If you win the combat,
turn to 46


The Xlorg gurgles its last breath and falls dead, writhing briefly in the mud before becoming still with an uncanny abruptness. You turn to Paido and drag him away from the pool's edge, where his bleeding arm is attracting a crawling horde of hungry leeches.

You leave the pool and press on along the muddy trail, glancing back once. No sign remains of the dead Xlorg; their bodies have already been claimed by the creatures of the pool.

Turn to 192


‘Summon the brothers!’ commands the menacing figure in black. You draw an Arrow and fire, felling one of the brown-robed monks as they rush to the door. The other escapes, slamming shut the door as he hurries to obey his master's order.

If you wish to fire your Bow at the remaining black-robed monk,
turn to 208

If you wish to shoulder your Bow and attack him with a hand weapon,
turn to 277

If you wish to demand that he lets you leave the temple,
turn to 99


Your Arrow glances off the leader's bronze helmet and arcs harmlessly into the sky. He screams a madman's yell of delight, his evil eyes twinkling through the slits in his visor, as he steers his horse straight towards you.

Drakkarim Horselord:

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, add 2 points to your
for the duration of the combat.

If you win the combat,
turn to 144


Paido leaps to your side, his hands weaving a strange pattern in the air.
he cries, and a wave of shimmering heat courses from his open palms. The club explodes, and the dwarf reels back in shock as slivers of glowing wood set his hair alight.

‘Agh! I'm on fire!’ he screams, and scurries on all fours through the door like a frightened boar.

‘Sorcerers!’ exclaims the startled tavern crowd as they stampede towards the main door, overturning benches and tables in their desperation to escape. In the ensuing turmoil, the innkeeper is nowhere to be seen.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination,
turn to 341

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 122


Your speed and accuracy with a bow puts paid to the hunting dogs in a matter of seconds. They fall and tumble dead at your feet, your deadly Arrows sunk deep in their chests. Then through the archway come their masters, a dozen angry monks each clutching a sword. You have not enough Arrows to dispatch them all as they charge headlong down the central aisle.

Monks of the Sword:

If you win the combat,
turn to 328


The dwarf stops hammering. ‘Is that you, Filcher?’ he asks, squinting along the tunnel. When he realizes you are not Filcher, he curses and hurls his mattock at your head. You duck aside, but the pick-like weapon spins past and catches Paido full in the chest. He screams and falls, dying, at your feet. Desperately you try to save him, but the wound is fatal. Anger wells up inside, and you turn to confront his killer, only to find yourself staring into the muzzle of a Bor musket. The dwarf pulls the trigger, and you are decapitated by the blast.

It may be some consolation to learn that your killer did not escape unpunished. The shock wave of the blast brought down the tunnel ceiling and buried him alive.

Your life and your quest end here.


Trost swallows the last drop of ale and turns his head to see what is attracting your attention. He catches sight of the new passenger and begins to choke.

‘By the stars!’ he hisses. ‘It's him … it's Kezoor the Necromancer!’ He pulls a crumpled scroll from within his tunic and unfurls it on the table. On it is a picture of a man's face — the cruel features bear an uncanny resemblance to those of the stranger. Beneath the picture you read:

Notice of Death

Kezoor the Necromancer

Renegade Shaman of Mogaruith.
Leader of the forbidden sect of Dazudskul.

It is hereby proclaimed by lawful authority that in just retribution for vile acts of black sorcery perpetrated throughout the Freelands of Talestria, a bounty of TEN THOUSAND LUNE is offered for the head of Kezoor the Necromancer.

By order of Queen Evaine of Talestria
MS 5060

‘This could be our chance to make a fortune,’ whispers Trost. ‘Help me take him and we'll split the reward. Agreed?’

If you wish to help Trost attack the necromancer,
turn to 65

If you refuse to help him,
turn to 224


Reluctantly the great snake accepts defeat and slips silently back to its murky lair beneath the vines and floating vegetation.

Turn to 62


The building turns out to be a bowyery, stocked with some of the finest archery equipment you have ever seen. Myriad types of arrows, quivers, bracers, wrist and finger guards, bowstrings, and bow cases fill the racks from floor to ceiling. A colourful ringed target hangs on the wall behind the counter, and on it are painted the prices of the goods for sale. You read:

  • Arrow — 2 Lune
  • Bows — 32 Lune
  • Quivers (empty) — 12 Lune
  • Wrist and Finger Guards — 8 Lune
  • Bow cases (wood) — 20 Lune
  • Bow Cases (leather) — 12 Lune
  • Bowstrings — 4 Lune

You may purchase any of the above equipment, using Gold Crowns to pay for the items if you wish (1 Gold Crown = 4 Lune). A Quiver holds a maximum of six arrows, and to carry more than six arrows you will need to purchase an extra Quiver. Bow cases, wrist and finger guards, and bowstrings are all Backpack Items.

If you possess the Silver Bow of Duadon,
turn to 304

If you do not possess this Special Item, you may leave the bowyery and continue;
turn to 264


As you climb the steps to the prow, a Vordak lunges at your head with its black staff. You duck, and a splash of blue sparks showers your tunic as the tip of the staff shears through the metal hand-rail. You strike, driving your weapon into the creature's chest and sending it toppling backwards over the side. At the same time a sudden blow strikes your shoulder, knocking you flat on your back. You are stunned and lose a grip of your weapon. You look up to see your attacker leaping from the top of the stairs, his clawed, skeletal fingers hooked to rend your flesh.


You are now unarmed. Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen you must reduce your
by a further 2 points for the duration of the combat. The creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). If you win the combat against the Vordak you are able to retrieve the Weapon and keep it noted on your
Action Chart

If you win the combat,
turn to 337


You retrace your route through Topham, past the abbey and water-mill, and follow the track westwards to the Great North Road. The hours spent in the saddle have made you tired and hungry — you must now eat a Meal or lose 3

To continue your ride to Tharro,
turn to 280


In an instant Paido is by your side, his sword unsheathed and levelled at the monks. ‘Summon the brothers!’ commands the one in black. The others leave through the open door, slamming it shut behind them as they run to obey their master's order.

If you wish to attack the remaining monk,
turn to 277

If you wish to demand that he lets you leave the temple unharmed,
turn to 99


Stealthily you approach the huts, using your Kai hunting skills to muffle the sound of your passage through the foliage. Unfortunately Paido is unused to such woodcraft. He fails to see a clutch of dried twigs on the ground before him, and they crack loudly under his foot. You freeze in your tracks, your eyes fixed on the huts ahead.

Turn to 272


The ale is weak and watery but serves to quench your thirst. Paido takes a great mouthful and immediately spits it out in disgust, wiping away its insipid taste on the sleeve of his tunic. ‘Bilge juice!’ he splutters, slamming down his mug.

‘You should be a sight more careful where you empty your mouth, stranger,’ growls a man seated to your right. He bends down and picks up his polished steel helmet. With a slow and deliberate twist of his wrist he empties it of ale, pouring the contents all over Paido's feet. Your companion curses and reaches instinctively for his sword.

If you wish to take action to stop a fight breaking out,
turn to 314

If you choose to do nothing,
turn to 253


The monks appear upset by your refusal to eat. They whisper to each other and cast anxious glances at your untouched plate. Paido is busy eating his stew, smiling delightedly as he fills his empty stomach. The monks hurry out of the refectory and return minutes later in the company of an elderly man dressed in a hooded black robe. He carries a staff of plain black iron.

‘Has the Vakeros eaten?’ he asks, his voice strangely cold and monotonal.

‘Yes, master,’ the monks reply, ‘but the Kai Lord refused.’

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination,
turn to 93

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 128


Gradually the causeway descends into the stinking mire, delivering you back to the ankle-deep ooze. A chilling howl drifts across the swamp from the north, and for a few fleeting seconds, all the scuttling, slithering, and other small noises cannot be heard.

You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3

Turn to 56


Paido heeds your shout and dives to the floor. The dwarf appears, the crossbow pressed to his cheek as he readies himself to fire. His finger tightens around the trigger, and the straining metal drawstring propels its deadly charge.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 0–5,
turn to 115

If it is 6 or more,
turn to 334


When Paido finally climbs down from the tree, his face betrays his anxiety. ‘What is wrong?’ you ask impatiently.

‘There is no signal,’ he replies. ‘I have scanned every direction with the starguider, but it can detect no korlinium signal. It isn't damaged, of that I'm sure. It's simply as if the temple has disappeared.’

You take the device from Paido's hand and climb the twisted tree trunk. He shouts instructions and you set the starguider into operation, scanning the distant horizon and waiting for the tell-tale
that will reveal the direction of the lost temple of the Elder Magi. But Paido is right — there is no signal; and without a signal there is no hope of finding the Lorestone of Ohrido.

You are about to abandon the search and jump down from the tree when you see something on the northern horizon that you hadn't noticed before. An island of red volcanic rock rises out of the mire, one of four flat-topped islands grouped in a diamond close to the eastern edge of the crater. Perhaps the temple is on the other side of that island. Perhaps that is why the starguider will emit no signal?

You climb down and ask Paido what he thinks. He stares to the north and ponders the problem. ‘Yes, it is possible,’ he says thoughtfully, ‘it is just possible.’

Turn to 292


Your force yourself to swallow the potion and to stay conscious long enough for it to take effect. Gradually you feel your strength returning. The pain and nausea disappear and your limbs stop their uncontrollable shivering as the potion and your latent Kai skill neutralize the toxin in your blood.

Now you use your skill to try to save your companion's life. Placing your hands on his chest, you transfer the warmth of your healing power into Paido's poisoned body, breaking down the toxin by degrees. The treatment is slow and laborious, and it is dawn of the following day before you know for sure if your skill has saved his life.

Turn to 285

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