The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You don’t have to go back, you know,” Visess murmured, as if she was reading Rianne’s thoughts.

“But I do. I have a family and a job, people who count on me,” Rianne insisted.

Visess was quiet for a while, obviously contemplating a response. Rianne waited, turning her attention to a bright-red flower across from her. The petals were various lengths, creating an explosion effect with a single yellow circle acting as the origin of the flame. It was beautiful in its vibrancy, but she’d long ago learned that the most beautiful flowers could often turn out to be the most dangerous. Lilies, one of her favorite flowers, were extremely poisonous, but she still found them incredibly beautiful. The flower in front of her sort of reminded her of the lilies she’d helped her grandfather grow over the summers of her teen years. They’d been just as stunning, a bright pink with white tips that had spread all over his yard, creating a sea of breathtaking beauty.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Visess asked, interrupting her memories.

“Yes, very,” Rianne agreed.

“It’s called
, the passion flower. Silal had it imported from the territory of Eserald, the smallest territory in Laurasia. I was worried it wouldn’t be able to survive in this climate, especially since it’s only found at the southernmost tip of the territory. Even here in the hothouse the temperature doesn’t get as hot as it does there, but it seems to be thriving. Silal says it’s because I’m so careful in my care for it, as if it knows how much I love its beauty and fragrance,” Visess explained.

Rianne didn’t miss the double meaning in Visess’s words, but the fact of the matter was she wasn’t a plant. She had a family, a job, and a home to go back to. Granted, she hadn’t spoken to either her father or her mother in over six months, but she still had her job. There was nothing more important to her than working with Dr. Cull. In a way, he and Cull Industries had become her family.

“I know you don’t plan on staying, Rianne, but I ask you to give it a chance. Dorin and Nikolas would be devastated if you left, but they could do it if they knew it was what you truly wanted. The problem, my dear, is I don’t think you really know what you want,” Visess said thoughtfully.

“Maybe not, but I know what I need,” Rianne insisted.

“And what is that?” Visess asked, leaning toward her.

“I need to work. I love my job. I worked hard to get it, and I won’t give it up just because a couple of Neanderthals decided I would make a good baby machine,” Rianne grumbled.

“Well, now, it’s not all that bad. Mating is about much more than bearing children. It’s about sharing your life with someone. Mating is forever, Rianne, not just during your fertile years. If you were to join yourself to my son and Nikolas, you would be gaining life partners. I already know Dorin is well on his way to falling in love with you. He speaks of nothing but you when he’s with me,” Visess told her.

She didn’t want to admit that her heart gave a sharp tug at the queen’s words, but she knew she was already half in love with Dorin as well.

“As for Nikolas, well, he’s a bit harder to read. He doesn’t like to talk, much less about his feelings, but the way he looks at you says it all. I’m telling you, dear, that man would carve out his own heart and hand it to you on a silver platter if that’s what you wanted. He’s completely devoted to you,” Visess assured her.

He would, too. If there was something she wanted or needed, Nikolas would move heaven and earth to get it for her, even at the cost of his self. His intensity was something that wouldn’t show up in his words, but showed up in his every action.

They were both so good to her. She knew it was only a matter of time before she was completely in love with them both, and when that happened, she’d never be able to leave.


* * * *


“Did you enjoy your time with the queen?” Carme asked, turning down the bed covers.

“I did. Her hothouse is amazing,” Rianne said as she brushed out her hair.

“Yes. She takes great pride in keeping it beautiful all year round,” Carme agreed.

“Do you know what Dorin and Nikolas did today?” Rianne asked.

“Sir Nikolas spent all day in the lists, training. The prince spent the day with his father seeing to some issues that have arisen with the revolutionaries,” Carme told her, moving around the room to light candles.

“Revolutionaries?” Rianne questioned, pausing in brushing her hair.

“Oh, yes. We have quite a few shifters who are tired of the old monarchy and wish to establish a more human form of government. I believe you’ve spoken of it being the form of government in your territory,” Carme explained.

“Democracy? They want to create a republic?” Rianne gaped.

“Or something similar. The kings are banding together to put down the revolts, but it’s causing problems. The revolutionaries have somehow managed to get their hands on human weapons,” Carme whispered, though no one was around to overhear their conversation.

“What do you mean ‘human weapons’? What kinds of weapons are they using?” Rianne asked, becoming worried.

“I don’t know. I’ve heard stories, though, of shifters dying without the revolutionaries getting close to them. It’s terrifying, but we’re safe in Wolvden. So far the revolts have only been happening in Livley and Siverly, the two territories that border the Tethys Sea,” Carme informed her.

“That is good,” Rianne agreed, her mind spinning at the news.

Carme opened her mouth to say more, but a soft knock cut her off.

“Come in,” Rianne called, already reaching for her robe.

The door along the wall between her and Dorin’s room opened, and the prince walked through. His eyes instantly sought her out in the dimly lit room, the dark-brown orbs burning brighter than the fire that chased the winter chill from the air.

“Rianne,” Dorin sighed, striding toward her.

He took both of her hands in his, kissing the fingers reverently before pulling her into his arms. The sound of a door closing indicated Carme had made a hasty retreat, leaving the two of them alone.

“I missed you today,
. Tell me all about your day. What did you do?” Dorin asked, nuzzling her neck.

“I spent it with your mother in her hothouse. It was very relaxing,” Rianne murmured, a wave of exhaustion taking her over suddenly.

“You enjoyed it, then?” Dorin asked.

“Very much. Your mother is a wonderful lady,” Rianne complimented.

“I’m glad you think so. She’s been wanting to spend some alone time with you since supper. I hope she got her fill of you, though, because I don’t intend to leave you alone for that long again. An entire day really is too long,
,” Dorin sighed wearily.

“Well, what did you do all day?” Rianne asked.

Dorin didn’t answer right away, instead leading her over to the chairs in front of the fire and settling into one. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his lap before he began speaking again.

“I couldn’t help but overhear Carme telling you about the revolutionaries,” Dorin started.

“How did you…?” Rianne trailed off curiously.

“Wolf hearing, remember?” Dorin smirked.

Rianne gave a slight huff and rolled her eyes at him, shifting to make herself more comfortable on his lap.

. You shouldn’t tease me,” Dorin warned, his teeth nipping at her neck.

“Oh!” Rianne gasped, liquid heat rushing to her pussy.

“Mmm, yes. Now, where was I?” Dorin mused.

“Eavesdropping,” Rianne murmured, somewhat breathlessly.

“Ah, yes. Father and I spent the morning in the village. A few of our older shifters were worried that the revolution might be making its way into Wolvden. Father and I reassured them that we would do everything in our power to keep it from happening. I spent the afternoon speaking with ambassadors from Gondwanaland and the other territories in Laurasia. The revolutionaries are pressing against the borders of Livley and Siverly, but we’re trying to stop it from destroying the territories all together,” Dorin told her, sounding incredibly tired.

“What exactly are they doing?” Rianne asked, more curious than she cared to admit.

“They’re banding together and attacking the royals. Our guards have been able to keep them back for the most part, but they’re getting more and more violent,” Dorin muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Sensing he needed a distraction, Rianne replaced his hands with her own, her fingers massaging as they ran through his thick locks. Dorin moaned in appreciation, his arms banding around her to pull her closer. She smiled as he buried his face into her breasts, nuzzling her affectionately. When his teeth bit into her collarbone, she wished she’d worn one of the low-cut shifts Carme was always trying to get her to wear for bed. She would be able to slip her arms from the sleeves, allowing the material to pool at her waist, giving him more skin to explore with his mouth.

His hands traveled across her hips up to her waist, pushing the material of her T-shirt as he went. The heat of his hands branded her skin, marking her as his as they continued higher and higher. Her shirt was discarded in a matter of moments, floating to the floor as Dorin flung it over his shoulder.

“So beautiful,” Dorin whispered, his hands moving to cup her breasts.

“Dorin,” Rianne gasped.

“Mmm, Rianne. You smell so good,” Dorin moaned, pressing his nose between her breasts and inhaling deeply.

His mouth moved to suck a nipple into his mouth, his teeth scraping over the delicate bud. Her fingers tightened in his hair, urging him closer until he bit down on the nipple sharply. Her gasp echoed throughout the room even as he soothed the sting with loving licks. Dorin’s hands moved down to grip her hips, lifting her up until she was turned to straddle him. She shifted against him until the hardened length of his cock was pressing right against her clit.

“Oh, God.” Dorin growled, guiding her movements as she began thrusting against him.

Rianne wasn’t completely ignorant in the ways of sex. Lynda was very big on sharing in the nitty-gritty details, but she’d been reading raunchy books since she was thirteen. In college, her roommate had been into porn and shown Rianne her vast collection one weekend they’d been snowed in together. She knew all the ins and outs of sex, but the feeling bubbling up in her abdomen was completely foreign to her. The pressure was insistent, and she knew if she didn’t ease it soon, she was going to explode.

She was sure she was going to have bruises from Dorin’s grip as he rocked her onto his cock. The motion only served to fan the flames of her desire higher, and she found herself begging for the pressure to stop.

“Please. Oh, God, please…stop. Don’t stop,” Rianne panted, completely unaware of what she was saying.

“Not yet. Damn it, not yet,” Dorin cursed, surging up to capture her lips with his.

Their tongues met as the fire inside her raged, burning her insides with each thrust and retreat of her hips. His mouth consumed her, completely wrapping her up in his taste, his smell. Even the rough feel of his unshaven jaw added to her anxiety for what was just out of reach.

“Come for me,
. Come for me,” Dorin demanded, his teeth nipping across her face.

Her moans seemed incredibly loud in the silence of the room, but the scream that burst from her lips as her body finally exploded echoed off the walls. Her pussy clenched deliciously, as if attempting to pull Dorin’s cock into her body despite the clothing that separated them.

Dorin shouted her name a moment later, his entire body stiffening as his hips jerked beneath her own. Completely spent, she collapsed against his chest, breathing heavily. His arms wrapped around her, encasing her in his heat and scent.

“Wow,” Rianne breathed when she finally had enough breath.

Dorin laughed lightly, his lips finding her forehead to place a sweet kiss.

“You were amazing, Rianne. Thank you for sharing that with me,” Dorin murmured, his lips still pressed against her head.


A shiver worked down her spine as the chill in the air registered. Almost immediately, Dorin had her up in his arms, striding toward the bed. In a matter of seconds, she was tucked into bed, Dorin lying on top of the covers beside her.

“Are you staying?” Rianne asked, already feeling the pull of sleep.

“Not tonight,
mor danalya
. If I stay tonight, I will take you, and I cannot take you until Nikolas is with us for the mating,” Dorin sighed regretfully.

“Who will keep me warm, then?” Rianne asked, pouting slightly.

“Do not tempt me, Rianne. I cannot bond myself to you without Nikolas,” Dorin practically growled.

“Will you at least stay with me until I fall asleep?” Rianne requested, knowing it was the most she could get.

“Of course,
,” Dorin breathed, settling down beside her.

The warmth of his arms wrapping around her was all she needed to send her into sleep.


* * * *


Nikolas’s nose flared as soon as he stepped into Rianne’s room, picking up the lingering scents of Rianne’s arousal. Just beneath the sweet scent, he could smell Dorin as well. A fierce shaft of jealousy seared him, knowing the wolf had gotten her first climax and he had missed seeing her face flush as the passion overtook her for the first time.

Stalking closer to the bed, he looked down on his sleeping mate. Her arm was tossed out across the top quilt, as if reaching for something. The fabric was wrinkled, as though a body had recently vacated the spot. One sniff told him Dorin had lain with their mate after giving her pleasure.

As if sensing his presence, her body shifted closer, a soft sigh escaping parted lips. Her fingers curled into the quilt, the knuckles of her tiny fist turning white before she released the fabric. Nikolas couldn’t stop himself from reaching down to run a finger along the back of her palm.

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